Medenmath posted:Vintage Valiant (Feb. 15, 1942) I love that Val is clearly looking at that elephant like, "I'm gonna kick its rear end!" Bernice displaying a breathtaking lack of self-understanding.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 17:55 |
# ? Jan 22, 2025 18:55 |
Zereth posted:Why you loving eating there if you hate the portion sizes then?? he probably didn't want to go but Helen made him go after the boring ballet wives, am I right, fellas?
# ? Nov 6, 2020 17:56 |
# ? Nov 6, 2020 17:58 |
Also Ed, you should know filet mignon is never a huge loving cut. That's why it's so fancy you dipshit.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:00 |
Good Listener posted:Also Ed, you should know filet mignon is never a huge loving cut. That's why it's so fancy you dipshit. It almost certainly gave a pre-cooked weight in the menu and he orders expensive poo poo often enough to know better He just likes to complain and sets him self up for disappointment It's some sort of autohumiliation fetish
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:03 |
readingatwork posted:It's so easy when you break it down into steps!
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:06 |
Autoerotic kvetching.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:07 |
goatface posted:Autoerotic kvetching. sounds too ethnic for Ed
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:13 |
why is that strip still called Dustin at this point, Dustin only appears in it like twice a week to have other characters give him poo poo, it's like if Garfield was called Odie or That Spider Garfield Kills Sometimes
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:21 |
Meat Dealer sounds vaguely dirty. EBB posted:Loving Val this week, just a bunch of dudes going what the gently caress at all the African wildlife. F Minus Mark Trail Mary Worth "Yes, well, on the kitchen counter is fine." The Phantom Pooch Cafe Rex Morgan MD Apartment 3-G
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:22 |
Re: Vintage Valiant... He's going to find King Solomon's mines isn't he?
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:27 |
Johnny Walker posted:
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:32 |
Docks Retail Dick
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:35 |
EBB posted:Loving Val this week, just a bunch of dudes going what the gently caress at all the African wildlife. It gives me some major King of Dragon Pass vibes, the way everyone is freaking out like this. you broke my grill posted:he probably didn't want to go but Helen made him go after the boring ballet Ed is such a lovely husband that finds no enjoyment in his own wife's hobbies, despite her inviting him to try things out with her all the time. He doesn't even have the courtesy to shut the gently caress up if he doesn't like it, just complains about poo poo all the time.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 18:38 |
Johnny Walker posted:The Phantom Following up on a story that ran nine years ago is a pretty deep cut. I also remember liking stories that took place in Rhodia, especially those that involved Sarah Cartwright:
# ? Nov 6, 2020 19:03 |
EBB posted:Loving Val this week, just a bunch of dudes going what the gently caress at all the African wildlife.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 19:06 |
BCN Phoebe Wallace Curtis
# ? Nov 6, 2020 19:18 |
Mikl posted:Re: Vintage Valiant... He's going to find King Solomon's mines isn't he? I thought that was meant to be head of the Nile territory?
# ? Nov 6, 2020 19:19 |
goatface posted:I thought that was meant to be head of the Nile territory? Yeah we're on the other side of Africa and IIRC they go home now.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 19:40 |
Vargo posted:Wallace lmao I honestly love the parents in Wallace. They're often game to whatever bullshit their kids are pulling, it's great
# ? Nov 6, 2020 19:57 |
Vargo posted:Wallace Wallace is simply the best thing.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 19:59 |
How bad, boring, and extremely skippable this Luann storyline is has been the first time I've been able to just not read it, meaning it's the best one yet and I hope it never ends. Garfield Heathcliff Overboard Monty Rae the Doe, which you can support by pledging to the author's Patreon Rae the Doe's web archives Six Pack Selfie Filter riderchop fucked around with this message at 22:43 on Nov 6, 2020 |
# ? Nov 6, 2020 20:08 |
The Bloop posted:I mean yeah I think being made to do it is really the crux Exactly. The first mention of Calvinball, IIRC, came at the end of a week where Calvin had a horrible time trying to play baseball with other kids. It's not that he's against things like sports and camping, it's that he enjoys and prefers to do them more when they're on his terms (or less set up to make him fail) and I think a lot of folks can relate to that.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 20:18 |
riderchop posted:
Wrong comic for modern Rae and the first archive one is a repeat from yesterday
# ? Nov 6, 2020 21:03 |
Crabgrass Support Tauhid's Patreon here. Crabgrass good. Old School Peanuts (Mar 27, 1952) Calvin and Hobbes (Jun 16-17, 1988) Robbie and Bobby (Dec 27, 2016) (Nov 6, 2020) Support Jason's Patreon here.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 21:04 |
Mikl posted:Re: Vintage Valiant... He's going to find King Solomon's mines isn't he? He's going to find absolutely nothing, because they're all too scared of a few animals to keep going. Which is fine with me, since I assume the reason Boltar would want to know where the gold comes from is to get more than he agreed to. My Lovely Horse posted:I love that Prince Valiant keeps doing this with wildlife, but especially that here it's the white Europeans visiting Africa who are made to look uneducated and superstitious at some completely regular fauna. I'm particularly fond of them thinking the giraffe is some kind of serpent, since they can only see its head. I do find it odd that Val doesn't know what an elephant is though, even if he's never seen one. Surely he'd have heard of Hannibal.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 21:27 |
# ? Nov 6, 2020 21:32 |
The Far Side Pickles Zits Professor Wayne fucked around with this message at 15:05 on Jul 25, 2022 |
# ? Nov 6, 2020 22:15 |
Modesty Blaise
# ? Nov 6, 2020 22:33 |
Technowolf posted:Wrong comic for modern Rae and the first archive one is a repeat from yesterday thank u, it's been a long week
# ? Nov 6, 2020 22:42 |
Dykes to Watch Out For #115 (1991) Toni is probably referring to the nomination of Clarence Thomas, a conservative George H.W. Bush appointee put forward to replace Civil Rights titan Thurgood Marshall. Thomas was the second of two Bush appointments, the first being David Souder in 1990, although Thomas was strongly considered for that slot as well. To begin with Thomas presented clear issues to many-- he was a conservative's conservative and relatively inexperienced. All of these issues were compounded in the light of compelling allegations of sexual harassment by his former colleague Anita Hill. Anyway I regret to inform Toni-- he's of course still around and still awful.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 23:30 |
Medenmath posted:He's going to find absolutely nothing, because they're all too scared of a few animals to keep going. Which is fine with me, since I assume the reason Boltar would want to know where the gold comes from is to get more than he agreed to. He's going to find the Phantom, called Walker for the ghost who walks
# ? Nov 6, 2020 23:35 |
That offhand comment about Schwarzenegger is amazing in hindsight
# ? Nov 6, 2020 23:37 |
coronatae posted:That offhand comment about Schwarzenegger is amazing in hindsight He'd been a prominent Republican figure following the 1988 presidential election, when he appeared at a Bush campaign rally, so I think for that kind of "post-Reagan, the floodgates are open for any recognizable but unqualified celebrity" anxiety he worked really well.
# ? Nov 6, 2020 23:42 |
Aside from being ineligible of course, but then again that was part of the joke. If anyone could get the natural born citizen requirement tossed it was Schwarzenegger
# ? Nov 6, 2020 23:49 |
The Lockhorns Brewster Rockit Space Guy On The Fastrack Safe Havens Kevin & Kell Mother Goose & Grimm Hagar The Horrible Sherman's Lagoon Ella Cinders Zorro I think they're all labeled properly this time!
# ? Nov 7, 2020 00:11 |
SubNat posted:Moominposting "There is some intruder outside." "How exciting!" That's Moominpapa in a nutshell. Even in a Wee Willie Winkie nightcap.
# ? Nov 7, 2020 00:23 |
Pappa is giddy because he has an opportunity to try Moominvalley's stand-your-ground laws.
# ? Nov 7, 2020 00:31 |
Bad Machinery
# ? Nov 7, 2020 00:35 |
# ? Jan 22, 2025 18:55 |
This isn't even a joke. I have a cockatiel that does this all the time, holy poo poo. Somebody fucked around with this message at 15:05 on Jul 25, 2022 |
# ? Nov 7, 2020 00:36 |