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Jun 13, 2020

which way to the MACHINES?
Was that a Nick thing? I remember hearing about something like that in the UK but I don't have specific memories of it in the US.

Thinking about early 90s Nick just gave me a mad nostalgia rush though. Relevant tech thing: the Are You Afraid of the Dark "FMV" adventure game.


Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Fart Sandwiches posted:

what was that show on Nickelodeon where kids would be put into Sonic and have to grab rings and they always sucked rear end? like the kid was on a green screen and they used some tech to make it work with Sonic

I wanted to be on that show so bad

gently caress, same

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

not tech poo poo but SNick. Saturday night Nickelodeon was my jam as a kid

the internet truly does contain all information. according to that article I was watching snick in the 92-early 96 era because I don’t remember a show called space cases

Jun 13, 2020

which way to the MACHINES?
SNICK was the coolest poo poo in the 90s. Me and my friends would make an event of watching it when we were like 7-8ish. It was a bit of marketing wizardry to make that feel edgy and cool alongside selling Mattel toys or whatever.

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

lord funk
Feb 16, 2004

shoeberto posted:

SNICK was the coolest poo poo in the 90s. Me and my friends would make an event of watching it when we were like 7-8ish. It was a bit of marketing wizardry to make that feel edgy and cool alongside selling Mattel toys or whatever.

can confirm. just as i was approaching an age that was too old for nickelodeon, they were like 'these shows are for mature young adults only!' and it completely worked

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

not tech poo poo but SNick. Saturday night Nickelodeon was my jam as a kid

the internet truly does contain all information. according to that article I was watching snick in the 92-early 96 era because I don’t remember a show called space cases

i remember that show

Fart Sandwiches
Apr 3, 2006

i never asked for this

thank you!

I remember them being name brand games but lmao that looks so fun still even though they had to keep looking at the monitors to see what was around

kitten smoothie
Dec 29, 2001

Theres a documentary called The Orange Years about the heyday of Nickelodeon and they had a whole segment of it on Nick Arcade, with a pic of the blue screen set for the final challenge

Considering the kids were playing the game essentially blindly, I take back absolutely everything 12 year old me yelled at the TV when the kids were flailing around and whiffing it during the final round

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
when i was a kid, late 80s/early 90s i used to love watching nick at nite when I’d stay overnight with my grandma. we didn’t have cable at home so it was a real treat and she approved of the old shows.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
in my teen years town the churches lobbied the cable company to get rid of that horrible perverted MTV and so we only had VH1 on the local cable system. not even joking

kitten smoothie
Dec 29, 2001

President Beep posted:

when i was a kid, late 80s/early 90s i used to love watching nick at nite when I’d stay overnight with my grandma. we didn’t have cable at home so it was a real treat and she approved of the old shows.

when I was probably nine years old, I would wake up on Friday mornings gleeful with the knowledge that Friday night meant Get Smart was airing on Nick at Nite

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
honestly it was probably a mistake on the boomers' part to let a lot of us get a ton of our culture from 13" tv's tuned to UHF stations. delightfully weird

i still remember the original live run of DS9

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

when I was a kid my dad pirated the gently caress out of cable.

he got some descrambler box from a guy at work and we had all the cable channels and it ruled.

this was the mid 80’s in the UP so having cable was pretty rare and pirating was “hack the planet” level poo poo

I can still remember how to tune to Disney on our ancient 80’s cable box. left side rotating switch in the middle, button 32

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
absolutely 100%

man, jerrold. that and scientific atlanta are two brand names that instantly scream <we bout to get some free pay TV> but now they're super dead

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i think the last real echo of the tv pirate wars was directv hacking, with the measures vs countermeasures war between the pirates and the vendors

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

Jonny 290 posted:

i think the last real echo of the tv pirate wars was directv hacking, with the measures vs countermeasures war between the pirates and the vendors

is there a documentary on this or something? I'm a bit too young to remember all of this

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

I really wanted to get into the direct tv stuff back when you could, but I was too broke for the equipment at the time.

nowadays scientific Atlanta may as well be the goodwill house brand for how much of their stuff I see there lol

May 10, 2004

You are about to embark on a great journey. Are you ready, my friend?
c-band TVRO dishes

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through
we were able to get more than a couple of channels once digital satellites took off in the 2000s. we lived too far out to get cable unless the cable company said we paid for at least a full mile of cable and installation all on our own

i remember being mildly jealous as a kid about nickelodeon

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
i can still remember having access to three ota channels. cable blew my mind.

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
i also grew up on a dirt road with a party line

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

I vaguely remember phone numbers being listed like “kl5-1234”. I feel like it was out of fashion for sure but some very old signage still had it listed.

I had heard of party lines but we never had one.

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through
my road was at least tar, which suuuuuucked in the summer

Beve Stuscemi
Jun 6, 2001

Jonny 290 posted:

i think the last real echo of the tv pirate wars was directv hacking, with the measures vs countermeasures war between the pirates and the vendors

how hard is it these days to broadcast OTA TV yourself? I have to imagine that high end SDR’s have the capability?

I do miss the days when it was possible for someone to just hijack the airwaves and broadcast weird poo poo

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

I vaguely remember phone numbers being listed like “kl5-1234”. I feel like it was out of fashion for sure but some very old signage still had it listed.

I had heard of party lines but we never had one.

drat, that old phone number system predates my living memory for sure. nearby where i grew up there used to be an old abandoned billboard with the kl5 exchange number thing on it. looked like some real 1950s poo poo.

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

how hard is it these days to broadcast OTA TV yourself? I have to imagine that high end SDR’s have the capability?

I do miss the days when it was possible for someone to just hijack the airwaves and broadcast weird poo poo

Nov 5, 2005

You guys aren't going to believe this, but that guy is our games teacher.
This YouTube channel is doing a comprehensive history of Nickelodeon (with at least one episode for every show they had ever aired), starting with its predecessor in the children's entertainment channel on the experimental interactive Qube cable system:

Honestly, even if you don't care about Nick this first episode is worth watching just to learn about how ambitious cable companies could be in the 70s before they had fully figured out what people wanted from cable and what was and was not profitable.

May 10, 2004

You are about to embark on a great journey. Are you ready, my friend?

President Beep posted:

drat, that old phone number system predates my living memory for sure. nearby where i grew up there used to be an old abandoned billboard with the kl5 exchange number thing on it. looked like some real 1950s poo poo.

all number calling became the standard in the 60s. the names were mnemonics for the switch.

i want to go to the telephone museum, where they have all sorts of neato switching equipment, but oh well covid.

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

the lucent coffee mug stain logo

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

when a coworker claimed that halo 3 was going to be the last halo game

he later went to be a PM at microsoft and IIRC is still there

Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

I had heard of party lines but we never had one.

we had a party line up at my grandpa's cabin. there was only one other person still on the line (theresa). our ring was two short, hers was one long. if you placed a long-distance call, you'd get an operator asking who was calling so they could bill it properly.

May 15, 2004

ADINSX posted:

is there a documentary on this or something? I'm a bit too young to remember all of this

The Black Sunday kill was pretty epic

Mar 7, 2007

the knowledge knower. a wisdom imparter. irritatingly self-assertive. odorous.

Jonny 290 posted:

in my teen years town the churches lobbied the cable company to get rid of that horrible perverted MTV and so we only had VH1 on the local cable system. not even joking

this is why when I lived in Missississippi I was willing to deal with a 45min commute to work while living in a college town

at least Oxford didn’t do that poo poo

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

kitten smoothie posted:

Theres a documentary called The Orange Years about the heyday of Nickelodeon and they had a whole segment of it on Nick Arcade, with a pic of the blue screen set for the final challenge

Considering the kids were playing the game essentially blindly, I take back absolutely everything 12 year old me yelled at the TV when the kids were flailing around and whiffing it during the final round

imagine a reboot with vr goggles for the players so they saw a somewhat representative view of the 2d game. that poo poo would be a hit show all over again. i don't care that we can build real sets like that, i want to see those video game graphics :yum:

President Beep posted:

i can still remember having access to three ota channels. cable blew my mind.

we had 5 when i was a kid and, as i got older, i started making increasingly dubious wire sculpture-esque antennas on our old tv and picking up some fainter channels from neighboring regions. sometimes i'd get a bounce from across lake erie and pull in a shopping channel from ontario. it was likely (looking it up now) from london, on as a rebroadcast from toronto, so i got to see some other major city's car commercials and filler programming

3D Megadoodoo
Nov 25, 2010

When I was little there were two channels, and the only time commercials were on was during the evening slot MTV (Mainostelevisio, lit. "Adverisement television") had on channel 2 (or network 2 as it was called). They also had all the good movies and series.

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

we had cable growing up, but it was the cheapest package. it was always really exciting to go to my grandparents house in another state because their basic cable package had the disney channel

actually it was exciting for other reasons but maybe getting to watch an episode of rescue rangers was pretty cool too i guess

Dec 24, 2007

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

when I was a kid my dad pirated the gently caress out of cable.

he got some descrambler box from a guy at work and we had all the cable channels and it ruled.

this was the mid 80’s in the UP so having cable was pretty rare and pirating was “hack the planet” level poo poo

I can still remember how to tune to Disney on our ancient 80’s cable box. left side rotating switch in the middle, button 32

i remember discovering what the left side switch on this thing did when i was six years old and it blowing my mind that we had more than twelve channels.

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

Achmed Jones posted:

we had cable growing up, but it was the cheapest package. it was always really exciting to go to my grandparents house in another state because their basic cable package had the disney channel

actually it was exciting for other reasons but maybe getting to watch an episode of rescue rangers was pretty cool too i guess

oh man, disney channel. only the select few kids had that.


Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
yeah it was always weird to go to a friend's house and they had 80 channels including disney and hbo and all the pay ones

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