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fisting by many
Dec 25, 2009

Kennel posted:


*gestures asskickingly*


Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!
do the parents in Frazz know their kids speak to this dude

i'd be a no-fun parent about it and tell the school to keep him away from my kid tbh

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

Julet Esqu posted:

I liked Cats. I'm not saying it's a good movie, but it won me over. I enjoyed my time at the movie theater. And as was mentioned earlier, it's a weird play. The movie was always going to be weird. Trying to make Cats a normal movie for a normal afternoon out was never going to work. They had to go balls to the wall bonkers, and I'm glad they did.

I had a friend who said she enjoyed it, but also noted that she went early in the morning, smoked four joints before going in, and sat in the front row in the local theatre with recliner seats. I don't think I'd call it a ringing endorsement, but you know.


Sep 5, 2009


Angular Cyrus posted:

Mopsy 8/20/42

Those mechanical typewriters can take a lot of punishment. Can't handle Mopsy it seems.

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

catlord posted:

I had a friend who said she enjoyed it, but also noted that she went early in the morning, smoked four joints before going in, and sat in the front row in the local theatre with recliner seats. I don't think I'd call it a ringing endorsement, but you know.

It's not a movie to go to if you're not up for something weird.

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

I absolutely loved Cats with the caveat that I saw it in a private screening with a bunch of people who were explicitly there to experience the movie as if it were a showing of The Room.

Jul 14, 2009

Taste the High Country

Ghostlight posted:

I absolutely loved Cats with the caveat that I saw it in a private screening with a bunch of people who were explicitly there to experience the movie as if it were a showing of The Room.

It's been described as a bad acid trip, how far off am I?

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

BigDave posted:

It's been described as a bad acid trip, how far off am I?
It's visually incoherent with a plot that takes place almost entirely within incidental lines between songs about who the new cat on screen is and the word jellicle is somehow repeated so often it loses all meaning despite not having any to begin with and at some point your brain just starts blocking out all the lyrics in self-defense and you concentrate on just counting how many cats are wearing human shoes just to give life meaning but it didn't leave me paralysed in a chair suffering genuine fear that I might never be able to move again, if in fact I ever had because memories of life before the chair seemed so distant and indistinct now.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Barnaby (May 29-June 2, 1942)

A rare example of war-time racist humor in Barnaby. Sorry!

Dykes to Watch Out For

Another early instance of Bechdel's acute skepticism and worry about the long-term effects of the mainstreaming of queerness in American culture, in particular, the increase in conservatism among affluent young LGBTQIA+ and a corresponding sidelining of leftist engagement. This wasn't a brand new issue in the 80s-- decades prior, for instance, the poet Jack Spicer somewhat notoriously quit the Mattachine Society over what he saw as their blandly liberal and assimilationist politics.

As we'll see if I keep posting these for--- uh, a long long time-- this strain of the strip gets complicated as Bechdel's characters age and she, as an artist, finds her critical star rising and her own position in life far removed from the strip's original working class roots. Within a decade the characters will be hobnobbing with upper-middle-class lawyers and bankers and the very invigorating note of inward-looking critique will kind of become muted.

Sam's Strip (November 2-November 11 ,1961)

I'm so thrilled to be able to post this in probably the only place on earth where people will recognize an Alphonse and Gaston joke in 2020. I don't know the exact provenance of the globe guy but I recognize the image.

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
drat that's a fine Gaston

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

BigDave posted:

It's been described as a bad acid trip, how far off am I?

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice

BigDave posted:

It's been described as a bad acid trip, how far off am I?
That’s... pretty far off. It’s more like an episode of a kids’ show with the budget and creative direction handed off to someone who’s written dozens of fanfics about it and has a lot of weird, uncomfortably horny ideas.

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe

I’m normally pretty good at decoding Frazz but I have no earthly idea what it’s trying to say here.

Aug 26, 2003

Mental Institution
I think the Frazz-child is trying to say that it was a sports story that was written outside of hockey season (pucks), football season (goalposts), and - basketball season? Soccer season? Something with nets - and so did not mention those elements.

I loving hate that my brain turned Frazz into a semi-coherent thought. Need more beer, then sleep.

Gloomy Rube
Mar 4, 2008

What's with Frazz's blue twig hand in panel one? :v:

Jul 8, 2003

Tambaloneus posted:

Wait hang on are the 'people' in this world descended from gremlins?
She's a wizardscientist and drank a magicDNA potionpotion to turn into a... I'm gonna guess lemur.

Darthemed posted:

That’s... pretty far off. It’s more like an episode of a kids’ show with the budget and creative direction handed off to someone who’s written dozens of fanfics about it and has a lot of weird, uncomfortably horny ideas.
so the most recent powerpuff girls?

Jun 14, 2005

csammis posted:

I think the Frazz-child is trying to say that it was a sports story that was written outside of hockey season (pucks), football season (goalposts), and - basketball season? Soccer season? Something with nets - and so did not mention those elements.

I loving hate that my brain turned Frazz into a semi-coherent thought. Need more beer, then sleep.
The problem with the joke is we're smack in the middle of hockey and basketball, and football is coming up on its most famous annual game.

Nov 24, 2006

Grimey Drawer
Genetics is Holbrook's Checkov's gun. Lady scientist is going to get pregnant in the future and her new kid will be half shapeshifter.

RandomPauI fucked around with this message at 06:37 on Jan 22, 2020

Zanzibar Ham
Mar 17, 2009

You giving me the cold shoulder? How cruel.

Grimey Drawer
She's entering the vents, my guess is a xenomorph. That's brown for some reason.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

In today's Corto Maltese: Corto's reputation precedes him, or Chang has ulterior motives, or Chang has a rather morbid taste in hanging decorations

So ends Corto's stint as a prisoner of Chang! At least, the idea that he is stuck in a particular physical location. Join us next tie, won't you? For...

Oct 24, 2010

Deploying Swordbreakers!
College Slice

FrumpleOrz posted:

Safe Havens That panel where she is drinking is so loving gross.

You know, when people called her DNA Wizard, I was expecting a bit less magic potions and more Reed Richards superscience bullshit. But really, just drinking a genetic sample to switch species? REALLY?

Jul 8, 2003

Ashsaber posted:

You know, when people called her DNA Wizard, I was expecting a bit less magic potions and more Reed Richards superscience bullshit. But really, just drinking a genetic sample to switch species? REALLY?
Yeah, when we call her a wizard, we loving mean it. She doesn't do things that are recognizable as even comic-book science, she just makes magic loving potions.

Good Listener
Sep 2, 2006

Ask me about moons
Fact #1 The Moon is really cool
There's never any actual tension in these comics so I can only predict the baby will have crawled back out already by the time she returns as who knows what animal.

Aug 28, 2009

Dexter didn't much care for the party.
Daddy Daze

Take It From the Tinkersons

Dark Side of the Horse

Fort Knox

Aug 25, 2017

The clipart-ing is incredibly sloppy in today's strip. Mark's head on panel 2 looks incredibly big.

Julet Esqu posted:

"Hey, Gunt, how you doing? How's Bets? I saw you guys goofing around on Insta, you seem to have a lot of fun together. You look super close. Is it getting serious?"


And yeah, none of that straight out asks, "You guys having sex," but depending on how he's been answering the previous questions, you could pivot into it from there.

It says a lot how lovely of a friend Luann is that she tries to pin all this on Gunther before admitting she's the one uncomfortable. That said, I'm sort of curious how the folks at Luann's comment section are taking this fight between Good Girl Luann and Incel Role Model Gunther. Part of me thinks there's huge fights blaming one or the other, but another part of me suspects they're all blaming this on Bets somehow.

Oh my god, gently caress off Dethany. Fi's right to not trust anyone because we've seen how Fastrack is a lovely company to work for, not to mention how Dethany's nothing but a soul-sucking corporate sycophant who would blab about you to her abusive boss. The fact we're somehow supposed to side with Dethany for making GBS threads on Fi every time really gets to me.

Good Listener posted:

There's never any actual tension in these comics so I can only predict the baby will have crawled back out already by the time she returns as who knows what animal.

My guess is that the baby turns out to be some kind of mechanical genius that fixed or improved something in the vents, despite her future self showing no signs of mechanical aptitude before.

Now that I think about the two being different, has Holbrook ever bothered explaining why the baby's hair is black while her future self is blonde?

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




Mar 17, 2007

Archyduchess posted:

Sam's Strip (November 2-November 11 ,1961)

I'm so thrilled to be able to post this in probably the only place on earth where people will recognize an Alphonse and Gaston joke in 2020. I don't know the exact provenance of the globe guy but I recognize the image.
Thank you so much for posting Sam's Strip. When I was I child I read my dads old Beetle Bailey comics (translated into swedish) from the 80s and some of them did a short run of Sam's Strip. There has been a few I hadn't seen before. :toot:

Dec 5, 2007

I had a video of that when I was about 6.

I remember it being shit.

Grimey Drawer
Multiquote on app is too much effort, so imagine I just quoted Luann, Fort Knox and OBH with variations of "gently caress right off with this poo poo" underneath each of them.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (June 27, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (June 27, 1998)

Garfield Classic (June 27, 1988)

Oct 23, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

Zereth posted:

To the best of my understanding, the prize in the talent contest is getting to die.
A lot of people say this but it's a complete mischaracterisation. They're competing to be reincarnated into their ideal life. And keep in mind that this is a world in which magic is just an everyday fact of existence, so they're likely correct about what's happening - and even if they weren't, their belief in this magical reincarnation means that in their own minds they're not competing to die. In fact, pretty much the opposite, since they get to live a whole extra life.

Zereth posted:

I haven't seen any version of Cats myself but one of the cats has "broken every human law"
Well, it's claimed that he has. One of the characters says it. That doesn't make it true.

Hobnob posted:

When the trailer for the movie came out and everyone crowed about it I was nonplussed. Like, have you ever seen a production of Cats? It looks pretty much exactly like that.
I've never seen the play and I never will because theatre is just what people had to put up with before we invented video, but the movie is fantastic. If I hadn't been sick and therefore only managed to get out and see it on the last day it was showing, I quite likely would have gone and watched it again.

Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler
Juliet Jones, in which the narrative has slowed to a crawl. If they don't pick up the pace, dinner's going to get cold.

Mr. Maltose
Feb 16, 2011

The Guffless Girlverine

Tiggum posted:

I've never seen the play and I never will because theatre is just what people had to put up with before we invented video,

There have certainly been worse opinions expressed in this thread but I doubt there'll ever be one more :goonsay:

Nov 24, 2006

Grimey Drawer
They don't explain why the baby is pale as her dad either. This does happen with some biracial children, but I don't know that Holbrook gave it much more thought than that.

Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Frazz Blech. Yeah, I think I'm done posting Frazz and I'm gonna drop it. I doubt anyone is going to object.

Zanzibar Ham
Mar 17, 2009

You giving me the cold shoulder? How cruel.

Grimey Drawer

FrumpleOrz posted:

Frazz Blech.

How is neither this nor the last one edits? :psyduck:

Shaman Tank Spec
Dec 26, 2003


Good Listener posted:

There's never any actual tension in these comics so I can only predict the baby will have crawled back out already by the time she returns as who knows what animal.

Nah she'll end up finding the secret origins of ... I dunno, whales on earth as time traveling beings from Jupiter or some dumb poo poo.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

Tiggum posted:

I've never seen the play and I never will because theatre is just what people had to put up with before we invented video, but the movie is fantastic. If I hadn't been sick and therefore only managed to get out and see it on the last day it was showing, I quite likely would have gone and watched it again.

Theatre rules! It's so much fun! Also this is the thread about posting newspaper comic strips, I don't think any of us should be acting smug about obsolete mediums.

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

FrumpleOrz posted:

Frazz Blech. Yeah, I think I'm done posting Frazz and I'm gonna drop it. I doubt anyone is going to object.

Between this and the one about Inuits, I get the sense that the author wants Frazz to be inverse Dilbert, a strip that makes topical references highlighting inequalities in culture. The problem is that he is both terribly ill equipped to talk about these subjects and also literally incapable of telling a joke.


Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

This seems like an ideal time to remind the thread that there is a Luann stage musical with book, music, and lyrics by that nutty ol' renaissance man, Greg Evans:

The songs are on YouTube, but don't ask me about them because even I have my limits.

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