(Job 40:15) Behold, Bevemoth, which I made as I made you; he kicks rear end like an ox.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 18:03 |
# ? Dec 3, 2024 21:36 |
aw, gently caress
# ? Aug 27, 2020 18:03 |
lotta good av material in this pic i found in an ancient images folder on and old hard drive
# ? Aug 27, 2020 18:19 |
Fabricated posted:Campus network just completely fell over. Glad I don't work on it but I'm baffled how we have these infrastructure issues every single august same. software we bought in april still hasn't been installed on the license servers and none of the students have VPN access. apparently there are currently about three full time IT people working the department and 20 temps and students, for a campus of 18,000 all online. A+
# ? Aug 27, 2020 18:35 |
beep gettin' ready to post
# ? Aug 27, 2020 18:37 |
Sagebrush posted:same. software we bought in april still hasn't been installed on the license servers and none of the students have VPN access.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 18:46 |
Sagebrush posted:same. software we bought in april still hasn't been installed on the license servers and none of the students have VPN access.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 18:47 |
i need to take some time off and I can't really afford to. i wanted to maybe go back to school for a master's degree since i dont want to gently caress with the job market right now as a recent grad. my friend who started working at the same place as me got upgraded to full time after his first year, but that was last year. my contract was renewed back in may but i stayed on a part time contract so i earn like half as much and don't get PTO. if it weren't for the pandemic i'd probably quit, but that feels like a bad decision currently. besides, i'm not sure i actually have any useful skills. it feels like the vast majority of the computer janitoring i do is insanely specific to the place i work at because i'm janitoring in-house tools implemented on my own company's hardware. i can kind of code a bit and i guess i did learn a bit about telecom stuff at school/work. i also don't particularly want to go back to school but everyone around me keeps pushing the narrative that i should. and all my coworkers are either working on their masters' degrees or already have them. so maybe if i want to stay in this industry then i should go for it? i'm tired of my job but the technology i janitor is cool. this post is rambly, idk why i'm writing it. i felt like venting to other people than those i usually bother, i guess. also my city got upgraded from green to yellow zone status because of the rising number of infections to keep this more relevant lmao
# ? Aug 27, 2020 20:20 |
as a computer toucher with a master's degree, you do not need a master's degree to have a successful career in computer touching. practical experience is just as valuable if not more so. the main reason to get the MS is because your bachelor's is from a foreign school that no one in the united states knows anything about (or your major was not CS or any adjacent subject). then it gets you past gates that would otherwise be closed to you. but there are very few gates that specifically require an MS. i have mine due to dropping out of a phd program lol
DELETE CASCADE fucked around with this message at 20:30 on Aug 27, 2020 |
# ? Aug 27, 2020 20:28 |
i also do not live in the us, so that makes going back to school easier lol. instead i live in the catholic alabama of europe.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 20:30 |
oh. my comments are not really relevant then sorry.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 20:31 |
Fatal Error posted:n the catholic alabama of europe. ok, so lemme see ... guess #1: Bavaria?
# ? Aug 27, 2020 20:59 |
rural italy?
# ? Aug 27, 2020 20:59 |
wrt getting a masters to get a better job: idk what its like where you are but this always feels like a bad idea to me. At some point 2 years experience in a different place is more valuable than another degree. A masters isn't vocational school. I mean, unless it actually is where you are, in which case a masters is vocational school and you should ignore me.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:01 |
The Fool posted:rural italy? eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:01 |
rotor posted:ok, so lemme see ...
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:02 |
The Fool posted:rural italy? Fatal Error posted:poland lol I was closer without going too far north, therefore I win all the prizes.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:04 |
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:07 |
rotor posted:wrt getting a masters to get a better job: idk what its like where you are but this always feels like a bad idea to me. At some point 2 years experience in a different place is more valuable than another degree. A masters isn't vocational school. I mean, unless it actually is where you are, in which case a masters is vocational school and you should ignore me. thats sorta how i feel about it personally tbh. but i dont actually have a clear picture on how helpful it would be to me. at least looking at my peers it's just what you are 'supposed' to do. not sure what to think about that
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:07 |
Fatal Error posted:thats sorta how i feel about it personally tbh. but i dont actually have a clear picture on how helpful it would be to me. at least looking at my peers it's just what you are 'supposed' to do. not sure what to think about that yeah i think in a lot of circumstances "go back to school" is just the default response after people run out of other ideas
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:22 |
yeah, an ms can give you a leg up, but so can two more years of experience - and those two years youll be earning money and climbing the seniority ladder (towards more money) and not writing tuition checks
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:26 |
no tuition checks for me, we haven't gotten around to ruining higher education yet
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:30 |
Two years of real world experience working with people in an organization is way more valuable than a masters. At least in the circles I live in. No idea what’s going on in Italy.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:34 |
tk posted:Two years of real world experience working with people in an organization is way more valuable than a masters. At least in the circles I live in. No idea what’s going on in Italy. Lots of gabbagool
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:38 |
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:49 |
# ? Aug 27, 2020 21:53 |
i was working in semiconductor manufacturing with a bs in physics and i got a masters in engineering (electrical, focusing on circuit design) to move into chip design. it was $40k tuition for the whole MS but it paid for itself quickly and opened up more jobs. probably not the best plan if you already work in the area you want to, but it can definitely help if you want to move to an adjacent but still pretty specialized job.
# ? Aug 27, 2020 22:21 |
i did a EE/Telecommunications degree which was kind of populated by people who don’t know what they want to do and those who didn’t get into Computer Science. so i’m in a kind of jack of all trades situation
# ? Aug 27, 2020 22:52 |
# ? Aug 27, 2020 23:07 |
i don't have booksmarts I have beepsmarts
# ? Aug 27, 2020 23:56 |
# ? Aug 27, 2020 23:58 |
give them back!
# ? Aug 27, 2020 23:58 |
had another off/unfocused day. didn't sleep well but started off by reading about some issue that happened at 3 am or so that seems like it's my problem. Wasn't able to reproduce the issue. Then i think i sat in some really, really poorly presented meeting about golang ide tips for a while. ended up bailing after 15m. think I sent out a scrum update - first in a week. then I went out grocery shopping and dropped off my old work laptop at fedex to be returned. Got home. responded to some slack messages and made lunch. then there was some other quarterly platform status update for 30 mins. responded to a few more trivial slack messages and checked up on the guy I'm meant to be buddy systeming. Then I took a break to maybe do a little bit of excercise, stretching and cleaning. Then took another break right after to play old gba fire emblem on my phone for little bit. then there was some happy hour meeting with my team. part of the happyhour chat was christopher nolan movies and dunkirk was mentioned as being good. I've heard the soundtrack before and - yeah han zimmer is good. I ended up watching dunkirk and then reading wikipedia articles about the real event for the last 3-4 hours. The movie was garbage but the real event was a big deal. Methanar fucked around with this message at 05:35 on Aug 28, 2020 |
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:19 |
I've crashed after having actual, really productive several days in a row
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:20 |
Methanar posted:I've crashed after having actual, really productive several days in a row isn't that just called "being a programmer?"
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:25 |
in our team meeting a week or two ago, my boss admitted to falling asleep on his dog's bed, then waking up in a panic thinking he'd slept through til morning
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:27 |
Now that my tinder+ 6 months have expired I deleted my account and recreated it as an experiment The tinder algorithm is definitely just bullshit because in 24 hours I got like 3 matches(two were bots) after getting near nothing for the last 5 months. What this means to me is that my profile isn't actually bad, but rather its just never presented to anybody. When an account is newly created they must just give you super priority in the queue to give you a good first impression. All the girls were great too, way better than ususal, so its definitely also capable of sorting by some attractiveness measure. Probably measured by viewing time, how often they respond to messages, and swipe left/right ratios. love being held hostage and psychologically manipulated by an algorithm. guess I'll just delete and recreate a new account every week instead of buying tinder+. good business model guys.
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:29 |
I was going to make a kids these days just need to go get plastered at a goddamn pub like the old days but then I remembered we live in hell world
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:39 |
FAT32 SHAMER posted:I was going to make a kids these days just need to go get plastered at a goddamn pub like the old days but then I remembered we live in hell world a new pub was going to be opening up barely ten minutes' walking distance from my house this summer but the loving pandemic ruined that little spark of possible inebriated joy for me poo poo sucks eggs
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:43 |
# ? Dec 3, 2024 21:36 |
Methanar posted:tinder tinder sucks. use hinge or bumble.
# ? Aug 28, 2020 05:45 |