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Ritz On Toppa Ritz
Oct 14, 2006

You're not allowed to crumble unless I say so.

Jonny 290 posted:

i bet you remember your social security number too because it's "17" OHHHH poo poo

lol I actually still keep my paper social security card in my wallet like an old fart


sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

I'm still amazed that the dreamcast was bold enough to include an f'in modem as standard with their consoles, and you could replace it with an ethernet adapter. And you could get vga output. So crisp!

linux on dreamcast was interesting but slow as heck because everything had to be pulled from the cd. Ran glxgears pretty well though.

Aug 23, 2003
some crazy thing
beyond compare

why would anyone pay for a diff tool?

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 9 years!)

qsvui posted:

beyond compare

why would anyone pay for a diff tool?

it runs like poo poo on macos but it's super comprehensive, i swear by it

Quaint Quail Quilt
Jun 19, 2006

Ask me about that time I told people mixing bleach and vinegar is okay

Ritz On Toppa Ritz posted:

lol I actually still keep my paper social security card in my wallet like an old fart
That's a really bad practice and if you ever lose it you could be in for a bad time getting your identity straightened out.

One time I found someone's passport jammed mostly under a street lamp where the mortar goes under the base plate, by the anchors. I got it back to the guy!

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

Quaint Quail Quilt posted:

That's a really bad practice and if you ever lose it you could be in for a bad time getting your identity straightened out.

One time I found someone's passport jammed mostly under a street lamp where the mortar goes under the base plate, by the anchors. I got it back to the guy!

way to gently caress up his dead drop

Dec 31, 2002


qsvui posted:

beyond compare

why would anyone pay for a diff tool?

It is a very good diff tool, HTH

Mar 31, 2004

Fun Shoe
personal ISP-hosted websites in the '90s that would all load different versions of XFILES.MID that sounded real bad on my FM synth card

Dec 31, 2002

The concept of geocities "neighborhoods"

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Volmarias posted:

The concept of geocities "neighborhoods"

Nov 5, 2005

You guys aren't going to believe this, but that guy is our games teacher.

Sweevo posted:

any tv made after about 1990 will display both 50hz and 60hz just fine, but PAL vs NTSC isn't just about the refresh rate - it's two completely different ways of encoding the colour info, so even if your TV can handle the different refresh rate you will still get a b&w image.

I'm pretty sure this only applies in PAL regions, at least as far as tube TVs were concerned. Unless you went out of your way to get a multi-region set in the US it was not likely that any given set would be able to sync to a 50 Hz signal, let alone decode the color. I actually just tested this on a circa-2005 CRT TV I have (one that's new enough to have component input and an ATSC tuner, but cheap enough that it only does SD video) and it definitely was not happy when I switched the HDMI to composite converter I have hooked up to it to PAL mode (vertical rolling, off-center horizontal, no color).

other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
That's just what PAL looks like

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

Chumbawumba4ever97 posted:

My gf in high school actually bought me a Dreamcast with Sonic Adventure on launch day for my birthday

drat, you two meet at the country club?

Jul 25, 2007


Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy

eschaton posted:

drat, you two meet at the country club?

She was a waitress at a diner (yes while we were in high school) making literally double what I made as a pharmacy stock boy lol

She once got Rudy Giuliani as a customer (while he was still mayor) and he tipped her something like 300%.

Mar 20, 2009

I purchased and 100%'d Huniecam so quickly that I still get friends shaming me over it. And I deserve to be shamed. But I did not praise the game. I called it fucked up. That's how fucked up it is: it's up there with Princess Maker as far as poster body counts.
Soiled Meat
Yo that girl had the hookup. Dreamcast was sold day and date to the announcement because someone though that was good marketing. Only true console heads knew to keep an eye out for the new Sega.

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy
The diner she worked at was literally across the street from a huge mall and across the street from not one but two Nobody Beats the Wiz stores. The mall had a Babbage's, Software Etc, and Electronics Boutique so she was always getting me awesome stuff the day it came out. Once it was Majora's Mask on launch day. She lived alone with her single mom in a one bedroom apartment in the projects which made me appreciate that stuff so much more too. I actually still have the Dreamcast.

The only other thing I remember about the PAL issue was when I got my replacement Sonic Adventure disc, the color on the disc itself was way darker or lighter (I forget which had which) that makes me think they legit just accidentally placed PAL games in NTSC cases, rather than it being some sort of gently caress up at the factory during the recording process (or whatever they call disc printing). This entire thing isn't even mentioned on Wikipedia. How weird.

Aug 20, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?

other people posted:

That's just what PAL looks like

the horrors of communism in europe

power stone was fun as gently caress tho

other people
Jun 27, 2004
Associate Christ
thinking of PAL reminded me of SCART connectors. I dunno if they were any good but it always looked pretty silly and I laughed at my cousins for it

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

scart is great because you can plug things together and it Just Works, and it supports RGB.

the connector is bad though

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
SHART connector haha

Feb 15, 2019
Can't post for 207 days!
Scart is also what people (at least used to before Analogue’s various retro consoles and HDMI mods) used to pull out a much cleaner RGB signal from the SNES and other old consoles. Then you could either connect that to a high end/reference CRT (maybe using some BNC cables) or plug it into the MiniFrameMesiter to get HDMI output with <1 frame latency. (Emulation is probably a better, easier, stress free solution. Don’t chase the retro gaming dragon. It’s too expensive and too much of a hassle at this point).

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy
And for literally no reason Japanese scart wiring is completely different than European scart wiring even though the connector itself is identical

So apparently they agreed on a connector but not on what wires go to what pins?

Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me
i mean that's not uncommon. remember when ethernet cards couldn't do automatic crossover?

or the approx. 100 million different technologies using mini-DIN variants and who the gently caress knew what was on what pin

Dec 31, 2000

by Fluffdaddy
Yeah but those connections were on the system itself. That's way different than a connection on the back of a TV

Sep 2, 2004

KirbyKhan posted:

Yo that girl had the hookup. Dreamcast was sold day and date to the announcement because someone though that was good marketing. Only true console heads knew to keep an eye out for the new Sega.

I don't think that's true, dreamcast had a very slick marketing campaign and a memorable launch date (9/9/99).

The sega saturn however, was like "surprise assholes, you can buy it today!"

Mar 20, 2009

I purchased and 100%'d Huniecam so quickly that I still get friends shaming me over it. And I deserve to be shamed. But I did not praise the game. I called it fucked up. That's how fucked up it is: it's up there with Princess Maker as far as poster body counts.
Soiled Meat

DamnGlitch posted:

I don't think that's true, dreamcast had a very slick marketing campaign and a memorable launch date (9/9/99).

The sega saturn however, was like "surprise assholes, you can buy it today!"

drat, yeah you right.

lord funk
Feb 16, 2004

Ritz On Toppa Ritz posted:

I remember seeing rips of launch Dreamcast games being sold by bootleggers when the Dreamcast came out.

i don't think i every played a dreamcast game that wasn't burned on a cheap cd

i wonder why the console failed

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

ps2 had dvd, which was the killer app, and coasted on the popularity of the playstation.

Dreamcast had a couple amazing hits like jet grind radio, pso, and skies of arcadia, but having a real dvd player really killed the market for a dreamcast.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

also, if you played on a burned disc, you probably had poo poo seek times so it's worth getting the real game

Aug 20, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?
Dreamcast also had shenmu

I still don’t really get the affection for it tho

EIDE Van Hagar
Dec 8, 2000

Beep Boop

sb hermit posted:

ps2 had dvd, which was the killer app, and coasted on the popularity of the playstation.

Dreamcast had a couple amazing hits like jet grind radio, pso, and skies of arcadia, but having a real dvd player really killed the market for a dreamcast.

don’t forget sea man, you could talk to the sea man.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Kitfox88 posted:

Dreamcast also had shenmu

I still don’t really get the affection for it tho

you can feed and pet a kitten and also open capsule toys

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

EIDE Van Hagar posted:

don’t forget sea man, you could talk to the sea man.


EIDE Van Hagar
Dec 8, 2000

Beep Boop
sea man is the most dreamcast game, sorry. it used the little poofy mic on the controller.

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Never forget that the little beep you hear on a dreamcast controller is not for letting you know that the VMU is turning on.

It's to tell you that the VMU has no batteries.

Also, the VMU was a gimmick that never had quite enough traction to be seriously useful besides things like selecting plays in football in secret.

I remember putting a battery into it to try out the tamagotchi aspect of sonic adventure and realized very quickly that it was a waste of time. I still don't know anyone that actually enjoyed raising chao.

lord funk
Feb 16, 2004

dreamcast had sould calibur and mr driller. that alone makes it one of my favorite consoles of all time

Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

holds mealworms good too

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

Kitfox88 posted:

Dreamcast also had shenmu

I still don’t really get the affection for it tho

watched my friend play a lot of shenmue. i'm still not sure what the game even is except for buying capsule toys and a lovely forklift minigame


Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

Moo Cowabunga posted:

holds mealworms good too

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