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Aug 16, 2012

Eeyo posted:

personally i go for old crow, but evan williams is also a dece choice

bulleit bourbon here


H.P. Hovercraft
Jan 12, 2004

by Pragmatica
Slippery Tilde

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud posted:

This is my hobby now

what razors are you using? feather and astra are great, p much everything else you can order off of the internet sucks rear end and rear end sucks

and for soap, proraso is fine in the tube, but taylor of old bond street eton college owns, as does jack black triple cushion - but i have sensitive skin and curly hair so i get ingrowns easily

also i really like bay rum for aftershave, it makes you smell like a barbershop. i like owning my face with this

Feb 21, 2008

I always use a witch hazel base solution, reminds me of summer vacations for some reason.

Feb 21, 2008

Proust’s Rememberance of Things Past but instead of dipping a madeleine cake in some tea he dips his freshly shorn balls into some astringent.

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

Fortaleza posted:

I always use a witch hazel base solution, reminds me of summer vacations for some reason.

witch hazel is really nice and not too bad a burn. im out and thinking of trying to find some next grocery run, so for now its some proraso aftershave thats been in the back of the closet for a few years and seems to have become stronger

H.P. Hovercraft
Jan 12, 2004

by Pragmatica
Slippery Tilde
i really only use that cat o' nine tails stuff when i need to wake the hell up. it owns tho

more typically i just rub one of those salt aluminum blocks all over my face, since it's a better antimicrobial and also a great styptic

Aug 16, 2012

I just use menthol

it feels real weird on your head

Feb 21, 2008

I’ve got a copper still on order so soon enough I’ll be making my own herbal concoctions to voluntarily burn my skin with. Gonna finally put all that lemon balm that’s been taking over to good use.

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

H.P. Hovercraft posted:

i really only use that cat o' nine tails stuff when i need to wake the hell up. it owns tho

more typically i just rub one of those salt aluminum blocks all over my face, since it's a better antimicrobial and also a great styptic

those blocks are handy when I skip a few days and inevitably nick my mustache area. it's sort of boggling how bad the styptic pencil is with the chalky residue compared to an alum block

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

i have had a merkur 38c since 2010 or so and it's fine, but one complaint i have is the knob at the end for changing blades doesn't offer a lot of grip. if i needed to buy a new razor today i'd probably just get a 23c, 33c, or 34c

for lather i just use a spray can. i only shave like once or twice a week so a single can will last me like 6-12 months

for blades i'm still working through the blade sampler pack that i'd gotten back in 2010. i liked the gillette 7 o-clock ones but i dont really notice a huge difference between them tbh

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

FAT32 SHAMER posted:

I just use menthol

it feels real weird on your head

we get it, you vape

Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud
Apr 7, 2003

H.P. Hovercraft posted:

what razors are you using? feather and astra are great, p much everything else you can order off of the internet sucks rear end and rear end sucks

and for soap, proraso is fine in the tube, but taylor of old bond street eton college owns,

I use Feather blades, I bought some Derby blades and kept cutting myself because they were dull as hell and I had to apply pressure.

I like prorasso green and I’ve got Taylor of old bond street Sandalwood that smells amazing.

Jun 25, 2000

While we're doing razor chat, the Mach 3 is out of patent now since it's that old. You can buy cheap compatible blades from lots of places

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud posted:

I use Feather blades, I bought some Derby blades and kept cutting myself because they were dull as hell and I had to apply pressure.

I like prorasso green and I’ve got Taylor of old bond street Sandalwood that smells amazing.

i also use feathers and proraso green

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)
does the green mean something?

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

President Beep posted:

does the green mean something?

I think menthol? I like the white, it's literal babby-soap shaving cream.

Asleep Style
Oct 20, 2010

The green is for greenPOS obviously

Cold on a Cob
Feb 6, 2006

i've seen so much, i'm going blind
and i'm brain dead virtually

College Slice

Asleep Style posted:

The green is for greenPOS obviously


Cold on a Cob
Feb 6, 2006

i've seen so much, i'm going blind
and i'm brain dead virtually

College Slice
i haven't been doing the best job taking care of myself the last few years, and this year in particular poo poo got pretty bad

but i'm doing better the last few weeks

stay healthy yospos

Cold on a Cob
Feb 6, 2006

i've seen so much, i'm going blind
and i'm brain dead virtually

College Slice
oops i thought this was cjs

i guess wfh and cjs are one and the same lately

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

Cold on a Cob posted:

oops i thought this was cjs

i guess wfh and cjs are one and the same lately

it’s forums entropy

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Cold on a Cob posted:

oops i thought this was cjs

i guess wfh and cjs are one and the same lately


Kenny Logins
Jan 11, 2011


Cold on a Cob posted:

oops i thought this was cjs

i guess wfh and cjs are one and the same lately
this is the quar thread and we are all a part of it whether we like it or not

that said good lookin’ out for my posting pal coac, coac

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

all that shavechat inspired me to trim my beard for the first time since I last got a haircut (in February)

actually it was more waking up with it having turned against a pillow and poking me but still.

I might break down and have ms jones mohawk me soon

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Achmed Jones posted:

all that shavechat inspired me to trim my beard for the first time since I last got a haircut (in February)

actually it was more waking up with it having turned against a pillow and poking me but still.

I might break down and have ms jones mohawk me soon

BVMTH keeps asking for a 'hawk but, as cute as I think it is on literal smol childs it's got ...not great... optics these days?


Feb 15, 2001

San Francisco just rolled back phase 2a or whatever it is because of the recent spike, yay. I had a haircut scheduled but guess I’ll put new batteries in the clippers instead

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

qirex posted:

San Francisco just rolled back phase 2a or whatever it is because of the recent spike, yay. I had a haircut scheduled but guess I’ll put new batteries in the clippers instead

A pity you can't just do as the rest of us do: read your posts and tear our hair out?


Dec 24, 2007

Schadenboner posted:

BVMTH keeps asking for a 'hawk but, as cute as I think it is on literal smol childs it's got ...not great... optics these days?


punk's not dead

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

Schadenboner posted:

it's got ...not great... optics these days?

this is not the case

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

Midjack posted:

punk's not dead

well I guess not but now it's worse than that:

punk is dad

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

I'm kinda okay with self-trims now. it's nowhere near par with my regular stylist, but it's about in line with a cheap hair cutting place and i can maintain the sides a lot more frequently which is what I really need when its warm

Jun 30, 2018

H.P. Hovercraft posted:

what razors are you using? feather and astra are great, p much everything else you can order off of the internet sucks rear end and rear end sucks

and for soap, proraso is fine in the tube, but taylor of old bond street eton college owns, as does jack black triple cushion - but i have sensitive skin and curly hair so i get ingrowns easily

also i really like bay rum for aftershave, it makes you smell like a barbershop. i like owning my face with this

:hmmyes: I love the tobs sandalwood shaving cream.

I used to really like personna razor blades when I was in college, but their recent quality has been extremely hit or miss. Astra and feather blades have pretty good for the most part.

Dec 24, 2007

Agile Vector posted:

I'm kinda okay with self-trims now. it's nowhere near par with my regular stylist, but it's about in line with a cheap hair cutting place and i can maintain the sides a lot more frequently which is what I really need when its warm

yeah. mine is shorter than i like for winter but i appreciate the ventilation for the summer, and i may just keep summer length through this winter.

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

i look like a god damned yeti right now

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine

Roosevelt posted:

i look like a god damned yeti

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Roosevelt posted:

i look like a god damned yeti right now

lol same

i posted a pic of me six years ago fixing up hausbus in work slack and everybody freaked out omg short hair

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine
Is there a thread-approved combination beard and hair trimmer?

Hard Mode: one that's In-Stock.

Aug 15, 2011

by Shine
Well, BVMTH is literally getting an mohawk, in reference to the only correct way to play Shadowrun I suggested it be pink but he's holding out for green.

Kids, ammirite?


Aug 24, 2008

It's cool, my hair is just getting increasingly rock and roll.

Also when I finally shaved my corona beard, my wife convinced me to stop at a goatee instead of going clean shaven. She says she really likes how it looks on me but I always wonder if I just look like a huge tool


in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

VikingofRock posted:

It's cool, my hair is just getting increasingly rock and roll.

Also when I finally shaved my corona beard, my wife convinced me to stop at a goatee instead of going clean shaven. She says she really likes how it looks on me but I always wonder if I just look like a huge tool

there really is an achewood for everything

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