![]() IT'S IN YOUR BLOOD... A month and a half have passed since the mansion lab incident. But the secrets come back to haunt you. In the next terrifying chapter in the Resident Evil series for the NINTENDO GAMECUBE™ system, join Jill Valentine in her attempt to escape a nightmarish city in ruins. Trapped. Help her flee from hordes of flesh eating zombies, hideous mutants and a relentless new nemesis. You'll soon discover that you must rely on cunning and brute force to stay alive. It's even more horrifying than you ever imagined...
![]() You know what Resident Evil is. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, or Biohazard 3: Last Escape, was the last game in the main series to be released for the PlayStation, releasing almost right on top of the Dreamcast iteration, Code: Veronica. Compared to RE2 and CV, it's much lighter on exploration and story and somewhat heavier on combat and action. Turns out, when a scary monster is constantly chasing you, you don't have a whole lot of time for a complicated narrative! Since RE3 is getting a remake very soon, and it's been a while since I last played the game, I thought it'd be fun to record a semi-(semi-)blind playthrough. Joining me on stream is Fletcher (END ME SCOOB), who has never played RE3 at all and only knows vague things about it. This is going to be a very casual playthrough where we take our time exploring the game -- I am not an expert RE player, never have been, never will be. As you probably guessed from the above, I'll be playing the Gamecube version, emulated on Dolphin. To help snazz things up a bit, I've installed the shockingly good Resident Evil Seamless HD Project mod, which replaces the vast majority of the 2D art with high-resolution variants, upscaled through machine learning. There's no perfect solution, but like I say in the first video, the results are fantastic and better than I honestly thought was possible short of completely re-rendering the backgrounds from scratch. ![]() Full Playlist 01. Listen, he's comin' for us! We're both gonna die! 02. That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. 03. All the foxy ladies love my accent. 04. Hey, I'm no ordinary civvie! 05. It would have been a threat, so I eliminated it. 06. That hero stuff is harder than it looks. 07. Get out of here! Hurry! 08. It's finally over! 09. I'm one of the supervisors. That's all you need to know. 10. You seem to be doing a pretty good job of looking out for yourself. 11. I have no intention of contributing to your retirement fund! 12. You want STARS?! I'll give you stars! Bonus B1. We Play the Resident Evil 3 (2020) Demo Level 1 Thief fucked around with this message at 00:41 on Dec 22, 2020 |
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 06:11 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nblPAN7DaVQ (post reserved)
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![]() 01. Listen, he's comin' for us! We're both gonna die! It's Jill's party*, and she'll die if she wants to. *party party party/party
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Was there a reason you kept walking past the map without picking it up?
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Because we didn't see it. What other reason would there be?
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I promise we will get every item on route B. Wait what do you mean it's only Jill this time.
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Level 1 Thief posted:Because we didn't see it. What other reason would there be? The intention was to point it out (it's on the wall by the green staircase by the boutique) without coming across as "you idiots!". This hack makes it much harder to spot than normal, because of the much better resolution on the other wall art - this keeps the "this is an item that can be picked up" difference from standing out so much.
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Gnoman posted:The intention was to point it out (it's on the wall by the green staircase by the boutique) without coming across as "you idiots!". This hack makes it much harder to spot than normal, because of the much better resolution on the other wall art - this keeps the "this is an item that can be picked up" difference from standing out so much. Ah, sorry, I misunderstood. Yeah, the papers on the wall usually trip me up even when they were obvious, and they're really not here. Fortunately it's usually just maps and files, and the maps aren't really that necessary, and the files are all just images in the mod directory anyway so it'll be cake to go through any missed ones. Still, if we miss anything else, feel free to mention it; we're probably not ever gonna be more than one or two recordings ahead, so if we can still swing back it's not a big deal.
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![]() 02. That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. Today is NOT Bring Your Nemesis to Work Day, but he showed up anyway.
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The thing that always gets me about Irons in RE is that he's (weird serial killer taxidermy aside) the kind of monster you actually see. A pudgy white cop with connections that got him off a rape charge back in university because 'he's got his whole life ahead of him' and 'he's so promising'. And that was in the original, not just the remake!
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I beat this game something like 4 times before I accidentally found that file in the darkroom.
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![]() 03. All the foxy ladies love my accent. Jill meets a new survivor who's bad at flirting but VERY good at taking a punch or twenty.
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If you hide in the kitchen she takes Nemmy out by throwing that lamp at a gas-leak, without using a single bullet. You get the part/drop and everything. There is no sane indication this is the right thing to do.
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Not 100% sure, but I think you missed some ammo in the Parking Garage office. Not a big deal, because you'll be going back through there anyway.Night10194 posted:If you hide in the kitchen she takes Nemmy out by throwing that lamp at a gas-leak, without using a single bullet. You get the part/drop and everything. Carlos chews her out for doing it, too.
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Night10194 posted:If you hide in the kitchen she takes Nemmy out by throwing that lamp at a gas-leak, without using a single bullet. You get the part/drop and everything. Now that I'm thinking about it, most of the choices really are "Fight him/Don't fight him" or "Right choice/Mistake good luck figuring which is which." It's ... not an impressive system, though I guess it does add some extra value to replays. ------ ![]() 04. Hey, I'm no ordinary civvie! With no nemesis in sight, Jill is finally able to hoard items like a proper adventure game hero.
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The restaurant and newspaper office are linked - the first one you go to has Nemesis, the second one has the emerald. If you go to the Newspaper office first, you can channel Leon and jump out the second-story window to escape - this is the only way to get to that locked from the other side door. The Emerald will be in the restaurant basement, which is otherwise empty.
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Hey! Sorry we had to slow way down but because of everything being a little shaky right now we had trouble getting a recording going. Don't have the next part of Jill Fixes A Trolley yet but we do have this:![]() B1. We Play the Resident Evil 3 (2020) Demo Many things have changed since the original, but Jill is still absolutely determined to party party party. -------- I just started a new Twitter account mainly for announcements on videos and delays and whatnot. Do with that what you will!
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![]() 05. It would have been a threat, so I eliminated it. All our medication is guaranteed* 99.7% T-Virus free!
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You could have got 2 more Freeze Rounds if you'd applied the C powders to a stack of Grenade Rounds. Whether or not it is worth trading 12 Grenade Rounds for 2 Freeze is an open question.
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I didn't think much of this game as a kid, but this version of the game is full of environmental storytelling that RE3R is lacking. I feel like I missed out on noticing the small things and got angry with all the backtracking.
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Gnoman posted:You could have got 2 more Freeze Rounds if you'd applied the C powders to a stack of Grenade Rounds. Whether or not it is worth trading 12 Grenade Rounds for 2 Freeze is an open question. It's worth considering, but I think I did make the right call under the circumstances. Keeping the same set of powders and rounding up to 30 grenade rounds (and ignoring non-grenade ammo): code:
Scalding Coffee posted:I didn't think much of this game as a kid, but this version of the game is full of environmental storytelling that RE3R is lacking. I feel like I missed out on noticing the small things and got angry with all the backtracking. Can't speak for the remake yet, but this game has really benefited over time from no longer being sandwiched so tightly between 2 and CV. It's going for such a different mood that it was hard for me to appreciate it when it came out.
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I've watched your first two eps, it's kinda reassuring to see you having about as much success against the Nemesis as I did! Even when I tried to replay it a few years back, checked a few YouTube vids for strategy, I could barely take him down in/outside the police station, and if I did it was at the cost of all my ammo and health items. It's just the crappy tank control system really!
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![]() 06. That hero stuff is harder than it looks. Even the inanimate objects are coming to life and attacking now. Jill just can not catch a break.
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I am not sure if it works for this game, but if you can aim a little higher with the pistol, you can kill zombies faster with tapping up for each shot.
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You can still open both doors if you increase the electricity output. You have to use the manual mode switch again, and the increment values change.
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![]() 07. Get out of here! Hurry! YOU DIED Level 1 Thief fucked around with this message at 06:31 on May 4, 2020 |
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I never saw Jill crouch and shoot like that before.
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![]() 08. It's finally over! Jill and Carlos summon a helicopter to make their last escape.
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Don't know why it couldn't make the transition in the remake.
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The clock tower hint would have been much better if it hadn't accompanied a picture. Just having something like "Put your hands together to pray to the God Of Time" would have been just that little bet less blatant and been better for it. As an aside, the bit in The Drawing Of The Three you reference at the end of the video was one of the many examples of Stephen King going on and on about something he knows nothing about. The way the rifle works in this is close to reality, except for Carlos not shouldering it, and the insane ammo capacity (which I suspect was Capcom not wanting to deal with a bunch of Carlos-only pickups).
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Okay! We've finished recording the game now, so it should all be smooth sailing from here. Thanks for being patient!![]() 09. I'm one of the supervisors. That's all you need to know. Carlos heads out to the hospital next door to find out how much T-Virus medication they have on hand. At least that Nemesis guy is gone for good!
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When you killed the Hunter with a bomb, the texture teleported around in two places. This game really shows off how much a Commissar, Nikolai is. What is the point of killing everyone in the department when the monsters are busy doing that?
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This is one of my favorite parts of the game, mostly for the way Carlos just casually pushes aside the "Incredible strength" bell. Most modern handgun designs - like the Glock Jill uses in the remake, for example, are largely plastic.
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Scalding Coffee posted:This game really shows off how much a Commissar, Nikolai is. What is the point of killing everyone in the department when the monsters are busy doing that? If your goal is for them all to definitely be dead, it pays to be proactive I guess. Gnoman posted:Most modern handgun designs - like the Glock Jill uses in the remake, for example, are largely plastic. I know jack and poo poo about guns, so I was genuinely shocked when I found out how many of the gun designs in RE were based on actual, specific models of weapons. Of course there's still the occasional oddball nonsense like the Sparkshot or whatever the hell is going on in the RE1 boxart. -------- ![]() 10. You seem to be doing a pretty good job of looking out for yourself. A passing friendly arthropod stops to help when it hears Nicholai digging his own grave. One thing that I didn't get around to mentioning (because he was too busy throwing me around like a ragdoll) is that I really like the way the Topless Nemesis fight plays with your expectations a little by shifting the safer side to run past him to his left. By this point, if you're good then you've been trained to pretty much always run past on his right, but now that's a quick ticket to a tentacle concussion. edit: Oh yeah, despite appearances, I'm pretty sure we didn't actually get the special kill on the Grave Digger. The timing and awful camera angles just made it seem like it. Level 1 Thief fucked around with this message at 07:25 on May 28, 2020 |
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Never saw that cute animation with the bell before, because I never tried to push it with Jill. The scene with Carlos and the missile always threw me off a bit. Even if you hadn't found the document explaining that it was a government strike to contain the outbreak, why would Jill assume that Umbrella was launching the missile? Without the upscale mod, I never noticed the obvious Playboy on the desk in the break room there, or the cutout from said magazine on the wall.
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Those blood drinkers are leeches. I think Nemesis at this point still drops items if you didn't take his other ones. There are points where he gets a new item, but it is plot gated. I don't know the gimmick with that.
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Scalding Coffee posted:I think Nemesis at this point still drops items if you didn't take his other ones. There are points where he gets a new item, but it is plot gated. I don't know the gimmick with that. I looked this up after we did this session (we get into it a little in the finale). This is actually the last encounter where he drops something. The Official Nemesis Item Fights are: 1. Outside police station 2. Inside police station 3. Restaurant/Newspaper office 4. Sales office/Power station 5. Returning to trolley 6. Clock tower (before required fight) 7. Clock tower (after vaccine) In the two cases where you can knock him out with a choice, it still counts as the same encounter when he gets back up.
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![]() 11. I have no intention of contributing to your retirement fund! So, uh, by "Treatment Room" that means that's where they treat their wounded employees, right? ......right? Final update should be up Friday sometime!
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This episode shows just how broken the ammo crafting system can be. You could conceivably have that many magnum rounds (and the Magnum) at the STARS office if the RNG falls just right.
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# ? Feb 11, 2025 06:11 |
I think those naked zombies are G zombies. Revived corpses that can't evolve since they had no living tissue. They appeared in a couple games at the very end, where they suddenly show up in numbers. They are not related to Pale Heads.
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