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Dec 5, 2007

I had a video of that when I was about 6.

I remember it being shit.

Grimey Drawer
Attack on Rae


Feb 23, 2006

Ursa Adorandum

Guest artist: Brooke McEldowney.

The Bloop posted:

And it flies!

Maybe it's an air/raft.

Dec 1, 2005


So, which lingerie catalog is he tracing these poses from? :wtc:

Dec 27, 2008

'Cuz it's KILLIN' ME!

Does this dude EVER care about his dog going missing?

Jan 18, 2003

Maigius posted:

Surely they would have taken the necklace off of him with the rest of his valuables.

I think the conceit is that since it's made of iron it doesn't seem worth taking. Maybe Foster should have added a panel of them mocking Val for wearing it and giving it back. "Another chain for the prisoner to wear!" or something like that. Or, sure, maybe the real charm makes it so that he doesn't lose his saw once captured.

May 1, 2008

Surgeon's Tales

One nice thing about historic novels is that the insults are often amusing.




Nov 12, 2010

Objection! I object! That was... objectionable!

Taco Defender
2017 Spiderman

1978 Comics

Dick Tracy

Locher Tracy

Origins of the Sunday Comics

Footrot Flats

Julet Esqu
May 6, 2007

And now, a rock block of Luann!

1. Because he is Luann's sort-of boyfriend, and not Bernice's

2. Because Luann is the person he is texting, and not Bernice

A surprise fish with no tank or supplies given to a recently unemployed person. This fish is about to be so loving dead.

We know from Bernice's consequence-free expreience with Piro that she is willing to do heinous unethical privacy-intruding poo poo to stalk a dude she has a crush on, but what if that dude is the sort-of-boyfriend of her best friend that she hates? Hmmm.

Feb 22, 2011


If my calculations are correct, ten markka per square meter in 1983 would be 3.83 euro per square meter or 0.42 USD per square foot today.

Jun 28, 2008

Didn't you mean to ask about flowers?
I am deeply invested in this cunning man's potato racket.

Mar 24, 2019

Johnny Walker posted:

Rex Morgan MD

Don't dox me.

Archduke Frantz Fanon
Sep 7, 2004

Julet Esqu posted:

And now, a rock block of Luann!

1. Because he is Luann's sort-of boyfriend, and not Bernice's

2. Because Luann is the person he is texting, and not Bernice

A surprise fish with no tank or supplies given to a recently unemployed person. This fish is about to be so loving dead.

We know from Bernice's consequence-free expreience with Piro that she is willing to do heinous unethical privacy-intruding poo poo to stalk a dude she has a crush on, but what if that dude is the sort-of-boyfriend of her best friend that she hates? Hmmm.

lol luanns gonna get her boyfriend sniped

nishi koichi
Feb 16, 2007

everyone feels that way and gives up.
that's how they get away with it.
mämmila is really loving pissing me off!!

(i mean, in a good way, because it’s a good comic.)

luann is really loving pissing me off!!

(i mean, in a bad way, because it is trash.)

nishi koichi
Feb 16, 2007

everyone feels that way and gives up.
that's how they get away with it.
you need like ten gallons of water for a single fish!!

Archduke Frantz Fanon posted:

lol luanns gonna get her boyfriend sniped

by loving bernice of all people lmao

Jan 23, 2004

We're normal now.
We love your family.
Everybody's so quick to leap to "Luann and Bernice are going to fight over the big dumb lunk's affection" when in reality I am 100% sure that this will be the introduction of healthy polyamory to the Luann Universe ("Luanniverse.")

nishi koichi
Feb 16, 2007

everyone feels that way and gives up.
that's how they get away with it.
i know you’re joking, but luann guy did an abstinence comic back in the day that i can’t be assed to find. it explains a lot about the whole comic and its attitudes about sex and, well, anything fun

Angular Cyrus
May 29, 2007

everything is so much harder than it looks
King Aroo 1/27/54

Mopsy 2/10/43

Dec 2, 2014

bad posts ahead!!! posted:

i know you’re joking, but luann guy did an abstinence comic back in the day that i can’t be assed to find. it explains a lot about the whole comic and its attitudes about sex and, well, anything fun

For real? That explains absolutely everything, including the fact that Piro vanished into thin air after kissing Bernice without asking for her hand in marriage first.

Professor Wayne
Aug 27, 2008

So, Harvey, what became of the giant penny?

They actually let him keep it.



Somebody fucked around with this message at 19:22 on Jul 26, 2022

Dec 26, 2012

bad posts ahead!!! posted:

i know you’re joking, but luann guy did an abstinence comic back in the day that i can’t be assed to find. it explains a lot about the whole comic and its attitudes about sex and, well, anything fun
Googling around for anything related to something this entertainingly batshit produced a lead: a paywall'd article in a database about Greg Evans making a series of pamphlets called 'The Luann Health Series', which was enough of a hint to find some titles documented in the listings of the comic collection of the Michigan State University libraries.


The Luann Health Series.
Alcohol : No Thanks / illustrated by Greg Evans. -- Santa
Cruz, Calif. : Journeyworks Publishing, 1997. -- 1 folded
sheet (6 p.) : ill. ; 22 x 28 cm., folded to 22 x 10 cm. --
(The Luann Health Series) -- Educational pamphlet about
alcoholic drinks, in comic art style. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.J63A4 1997
The Luann Health Series.
Babies : Not Me, Not Yet / illustrated by Greg Evans. --
[...]-- Educational pamphlet
about teen parenthood, in comic art style. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.J63B3 1997
The Luann Health Series.
Drugs : Seven Good Ways to Say No / illustrated by Greg
Evans. -- [...] -- Educational
pamphlet about drug abuse, in comic art style. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.J63D7 1997
The Luann Health Series.
Eat Smart : Nutrition Made Easy / illustrated by Greg
Evans. -- [...] -- Educational
pamphlet about nutritional requirements, in comic art
style. -- Call no.: PN6728.25.J63E3 1997
The Luann Health Series.
Exercise : It's Easier than you Think / illustrated by Greg
Evans. -- [...] -- Educational
pamphlet about exercise, in comic art style. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.J63E9 1997
The Luann Health Series.
HIV : Get the Facts / illustrated by Greg Evans. -- [...] -- Educational pamphlet about HIV
infections, in comic art style. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.J63H2 1997
The Luann Health Series.
STD : Don't Risk It. -- [...]
Educational pamphlet in comic art style about sexually
transmitted diseases, with art signed: Greg. -- "HD0132P.
-- Call no.: PN6728.25.J63S2 1997
The Luann Health Series.
Sex : Choosing to Wait / illustrated by Greg Evans. --
[...] -- Educational pamphlet
about sexual abstinence, in comic art style. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.J63S38 1997

The Luann Health Series.
Sexual Harassment : It's No Joke / illustrated by Greg
Evans. -- [...] -- (The Luann Health Series) -- Educational
pamphlet about sexual harassment, in comic art style. --
Call no.: PN6728.25.J63S4 1997
The Luann Health Series.
Sexual Pressure : How To Say No / illustrated by Greg
Evans. -- [...] -- Educational
pamphlet about sexual abstinence, in comic art style. --
Call no.: PN6728.25.J63S43 1997
The Luann Health Series.
Tobacco : Don't be Fooled / illustrated by Greg Evans. --
[...] -- Educational pamphlet
about smoking, in comic art style. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.J63T6 1997
There's our boy!
Sadly, details on its contents aren't as forthcoming. Someone's uploaded one of its cousins on quora though.

Less comprehensively, Journeyworks Publishing has a PR .pdf for Luann's Adventures in Health! still located somewhere on their website.

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

remember, you have a right to decide when you're ready WHICH YOU'RE NOT DON'T DO IT, LUANN WOULDN'T

I quite badly want to read the HIV one.

Dec 5, 2007

I had a video of that when I was about 6.

I remember it being shit.

Grimey Drawer
So who's going to email the library and ask if they have scans for fair use review and critique?

Aug 25, 2017

So is Bernice even planning to find a new job, or is she just going to mooch off of Luann's family forever?

Dec 26, 2012

goatface posted:

So who's going to email the library and ask if they have scans for fair use review and critique?
I call not it. :v: But if someone does take up the torch, the Special Collections listing for the comic collection says:


The Comic Art Collection holds over 300,000 items. Most of these items are American comic books, but also included are over 1,000 books of collected newspaper comic strips, over 50,000 international comic books, and several thousand books and periodicals about comics. The international comics are especially strong in the areas of European, Latin American, and Asian comics.

The collection contains comics published as early as the 1840s up to the present day. Although some archival materials are held, the focus of the collection is on published work in an effort to present a complete picture of what the American comics readership has seen, especially since the middle of the 20th century.

A collection of this size and scope would not be possible without donations from our generous supporters over the years. Though we do purchase some comics, the majority of our collection was acquired through gift-in-kind donations.

Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections is home to the largest and most comprehensive collection of comic books in the world, but our work doesn’t end with collecting. We are also committed to maintaining organization of this massive collection and preserving it for many years to come so that is remains accessible for research. The comics are searchable through the library’s online catalog, and they are stored in an environmentally-controlled location in state-of-the-art mylar sleeves for protection.

Everyone is welcome to visit the Special Collections Reading Room to research and enjoy the comics during open hours.

For more information, please contact Randall Scott, Comic Art Bibliographer.
Furthermore, the Comic Art Collection home page lists an email of so you can feel free to pick your poison.
If someone does think this is worth trying and does it, probably best to tell the thread so poor Randall doesn't get swamped by 20 separate requests demanding he turn over his Luann pamphlets at once.

My Lovely Horse
Aug 21, 2010

goatface posted:

So who's going to email the library and ask if they have scans for fair use review and critique?
It seems very unlikely to me that they would, or that they could send one to just anyone who mails in and asks. I know at my library we wouldn't. (Well not officially. If it was me I'd pop it on the scanner in my lunch hour and tell you you didn't get it from me.)

Although for anyone who wants to try, here's a link to their catalog record, they're gonna want to know that frankly ludicrous call number to do anything.

My Lovely Horse fucked around with this message at 20:46 on Sep 2, 2020

Feb 15, 2005

LazyQ posted:


If my calculations are correct, ten markka per square meter in 1983 would be 3.83 euro per square meter or 0.42 USD per square foot today.


Oct 10, 2012

Everything is Sinister

Bad Machinery

Jul 14, 2002

I fixed it.

B Kliban

nishi koichi
Feb 16, 2007

everyone feels that way and gives up.
that's how they get away with it.
it bothers me that even in luann’s fantasy about smooching aaron hill, it turns sour. he turns into a sex pest and goes too far. like, drat, she isn’t even allowed to have nice thoughts about the dude she’s into

you broke my grill
Jul 11, 2019

I like that Ed admits his boxes of stuff is all junk but feels the need to store it anyway

classic dad

Jul 8, 2003

BigglesSWE posted:

For real? That explains absolutely everything, including the fact that Piro vanished into thin air after kissing Bernice without asking for her hand in marriage first.
I guess he was more interested in moving to tokyo.

Sep 6, 2007


Zereth posted:

I guess he was more interested in moving to tokyo.

actually he just vanished because even Luannverse time goes at a faster pace so he's still stuck back then

Howard Beale
Feb 22, 2001

It's like this, Peanut

Selachian posted:

Smokey Stover 7/4/37

My grandfather, who was an obsessive comic strip collector and lover of terrible puns, turned twelve around the time this strip was published, so I just realized I probably have the gang at the Bill Holman Laff Works to thank for the man who would tell me to "drive wrecklessly" when I came out to visit.

Jan 18, 2003

Yvonmukluk posted:

Bad Machinery

Can I just say I love how Allison writes text balloons for crying? UH HER HER HER HER

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

Angular Cyrus posted:

Mopsy 2/10/43

Loose lips sink relationships.

Evil Mastermind
Apr 28, 2008

The Dinette Set can just roll down the window.

Working Daze oh god we're back to this?

(Oops, he forgot to tell a joke!)

Super-Fun-Pak Comix didn't ask.

Cul De Sac starts a bold new era!

Sep 6, 2007


Pisses me off daily that Richard Thompson had to stop cartooning and then died while a legion of talentless hacks lives

Sweaty IT Nerd
Jul 13, 2007

why were there two of you?

Mar 22, 2009

What's on your mind, Axa?
Conan the Barbarian Nov. 17th- 23rd, 1980

RE Howard, The Tower of the Elephant posted:

Taurus threw the line with a smooth, ripping motion of his mighty arm. The hook curved upward and inward in a peculiar manner, hard to describe, and vanished over the jeweled rim. It apparently caught firmly, for cautious jerking and then hard pulling did not result in any slipping or giving.

"Luck the first cast," murmured Taurus. "I -"

RE Howard, The Tower of the Elephant posted:

"It will bear thrice my own," answered Taurus. "It was woven from the tresses of dead women, which I took from their tombs at midnight, and steeped in the deadly wine of the upas tree, to give it strength. I will go first - then follow me closely."

A couple interesting little changes there, seemingly to make Taurus both a little more competent and a little less amoral. They also cut a bit where after they make the climb they discover that the grapple had hooked onto a gem that should have been pulled free by their combined weight, and the note that luck was with them again.


Feb 12, 2014

Perhaps you have not been to the *Playground*.
The *Playground* is for Taalo and for Orz, but *Campers* can go.
It more fun than several.
You can go there for too much fun.
The Lockhorns

Brewster Rockit Space Guy

On The Fastrack

Safe Havens

Kevin & Kell

Mother Goose & Grimm

Hagar The Horrible

Sherman's Lagoon

Ella Cinders


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