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Oct 22, 2009

I got this, I got this... here's the correct caption:


Cow tools

edit: shameful snipe

Somebody fucked around with this message at 18:38 on Jul 25, 2022


Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
I thought that Far Side was some kind of vague reference to the Thing that I didn't quite get. The comments on the Far Side site have this as the real caption:

"Keep your eye on that one... He hasn't said or bought a thing for over an hour."

Somebody fucked around with this message at 18:38 on Jul 25, 2022

Feb 15, 2005

It's horrifying and I can't look away

Sep 23, 2009

I don't see what's so horrifying about the love between a man and his super hot wife, but you do you I guess.

Jul 8, 2003

Drakyn posted:

Not just mixed up - that caption isn't from ANY of the Far Sides posted today. It's some sort of abducted punchline.
I think I remember the one it is, there's some abomination in the corner of a room in a house and a guest is about to poke it.

not edit: yeah, google turned it up here, back in may:

Professor Wayne posted:

“Whoa! Mr. Lewis! We don’t know what that thing is or where it came from, but after what happened to the dog last week, we advise people not to touch it.”

Somebody fucked around with this message at 18:38 on Jul 25, 2022

May 1, 2008

Well Far Side has a great history with mixed-up captions.

(posted already 100 times, but whatevs):

Somebody fucked around with this message at 18:39 on Jul 25, 2022

Johnny Aztec
Jan 29, 2005

by Hand Knit

Drakyn posted:

Not just mixed up - that caption isn't from ANY of the Far Sides posted today. It's some sort of abducted punchline.

I ...I was going to ask because, for the life of me, I couldn't "get it".

Real head scratcher there.

El Spamo
Aug 21, 2003

Fuss and misery

This is so fuckin' weird

May 20, 2005

But if they got a divorce...then Mr. Boop would have to get shot in the head!!! :ohdear:

El Spamo
Aug 21, 2003

Fuss and misery
No, that's only if Mr. Boop initiates the divorce.

Jun 17, 2000

Booska mask replica...

El Spamo posted:

This is so fuckin' weird

No, you see Mr. Boop said he was drawing a map but it's actually a close-up of Betty's eye.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

Tiggum posted:

You can go up to 180x180 now.

Yeah-- Green Intern, I'll hold off on sending this to the admins for a bit if you want to nudge it a little bigger.

Mar 17, 2007

Kennel posted:

Well Far Side has a great history with mixed-up captions.

(posted already 100 times, but whatevs):
Second one was absolutely great. :roflolmao:

Somebody fucked around with this message at 18:39 on Jul 25, 2022

Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!
I dislike the Boop comic.


BCN gets particularly saccharine in the middle there.


Wallace understands how to do this hidden icons thing.


Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

How Wonderful! posted:

Yeah-- Green Intern, I'll hold off on sending this to the admins for a bit if you want to nudge it a little bigger.

Recut the image, bumped the size up a little. You can remove the text below my current av, obviously. It definitely won't be on-theme.

Edit: I need to fix this, because it saved as a GIF (because I am stupid). Hold on for a bit longer.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Green Intern fucked around with this message at 15:55 on Jun 8, 2020

Jul 8, 2003

I... I think I get what he's trying to say in the last panel, but it's so incredibly vague and generalized it's...

Like you should, in fact, look down on somebody for being a nazi, for example

Jan 18, 2003
Vintage Valiant (Aug. 20, 1939)

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Green Intern posted:

Recut the image, bumped the size up a little. You can remove the text below my current av, obviously. It definitely won't be on-theme.

Edit: I need to fix this, because it saved as a GIF (because I am stupid). Hold on for a bit longer.

I hope you all appreciate all this good Bird Gang content. This is it. Thank you very much.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice





Mister Olympus
Oct 31, 2011

Buzzard, Who Steals From Dead Bodies

Tiggum posted:

You can go up to 180x180 now.

Oh poo poo I should fix this

There we are. Thanks to Johnny Walker.

e: right text. "Buzzard, who steals from dead bodies!" is probably good

Mister Olympus fucked around with this message at 20:40 on Jun 8, 2020

Mar 21, 2002

Respect the power of the wind

Professor Wayne posted:

“C’mon, c’mon! You’ve done this a hundred times, Uzula; the vines always snap you back just before you hit. … Remember, that’s National Geographic down there.”

Somebody fucked around with this message at 18:39 on Jul 25, 2022

Jun 6, 2014

A true renaissance man

Agh my loving knees.

Jun 14, 2005

I've had this one a long time and I wouldn't mind joining the Bird Gang:

Can't think of any text, but just "Bird Gang" works for me I think.

I probably have time today to get rid of the backgrounds and clean up a little some of these for others, if anyone's interested. I'm no expert but I'm having a slow day and it's good practice.

F Minus

I don't think the physics work on this one.

Mark Trail

James Allen gives away the entire story.

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD Popeye's Cartoon Club

Rex Morgan MD


Apartment 3-G

Murdstone fucked around with this message at 22:18 on Jun 8, 2020

Mister Olympus
Oct 31, 2011

Buzzard, Who Steals From Dead Bodies

Johnny Walker posted:

I probably have time today to get rid of the backgrounds and clean up a little some of these for others, if anyone's interested. I'm no expert but I'm having a slow day and it's good practice.

This would be much appreciated, yes.

Also is THE GHOST WHO WALKS finally losing it? Is the ghost of the ghost who walks actually going to prod him on passing the spandex to Heloise?

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!




im just going to let this one go, im too lazy to dig up other stuff for this week

Mercury Hat
May 28, 2006


I just remembered, wasn't Curtis's teacher in the hospital like two months ago? Did that ever get resolved?

Feb 12, 2016

Pelican, a Bag Man
I really enjoy the Pelican's whole look, and would love to have it as an avatar!

I'm thinking "Pelican, a bag man." for the text

Jun 14, 2005

Here's a couple.

I basically just traced them and tried to get rid of some of the artifacts. There's probably a lot faster and better way to do it but oh well.

Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
October 22nd & 23rd, 1981

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Modesty Blaise

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set is uneven.

Working Daze references that thing.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix is such an easy game to play.

Cul De Sac is a trip.

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

Ah, yes, how thrilling. I'm sure that's what your daughter wanted to know, your daily routine. By the way, you've got Popeye labelled as Rex Morgan.

Conan the Barbarian is a little... hm. Mar. 26th- Apr. 1st, 1979

Oct 9, 2012


Rhymes with Orange

Get Fuzzy 6/7/00

Brenda Starr 4/6/41

Hey, an acknowledgment there's a war going on!

Smokey Stover 11/3/35

Jun 14, 2005

catlord posted:

By the way, you've got Popeye labelled as Rex Morgan.
Oops. Not used to it being in the rotation yet.

May 1, 2008

Every update of Brenda Starr is magnificent.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Dykes to Watch Out For #72 (1989)

I remember reading something somewhere that Bechdel only really bothers to nail down a character's last name if it needs to come up organically in the story, so I'm a little surprised that Dr. Geeta Singh gets the full-name treatment here. All of Mo's meetings here feel really sharply observed even if they are definitely broad-ish types-- and the brick wall she runs into from not having insurance is especially acute.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Johnny Walker posted:

I probably have time today to get rid of the backgrounds and clean up a little some of these for others, if anyone's interested. I'm no expert but I'm having a slow day and it's good practice.

I'd happily accept a cleaned up version of Loon, but no worries if you don't have time or anything.

Edit: Nevermind! Thank you!

I also went and used a free gifmaker to do this, which I think is basically as good as it gets
"Loon, Crazy and Laughable" for text

Green Intern fucked around with this message at 00:42 on Jun 9, 2020

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Ella Cinders

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe
Wallace theory: Gary is real and everybody knows (and is mildly terrified about) it.


Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

I hate holbrook's bootlicking

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