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Feb 14, 2012

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
But most of all, you cheated BABA

The production of Cats as a stage play that's on DVD is one of my most cherished childhood films. I watched that thing so many times and still hum the songs. Everyone in that production is 1000% into being a cat and singing fun songs and it shows.

Here's Skimbleshanks from that production, enjoy:


Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!




Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!

Pastry of the Year posted:

This seems like an ideal time to remind the thread that there is a Luann stage musical with book, music, and lyrics by that nutty ol' renaissance man, Greg Evans:

The songs are on YouTube, but don't ask me about them because even I have my limits.

holy poo poo

holy poo poo

holy poo poo

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

A musical entirely scored with Casio keyboard samples.

Frog and Toad
Jul 31, 2008

Greg Evans — topic
3 subscribers

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer

I mean, come on it's not THAT bad if you consider it's written to be performed by high schoolers.

nevermind lmao

e: also

Huxley fucked around with this message at 14:44 on Jan 22, 2020

Sep 23, 2009

dismas posted:

Greg Evans — topic
3 subscribers

- Greg
- Greg's daughter
- Greg's second account after he forgot the first password

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe

FrumpleOrz posted:

Frazz Blech. Yeah, I think I'm done posting Frazz and I'm gonna drop it. I doubt anyone is going to object.

Ooooh! I get it now. The joke is the kid did the same joke twice. Good... one... Frazz????

I find Frazz amusing in it's incompetence but yeah I'm not going to scream too loudly if you don't want to post it anymore.


Support Tauhid's Patreon here.

Old School Peanuts (May 30, 1951)

Schroeder is the best Peanuts character so I was pretty excited to see this one come up.

Calvin and Hobbes (Dec 22-23, 1986)

Robbie and Bobby (Feb 4-5, 2015)

May 5, 2013

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice




And that's the end of Volume One! We'll be switching over to my scans of volume two tomorrow, hopefully the quality change won't be too sharp.


Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

It’s still wild to me that one of Dick Tracy’s earliest recurring villains was just a hobo named Steve.

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer

lol women aren't that complex

Sep 19, 2012

Huxley posted:

lol women aren't that complex

I hate the trope of "women are so mysterious and complex how can any man possibly ever hope to understand them!!!!!!!"

We're loving human beings, you rubes. We're just neurotic apes, same as men. We're the same goddamn species.

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer

RoboRodent posted:

I hate the trope of "women are so mysterious and complex how can any man possibly ever hope to understand them!!!!!!!"

We're loving human beings, you rubes. We're just neurotic apes, same as men. We're the same goddamn species.

A boy becomes a man the day he realizes all the things he wants from a woman, she generally wants back from him just as badly. That's 90% of it. The rest is mostly believing them when they say, "yes, just not from YOU specifically."

Aug 25, 2017

And then DNA Wizard hurts the baby way worse with her claws. Or can't get the baby out due to lack of opposable thumbs.

FrumpleOrz posted:

Frazz Blech. Yeah, I think I'm done posting Frazz and I'm gonna drop it. I doubt anyone is going to object.


Oh my god, these are so bad. That Brad song reeks of Nice Guy vibes so much.

RoboRodent posted:

I hate the trope of "women are so mysterious and complex how can any man possibly ever hope to understand them!!!!!!!"

We're loving human beings, you rubes. We're just neurotic apes, same as men. We're the same goddamn species.

I'm pretty sure Mordock and the rest of his ilk over at the Luann comments section have never actually interacted with an actual woman before.

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


RoboRodent posted:

I hate the trope of "women are so mysterious and complex how can any man possibly ever hope to understand them!!!!!!!"

We're loving human beings, you rubes. We're just neurotic apes, same as men. We're the same goddamn species.

We live as we dream, alone
To crack the shell we mix with the others
Some flirt with fascism
Some lie in the arms of lovers

Jul 20, 2017

👁️🔥👁️👁️👁️BE NOT👄AFRAID👁️👁️👁️🔥👁️

amigolupus posted:

And then DNA Wizard hurts the baby way worse with her claws. Or can't get the baby out due to lack of opposable thumbs.
Well, cats in specific are good at picking things up gently in their mouths, and Maria is wearing a romper, so that's not the problem. Lack of gravity means weight isn't an issue, either.

Of course, we all know that it doesn't matter.

Jan 8, 2004

I am not an egghead. I am well-read.
I've always disliked Frazz not only because the jokes are bland and it mainly takes place in the void, but because the lack of whites on their eyes makes it look like every character is constantly staring at the viewer through the fourth wall. It's especially blatant on that last one.

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Dick Tracy

Major Crime Squad

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Jul 20, 2017

👁️🔥👁️👁️👁️BE NOT👄AFRAID👁️👁️👁️🔥👁️

I'm not hating this Dick Tracy storyline since it seems to be building to something. It really hasn't been sticking the landing in the past year or so, though, so I'm not holding my breath.

I really hope after this Vitamin turns into a side side side character but I doubt it.

Jun 14, 2005

Zanzibar Ham posted:

How is neither this nor the last one edits? :psyduck:
It's even the same kid.

Archyduchess posted:

Theatre rules! It's so much fun! Also this is the thread about posting newspaper comic strips, I don't think any of us should be acting smug about obsolete mediums.
:lol: Good point.

readingatwork posted:

Robbie and Bobby (Feb 4-5, 2015)

These are great and this guy is a good cartoonist.

F Minus

Mark Trail and Thumbhead

Mary Worth

Also known as a "blanket."

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD

Has she been gaining weight? Going bald?


Apartment 3-G

Well you drank half the vodka!

Nov 27, 2008

Moomin and his poor relations

I've always had a soft spot for Hattifnatter, they strike me as a kind of mostly-benign animal that people are terrified of.
Though I guess much like the Groke/Hufsa, people were terrified of them due to how they were presented in the series.

I had a friend who was still utterly terrified of the Groke even when she was in highschool.
(Though it probably didn't didn't help that I once taped a giant Groke paper cutout to her window, left it open one winter evening, and got her to pull apart the curtains to check why it was so cold in the room. :v:)

Green Intern
Dec 29, 2008

Loon, Crazy and Laughable

Holy poo poo that second and third panel of Mark Trail.

Oct 10, 2012

Everything is Sinister

Bad Machinery


WHO DAT? Reading today's comic, it's possible to forget that this isn't an actual newsroom, it's just a load of teenagers that Charlotte, on "work experience", has invited to lig around making cups of tea.

Regarding Cats chat, or as they call it in France, Chats Chat, I have only this to contribute:
Warning, may be :nms:

Yvonmukluk fucked around with this message at 18:08 on Jan 22, 2020

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

All the times I've watched this and I still can't decide whether or not the person who did the graphics was trying to make an effort. It's amazing either way.

amigolupus posted:

It says a lot how lovely of a friend Luann is that she tries to pin all this on Gunther before admitting she's the one uncomfortable. That said, I'm sort of curious how the folks at Luann's comment section are taking this fight between Good Girl Luann and Incel Role Model Gunther. Part of me thinks there's huge fights blaming one or the other, but another part of me suspects they're all blaming this on Bets somehow.

They are generally siding with Gunther over Luann, which is correct for them to do because she is wrong in this situation. There is, however, also a segment who blames Tiffany for blabbing. I assume these must be brand new readers, otherwise how could they not recognize the hypocrisy here, when nobody else in the strip has any hesitation in calling Tiffany a slut, even though she has never had a single boyfriend or real love interest in the many years I have been reading this strip.

Ahh, NOW we can finally swing it around to it* being Bets fault for posting video and pics of her and Gunt cosplaying and having fun at a public event. (She DOES have a tendency to start streaming and posting without telling him, but he hasn't told her to give him a heads up before she hits the stream button and seems to enjoy the attention, so whatevs.)

And the blame shift is now complete.

* "It" being the horrors and indignity of people wondering if a young adult couple might be having sex

Feb 15, 2005

Everyone in Luann is terrible

Aug 22, 2010

Playin' Possum


Johnny Walker posted:

Mark Trail and Thumbhead

There is no way Jam isn't just messing with us now.

Inadvertent Dr Who reference spotted

Mar 3, 2007

We were somewhere around Manila when the drugs began to take hold

PetraCore posted:

I'm not hating this Dick Tracy storyline since it seems to be building to something. It really hasn't been sticking the landing in the past year or so, though, so I'm not holding my breath.

I really hope after this Vitamin turns into a side side side character but I doubt it.

if dick tracy ever gets a new author the first thing they better do is burn down vitamin's stupid theater with him inside

May 1, 2008

Surgeon's Tales

If you want to make Sweden the true superpower of the 17th century, Europa Universalis IV is currently dirt cheap (cheapest option $1):




1997 Viivi & Wagner

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer
That's not what ghosting is.

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice

TofuDiva posted:

There is no way Jam isn't just messing with us now.
He doesn't have the self-awareness for that.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

If this Luann storyline ends with Gunther admitting he didn't like being broadcast without his permission (yet didn't say anything at the time) and blaming Bets for some drat thing, I'm going to be pissed.

I'm comforted by the fact that Luann storylines don't end, they just stop in the middle.

Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!
God, I literally don't have the time to respond to all of this individually but gently caress everyone in Luann, gently caress Dethany, and I will be happy to not see Frazz anymore, I want to push Jef Mallet into a snowbank.

Look at this loving guy, he even looks like Liberal Dilbert Dude:



The Adventure Zone: Amnesty


Chef Bourgeoisie
Oct 8, 2016

by Reene
Bloom County
January 10th & 12th, 1981

you broke my grill
Jul 11, 2019

Oct 10, 2012

Grimey Drawer

Homer dreaming about Zitz mom.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas

Vargo posted:

Look at this loving guy, he even looks like Liberal Dilbert Dude:

To me he looks almost uncannily like Michael Foucault. That would explain the strip's condemnatory attitude towards pedagogy as such, but not why it sucks so much poo poo forever.

Jul 9, 2005

You're a terrible person, Mildred.
Modesty Blaise

Classic Working Daze


Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

Yvonmukluk posted:

Bad Machinery

She means Erin right? I'm pretty I see both Winters sisters on that board, but I don't think Shelley has the constitution to write in blood.

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