fart simpson posted:and i dont mean its not bad, but its usually not as intentionally malicious as american racism. it reminds me of old time american racist stuff, like disney it was probably easy for old style Americans to have just “quaint racism” when the system took charge of enforcing the power structure that validated it. It’s likely easy to have little violence in your racism when the people who are the victims of it have no good means of reacting or opposing it effectively. The racist’s worldview is unchallenged and there’s far less “need” to act on it daily. I mean I’m not basing this on my views of China, but on my view of how Canadians here seem to have a huge load of prejudice against aboriginal populations which has for the longest time been part of the background. Canadians will consider themselves to not be racist, but if you talk of aborigines, they somehow don’t count or “are a special case where actually it’s right to hate them because of [list of grievances]” I’m trying to imagine having a solid 20-30% of the population being aborigines and it would be very easy to think of social tensions being much higher just because there is more capacity to respond.
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 11:10 |
MononcQc posted:it was probably easy for old style Americans to have just “quaint racism” when the system took charge of enforcing the power structure that validated it.
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there was a post somewhere on this forum along the lines of "you Americans are so racist, you need to be culturally enlightened and inclusive like us Europeans" "what about the Roma though?" "Reeeee" *face cracks like a mask revealing hitler*
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Incidentally I hate that people in the US go around using words like "gyp" and if you try to tell them it's racist as gently caress against the Roma (it's exactly the same as using "Jew" as a verb) it's like "oh no you can't be racist against gypsies that would be silly, they're not like a real racial group that it makes sense to be racist against like black people." And this is like liberals, not chuds.
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there was an episode of House with some Roma family/patient and to cause a distraction to get the dad out of the room House shouts "Well I sure hope Cuddy doesn't gyp me!" and I didn't know that expression existed in the US. I think it's died out in the UK after the film Snatch popularised "pikey " anyway it turned out the kid had swallowed a toothpick which was embedded in his bowel and didn't appear on xrays which makes you wonder how you'd forget to mention that you did that when you're in hospital half dead and vomiting turds
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romas are the trump card of any racism discussion with europeans.
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MononcQc posted:romas are the Trump card of any racism discussion with europeans.
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echinopsis posted:in the same way that it’s “ok” to be sexist against men or racist against white people, it's not only okay, it's mandatory only through suffering can the privileged be rehabilitated
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mystes posted:tell them it's racist as gently caress 100% guaranteed to trigger the baby-brained
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even when you try to sell it softly by stressing that institutional racism affects everyone at least subconsciously people take it as a personal insult
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its cause we dont wanna ack that one of the major end goals of institutional racism is to divide the classes and avert their solidarity a black kid in HS snaps because he's tired of being poor and beats up a white nerd. a korean shop owner doesnt give the black kid a part time job because 'he doesnt hire shoplifters'. a white zoning board prohibits the shop owner's new permits because 'they don't want to turn this into Chinatown.' one of the zoning board guys loses his day job at the aluminum plant because trump likes to do racism with tariffs. president xi gets pissy at aluminum tariffs and orders a few thousand more uighurs white-vanned just for kicks i realize this is somewhat maudlin Crash (the bad one) energy but you see my point. spot the racism
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Jonny 290 posted:its cause we dont wanna ack that one of the major end goals of institutional racism is to divide the classes and avert their solidarity Definitely the bolded phrase near the bottom. You can't say stuff like that in polite society, come on.
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Sassafras posted:Definitely the bolded phrase near the bottom. You can't say stuff like that in polite society, come on. white van's burden
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I thought printers were the white man's burden ![]()
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carry on then posted:it's not only okay, it's mandatory um, I don't like feeling bad so.. nup dont agree with this
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Midjack posted:white van's burden mooooooods
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Midjack posted:white van's burden
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Midjack posted:white van's burden ![]()
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thinking about voluntarily estranging myself from whats left of my extended family for forcing the wedding today
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mystes posted:Incidentally I hate that people in the US go around using words like "gyp" and if you try to tell them it's racist as gently caress against the Roma (it's exactly the same as using "Jew" as a verb) it's like "oh no you can't be racist against gypsies that would be silly, they're not like a real racial group that it makes sense to be racist against like black people." And this is like liberals, not chuds. I've had multiple conversations with otherwise intelligent, left-wing, and pro-social justice people, where I will mention racism against the Roma people and they will respond with "yeah but I watched this reality show about them and they are just super trashy people", and I then have to explain to them (1) reality shows aren't reality, (2) what they watched was race-baiting garbage, and (3) they shouldn't fall for that sort of thing. So far they've all come around after I talked about it but it's wild to me that they never stopped to think any of those things before. I guess it goes to show that everyone is susceptible to propaganda.
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VikingofRock posted:I guess it goes to show that everyone is susceptible to propaganda. Whats your favorite propaganda
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that computer programmers are 'engineers'
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Methanar posted:Whats your favorite propaganda i dig that 50s communist propaganda aesthetic
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fart simpson posted:i dig that 50s communist propaganda aesthetic have you no decency, sir?! (rhetorical)
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mystes posted:Incidentally I hate that people in the US go around using words like "gyp" and if you try to tell them it's racist as gently caress against the Roma (it's exactly the same as using "Jew" as a verb) it's like "oh no you can't be racist against gypsies that would be silly, they're not like a real racial group that it makes sense to be racist against like black people." And this is like liberals, not chuds. i feel the same with "African-American". you've got people whose grand grand grand grand grandpa was in the US before the constitution was a thing and they still get called Africans first. i understand the black community already adopted the term but to me a non-US outsider it still sounds weird as hell. also "Indian Giving", gently caress that phrase.
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indian giving is like the opposite name you’d actually give it. they should call it white giving or something
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Pittsburgh Fentanyl Cloud posted:that computer programmers are 'engineers' a few years ago when my company at the time merged with another, the other company's tech guys all had the title "network engineer" and as part of the merger the C-levels realized that it wasn't actually legal to use that because "engineer" has a legal distinction. we were all "network specialists" and were thus legally in the clear the dudes from the other company were REALLY pissed off when their loan terms and poo poo got renegotiated because they were "no longer engineers" lmao
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fart simpson posted:indian giving is like the opposite name you’d actually give it. they should call it white giving or something white reaping
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fart simpson posted:indian giving is like the opposite name you’d actually give it. they should call it white giving or something i always assumed the origins of the phrase was precisely a reference to how "gifts" (of land usually) white settlers gave native americans tended to work out.
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fart simpson posted:indian giving is like the opposite name you’d actually give it. they should call it white giving or something
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Cybernetic Vermin posted:i always assumed the origins of the phrase was precisely a reference to how "gifts" (of land usually) white settlers gave native americans tended to work out. me too but it was apparently actually that natives wanted to negotiate trade, white people were like "oh thanks for the gifts" and natives were like "no you idiots we want guns give us back our pelts"
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Shinku ABOOKEN posted:i feel the same with "African-American". you've got people whose grand grand grand grand grandpa was in the US before the constitution was a thing and they still get called Africans first. i understand the black community already adopted the term but to me a non-US outsider it still sounds weird as hell. like uh African-American is in no way analogous to “gyp”. There’s a fair amount of discussion about what Black or AA means (see Jamelle Bouie’s recent column in NYT) but it was popularized by AA community leaders as similar to “Italian-American”; it’s not ‘adopted’. Indian giver is terrible though.
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fart simpson posted:indian giving is like the opposite name you’d actually give it. they should call it white giving or something corporate giving
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Kazinsal posted:a few years ago when my company at the time merged with another, the other company's tech guys all had the title "network engineer" and as part of the merger the C-levels realized that it wasn't actually legal to use that because "engineer" has a legal distinction. we were all "network specialists" and were thus legally in the clear they should all be charged criminally for impersonating a professional without licensure
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im an engineer. Good life.
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if you dont maintain, operate or design steam engines for a living you're not an engineer imo
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you call yourself an engineer? where's your loving oilcan, poser
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rotor posted:you call yourself an engineer? where's your loving oilcan, poser I would just pull out the can of 3-in-1 I keep under my $350 keyboard.
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how many hours of playing Train Simulator gets you qualified
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 11:10 |
rotor posted:you call yourself an engineer? where's your loving oilcan, poser i had a 40 meg seagate MFM drive that had sticky bearings, so i kept it outside of my case. if i had to power cycle the machine, i had to turn the drive over, squirt a drop of 3-in-1 oil on to the shaft, and then twist the drive housing right as i powered things on, to overcome the stiction so there you go
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