What in the gently caress?
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 19:46 |
Vargo posted:
I mean, that's textbook abuse.
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That Curtis sure is. Horrifying. Emphasized by Curtis's dad apparently being so disturbed by the thought of his dad beating him that he had to get up and leave the room. Is this the start of A Very Special Storyline?
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FrumpleOrz posted:Ella Cinders What do you think of that? readingatwork posted:Robbie and Bobby ![]() F Minus ![]() Mark Trail ![]() Mary Worth ![]() The Phantom ![]() Pooch Cafe ![]() Popeye's Cartoon Club ![]() I really hope CK sticks with this guy he was born to do Popeye. Rex Morgan MD ![]() Andertoons ![]() Apartment 3-G ![]()
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I think Guran might be real, coming to save Kit's rear end.
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In today's Corto Maltese: Corto can't turn off the charm, no matter how hard he tries, or Waka ain't no SWERF, or Dominique lowers the chances of a re-conciliatory result![]() ![]() ![]()
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Some Guy TT posted:It feels really weird to have Zelda describe a night of kinky nerd sex with a reasonably decent-looking nice guy who has a sense of humor and also a cat as rock bottom. The strip opened up with her forcibly moving back in with an ex-boyfriend who she mutually loathes. It's kind of hard to go down from there. Hangover-vomiting on the subway, in someone else's leather costume and no underwear, is its own kind of rock bottom
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I wonder what the generational divide is with being spanked or slapped by parents. I know it was something that happened when I was a kid but by the time my little brother was born public perception had shifted or something because I remember seeing him get away with a time out for stuff that I'd been corporally punished for at the same age and thinking "hey, what gives." I don't think my parents were abusive or anything but I think they definitely just bought into doing things in the way they were familiar with at first. As I get older and can talk to my mom more frankly about her parenting philosophy I think she's proud of giving me and my brother a lot of freedom to explore and figure out what our own deals were and has some regrets about how much the way that parenting is "taught" has changed over the last decades and how she could have done certain things differently. I think it's definitely the case that for me the idea of laying a finger on a child is unthinkable and I think every parent my age that I know feels the same way-- I think that's an encouraging sign. Aleph Null posted:It's not the casual sex with a hot nerd; it's the fact that she got so shitfaced she barely remembers it and might feel like she made choices she wouldn't have made sober. I reread the comic again because of this and I don't see Xena's chakrams in the nerd guy's display, so I'm choosing to believe that Zelda just carries chakrams around just in case.
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"Black parents who hit their children not only risk drawing the attention of child protective services" The gently caress kinda article is that? Physical violence against kids are bad because child protective services might be involved?
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B Kliban![]() ![]()
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Alhazred posted:"Black parents who hit their children not only risk drawing the attention of child protective services" Did you even finish the paragraph?
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Alhazred posted:"Black parents who hit their children not only risk drawing the attention of child protective services" quote:...who are overrepresented in communities of color, but also having their children placed in foster care, which is a pipeline to the juvenile justice system and similar adverse paths that disproportionately impact black youth. Indeed, black children stay in foster care longer and often don't receive adequate therapeutic services e; Systemic something.
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Medenmath posted:The real life Huns under Attila were unlikely to have been gentile people. ![]() And now you've got me wondering which side the Hebrew Huns took in the Finno-Korean Hyperwar.
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Johnny Walker posted:Popeye's Cartoon Club I hope they keep him too! Please let them know that you want them to hire him on to do Popeye; this was a month-long trial.
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2017 Spiderman![]() 1978 Comics ![]() ![]() ![]() Locher Tracy ![]() Origins of the Sunday Comics ![]() Footrot Flats ![]()
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Alhazred posted:"Black parents who hit their children not only risk drawing the attention of child protective services" Other people covered it, but in a lot of cases CPS in the US is to black women what incarceration is to black men
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Yeah, basically. Black households are treated abominably by CPS and it's often used as a very much carcerally-adjacent tool to harm and destabilize families. The article isn't saying "it's not fair that people get in trouble for hitting their kids," it's pointing out that in many cases the CPS will be looking for an excuse to exercise punitive powers when it's a black family in question.
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How Wonderful! posted:I wonder what the generational divide is with being spanked or slapped by parents. I know it was something that happened when I was a kid but by the time my little brother was born public perception had shifted or something because I remember seeing him get away with a time out for stuff that I'd been corporally punished for at the same age and thinking "hey, what gives." In my own experience, it's something I see with parents who are now in their 50s and 60s (and post on facebook about how their dad whupped their rear end and they turned out fine so why can't the parents of those protesters and rioters do the same ![]()
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Here is how to bug King Features into letting Randy continue to do Popeye https://twitter.com/choochoobear/status/1278762974015098880
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Green Intern posted:In my own experience, it's something I see with parents who are now in their 50s and 60s (and post on facebook about how their dad whupped their rear end and they turned out fine so why can't the parents of those protesters and rioters do the same Yeah that's precisely the age bracket my parents are in, and they both definitely grew up in households where corporal punishment was absolutely normalized. My mom in particular went through horrid poo poo. I believe she also went to Catholic school at a time when corporal punishment was the norm there too. It's horrifying that within living peoples' memories it was totally accepted that children misbehaving merited physically striking them. Even look at the changing representation of that poo poo in media-- I think that if the Simpsons were to debut in 2020 you definitely wouldn't see jokes about Homer strangling Bart, for instance. I think it's a testament to my parents that they're never like "back in my day" about it but like I said seem generally mortified that when they were new parents spanking was taught as a normal and even humane thing to do.
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Johnny Walker posted:I know she's supposed to be an evil stepsister, but I can't help but feel bad about how humiliating this must be for Lotta. And in the end the winner was (secretly) picked randomly, so there Ella's victory was just pure luck and could have happened to anyone.
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Garfield![]() love too haphazardly copy paste bits of Garfield drawings into a pose that makes no sense Heathcliff ![]() Overboard ![]() Monty ![]() Rae the Doe ![]()
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How Wonderful! posted:Yeah that's precisely the age bracket my parents are in, and they both definitely grew up in households where corporal punishment was absolutely normalized. My mom in particular went through horrid poo poo. I believe she also went to Catholic school at a time when corporal punishment was the norm there too. It's horrifying that within living peoples' memories it was totally accepted that children misbehaving merited physically striking them. Even look at the changing representation of that poo poo in media-- I think that if the Simpsons were to debut in 2020 you definitely wouldn't see jokes about Homer strangling Bart, for instance. Kinda same. My parents (late sixties) never raised a finger against either me or my sister, mostly because of my mum I think, she's a teacher. Often when my dad sees / hears about young people "misbehaving" he says "see, they weren't beaten up enough when they were kids" to which my mum tells him "do not say that even as a joke".
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Years ago in a previous iteration of this thread, when I said I disliked the strips in C&H where the dad spanks Calvin one goon piped up that actually there's research showing that sometimes spanking is good and for a while later any time spanking was shown in a strip he'd comment on how it's justified in that particular case.
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"Spank That Cheek Meat" gangtags when?
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Only research I've seen to that end is that spanking in a controlled manner doesn't do as much long term harm to well being as other forms of abuse. it's still predictive of all the same bad life outcomes, just not quite as much. So yay for only slightly harming your kids.
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Johnny Walker posted:Mary Worth I like that from roughly the thighs down, Madi is a Tetsuya Nomura character.
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Conan the Barbarian Sept. 10th- Sept. 16th, 1979![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The colour on the Sunday is hosed up, but I kinda dig how it ends up looking, especially that last panel.
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catlord posted:Conan the Barbarian ![]()
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I was born in the late 80s and my parents still saw spanking as the proper way to do things. My Mom basically did it was a response to like anything I did that pissed her off, and continued doing it all the way up until when I was big enough that she couldn't physically stop me from just leaving the room/house if she threatened it. It probably was a big part of why I had severe anger issues as a kid and spent a lot of my teens in public shouting matches with her. My dad only did it if I did something really dangerous/reckless, and mostly preferred "lectures" that were mostly him yelling and cursing at me for literally hours. After they got divorced he mostly did this over the phone. I'm in my 30s now and still flinch when I hear a phone ring. Other issues aside, I think the main result of their means of discipline was me being a lot more willing to lie or do anything to get out of impending punishment. Poor grades were a common thing I'd get hit or screamed at over. The first time I got a D in a class I made it look like a B on that card and every other card for the rest of the year all the way into the final report cards that were mailed home, which I took out of the mail before my parents saw and burned it.
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My mother spanked me once, more of a quick swat. I was about 3 and nearly charged into a busy parking lot.
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I was born in the early 70s and got hit; FWIW my parents were born in the 1920s, and I agree on the whole "getting better at lying" thing. I also have severe anxiety issues thanks to my mother but that's a separate issue. ![]()
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I was born in the early eighties, oldest of four kids, and i was the only one of us who was spanked. My dad mentioned it once to me that, well, spanking was pretty normalized and that was what you were supposed to do. It didn't take them very long to realize that spanking just escalated the situation when I was having a meltdown. I'd go from overwhelmed and cranky to overwhelmed, cranky, and furious. So they stopped spanking. Probably the last time I was spanked I was maybe four or five, I dunno.
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Astrid Lindgren (of Pippi Longstocking fame) had some good thoughts on itNever Violence - 1978 posted:"When I was about 20 years old, I met an old pastor's wife who told me that when she was young and had her first child, she didn't believe in striking children, although spanking kids with a switch pulled from a tree was standard punishment at the time. But one day when her son was four or five, he did something that she felt warranted a spanking--the first of his life. And she told him that he would have to go outside and find a switch for her to hit him with. The boy was gone a long time. And when he came back in, he was crying. He said to her, "Mama, I couldn't find a switch, but here's a rock that you can throw at me."
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I was born in the late 80s and I remember my dad spanking me precisely once for misbehaving (I think I had carved my initials into an antique or something?), we were both so shaken by the experience that it never happened again.
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When I was a toddler, my nana would watch me during the day because my mom was still working (she became a SAHM at some point in my early childhood, I think before we moved). My mom tells me about a conversation she had with my nana where she had to say to her "Look, I know that's how you were raised, and how you raised me, but please don't spank her." And my nana was just like "Ok no problem, you're the parent" My nana was definitely bred of stern, farmer-immigrant stock, where you didnt' talk about feelings, and if you don't talk about feelings, how else do you get a kid not to do something? My pop pop was the same, but my mom told me that when she was growing up, he *hated* "having to" spank her and her siblings, and would cry as he did it ![]()
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Winklebottom posted:Astrid Lindgren (of Pippi Longstocking fame) had some good thoughts on it Oh man, gettin' hit with a switch. Grandma called that "Hickory Tea."
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How Wonderful! posted:I wonder what the generational divide is with being spanked or slapped by parents. I know it was something that happened when I was a kid but by the time my little brother was born public perception had shifted or something because I remember seeing him get away with a time out for stuff that I'd been corporally punished for at the same age and thinking "hey, what gives." I was spanked, but whenever I look back on corporal punishment, I see it as a complete failure to address whatever poo poo I was up to at the time. I'd like to think with open resources and discussion that more recent parents see this too.
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 19:46 |
I got whooped maybe a dozen times growing up, and every time my mom cried and spanked at the same time. It never hurt, no belts or switches, though. I thought for the longest time she was just trying to be manipulative with the tears, but we talked about it before my kids came and she helped me understand how hard it was for her and how much she regretted doing it, even in the moment. She begged me to find a better way, and we have.
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