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yippee cahier
Mar 28, 2005

The_Franz posted:

i read somewhere that he lost his job at walmart because he refuses to get vaccinated :smith:

he can’t handle seeing people with masks. the silver lining is that enough people wear masks in walmart in florida to freak him out. he really did seem to be doing great — moved out, bought a car, went swimming in deep blue water, etc. and hope this doesn’t set him back too far.

i kick him a few bucks on patreon now, and get updates on the game he’s making:


Aug 20, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?

Agile Vector posted:

a pizza shop owner I know dabbed the cheese on his pizza before eating it so this is good advice

his advice was the better the cheese, the less the oil which tracked with my experience with pooling money with my roommates for cheap college pizza deals

:hai: cheap cheese and cheap pepperoni are the two common greasemakers

Oct 25, 2017

i haven't washed my penis since i jerked it to a phtotograph of george w. bush in 2003

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

I can remember “war riding” in the back seat of my parents car before I could drive. with my Orinoco Gold Wi-Fi card that was netstumbler approved.

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

when I was unemployed I built a gnarly Wigle setup that I would occasionally cruise around with just to see how many hits I got

it could track Bluetooth as well so it started to reveal data about peoples cell phones and what kinds of cars I was passing on the road and things like that.

one time, at band camp, i stuck a cell modem in my pussy

Dec 24, 2007


one time, at band camp, i stuck a cell modem in my pussy

booty call?

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

there’s a bit of keith lynch in every yosposter

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Of course the narrator is unreliable. The whole narrative is nuts. When I read it I tried to imagine the sort of person who puts the emphasis that what they needed to clear up was that they went to a school for the gifted, not the disturbed navigating each and every one of those scenes. In my mind's eye it got incredibly close to the character of Ignatius Riley throughout. That might have been deliberate, but then you're dealing with someone who doesn't realize Ignatius was a joke throughout.

The character telling the "wrongly convicted story" comes across as someone with HFA and Narcissism navigating the criminal justice system.

eschaton posted:

get yourself an amber VT420 to use as a posting station

(just don’t pay eBay prices)

edit: actually this one is decent and I bet you can talk the seller down further

then you just need to get an LK401 keyboard and to make a couple two-wire MMJ to DB-25 or DE-9 serial adapters (a couple since the VT420 supports two simultaneous sessions, with windowing and copy & paste!)

This is tempting. Do you know is DEC was putting the strontium and stuff in the glass to block x-rays at this point? They ever figure out the whole x-rays and CRT thing?

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?
p sure the exposure from CRTs is minuscule compared to say a plane flight

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

cheque_some posted:

i discovered if you go to his site with https: instead of http: it's a totally different site with recent blog commentary

not really sure why, but the https site belongs to someone else who writes about nerdy poo poo, progressive christianity, and suing junk faxers

Sweevo fucked around with this message at 12:11 on Jan 9, 2022

axolotl farmer
May 17, 2007

ᛗᚹᛊᛇᛖᛁᛃ loves you!

yippee cahier posted:

he can’t handle seeing people with masks. the silver lining is that enough people wear masks in walmart in florida to freak him out. he really did seem to be doing great — moved out, bought a car, went swimming in deep blue water, etc. and hope this doesn’t set him back too far.

i kick him a few bucks on patreon now, and get updates on the game he’s making:

Nick Smith is sick of Florida and is in the process of moving to Oregon. He has routes prepared where he can camp out or sleep at friends’ since he can’t stay in motels for reasons.

He just hopes that mask go away or that he can find a job where he won’t have to wear one or be around masked people.

He’s staying sane a safe as good as he can. :unsmith:

May 10, 2004

You are about to embark on a great journey. Are you ready, my friend?
obsessions with internet eccentrics is how we got kiwi farms. leave these poor people alone.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
uhhh now there's a take.

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

laugh all you like, just don't touch the poop

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

The_Franz posted:

i read somewhere that he lost his job at walmart because he refuses to get vaccinated :smith:

he quit because he couldn't wear masks. iirc they make him have bad panic attacks and he wasn't bitter about it or anti-mask in general but it's hard to remember

e: looks like i got the details wrong, disregard

Achmed Jones fucked around with this message at 15:58 on Jan 9, 2022

May 10, 2004

You are about to embark on a great journey. Are you ready, my friend?

Jonny 290 posted:

uhhh now there's a take.

'leave nick smith alone' doesn't strike me as being particularly hot & spicy

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

if only there were a difference between "knows something about a person who broadcasts their life" and "bothers or interacts with that person in any way". alas

Aug 8, 2003

yippee cahier posted:

he can’t handle seeing people with masks. the silver lining is that enough people wear masks in walmart in florida to freak him out. he really did seem to be doing great — moved out, bought a car, went swimming in deep blue water, etc. and hope this doesn’t set him back too far.

ah that was it. i hope he finds something else, he has not had an easy life

Achmed Jones posted:

if only there were a difference between "knows something about a person who broadcasts their life" and "bothers or interacts with that person in any way". alas

there was a point where even his well-wishers were getting creepily obsessed with him to the point of basically e-stalking him

Mar 31, 2004

Fun Shoe

those SIMM stackers so you could take 4 slow-rear end 30-pin SIMMs and plug them into a 72-pin slot. DRAM was like $100/MB back then so I get it.

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

as a 13 year old or whatever i tried to buy one of those as part of an upgrade and the guy in the shop basically refused because they were so poo poo

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

Sweevo posted:

not really sure why, but the https site belongs to someone else who writes about nerdy poo poo, progressive christianity, and suing junk faxers

i know/knew the https/ guy from irc years ago he's cool. as soon as you mentioned the junk fax thing i knew exactly who it was

my guess is that the two sites are running on the same server/ip and the server is running an old configuration where each https domain has to have its own dedicated ip

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

back on funy tech poo poo, the junk fax thing ruled. he just had a fax machine at his home office and kept getting junk faxes on it, worse than email spam since its actually using your own paper/toner to give you a bullshit ad

in practice it was other domestic companies doing it so at some point he realized it wouldn't be that hard to just start suing the small number of spammers individually and get payouts to everyone that had been spammed by them

Dec 24, 2007

a classic fax dos was to print out 3-4 completely black pages, tape them end to end in a loop, and call a fax machine owned by someone you didn't like to waste their paper and toner.

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

Holy poo poo i completely forgot about these

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

ubuntu trying to run their own music store, and then saying in the shutdown post


However, like any company, we want to focus our efforts on our most important strategic initiatives and ensure we are not spread too thin.

Our strategic priority for Ubuntu is making the best converged operating system for phones, tablets, desktops and more.
real focused there

Jul 7, 2012

Feb 15, 2019
Can't post for 267 days!
Digital whiteboards were going to revolutionize education.

If you believed this you are dumb enough to be a school administrator.

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

Pulcinella posted:

Digital whiteboards were going to revolutionize education.

If you believed this you are dumb enough to be a school administrator.

same, but moocs

things you say because you want to defund education

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

Pulcinella posted:

Digital whiteboards were going to revolutionize education.

If you believed this you are dumb enough to be a school administrator.

pandemic did get me one of the actually good cintiqs, been a huge help even being back to in-person now.

Feb 15, 2019
Can't post for 267 days!

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

pandemic did get me one of the actually good cintiqs, been a huge help even being back to in-person now.

Nah a cintiq is a “pen display” or a “drawing tablet.” I’m talking about this garbage:

Literally just a whiteboard with a lovely attached projector and some kind of terrible touch detection marker. (Like some of the cheaper ones would use ultrasonic sensors to try to triangulate the location of the touch like it was the SNES power glove).

It looks like now-a-days the more “high end” manufacturers like SmartBoard have turned to selling what are effectively 55” android tablets.

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 9, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

accurately predicted poopsocking by a fair margin though

(2002 poo poo I'm old)

Aug 15, 2004

~see my amazon wishlistu~

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

I can remember “war riding” in the back seat of my parents car before I could drive. with my Orinoco Gold Wi-Fi card that was netstumbler approved.

My first laptop had the good Orinoco integrated and I drive around looking for wide-open Windows 98 computers and I would drop tubgirl in their WINDOWS folder and edit their win.ini so it became their wallpaper.

Crime on a Dime
Nov 28, 2006

oval office AND PASTE posted:

My first laptop had the good Orinoco integrated and I drive around looking for wide-open Windows 98 computers and I would drop tubgirl in their WINDOWS folder and edit their win.ini so it became their wallpaper.

amazing! waste of effort if true

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

oval office AND PASTE posted:

My first laptop had the good Orinoco integrated and I drive around looking for wide-open Windows 98 computers and I would drop tubgirl in their WINDOWS folder and edit their win.ini so it became their wallpaper.

gave em the orinoco flow

Crime on a Dime
Nov 28, 2006
tech poo poo u made up ftw

Carthag Tuek
Oct 15, 2005

Tider skal komme,
tider skal henrulle,
slægt skal følge slægters gang

oval office AND PASTE posted:

My first laptop had the good Orinoco integrated and I drive around looking for wide-open Windows 98 computers and I would drop tubgirl in their WINDOWS folder and edit their win.ini so it became their wallpaper.


Crime on a Dime posted:

tech poo poo u made up ftw

who cares

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

active desktop

Crime on a Dime
Nov 28, 2006

Pile Of Garbage posted:

active desktop

made for some good prankin

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

windows media audio

Dec 31, 2002

The internet treats censorship as damage and routes around it

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this
magic the gathering online exchange


Improbable Lobster
Jan 6, 2012

"From each according to his ability" said Ares. It sounded like a quotation.

Pulcinella posted:

Digital whiteboards were going to revolutionize education.

If you believed this you are dumb enough to be a school administrator.


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