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other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
Trumpet Winsock pops into my head far too often.

Some local BBS began offering a service to connect to "the internet". Teenage me didn't know what that was but I did it and life has been downhill ever since.


other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
Also I used to spend hours configuring BBS software that a friend would dial into once or twice to play LORD.

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003


Dec 29, 2007

other people posted:

Trumpet Winsock pops into my head far too often.

"Back in my day, you had to install your TCP/IP stack yourself!"

Feb 14, 2006

Hulk Hogan and the Wrestling Boot Band
three button mouse

Sep 14, 2003


"Back in my day, you had to install your TCP/IP stack yourself!"


The Windows Sockets project had its origins in a Birds Of A Feather session held at Interop '91 in San Jose on October 10, 1991.[1]

bofaf deeze nuts

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

Overclockerz pivoting to being a serious enterprise company as OCZ and selling a $30,000 SSD.

Fusion IO hiring Woz as chief scientist.

Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me

AlbertFlasher posted:

three button mouse

i miss them. i would totally buy some bizarre frankenmouse with three buttons and a non-clickable wheel glommed on somewhere if it was also 1000hz and wireless. i have to use the middle button a lot in a ton of software and clicking the wheel is extremely non-ergonomic

Jan 7, 2013

Loving chairs more every day!

Sagebrush posted:

i miss them. i would totally buy some bizarre frankenmouse with three buttons and a non-clickable wheel glommed on somewhere if it was also 1000hz and wireless. i have to use the middle button a lot in a ton of software and clicking the wheel is extremely non-ergonomic

my work mouse is a cadmouse i've had for like 6 years and it was kinda pricey, but it's got a middle button and just feels nice overall. i never use the weird radial button on top, but it doesn't get in the way either

a lot of cad software uses middle mouse button for confirm, so it's real nice to have a dedicated one rather than the scroll wheel.

alas, the wireless vers does not meet your 1000hz requirement. i use a cabled one and like it tho.

Sep 27, 2005
cacio e ping pong
I miss those big floppies with the latch those were fun.

what did turbo buttons do again?

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

defmacro posted:

I miss those big floppies with the latch those were fun.

what did turbo buttons do again?

Very old machines, like XTs, were able to vary their speed because early programs couldn't handle anything faster than, like, 4.77 mhz or something. It's pretty much a compatibility switch.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Like, if all your programs ran fine on turbo then you could leave it on. But if your program was old enough then you needed to turn it off when running them.

Samuel L. ACKSYN
Feb 29, 2008

was there a laptop with a detachable screen, where the screen was an android tablet and the base was a windows pc, and when you put the tablet on the base it turned into a windows laptop, and it used basically remote desktop on the android tablet to connect to the windows pc rather than, like, just having the video output to the tablet

was this a thing or did i imagine this cursed laptop

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

akadajet posted:

bofaf deeze nuts

its so sad steve jobs couldn't make it to boaf this year

Bjork Bjowlob
Feb 23, 2006
yes that's very hot and i'll deal with it in the morning

Samuel L. ACKSYN posted:

was there a laptop with a detachable screen, where the screen was an android tablet and the base was a windows pc, and when you put the tablet on the base it turned into a windows laptop, and it used basically remote desktop on the android tablet to connect to the windows pc rather than, like, just having the video output to the tablet

was this a thing or did i imagine this cursed laptop

There were definitely desktop versions of this, a friend had one. It stunk about as much as you'd expect - the tablet was huge, heavy and slow.

Not sure on the laptop tho

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 9 years!)

sb hermit posted:

Very old machines, like XTs, were able to vary their speed because early programs couldn't handle anything faster than, like, 4.77 mhz or something. It's pretty much a compatibility switch.

ya lots of games built for 4.77 are unplayable on 8 or 10 mhz cpus, let alone anything newer, so the "turbo" button would clock your CPU down to 4.77.

Aug 20, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?
the one leisure suit larry would become unwinnable at higher clock speeds cause you'd basically need to do infinite exercises when normally you'd need to only do like 25 to get buff lol :hmmyes:

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 9 years!)

now we got cpus that can swing their frequency by multiple ghz in fractions of a second so everything handles it

Mar 8, 2004

:wookie: :thermidor: :wookie:


Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

not really tech but: soylent

Sep 27, 2005
cacio e ping pong

sb hermit posted:

Very old machines, like XTs, were able to vary their speed because early programs couldn't handle anything faster than, like, 4.77 mhz or something. It's pretty much a compatibility switch.

ah yess tyvm

also how about this huh

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

I'm using a superdisk and it's awesome how the labels advertise it as 120MB and it's actual 1048576 bytes worth of MB, not this modern dumbass 1 million bytes per MB.

Also, I miss having memory devices with nice read-only tabs. Sure, SD cards still have them, and you could occasionally find a usb disk with it, but old school floppies would have a satisfying click. You KNEW that tab wasn't going to move and you could turn the system off at any time and not screw up the fs.

May 31, 2006

sb hermit posted:

I'm using a superdisk and it's awesome how the labels advertise it as 120MB and it's actual 1048576 bytes worth of MB, not this modern dumbass 1 million bytes per MB.

Also, I miss having memory devices with nice read-only tabs. Sure, SD cards still have them, and you could occasionally find a usb disk with it, but old school floppies would have a satisfying click. You KNEW that tab wasn't going to move and you could turn the system off at any time and not screw up the fs.
The cool floppies just had little stickers OP

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

defmacro posted:

ah yess tyvm

also how about this huh

Although, with a modern lens, the whole series feels like exploitative tiki and pirate kitsch, it's still a pretty good classic. But I hope this is a totally new story with entirely new characters but familiar themes and settings.

Having the IP owned by disney may not change much. I played the first and second monkey islands, and the Tales game (about 80%), and the writers were still able to keep it PG while being entertaining.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

mystes posted:

The cool floppies just had little stickers OP

You're right, the big rear end 5.25" or older ones had stickers. I was referring to the 3.5" ones, which more closely resembled the superdrive disks.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

I remember playing ultima 4 on the apple II and constantly having to flip or switch disks. Never thought I would reminisce about those halcyon days of trying to find out why I couldn't get the shepherd to join my party (she doesn't join if you're a shepherd yourself)

Sep 2, 2004

I remember helping my mom in like 2000 put some things in storage at her school, and being dumbfounded by the 8 inch floppy drive on one of the computers hidden there.

It was double confusing since the school opened in like 1996.

EIDE Van Hagar
Dec 8, 2000

Beep Boop

DamnGlitch posted:

I remember helping my mom in like 2000 put some things in storage at her school, and being dumbfounded by the 8 inch floppy drive on one of the computers hidden there.

It was double confusing since the school opened in like 1996.

i had an alphanumeric pager in 2009 for equipment alarms at an old job, a school district might have i internal stuff that’s very old even in a new building, I guess. once you have a system in place adding on can be a lot cheaper than redoing the whole thing.

Sep 2, 2004

it wasn’t hooked up though it was just, there. and the Milwaukee school system until 1997 was like all Apple ii and macintosh. I should have just taken it.

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy
Sega accidentally putting tens of thousands of PAL copies of launch Dreamcast games inside NTSC cases and shipping them to American stores

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

mystes posted:

The cool floppies just had little stickers OP

The really cool floppies used a notch to indicate that they were read-only.

They also ran their motors directly off AC line power, none of this “12VDC at a bunch of amps” crap.

eschaton fucked around with this message at 04:15 on Apr 17, 2022

Jul 13, 2021

And from the flames, as chance would have it, the soulforged will come into light.

Chumbawumba4ever97 posted:

Sega accidentally putting tens of thousands of PAL copies of launch Dreamcast games inside NTSC cases and shipping them to American stores

is this real

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy

Lady Radia posted:

is this real

Yes, oddly enough I cannot find a single article about it online. Unless it's because it happened in 1999 and those sites that talked about it probably don't exist any more. But I remember it being mentioned a lot in gaming magazines. Really weird I can't find anything.

My gf in high school actually bought me a Dreamcast with Sonic Adventure on launch day for my birthday which happens to be on September 9th. We hook it up in my basement and Sonic Adventure refuses to load. I guess I went on an AOL chat room or something because I figured the laser was bad and nope, it turned out Sega shipped thousands of PAL copies of games to stores and I got one of them. We went to Babbage's at the mall to exchange it and the guy at the counter said so many people came into exchange it that I got the last one.

I have no clue how widespread it was. I sort of remember hearing more than half the games were hosed up. I wish I could find anything about it online. Like news stories about it from then, or more recent ones where they talk about how it happened and how common it was. I have no idea how they hosed that up so bad.

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy
Also it's ironic that if they didn't have region locking it would have saved them millions of dollars. Good, I love when anti-consumer BS bites companies in the rear end.

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme


Mar 31, 2010
Was Dreamcast late enough in the game that there was no difference in the console hardware for NTSC vs PAL? I would think blasting 50Hz to your TV in 1999 would be questionable.

Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost

i played pal games on my ntsc dreamcast fine by using a gameshark brand bootdisc that bypassed the region checks
i dont remember if i had to use the vga adapter when playing pal games, but i had that too

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

Skinnymansbeerbelly posted:

Was Dreamcast late enough in the game that there was no difference in the console hardware for NTSC vs PAL? I would think blasting 50Hz to your TV in 1999 would be questionable.

any tv made after about 1990 will display both 50hz and 60hz just fine, but PAL vs NTSC isn't just about the refresh rate - it's two completely different ways of encoding the colour info, so even if your TV can handle the different refresh rate you will still get a b&w image.

Ritz On Toppa Ritz
Oct 14, 2006

You're not allowed to crumble unless I say so.
I remember seeing rips of launch Dreamcast games being sold by bootleggers when the Dreamcast came out.


Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Ritz On Toppa Ritz posted:

I remember seeing rips of launch Dreamcast games being sold by bootleggers when the Dreamcast came out.

i bet you remember your social security number too because it's "17" OHHHH poo poo

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