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Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through
i loved lightscribe

anyone i burned cds/dvds for thought it was cool as poo poo


Dec 27, 2003

carry on then posted:

yeah. when notepad++ dropped windows xp support there was a thread of screaming xp users, at least a few calling them classist for dropping support which, just keep using the version that works?

lmao how recent was this?

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.
PuTTY appears to have accidentally dropped Windows 95 support as a side effect of adding 64-bit Windows support in version 0.68

I was using it for SFTP a little on the HP Vectra 486/33N that I was setting up to run an HP-IB emulator before I got Samba on NetBSD working with Win95

I still haven’t gotten the HP-IB emulator working, but that doesn’t matter now that I have a fancy SCSI card for my A400 and can just boot

Jul 20, 2000

shit wizard dad

mediaphage posted:

i loved lightscribe

anyone i burned cds/dvds for thought it was cool as poo poo

You should look at 'DiscT@2'

lmao I love Precambrian tech where all manner of weird poo poo was tried just to see what would work.

Dec 31, 2002


Jabor posted:

yeah you couldn't like, leave it zoomed out and click on it to warp your other monitor to that point, but you could leave it zoomed out to maintain your high-level awareness of what was going on

also you could do things like watch a fight to react quickly when you needed to while you were macroing on your other screen

That's really what I want, being able to click the Megamap and go to where I'm clicking. I don't do 100 APM or whatever so it's not going to be helpful to have two screens.

Dec 29, 2007

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

lightscribe or whatever that thing was that let you burn labels on the top of a disc, I remember thinking that was the coolest thing

I'm honestly bummed they don't make Lightscribe drives anymore. There were like 3 competing standards, and they're all discontinued.

If I'd known, I'd have saved my old laptop's Lightscribe drive, and would presently be trying to get it to work in some external enclosure.

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.


I'm honestly bummed they don't make Lightscribe drives anymore. There were like 3 competing standards, and they're all discontinued.

If I'd known, I'd have saved my old laptop's Lightscribe drive, and would presently be trying to get it to work in some external enclosure.

you could just get this and put it in an enclosure

$12 plus shipping and it’s SATA

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

I sunk……..a LOT of hours into

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

I sunk……..a LOT of hours into

yo that was the poo poo back in the day!

Two Beans
Nov 27, 2003

dabbin' on em

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

teh amazon fire phone

Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)


President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
pick it up next time and ask for alexa.

Dec 27, 2003

everyone always hating on sony and their dumb proprietary flash memory formats, but what about olympus's XD format?


The xD in the xD-Picture Card stands for eXtreme Digital.

Crazy Achmed
Mar 13, 2001

checking to see if the thing you are wanting to buy uses sd, mmc, xd, cf or sony memory stick

the panacea
May 10, 2008


Crazy Achmed posted:

checking to see if the thing you are wanting to buy uses sd, mmc, xd, cf or sony memory stick

MemoryStick(tm) makes the wallets cry

Samuel L. ACKSYN
Feb 29, 2008

xd is basically a NAND chip in a little package. there were people who removed their xbox 360 nand chip and soldered in an xd slot so they could swap their firmwares easily

Jul 29, 2011

oh, my, god. Becky, look at her bitrate.
could be worse it could be cfast or sd express

Dec 24, 2007

smart media cards that looked like baby floppy disks and mmc mobile.

May 23, 2004


Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

Crazy Achmed posted:

checking to see if the thing you are wanting to buy uses sd, mmc, xd, cf, sony memory stick, memory stick select, memory stick pro, memory stick duo, memory stick pro duo, memory stick pro-hg duo, memory stick micro, memory stick xc, memory stick pro-hg duo, memory stick ex plus alpha 2 vs capcom


Nov 3, 2006

relatedly, though not as bad, having to check if your reader would do sdhc or sdxc, or if it was just regular sd

Carthag Tuek
Oct 15, 2005

altid pamo når du går
veje du burd' kende
overleved' barneår
lig' til livets ende

Raluek posted:

relatedly, though not as bad, having to check if your reader would do sdhc or sdxc, or if it was just regular sd

just as long as its not shsc

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
I always forget that there are other computer forums here

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

President Beep posted:

I always forget that there are other forums here

Carthag Tuek
Oct 15, 2005

altid pamo når du går
veje du burd' kende
overleved' barneår
lig' til livets ende

President Beep posted:

I always forget that there are other computer forums here

im agnostic on the question. there may be other computer forums, and they might be good or bad, but they do not affect my life and they dont influence my life or my happiness

Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me
Unfortunately we have that again now with XQD and CFExpress cards, which are mechanically and electrically compatible but use different communication protocols.

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 9 years!)

and then after all the memory stick formats failed completely, in 2012 when microsd was already the clear winner, sony chose for the ps vita...

a completely proprietary memory card not used by anything before or since

out loving standing

Ritz On Toppa Ritz
Oct 14, 2006

You're not allowed to crumble unless I say so.
I once witnessed at a GameStop - a crying boy clutching a memory stick to his vita begging to get it while his mother was berating the worker ‘why does he need this if he can play the game right now?! what does memory do?’ look the game works just fine without it.’

kid crying, ‘I can’t :deep breath: save my game :deep breath: MomMMAaa please!!!’

I felt for that kid.

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

carry on then posted:

and then after all the memory stick formats failed completely, in 2012 when microsd was already the clear winner, sony chose for the ps vita...

a completely proprietary memory card not used by anything before or since

out loving standing

sony will flat out not release something unless it's drm-riddled proprietary dogshit.

sony backing bluray is why sane money was on hddvd

Animal Friend
Sep 7, 2011

Sony going all in on Blu-ray with the PS3 of all things.

Feb 13, 2012


Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

carry on then posted:

and then after all the memory stick formats failed completely, in 2012 when microsd was already the clear winner, sony chose for the ps vita...

a completely proprietary memory card not used by anything before or since

out loving standing

and they are all dying. luckily some fine folks made a microsd-vita adapter. i discovered all this because I loaned my vita to my mother in law, turned it on showed her the games and stuff, and by the time she got it home the card was fully dead.

Dec 24, 2007

carry on then posted:

and then after all the memory stick formats failed completely, in 2012 when microsd was already the clear winner, sony chose for the ps vita...

a completely proprietary memory card not used by anything before or since

out loving standing

psp piracy made someone at sce absolutely insane, a lot of the dumb poo poo about the vita seems to be hard counters to stuff that happened on the psp.

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Midjack posted:

psp piracy made someone at sce absolutely insane, a lot of the dumb poo poo about the vita seems to be hard counters to stuff that happened on the psp.

You mean like people buying it?

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 9 years!)

Midjack posted:

psp piracy made someone at sce absolutely insane, a lot of the dumb poo poo about the vita seems to be hard counters to stuff that happened on the psp.

yeah and it sucks because the vita was actually a nice device and if they hadn't done those or the gimmicks with the back touch pad it would probably have been very successful

but the switch eventually came along and cashed in on that potential so alls well that ends well

Jul 7, 2012

Sweevo posted:

sony backing bluray is why sane money was on hddvd
to this day hddvd winning was the wrongest tech call ive made but at the same time the one that in retrospect seemed most right at the time given the context

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

carry on then posted:

but the switch eventually came along and cashed in on that potential so alls well that ends well

nintendo pulls it off, as god intended.


Jun 13, 2020

which way to the MACHINES?


to this day hddvd winning was the wrongest tech call ive made but at the same time the one that in retrospect seemed most right at the time given the context

I believed in hddvd too until the 360 drive came out. It was external USB and iirc it sucked. Microsoft pretty much sealed the deal there.

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