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Oct 10, 2012

Everything is Sinister

howe_sam posted:

She means Erin right? I'm pretty I see both Winters sisters on that board, but I don't think Shelley has the constitution to write in blood.

Yes. I mean, she's looking right at Erin's picture on the wall. And Erin has blood-related previous, after all.

Also I just noticed Lottie added herself to the wall. :allears:


Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?

FrumpleOrz posted:

Frazz Blech. Yeah, I think I'm done posting Frazz and I'm gonna drop it. I doubt anyone is going to object.

I thought Frazz was ok basically up until I discovered the janitor's backstory, and then it seems like it just suddenly got way loving worse. I assume I just wasn't paying that much attention until then, but man.

Julet Esqu posted:

Ahh, NOW we can finally swing it around to it* being Bets fault for posting video and pics of her and Gunt cosplaying and having fun at a public event. (She DOES have a tendency to start streaming and posting without telling him, but he hasn't told her to give him a heads up before she hits the stream button and seems to enjoy the attention, so whatevs.)

I really don't understand why the commentators hate Bets so much (I mean, I have some suspicions, but you know). She's one of the few even somewhat decent characters in the entire strip, and even with a few flaws (like, yeah, give your SO a heads up before streaming) she's a way better person than all the main characters. And they've been down on her since the very first time she showed up! Way before we even saw this flaw.


readingatwork posted:

Calvin and Hobbes (Dec 22-23, 1986)

I forgot to mention this one, but I was always amused by it. A while ago I took a ceramics class and at one point, unsure what to do and with some time and clay, I just punched an ashtray into being. Talking with my neighbouring fellows, we discussed this very concept. I mostly use it to burn incense on occasion.

catlord fucked around with this message at 23:19 on Jan 22, 2020

Aug 7, 2006
Oh look, a Nancy where the punchline is that nancys a huge egotistical dickhead. Quelle surprise

Frog and Toad
Jul 31, 2008

Archyduchess posted:

To me he looks almost uncannily like Michael Foucault. That would explain the strip's condemnatory attitude towards pedagogy as such, but not why it sucks so much poo poo forever.

i just wanted to say that i really enjoyed this comment

Sep 25, 2009

maybe for one second you can pause; try to step into another person's perspective, and understand that a watermelon is cursing me

I haven't had anything to post in a while so here's this, with a note that while Oz's title seems a little suspect I did triple-check that was more correct than not and then figured it was amusing enough not to editorialise.
Also, I expect to soon receive a package of a certain vintage New Zealand comic which I will endeavour to scan and post as quickly as I can.


Oct 27, 2010
I must admit that I cannot stand nuNancy. It's so... sterile.

May 1, 2008


-Times have changed.
-They have indeed...
-The train from Helsinki arrives 72 past horse o'clock.

Powered Descent
Jul 13, 2008

We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.

AndreTheGiantBoned posted:

I must admit that I cannot stand nuNancy. It's so... sterile.

It started out really good, but it gradually became nothing but "Nancy is a self-centered jerk" over and over and over.

Oct 9, 2012


Rhymes with Orange


Apparently it's Haiku Wednesday:

Get Fuzzy 1/21/00

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

Powered Descent posted:

It started out really good, but it gradually became nothing but "Nancy is a self-centered jerk" over and over and over.

Felt like the recent "Nancy thought she'd be good at being a blogger (or whatever the thing was) but finds it boring and unfun" strips were saying something deeper

Aug 7, 2006
Here, I’ll write the next two months of nancy:
First panel, Nancy says something egotistical and self centered
Second panel, other character will make an observation remarking how she’s being egotistical and or self centered or will make a sarcastic remark pointing out she’s being a self centered egotist
Third panel, Nancy will say something that reaffirms her being self centered and egotistical

Punished Chuck
Dec 27, 2010

Endless Mike posted:


Mods please change my name to “Supreme Serpent Master”

Punished Chuck
Dec 27, 2010

Calaveron posted:

Here, I’ll write the next two months of nancy:
First panel, Nancy says something egotistical and self centered
Second panel, other character will make an observation remarking how she’s being egotistical and or self centered or will make a sarcastic remark pointing out she’s being a self centered egotist
Third panel, Nancy will say something that reaffirms her being self centered and egotistical

“Two months” is extremely optimistic

Aug 7, 2006

Chuck Buried Treasure posted:

“Two months” is extremely optimistic

Oh but that’s only for the uh, Nancy wants to attempt to uh, create a breakfast cereal arc. The two months after that are much the same while Nancy attempts a new hobby arc

Jan 18, 2003
Vintage Valiant (May 22, 1937)

And here's that panel of Val falling off the horse since I couldn't avoid cutting it in half.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set is seasonal.

Working Daze thinks anyone cares.

Super-Fun-Pak Comix loops around to the start of this.

Cul De Sac should probably just work from home today.

How Wonderful!
Jul 18, 2006

I only have excellent ideas
Barnaby (June 3-June 9, 1942)

Dykes to Watch Out For (still 1986)

Sam's Strip (November 13-

Pierre Salinger was the Press Secretary for both JFK and Lyndon Johnson. He also appeared in a 1968 episode of Batman as the Joker's defense attorney, in which he was named, uh. Lucky Pierre.

Mar 8, 2006

I've got my father's great big six-shooter with me 'n' if anybody in this woods wants to start somethin' just let 'em--but they DASSN'T.
Sally Forth

Skippy (September 5-6, 1932)

Peanuts (January 23-24, 1973)

Funky Retconbean


9 Chickweed Lane

Rip Haywire

Thimble Theater (August 21-22, 1936)

Out Our Way (January 8-10, 1934)

Toonerville Folks (July 17-19, 1916)

Dok's "Yeah, Not Quite Yet" Duck (January 23, 1913)

EasyEW fucked around with this message at 03:00 on Jan 23, 2020

Aug 10, 2010

av by @daikonquest!

EasyEW posted:

Out Our Way (January 8-10, 1934)

u doubled up on the toonerville folks here btw

also :drat: at the social commentary in this second pic

Mar 8, 2006

I've got my father's great big six-shooter with me 'n' if anybody in this woods wants to start somethin' just let 'em--but they DASSN'T.

riderchop posted:

u doubled up on the toonerville folks here btw

Fixed. Imgur poo poo the bed for half a minute or I would've caught it sooner.

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
King Aroo 9/2/53

They'll Do It Every Time 8/12/46

Mopsy 8/21/42

Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.
My Dad is Dracula



Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

EasyEW posted:

Out Our Way (January 8-10, 1934)

Haha, holy poo poo, nice.

Some Guy TT
Aug 30, 2011

Cheer Up Boss Dharma

I tried to using imgBB today since imgur was dying back when I translated these. Seems really good actually. Reasonably resizes giant images and everything I posted came back in a single easily copy-pasted box. Also the bbcode hotlinks to the original source. I'm not sure how useful that is but it seems like a much better site than imgur, what with its constant crashes and front page loading slowing everything down.

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender

Some Guy TT posted:

I'm not sure how useful that is but it seems like a much better site than imgur, what with its constant crashes and front page loading slowing everything down.
I haven't seen the imgur front page in ages. You can go directly to and it works fine. :shrug:

Although imgur does keep getting shittier as it tries to convince itself it's a social media site and not an image host, so alternatives are always welcome.

Endless Mike
Aug 13, 2003

Star Wars is just well

Aug 25, 2017

I got to say, I'm enjoying how the Mystery Kids are all back together and solving this case. The past few stories usually had one or two of them missing or not contributing to the case so I'm really liking this.

Julet Esqu posted:

They are generally siding with Gunther over Luann, which is correct for them to do because she is wrong in this situation. There is, however, also a segment who blames Tiffany for blabbing. I assume these must be brand new readers, otherwise how could they not recognize the hypocrisy here, when nobody else in the strip has any hesitation in calling Tiffany a slut, even though she has never had a single boyfriend or real love interest in the many years I have been reading this strip.

Ahh, NOW we can finally swing it around to it* being Bets fault for posting video and pics of her and Gunt cosplaying and having fun at a public event. (She DOES have a tendency to start streaming and posting without telling him, but he hasn't told her to give him a heads up before she hits the stream button and seems to enjoy the attention, so whatevs.)

And the blame shift is now complete.

Ahhhh, there we go. gently caress Luann, and gently caress the comments section.

catlord posted:

I really don't understand why the commentators hate Bets so much (I mean, I have some suspicions, but you know). She's one of the few even somewhat decent characters in the entire strip, and even with a few flaws (like, yeah, give your SO a heads up before streaming) she's a way better person than all the main characters. And they've been down on her since the very first time she showed up! Way before we even saw this flaw.

It's exactly what you suspect it is. From what I remember of the Mordock comments that got posted here, they started hating Bets because she got mad at Gunther for taking that phone call from Luann (who was actively sabotaging Gunther back then by implying they're together) during their date. It was something along the lines of "How DARE this female get mad at Gunther for spending time with his friends! Doesn't she know that soon they'll also be her friends? She should make a better first impression!"

Then Team Evans kept trying to add more and more flaws to Bets to make everyone hate her. From being "greedy" by being the one to propose getting paid for helping Tiff sell her old clothes, to being okay that she takes a 50% cut from Tiff's sales (never mind that Gunther does the same and feels no remorse about it), and now streaming without asking Gunther first.

And yet Bets is still one of the more likable characters of Luann.

Batiuk got the two female characters out of the way so they don't get a say in Cancerwife the Movie, but the only thing they can talk about is more loving Les Moore. And I'm not sure why Les' wife suddenly feels threatened here. She got into a marriage knowing full well that Les will always put St. Lisa first, and her second.

I love that Jeremy's dad found the whole thing funny in the end. :3:

Aug 28, 2009

Dexter didn't much care for the party.
Daddy Daze

Take It From the Tinkersons

Dark Side of the Horse

Fort Knox

Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
I'll be gone for a few days so have today's comics early:

2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Dick Tracy

Major Crime Squad

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

EasyEW posted:

Out Our Way (January 8-10, 1934)

It's been pointed out before, but woof!

In today's Corto Maltese: NSFW warning for certain people not going around with shirts on, or I'm sure there are worse things you could bring into a sauna than a cigar and a hat, but frankly, I'm having a hard time thinking of them, or The Duchess sums up pretty much why the Whites lost the civil war, despite the non-Communist forces supporting them

Evrart Claire
Jan 11, 2008
I love how Ronan was awkwardly bending his arm around behind his back to use his weapon on Spidey, instead of just holding it up and smacking him in the face with it.

Mercedes Colomar
Nov 1, 2008

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Family Circus

Rose is Rose

One Big Happy




Oct 23, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

Pastry of the Year
Apr 12, 2013

Arlo and Janis

Tina's Groove Classic (June 28, 2008)

Arlo and Janis Classic (June 28, 1998)

Garfield Classic (June 28, 1988)

Dec 16, 2006

Only a howler
Folks, Nancy was never very good. It was always repetitive gags about some bratty kids. It's just that under Gilchrist's hand, it was so much worse.

Anyway, Juliet Jones, in which we see that Pop can tell a woman's age in half a minute, and he does.

Oct 23, 2007

Your life and your quest end here.

Nancy is good. :colbert:

Jun 14, 2005

The poem's about a man from Nantucket.

F Minus

Ladies love my Zubaz car.

Mark Trail

Mary Worth

The Phantom

Pooch Cafe

Rex Morgan MD

Geez Rex gently caress you.


Apartment 3-G

Jan 8, 2009

Hello Fatty!

Fun Shoe
Old School Peanuts (May 31, 1951)

Calvin and Hobbes (Dec 24-25, 1986)

Robbie and Bobby (Feb 6-9, 2015)

Oct 28, 2007

"A data unit?
For me?

College Slice






Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.

...those are still terrible odds!

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