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Farmer Crack-Ass
Jan 2, 2001

this is me posting irl
hey, remember when facebook went down for a day last years? high point of 2021. hope we see more of it


Jul 7, 2012


Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


Farmer Crack-rear end posted:

hey, remember when facebook went down for a day last years? high point of 2021. hope we see more of it
was that went their servers went down and no one could get into the data centers to reboot the servers because the access control database was also on a server in their data center and none of their badges worked?

that was p lol

May 31, 2006

FMguru posted:

was that went their servers went down and no one could get into the data centers to reboot the servers because the access control database was also on a server in their data center and none of their badges worked?

that was p lol
Wasn't that not actually true?

Aug 20, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?

fun tech poo poo u just remembered


Dec 29, 2007

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

mystes posted:

Wasn't that not actually true?

I think the not-true part was that they had to buy an angle grinder to get into the datacenter

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

i used styles in word today

i can’t recall ever using them before

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

mystes posted:

Imagine you have a book that has text at multiple indent levels (call them indent level 1, indent level 2, etc.) and you have paragraph styles for each indent level. Imagine you also have a paragraph style that applies a border (ignoring the fact that using paragraph borders sucks in word for various reasons).

A reasonable thing to want to do, which would be extremely trivial in something like css would be to say "I want a paragraph that's at indent level 2 and also has the box paragraph style applied".

How do you do that with word styles?

If you can't apply multiple paragraph styles at the same time, the only remaining option is to create styles for every possible combination, so you have to manually create styles like "indent level 1 + black border".

i didn't actually try to do this yet, but i think you would have to just set up separate styles for the separate styled things. i don't think there's a way to make variable substyles, but i could be wrong. this is where you start to get into very niche things where you might as well use some form of tex or something.

Mr. Nice!
Oct 13, 2005

bone shaking.
soul baking.

Captain Foo posted:

i used styles in word today

i can’t recall ever using them before

they're pretty good, and if you use heading styles you can make a baller table of contents. likewise when you export to pdf, it automatically inserts bookmarks for your headings from the table of contents.

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

jesus WEP posted:

my girlfriend is a proofreader and copy editor and boy do i hear her complain a lot about people manually bolding and resizing headings and such

that faux formatting is absolutely the worst for accessibility, too which (ironically?) office apps come with tools for checking. i've yet to see anyone but people that understand the value of formatting, accessibility, or both use that feature

carry on then posted:

Intense Quote

mods please make this the default [quote] style

name/post combo: i just remembered leo laporte accidentally shared a dick pic when demoing the pictures app on a live stream lol

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe

mystes posted:

Wasn't that not actually true?

It's half-right. FB's DNS resolver got all hosed up and stopped publishing BGP updates.

This also broke their Active Directory authentication which meant doors, computer access, and even access to FB's internal communication tools. So apparently the SREs were using linkedin and poo poo to message each other.

Pushing the BGP update would have been easy to do manually, except nobody could log into the right servers because of the AD issue. Also their VPN was busted because their DNS records all got unpublished from the internet.

Nobody could physically get to the right servers because door access was also tied into AD. This was also during COVID times, so employees were all scattered to the four winds and FB's offices were empty.

I think it took them awhile to get ahold of somebody who had physical keys to the right server room, and then a while longer to unfuck everything.

Poopernickel fucked around with this message at 05:06 on Mar 30, 2022

Aug 20, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?

which techtv guy was it who shattered the poo poo out of (i think) a super tiny early wax cylinder recording with their gorilla grip

Dec 7, 2006

Is that a challenge?

Mr. Nice! posted:

they're pretty good, and if you use heading styles you can make a baller table of contents. likewise when you export to pdf, it automatically inserts bookmarks for your headings from the table of contents.

Somehow our install at work has PDF bookmarks turned off by default and it's maddening. Just firing 70 page+ technical docs out to customers that are one long section, extremely cool

Sep 22, 2007

as someone who doesn't know a lot about network stuff i'm curious if there is a known good way to mitigate that BGP paradox when you have a large area of network space. hard connections to important servers? guessing it's not a problem that comes up often

Jul 25, 2007

Kitfox88 posted:

which techtv guy was it who shattered the poo poo out of (i think) a super tiny early wax cylinder recording with their gorilla grip

lol i remember that

it was an extremely nervous guest

Aug 20, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?
it’s funny but I always feel super bad for that dude. the cadence of ‘oh f… poo poo.’ just packs so much emotions into 2 seconds

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Winty posted:

as someone who doesn't know a lot about network stuff i'm curious if there is a known good way to mitigate that BGP paradox when you have a large area of network space. hard connections to important servers? guessing it's not a problem that comes up often

I'm not a BGP expert. But if you want to manage a lot of complex connections without error, you need to let computers analyze the network and create the BGP advertisements themselves. Hard coding anything leaves room for mistakes, including conflicting advertisements or incorrect advertisements because someone forgot a manual step somewhere (such as making sure a manually inserted rule is relevant).

So what's the next best thing? Getting people to sign off on manual changes or important automatic changes. Write tools that can help detect bad changes. Maybe other procedural controls. But they all pale in comparison to a good disaster plan that actually gets put into practice more often than once in a blue moon.

Microsoft once forgot to renew the registration for Countless services forgot to renew SSL certificates. Evidence of fallen DNS servers manifest in myriad ways. OVH burned half of an entire data center. Domestic terrorists attempted to destroy an AWS AZ. Lightning storms damaged an Azure data center.

Disaster prevention is good, but disaster recovery is a must.

mod saas
May 4, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Poopernickel posted:

walk up to the club like "what up? I got a big soc"
I'm just pumped, bought this chip at the thrift shop

this is criminally underappreciated

Jul 14, 2003

Mind your manners when talking to the king!

Carthag Tuek posted:

word is made from rear end and poo

yeah. ms word? more like ms turd!

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast
remember when you could search some magic words for oreilly bookshelf cdroms that had all the ebooks in them, and find a ton of colleges and businesses accidentally exposing their poo poo online

and then get free access to any oreilly book by just surfing ppls libraries

that ruled

Mar 31, 2019

lol i do actually, holy poo poo

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe
For quite a while, you could also get an oreilly ebook for free/cheap if you'd already bought a physical copy from anywhere. The proof they wanted? The ISBN, which is easy to look up for any book.

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 9, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

Wait people buy those things? I thought the standard method was "find a copy in the office when you clear out some guys desk"

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

lo if you don’t collect them weird rear end oreilly animals like Pokémon

Oct 28, 2005

electricity bad
Fun Shoe

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

lo if you don’t collect them weird rear end oreilly animals like Pokémon

I ball them weird rear end oreilly animals just like pokemon,

Dec 31, 2002

Cyrix processors

Beyond ReTarTed.
Dec 19, 2021

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Volmarias posted:

Cyrix processors

ahh yeahhh they're gettin some of dat 4k dementia right about now

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

Volmarias posted:

Cyrix processors

transmeta, who i only heard of in the context of linus working there for a while

if they were paying him a salary for the publicity then it worked i guess

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

Beyond ReTarTed. posted:

ahh yeahhh they're gettin some of dat 4k dementia right about now

that unlocked via's foray into cpus, for me. a constant stream of low-heat processors for htpcs, or what would become htpcs, with every review praising them for cooling noise and then listing every single task as not-quite-good-enough on them

Mar 31, 2004

Fun Shoe

Sniep posted:

remember when you could search some magic words for oreilly bookshelf cdroms that had all the ebooks in them, and find a ton of colleges and businesses accidentally exposing their poo poo online

and then get free access to any oreilly book by just surfing ppls libraries

that ruled

libraries that had those towers of CDROM drives that you could just map as D: through Q:

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 9, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

when all the BT Wireplay team fortress classic servers went down because they checked that they had a connection by pinging because hey, MS will always be online right?

BT was an ISP and (at the time) owned and ran the entire UK telecoms network

Silver Alicorn
Mar 30, 2008


Progressive JPEG posted:

transmeta, who i only heard of in the context of linus working there for a while

if they were paying him a salary for the publicity then it worked i guess

I knew it in the context of the sharp mebius line of subcompact notebooks

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

when all the BT Wireplay team fortress classic servers went down because they checked that they had a connection by pinging because hey, MS will always be online right?

BT was an ISP and (at the time) owned and ran the entire UK telecoms network

I still encounter poo poo that will ping microsoft dot com to check for connectivity

including microsoft products!

Jul 14, 2003

Mind your manners when talking to the king!
" is a terrible website"

--Bill Gates

Dec 29, 2007

"Not" - Bill Gates, probably

Dec 30, 2000

railroad graffiti

N.Z.'s Champion
Jun 8, 2003

Yam Slacker

Beyond ReTarTed.
Dec 19, 2021

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
dot-matrix printers being used at a 12 year old twice name changed local grill & tap


outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

sb hermit posted:

Microsoft once forgot to renew the registration for Countless services forgot to renew SSL certificates. Evidence of fallen DNS servers manifest in myriad ways. OVH burned half of an entire data center. Domestic terrorists attempted to destroy an AWS AZ. Lightning storms damaged an Azure data center.

Disaster prevention is good, but disaster recovery is a must.

Truck drivers take out data centers by going into diabetic shock:

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