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Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy


google didn't build it for scale to begin with? lol

yeah we generally run around with orders of magnitude idle capacity in every region just in case something like this comes up unexpectedly, which has made it easy


Dec 13, 2011

all-hands webex on a third party ITSP conference bridge, people can't mute themselves, feedback, typing, and someone put the drat bridge on hold

beep beep

beep beep

beep beep

Broken Machine
Oct 22, 2010

the worst is a huge conference call and there's that one person loudly chewing in the background "who is that? please mute your mic" munch munch munch

Dec 13, 2011

or some idiot with speakers causing an echo and brain-jamming the presenter

pretty much got a blackout on conference call bingo there

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Sagebrush posted:

also i'm really tortured about whether i should require students to have video on during our "class" sessions.

"video is recommended but not required," then briefly summarize your reasons for asking video to be on. There, i have solved your problems.

Apr 26, 2006


hangouts meet has worked better for me than ringcentral yeah

ringcentral's meeting stuff is just rebranded zoom and zoom is not great.

Teams has been working fine for us, but we also are used to working from home a ton and all of our call center staff work on what is basically a remote model even if they're in the call center. our biggest problem sending people remote right now is getting enough USB headsets.

Apr 26, 2006
meeting client flowchart:
Are the attendees all in your corp?
Y -> use teams
N -> use GoToMeeting

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

Shaggar posted:

meeting client flowchart:
Are the attendees all in your corp?
Y -> use teams
N -> use GoToMeeting

i tried to add someone from outside our org to teams and couldn't do it. asked for help from anyone with admin rights to allow such and of course i haven't heard back poo poo :mad:

carry on then
Jul 10, 2010

by VideoGames

(and can't post for 9 years!)

slack for text and webex for calls seems... fine?

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 9, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

well, we all got told to go full wfh as of tomorrow so now I need to decide whether to go full bore corona virus beard or not

been enjoying annoying the people complaining about only having tiny laptops, I bet they wish they had a tragic gaming habit like me, idiots!

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

well, we all got told to go full wfh as of tomorrow so now I need to decide whether to go full bore corona virus beard or not

been enjoying annoying the people complaining about only having tiny laptops, I bet they wish they had a tragic gaming habit like me, idiots!

actually corona style is no beard. gotta make sure the mask fits snugly

burning swine
May 26, 2004

Jonny 290 posted:

actually corona style is no beard. gotta make sure the mask fits snugly


I've been waiting for / dreading the day that I have to shave to wear a mask, I haven't been clean shaven in years

burning swine
May 26, 2004

I mean everybody will just be able to see how gross my face is, uhg

Apr 26, 2006
I don't want to shave my beard

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 9, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

Jonny 290 posted:

actually corona style is no beard. gotta make sure the mask fits snugly

gently caress that

burning swine posted:

I mean everybody will just be able to see how gross my face is, uhg

see above

Apr 26, 2006
sounds like masks need to be disrupted

President Beep
Apr 29, 2009

i have to have a car because otherwise i cant drive around the country solving mysteries while being doggedly pursued by federal marshals for a crime i did not commit (9/11)

Shaggar posted:

I don't want to shave my beard

same, nor will i :colbert:

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Shaggar posted:

sounds like masks need to be disrupted

just get a tracheotomy and breathe through a tube like a cool smoker grandpa

Broken Machine
Oct 22, 2010

rotor posted:

just get a tracheotomy and breathe through a tube like a cool smoker grandpa

Dec 24, 2007

burning swine posted:


I've been waiting for / dreading the day that I have to shave to wear a mask, I haven't been clean shaven in years

if you really don't want to shave you can use petroleum jelly or k-y to make a half rear end seal. it never works that well and you have to wash the mask and your face afterwards, but if you just can't stand to be clean shaven and don't anticipate heavy or long exposure it's an option i guess.

but really just loving shave if it gets that dire.

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

little jones's preschool finally did the right thing and sent out a "keep your kids home unless you're a critical worker and need it" email and let people stop paying for tuition while they keep kids at home

that'll offset the pay cut from RSU comp being in the toilet :toot:

Jul 16, 2010

#1 Loser at SpaceChem

Sagebrush posted:

also i'm really tortured about whether i should require students to have video on during our "class" sessions.

i don't want to invade their privacy, and i know that many of them are in uncertain living situations right now, may not have fast internet, might have to share space with family members, etc.


it's so much better when everyone can see each other. a disembodied voice and a list of names is not a replacement for a classroom. people are already socially isolated and it's just getting worse and people need to talk to one another and feel like they're still connected. i am getting like 10% of the student engagement that i normally get in person; nobody asks questions any more, people can't chat with one another on the side. plus i hate lecturing to a blank screen in my apartment.

it blows

videoconferencing latency absolutely murders anybody asking impromptu questions. In real life, you open your mouth, start to make a sound, then if someone else has already started talking you back off. over a typical video link you don't actually notice them talking in time to stop.

so people end up talking over each other, then try to awkwardly figure out who should speak first, then nobody talks after that unless they're specifically called upon because they don't want to deal with that hassle. The more people involved, the quieter it gets.

EIDE Van Hagar
Dec 8, 2000

Beep Boop

rotor posted:

yeah its pretty great. Every time i cough I'm thinkin "well, i had a good run."

Apr 9, 2007

Living the Dream
Got sent to full wfh

I expected the VPN to fall over now that pretty much everyone has been kicked off campus minus our skeleton crew, some random staff, physical facilities people, and whatever poor grad students with lovely advisors- but networking actually got a bunch of money and hardware. Something somehow sort of went right.

Feb 15, 2001

I’ve had a slight sore throat for 3 days but it’s not getting any worse and I’m not coughing or feverish but it’s still like hmmmmm

Arcteryx Anarchist
Sep 14, 2007

Fun Shoe
went to Costco today because my wife wanted to go and we needed to pick up some stuff for her parents too; were surprisingly few people there and they had signs up at the front on what they're out of; had a wall of pallets at the entrance for reasons I discovered later -- I guess they're limiting the number of people in the store at one time and people were already starting to line up when we left

now I have like $500 in cash from my rebate certificate so no need for ATMs for a bit

Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me

rotor posted:

"video is recommended but not required," then briefly summarize your reasons for asking video to be on. There, i have solved your problems.

yeah, i did already figure that one out. just venting. some of the classes seem to like video and some don't. idk.

it would be great if there was a way in zoom that they could have a big room where they all talk to each other in a mess while watching and listening to me, but i don't get to hear what they're saying. i think that would be excellent for community-building. like maybe they should all join a discord at the same time.

can zoom do that? send your audio among the group while the presenter can't hear it?

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
idk but i feel like all these issues have been solved like years ago by the gaming industry

in a well actually
Jan 26, 2011

dude, you gotta end it on the rhyme

the ambiguity of ‘streamer or cammer’ when one of your students/coworkers zooms in with a very good camera setup

you can tell if they have a gamer chair

Dec 29, 2011

the virus

Apr 24, 2010

College Slice

rotor posted:

idk but i feel like all these issues have been solved like years ago by the gaming industry

Basically any co-op multiplayer game is a better audio chat client than WebEx, which is literally unusable and always has been.

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
please be in 2fort for standup, we'll meet in the red basement respawn. Be ready to give a status and talk about blockers, if any.

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
management feedback is that we've had too many snipers lately and going forward we want that to change

Jul 27, 2013


Jabor posted:

videoconferencing latency absolutely murders anybody asking impromptu questions. In real life, you open your mouth, start to make a sound, then if someone else has already started talking you back off. over a typical video link you don't actually notice them talking in time to stop.

so people end up talking over each other, then try to awkwardly figure out who should speak first, then nobody talks after that unless they're specifically called upon because they don't want to deal with that hassle. The more people involved, the quieter it gets.

there should be a way to queue up for questions to the presenter, like press button to get in line, ping it's your turn, press button to give mike to next in line

Apr 26, 2006
most conference systems allow the presenter to mute everyone and then people can click a button to "raise their hand" and the presenter can unmute them so they can ask the question.

nobody knows how to do this though because most presenters are boomers dialing in without the conference app.

Apr 24, 2010

College Slice

Jabor posted:

videoconferencing latency absolutely murders anybody asking impromptu questions. In real life, you open your mouth, start to make a sound, then if someone else has already started talking you back off. over a typical video link you don't actually notice them talking in time to stop.

so people end up talking over each other, then try to awkwardly figure out who should speak first, then nobody talks after that unless they're specifically called upon because they don't want to deal with that hassle. The more people involved, the quieter it gets.

I've been doing videoconferencing every day multiple times a day for almost two years now and you get used to this really fast. The key phrase is "sorry go ahead" and whoever says it first gets to listen

Feb 26, 2012

professor lumpy balls, they call me
i'll absolutely hold my classes in an FPS as long as i get to pick the game. show em how we used to do it

the virgin fortnite vs. the chad descent 2

"professor, can you stop triple chording for a minute, i have to barf"

Apr 24, 2010

College Slice

Shaggar posted:

most conference systems allow the presenter to mute everyone and then people can click a button to "raise their hand" and the presenter can unmute them so they can ask the question.

nobody knows how to do this though because most presenters are boomers dialing in without the conference app.

in webex you usually need the most recent plugin which you can't upgrade to until after the meeting starts and you try to join so everyone just ends up dailing in since it is impossible to do anything else in time

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
work has now blocked YouTube in a bid to reduce VPN congestion


Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

yeah we generally run around with orders of magnitude idle capacity in every region just in case something like this comes up unexpectedly, which has made it easy


I have 2.4 full time equivalent total in this pharmacy and I’m the only pharmacist

we’re literally the opposite and I’m on the front lines

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