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Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Stultus Maximus posted:

Why is this grown man hanging around unrelated fourth graders over holiday break?
The titular Frazz is a man in his mid-thirties who is so wealthy he need never work again but chooses to continue serving as a school janitor as it affords him regular interactions with pre-teens with whom he builds a relationship that continues outside of school hours yet somehow the comic continues as if this is extremely normal behaviour that doesn't warrant official intervention.


Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma is a South Korean office comic which appears in the weekday sports newspaper Sports Dongah. Its written and drawn by Park Sung-hoon, who also did the predecessor strip It's All Right Chief Dharma in the Daily Focus and the webcomic Mother from Another Country. I am as far as I know the only person who has ever translated any of them.

My posting rate has slowed recently because I pull editable images from Park Sung-hoon's personal blog and for whatever reason he doesn't post as many of these as are actually published in print. All Boss Dharma comics are available on the Sports Dongah website in PDF form, but this part of the website doesn't appear to be intended to be used for public access, since the whole backlog is available this way and there's no user-friendly way to navigate it. This link works sometimes if you just change the date but a lot of the time Boss Dharma either isn't on page twelve or the formatting for that particular day is different and I just get a dead link.

By the same token Mother from Another Country is currently in its fourth season. Kakao has used some sort of technical wizardry so that even using shenanigans like disabling javascript or downloading the webpage directly won't provide me with images that can be edited and rehosted.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice

Some Guy TT posted:

By the same token Mother from Another Country is currently in its fourth season. Kakao has used some sort of technical wizardry so that even using shenanigans like disabling javascript or downloading the webpage directly won't provide me with images that can be edited and rehosted.
What about the Print Screen button in combination with Ditto? It'd be a hassle, admittedly.

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
Oh, so that's why MFAC hasn't come back. :smith: I'd love to see it come back but understand if it's too much of a hassle.

Jan 18, 2003

Ghostlight posted:

Classic Cat

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

FrumpleOrz posted:

Safe Havens is the second of Holbrook's strips. It originally was about a daycare center but now it's about how DNA is magic and they went to Mars and adopted the planet legally as their child. They are on their way back to Earth after unfortunately saving it from a comet.

I just noticed that Lady Dodo has a handbag and I am more upset by this than I thought I would be.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

Some Guy TT posted:

By the same token Mother from Another Country is currently in its fourth season. Kakao has used some sort of technical wizardry so that even using shenanigans like disabling javascript or downloading the webpage directly won't provide me with images that can be edited and rehosted.
Oh man, they really locked things down.

That said, taking a quick look at it, if you open up the Developer Tools on your browser, and go to the Elements tab, there'll be the css rules on the right - find the one titled * and just edit it in a new rule that reads "pointer-events: all !important" then you can drag and drop the images onto the desktop. That said, all the images are called resource.jpg because of the way they're streamed, so it's still a real hassle.

Lowen SoDium
Jun 5, 2003

Highen Fiber
Clapping Larry

Ghostlight posted:

Oh man, they really locked things down.

That said, taking a quick look at it, if you open up the Developer Tools on your browser, and go to the Elements tab, there'll be the css rules on the right - find the one titled * and just edit it in a new rule that reads "pointer-events: all !important" then you can drag and drop the images onto the desktop. That said, all the images are called resource.jpg because of the way they're streamed, so it's still a real hassle.

At that point, it's probably easier to just screen cap or using the snip tool in Windows.

Oct 23, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

Stultus Maximus posted:

I haven't seen Juggs Parker in here for a while. Is nobody posting that any more?

I was posting it, but I've been some combination of busy/lazy/drunk lately and haven't been. Also getting the ones I missed is currently a hassle because my Comics Kingdom account is broken and despite repeated back-and-forth with their support people they seemed unable to fix it, and have now stopped responding to my emails. :thumbsup:

Jul 8, 2003

Manuel Calavera posted:

Compu-Toon Charles Boyce, 1994. "If you’ve ever struggled to turn your cell phone off, thought cookies were just a delicious snack, and tried in vain to talk to a human customer service rep, Charles Boyce has created a strip for you. Compu-toon reminds us that technological innovations haven’t necessarily made our lives any easier -- maybe just more funny. " is how Boyce describes it. What is the strip actually?
It's a tech strip written by someone who's astoundingly tech illiterate. But sometimes Boyce has the weirdest moments of clarity.

Don't forget the mascot of the strip, the Keypad Kid, who's a... nonspecific keypad with a screen (which is its face). It's not anything specific, just some weird nebulous thing which doesn't correspond to any actual computer hardware.

StrixNebulosa posted:

why are we worried about serial killer RL
He used to run a serial-killing corporation and was a bad boss, and Kell worked for him. She since left to run her own, more ethical (in ways I don't think the strip is very clear on) serial-killing corporation.

i don't know why kell cares about him, she never seemed to like him before, uh, right now

class solidarity, I guess? Clearly the fact that she's currently a CEO and he used to be a CEO is much more important than the fact he used to, as I recall, attempt to kill her husband repeatedly.

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!

Tiggum posted:

I was posting it, but I've been some combination of busy/lazy/drunk lately and haven't been. Also getting the ones I missed is currently a hassle because my Comics Kingdom account is broken and despite repeated back-and-forth with their support people they seemed unable to fix it, and have now stopped responding to my emails. :thumbsup:

they saw you put a swear on a comic and hate you now

Feb 15, 2005

Why are the terminally stupid dodos able to survive with zero help? And how soon until they inbreed themselves extinct again? Who am I kidding, Holbrook is gonna turn them into humans so they can have hands and be the human element on Mars or something moronic like that.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

I'm curious how Holbrook is going to keep them around when they literally live on a different planet than the other characters separated by several months' worth of space flight.

Aug 25, 2017

Let's not forget how DNA Wizard and her husband adopted Mars to make colonizing it legal. Holbrook then did a few strips of them acting like parents to Mars...which he then followed up by having them abandon Mars to go back to Earth after stealing technology from it that will make them rich. How Holbrook can write this poo poo without thinking about the implications is giving me a headache.

Some Guy TT posted:

I'm curious how Holbrook is going to keep them around when they literally live on a different planet than the other characters separated by several months' worth of space flight.

Lots of "Signal Delay Edited Out*", that's for sure.

Zereth posted:

He used to run a serial-killing corporation and was a bad boss, and Kell worked for him. She since left to run her own, more ethical (in ways I don't think the strip is very clear on) serial-killing corporation.

i don't know why kell cares about him, she never seemed to like him before, uh, right now

class solidarity, I guess? Clearly the fact that she's currently a CEO and he used to be a CEO is much more important than the fact he used to, as I recall, attempt to kill her husband repeatedly.

Class solidarity is right. I remember Kell's brother kept attempting to murder her husband all the time and it's treated as a minor annoyance.

I Am Fowl
Mar 8, 2008


FrumpleOrz posted:

Kevin & Kell is the final Holbrook strip. It's about a hellworld of capitalism with predator and prey dynamics. It gets more hosed up every day.

I've been away for a while, but I seem to recall a story arc establishing that neither predators nor prey can use "unnatural" means to either hunt their prey or defend themselves from predators. There was a whole court case about it that ended in the grisly dismemberment of Kevin's would-be predator. This trap should be illegal.

Mister Olympus
Oct 31, 2011

Buzzard, Who Steals From Dead Bodies

amigolupus posted:

Class solidarity is right. I remember Kell's brother kept attempting to murder her husband all the time and it's treated as a minor annoyance.

i'm not sure it even goes deep as that, literally just that "this is a named character, he exists, he cannot be allowed to be actually outside of understood orbits because holbrook doesn't really know how to change things significantly"

Aug 28, 2009

Dexter didn't much care for the party.
Daddy Daze

Take It From the Tinkersons

Dark Side of the Horse

Fort Knox

Shaman Tank Spec
Dec 26, 2003


I wanted to grab Tim as an avatar, but ended up going with Lottie after all, so here is a pair of Tims.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (June 9, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (June 9, 1998)

Garfield Classic (June 9, 1988)

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

In today's Corto Maltese: 'I'm no hero. Never was, never will be' - Solid Corto, or Well, that was fortuitous, or Gordon Ramsay thinks Corto is a bit extreme with his food critique

Oct 10, 2012

Everything is Sinister

Bad Machinery


Mildred's behind-the-scenes detective double-crossing has come to light, and Lottie is poised to work this angle.

Some more good av material here. I don't know why they cut the last speech bubble from the original strip, though.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

It's borderline joke-explaining, and detracts from the absurdity of Lottie delivering a compliment in the form of an aggressive attack. Personally I think this is one of the more straightforward improvements when the GoComics version changes something from the original.

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


Tiggum posted:

I was posting it, but I've been some combination of busy/lazy/drunk lately and haven't been. Also getting the ones I missed is currently a hassle because my Comics Kingdom account is broken and despite repeated back-and-forth with their support people they seemed unable to fix it, and have now stopped responding to my emails. :thumbsup:

I had the exact same experience late spring/early summer with Comics Kingdom.

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

This is generous. My friend was on Millionaire, and took me as a lifeline (this was a few years back and they got rid of "phone a friend" because Google makes it pointless), and he had to pay all transportation and lodging and such. After taxes he probably broke even since he didn't do as well as he'd have liked.

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe
Old School Peanuts (May 7, 1951)

Calvin and Hobbes (Nov 12-13, 1986)

Robbie and Bobby (Dec 9-10, 2014)

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice





Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

I've always loved Calvin's eyes in that last panel.

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Zereth posted:

Don't forget the mascot of the strip, the Keypad Kid, who's a... nonspecific keypad with a screen (which is its face). It's not anything specific, just some weird nebulous thing which doesn't correspond to any actual computer hardware.

Nono, the Keypad Kid is a mascot for something to do with "the digital divide" I forget the specifics at the moment.

Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy


Yes late 70s to somewhere in the 80s Lynn, trans men exist.



Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

In addition to just kinda stumbling onto "clews" in this chase, Tracy also shot and killed a hostage truck driver. Our hero!

Mar 8, 2006

I've got my father's great big six-shooter with me 'n' if anybody in this woods wants to start somethin' just let 'em--but they DASSN'T.
Sally Forth

Skippy (August 20, 1932)

Peanuts (January 5, 1973)

Funky WInkerbean


9 Chickweed Lane

Rip Haywire

Thimble Theater ushers in a new era. (August 1, 1936)

Out Our Way (November 23-25, 1933)

Born thirty years too soon (for concussion science)

(Yeah, I know it was longer than that, but gotta work with what's there.)

Toonerville Folks (June 5-7, 1916)

Dok's "This Film Was Banned In Boston" Duck (January 3, 1913)

Nov 27, 2008

Let's start the new year off properly.

With some Moomin.
(Feel free to substitute in whichever language version of the intro you prefer.)
Double dose, because I didn't have time to scan them yesterday.

And Moomin dealing with his house being occupied by his poor relations seems like a good fit for the current season.

e: is the size alright with everyone? 1000px width should be enough to fit on pretty much anything nowadays. And I really don't want to make them so small the details go away.
Because there are so many tiny lovely details everywhere.

SubNat fucked around with this message at 16:12 on Jan 2, 2020

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

amigolupus posted:

Lots of "Signal Delay Edited Out*", that's for sure.
It still drives me nuts how Holbrook treats all science as basically magic but for some reason that was the one thing he worried about realism with.

May 1, 2008

Has there even been any jokes or plot points where the signal delay mattered?

He highlights it, but every dialogue between the planets goes as if they were next to each other.

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

SubNat posted:

e: is the size alright with everyone? 1000px width should be enough to fit on pretty much anything nowadays. And I really don't want to make them so small the details go away.
Because there are so many tiny lovely details everywhere.
The size is fine, but maybe use timg to post? That's how I do Star Wars which will return tonight!

Also, what happened to Moominpapa and Moominmamma? :ohdear:

Nov 27, 2008

Endless Mike posted:

The size is fine, but maybe use timg to post? That's how I do Star Wars which will return tonight!

Also, what happened to Moominpapa and Moominmamma? :ohdear:

Yeah, I guess I'll timg it in future posts.
As for papa and mamma, this is Moomin's dark origin story, before he met them.

The family is such a central part of everything that it feels weird not to have them around yet though.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice

SubNat posted:

Let's start the new year off properly.

With some Moomin.
(Feel free to substitute in whichever language version of the intro you prefer.)
Double dose, because I didn't have time to scan them yesterday.

And Moomin dealing with his house being occupied by his poor relations seems like a good fit for the current season.

e: is the size alright with everyone? 1000px width should be enough to fit on pretty much anything nowadays. And I really don't want to make them so small the details go away.
Because there are so many tiny lovely details everywhere.

Size is good, but would you mind bumping up the brightness?

Quick comparison:

Nov 27, 2008

Yeah, looks like a quick +50 brightness, +50 contrast puts it roughly at that spot.
Pushing it a bit further also cleans out the ghosting from the other side of the sheet, too.

Better, or too stark? Judging it on a terrible laptop that prioritized 144hz over decent black levels and contrast is a bit hard.

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Kennel posted:

Has there even been any jokes or plot points where the signal delay mattered?

He highlights it, but every dialogue between the planets goes as if they were next to each other.

There was very briefly a moment of possible tension when the comet was destroyed, and it wasn't clear whether Earth had survived or not due to space debris. The debris was cleared up in the next strip and everyone was fine.

Aug 25, 2017

Thanks for posting Moomin again, SubNat. It's always a delight reading them.

Jokes? Punchlines? Who even needs those, right? :geno:

Kennel posted:

Has there even been any jokes or plot points where the signal delay mattered?

He highlights it, but every dialogue between the planets goes as if they were next to each other.

The part where the bird and mouse got married was extremely stupid because of this. Holbrook probably wanted us to think it was touching that DNA Wizard officiated their wedding, but then you remember they're just standing around and staring at the screen for like 20-30 minutes every time they try to reply to one another.

Green Intern posted:

There was very briefly a moment of possible tension when the comet was destroyed, and it wasn't clear whether Earth had survived or not due to space debris. The debris was cleared up in the next strip and everyone was fine.

Didn't they say the comet passing over Earth destroyed all the satellites along its path or something? I imagine that people in space stations died and communications getting hosed up would cause a lot of damage on Earth. But as usual, Holbrook doesn't explore the terrifying implications in favor of how his characters will get rich from becoming a department head in college.


Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!





I think the lightest one you posted was ok, but I wouldn't mind the contrast that Darthemed posted either!

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