Haifisch posted:This all sounds really familiar for some reason, almost as if people don't learn from these things long-term. We really don't. If it's any consolation the ones who got the most screwed directly were Wall Street junkmen like Ivan Boskey and jagoffs like Charles Keating and Jim Baaker. Back then at least we still sent financial criminals to prison, so they all got some time (but Keating had his sentence vacated on appeal, so he only did a few weeks in LA County lockup). Fun fact: John McCain wasn't able to run for president with any support until 2008 because he was probably the most directly involved with Keating.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 01:43 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 22:26 |
Thanks for explaining the whole thing so lucidly, I never even knew that McCain factoid.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 01:47 |
The Dinette Set looks good on you, though. Working Daze is a terrible person. Super-Fun-Pak Comix is always bloody quantum. Cul De Sac prepares the ultimate crossover event.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 01:47 |
BigDave posted:We really don't. If it's any consolation the ones who got the most screwed directly were Wall Street junkmen like Ivan Boskey and jagoffs like Charles Keating and Jim Baaker. Back then at least we still sent financial criminals to prison, so they all got some time (but Keating had his sentence vacated on appeal, so he only did a few weeks in LA County lockup). And, of course, https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/18/investing/michael-milken-pardon/index.html
# ? Aug 5, 2020 01:47 |
Sally Forth, in which Ted doesn't necessarily have the worst idea in the world for a change. Pearls Before Swine Skippy (February 15, 1933) Peanuts (August 7, 1973) Mopey Pete's Day Trip To The Hellmouth Crankshaft 9 "Smooth Talkin' Interdimensional Predator" Lane "Wait a minute, did you take this from the nature center greenhouse?" "Lalala, can't hear you anymore." Rip Haywire Thimble Theater (March 5, 1937) Out Our Way (December 10-12, 1934)
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:11 |
Safety Dance posted:Remind me, all this fuss is because one Arab businessman said he wanted to buy a million juniper beads? I predict that his request was misunderstood or will fall through for some reason, and that all this will have been for nothing.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:15 |
I agree with you about thinking the deal is a misunderstanding.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:19 |
Safety Dance posted:Remind me, all this fuss is because one Arab businessman said he wanted to buy a million juniper beads? Correct. That and the mayor and local business coordinator guy's insatiable greed and desire to "modernize" the town, which was already in progress. They don't even have a written contract/as far as we know.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:23 |
How Wonderful! posted:Thanks for explaining the whole thing so lucidly, I never even knew that McCain factoid. It really reminds me of a line by Charles Simic, "Everything is teetering on the edge of everything". It wasn't JUST the loan guarantees, it wasn't JUST the real estate boom and bust, it wasn't JUST the oil market collapsing, and it wasn't JUST rapid inflation brought on by spending deficits, that were in turn created by Johnson Administration policies trying to have a war and peace economy at the same time, it was everything at once. Really, it's a kind of micro-ism into Mo and why she constantly anxious about current events. It's not just one single thing, it's everything, because it's all connected and caused by itself.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:24 |
Brilliant work, Colorist. I can tell that coloring Luann is a labor of love for you. (Also while I can sympathize with the feeling that everything you do is a bajillion times louder when you're trying not to wake anybody up, I cannot sympathize with jeans. What's up, Bern, you don't got any pajama pants?)
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:35 |
Julet Esqu posted:
Or just a nightshirt long enough to cover your rear end?
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:37 |
BigDave posted:It really reminds me of a line by Charles Simic, "Everything is teetering on the edge of everything". "Blood Orange" is a brilliant poem, I love that I can tab over to this thread and run into a little Simic.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 02:45 |
How Wonderful! posted:"Blood Orange" is a brilliant poem, I love that I can tab over to this thread and run into a little Simic. I like to think that the Comic Strip Megathread caters to a more sophisticated class of goon. Here's the whole thing if anyone's interested: Charles Simic posted:
# ? Aug 5, 2020 03:07 |
Green Intern posted:Correct. That and the mayor and local business coordinator guy's insatiable greed and desire to "modernize" the town, which was already in progress. I'm trying to be super patient for Suominen's revenge because he is also being very patient. I'm also afraid that the comic will just mirror real life, and M-Club will prevail.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 03:14 |
BigDave posted:We really don't. If it's any consolation the ones who got the most screwed directly were Wall Street junkmen like Ivan Boskey and jagoffs like Charles Keating and Jim Baaker. Back then at least we still sent financial criminals to prison, so they all got some time (but Keating had his sentence vacated on appeal, so he only did a few weeks in LA County lockup). The use of the royal "we" here strikes me as rather misleading. "We" know full well that lending credit based on assets we don't actually have is outrageously unethical and we would be prosecuted were we to try and engage in such activities in our own personal financial interest. Our political system is what chooses not to learn this rather obvious fact in regards to the finance industry, mostly because they're getting paychecks not to.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 03:17 |
Transmodiar posted:Destroy History lol this owns
# ? Aug 5, 2020 04:05 |
Julet Esqu posted:
# ? Aug 5, 2020 04:51 |
Cheer Up Boss Dharma
# ? Aug 5, 2020 05:18 |
Tiggum posted:If she'd just kept on that nightshirt she was wearing in panel one, instead of the much shorter one she's wearing in panel three, she wouldn't have needed pants at all. It's tough being a college student--can't even afford clothes that stay on-model!
# ? Aug 5, 2020 05:19 |
# ? Aug 5, 2020 05:24 |
Daddy Daze Take It From the Tinkersons Dark Side of the Horse Fort Knox
# ? Aug 5, 2020 05:38 |
Family Circus Rose is Rose One Big Happy Foob Compu-Toon Bizarro
# ? Aug 5, 2020 07:39 |
EasyEW posted:(G.B. DeWood (not a clue who that is) on American deforestation, which was actually beginning to reverse itself in the 1920s. Don't worry, asphalt fans, because we've been reversing that trend in the past half-century.) The artist is G. B. Inwood, who seems to have done other cartoons for life. This site references him: https://www.archelaus-cards.com/store/archives/20090201a.php Manuel Calavera posted:Bizarro context Haifisch posted:Locher Tracy That's a not-terrrible likeness of the Hoover building, which is even now still the FBI HQ and infamous as the federal building most desperately in need of total replacement.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 07:40 |
Alhazred posted:Zelda Sorry past-Zelda, Portia was double-plus right in leaving Ellen.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 07:40 |
Julet Esqu posted:
# ? Aug 5, 2020 08:23 |
Poil posted:She's locked the bedroom door? I mean, I get it at that place but... that's not a healthy sign. shes just turning the doorknob
# ? Aug 5, 2020 08:24 |
B Kliban
# ? Aug 5, 2020 09:50 |
Bad Machinery
# ? Aug 5, 2020 10:10 |
Manuel Calavera posted:Family Circus Jeez, I remember this one coming up in the Dysfunctional Family Circus rotation. Buni Rhymes with Orange Get Fuzzy 8/4/00 Wig-Snatchin', Skirt-Rippin' Action! 5/17/42 Smokey Stover 12/20/36 Edge of Pointing Lucinde's kind of childish, isn't she? One of those Manic Pixie Jungle Girls.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 11:32 |
Arlo and Janis Tina's Groove Classic (December 21, 2008) Arlo and Janis Classic (December 21, 1998) Garfield Classic (December 21, 1988)
# ? Aug 5, 2020 11:47 |
Selachian posted:Edge of Pointing The insistence on putting scare quotes around "Mother" is pretty yikes when you consider the situation it's referring to.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 12:27 |
Surgeon's Tales Nancy Dustin Mandrake Man in Black I don't know who that is. Presumably a cameo of some other cartoonist.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 12:38 |
The Lockhorns Brewster Rockit Space Guy On The Fastrack Safe Havens Kevin & Kell Mother Goose & Grimm Hagar The Horrible Sherman's Lagoon Ella Cinders Zorro
# ? Aug 5, 2020 13:14 |
Crabgrass Support Tauhid's Patreon here. Old School Peanuts (Jan 2, 1952) Calvin and Hobbes (Dec 29-30, 1987) Robbie and Bobby (May 23, 2016) (Aug 5, 2020)
# ? Aug 5, 2020 13:36 |
Mr. Boop
# ? Aug 5, 2020 13:44 |
Neither the boss nor the guy's own wife can understand that the guy's productivity suffers because of Fastrack's extremely toxic work environment. Worse, the boss would rather drag him back into the office and tank his productivity because she's a massive control freak, and the guy's wife sees nothing wrong with that because she's a complete asskisser.
# ? Aug 5, 2020 13:54 |
another useful panel
# ? Aug 5, 2020 14:01 |
The Far Side Pickles Zits Somebody fucked around with this message at 23:09 on Jul 25, 2022 |
# ? Aug 5, 2020 14:24 |
# ? Aug 5, 2020 15:07 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 22:26 |
lol love the thread titleProfessor Wayne posted:The Far Side same, buddy Somebody fucked around with this message at 23:09 on Jul 25, 2022 |
# ? Aug 5, 2020 15:12 |