Johnny Walker posted:That reminds me: I gotta get out to the Keyboards In Different Shapes kiosk today. They're having The Sale. It's next to the APP stand, where they sell the physical product APPS, and often advertise the new APP.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 17:51 |
# ? Jan 16, 2025 15:48 |
Garfield Heathcliff Overboard Monty Rae the Doe she's been grillpilled.... Rae the Doe's web archives Salon Name Mix-Up
# ? Oct 21, 2020 18:28 |
In today's extremely uneventful Corto Maltese: Corto drops by some old acquaintances
# ? Oct 21, 2020 18:28 |
Moominposting Moomin ancestry testing is very simple, if you dance and celebrate a big bonfire or out-of-control bout of fireworks: you're probably a Moomin.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 19:35 |
I think is weird how Moominmama covers herself up more when she sleeps than when she's awake.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 19:40 |
Manuel Calavera posted:
I know the joke is that it's supposed to be boomerang shaped, but all I see is the best Gamecube controller.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 19:44 |
SubNat posted:
I very much want a big open room with a staircase and a big tree smack dab in the middle, so yeah, I'm a Moomin.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 19:48 |
riderchop posted:Rae the Doe B Kliban
# ? Oct 21, 2020 19:48 |
Dykes to Watch Out For #111 (1991) Black/Out was a quarterly magazine published by the National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays, an activist organization founded in 1978 as a gay men's group but opened up to lesbians in 1984. The NCBLG was notable for its wide roster of practical and material concerns, including queer rights internationally and the issues surrounding queer parenting rights. By 1990 the NCBLG was pretty much done, most of its leadership having drifted away to other groups or out of activism. I'm not actually sure how long Black/Out continued, so Ginger's t-shirt here is a little mysterious! You can have a look at the first issue of Black/Out here for a taste of how wide-ranging its concerns were. Sam's Strip (3/5/1962) You know who the Harlem Globetrotters are and me telling you isn't going to make either of our lives any better. I just looked it up and they were formed in 1926-- way older than I would have guessed. The joke here may just be that they're wondrous trickster who are good at basketball, but it might nod to their meeting with Nikita Khrushchev in 1959 and being collectively awarded the Athletic Order of Lenin medal. But probably not. In 1976 Henry Kissinger would, ominously, be named an honorary Harlem Globetrotter so you know, maybe they could use a little more timidity after all. How Wonderful! fucked around with this message at 20:42 on Oct 21, 2020 |
# ? Oct 21, 2020 20:40 |
Sally Forth Pearls Before Swine Skippy (April 21, 1933) Peanuts (October 24, 1973) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (seriously, what?) I mean, let's be fair, if the ICE story involved a seemingly insurmountable struggle, that would take some effort in the writing department, and we can't have that, can we? Better to handwave genuine, ongoing real world problems away. Just like we did with all the near-death scrapes in the wildfire story. Don't worry, it won't be seen as insulting and patronizing at all! Crankshaft 9 Foreplay Lane Rip Haywire is dropped out of the sky into a season-appropriate adventure. Thimble Theater (May 22, 1937) Out Our Way (May 27-29, 1935) Dok's "Not A Fan Of Amphibians" Duck (April 29, 1913)
# ? Oct 21, 2020 21:59 |
The only thing that can make me more irrationally angry than 9CL normally does is when it does the same exact "joke" for a week in a row
# ? Oct 21, 2020 22:06 |
The Far Side Pickles Zits Professor Wayne fucked around with this message at 15:24 on Jul 25, 2022 |
# ? Oct 21, 2020 22:11 |
EasyEW posted:
# ? Oct 21, 2020 22:25 |
The Lockhorns Brewster Rockit Space Guy On The Fastrack Safe Havens I guess we're doing this. Kevin & Kell Mother Goose & Grimm Hagar The Horrible Sherman's Lagoon Ella Cinders Zorro
# ? Oct 21, 2020 22:39 |
FrumpleOrz posted:
Sooooooooo.......How old is she supposed to be here? She looks fairly elderly.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 22:48 |
The White House released a statement saying the parents of 425 children separated from them, who now cannot be located because of poor record keeping by ICE, actually just didn't want their children so people shouldn't be mad. But sure, Batuik, ICE is just sooo easy to deal with, why hasn't anyone just called Bill Clinton?
# ? Oct 21, 2020 22:57 |
How Wonderful! posted:Dykes to Watch Out For #111 (1991) WATS lines were what you had before 800 numbers were available to anyone.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 23:00 |
Johnny Aztec posted:Sooooooooo.......How old is she supposed to be here?
# ? Oct 21, 2020 23:00 |
Johnny Aztec posted:Sooooooooo.......How old is she supposed to be here? At one point, she time traveled into the future to get some training before they launched into space. Kind of like the end of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. I don't remember if they ever stated how long she was gone but I think we're supposed to assume she's at least in her fifties at least.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 23:01 |
Manuel Calavera posted:One Big Happy Vargo posted:Wallace the Snitch readingatwork posted:Support Jason's Patreon here.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 23:06 |
I just had a thought in light of all of these Kellworld strips about taking care of a murder orphan. Does the cultural or culinary equivalent of veal exist in Kellworld? It's clear that, like, after a certain age all non-predators have to live with the constant haunting specter of legally sanctioned murder but is there a minimum age of murder or are there some depraved motherfuckers out there who handle veal jobs and the rest of the world knows that's a possibility and that's fine actually.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 23:12 |
I had this happen once when I was in school and working part time at a convenience store. I had asked for a Sunday off about four months in advance and the manager kept telling me to remind her as the date got closer (schedules were made two weeks ahead). She had me working the day I wanted off. I told I was going to take day off regardless. She told me not to come back at all if I did. I ended up trading with another co-worker. The following Friday, I got another job and called her to let her know. She ended up having to take my 5pm-to-midnight shift. She was fired about two weeks later for some shady payroll-related incident.
# ? Oct 21, 2020 23:19 |
FrumpleOrz posted:At one point, she time traveled into the future to get some training before they launched into space. Kind of like the end of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. I don't remember if they ever stated how long she was gone but I think we're supposed to assume she's at least in her fifties at least. I wanna say she time traveled for all the training to be an OBGYN so she could deliver...herself
# ? Oct 21, 2020 23:26 |
coronatae posted:I wanna say she time traveled for all the training to be an OBGYN so she could deliver...herself
# ? Oct 22, 2020 00:34 |
I identify a lot with her knowing for several decades that she would need to be the medical support for her own birth in space but putting off preparing for that event right up until it was actually happening. Just procrastination turned up to 12 - she probably spent a few bottle years just teleporting into the past to study for final exams literally as the papers were being handed out. Bogor
# ? Oct 22, 2020 00:51 |
Bill Clinton is a very easy mark for a caricature, so the fact that Baituk’s Clinton looks nothing like him is very funny to me.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:13 |
BigglesSWE posted:Bill Clinton is a very easy mark for a caricature, so the fact that Baituk’s Clinton looks nothing like him is very funny to me.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:16 |
Bill Clinton (no relation)
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:18 |
I'm still processing that in the midst of everything going on in this story Batiuk thought that connecting his pizza place to the Clintons was a good idea.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:27 |
Batiuk really wants us to believe this random small town's pizza place is so incredible that anyone, let alone a former US president, who ate it once will remember it forever. It'd almost be charming in a vacuum.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:29 |
And He Did! (August 18, 1917) Outbursts of Everett True (November 2, 1917) Hitz and Mrs. (July 12, 1923) Gay and Her Gang (November 5, 1928) Dark Laughter (May 15, 1937, click for big) “But, Uncle Bootsie, I thought you said that you went to a battle of music.” They'll Do It Every Time (April 19, 1941) Patty-Jo ’n’ Ginger (January 24, 1948) “Let ‘em in, Sis. But single file … Party or no party, I’ve got a little message about dimes ’n’ kids ’n’ polio that’ll start ‘em on the right foot!” Dinky Fellas (December 8, 1964) Slammy fucked around with this message at 01:33 on Oct 22, 2020 |
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:29 |
EasyEW posted:9 Foreplay Lane Is there an audience? Are other people suffering through these insipid dipshits loving around on stage?
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:47 |
Puddles is definitely taking a poo poo in that last panel.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 01:59 |
I'm trying to figure out the moral and legal issues of dating someone's future self who is a baby in the present. It's very..concerning and definitely hosed up?
# ? Oct 22, 2020 02:02 |
Hwurmp posted:Bill Clinton (no relation) I like this take
# ? Oct 22, 2020 02:30 |
Good Listener posted:I'm trying to figure out the moral and legal issues of dating someone's future self who is a baby in the present. It's very..concerning and definitely hosed up? If you met a time traveler and the two of you hit it off and later you realized that a friend's newborn was the time traveler's past self, why is that concerning and hosed up? It's not significantly more odd than dating a time traveler in the first place. BigglesSWE posted:Bill Clinton is a very easy mark for a caricature, so the fact that Baituks Clinton looks nothing like him is very funny to me. The weird thing is, he drew a halfway decent Bill Clinton in the photograph! Just... draw that some more!
# ? Oct 22, 2020 02:37 |
Safety Dance posted:If you met a time traveler and the two of you hit it off and later you realized that a friend's newborn was the time traveler's past self, why is that concerning and hosed up? It's not significantly more odd than dating a time traveler in the first place.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 02:40 |
It's just more proof that real hell is whatever Holbrook can make it. Up next: Bambi and Adult whateverthefuckhername is will have a baby! edit: I think for some of it, the thing is kinda weird because presumably had the time traveler not hooked up with said singer, the toddler would have grown up knowing her as an auntie or something.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 02:48 |
Cowslips Warren posted:It's just more proof that real hell is whatever Holbrook can make it.
# ? Oct 22, 2020 03:36 |
# ? Jan 16, 2025 15:48 |
Yea I guess it's just like...it's probably not as bad as the Twilight werewolves falling in love with a baby but it still makes my brain go "ummmmmm". Why can't you just be a normal weirdo Holbrook?
# ? Oct 22, 2020 03:45 |