you only get $1200 if you make less than $75,000 as a single person so most of yospos is excluded.
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:33 |
# ? Jan 14, 2025 09:15 |
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:38 |
i'm cashing my $1200 check and when tax time rolls around i'm paying half of it to a fancy accountant to find me a way to get around paying back the other half
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:41 |
Sagebrush posted:na naaaaa nananana na na na nana na katamari damacy
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:42 |
wait it's a LOAN?
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:42 |
i believe it's a check but with a corresponding tax credit that not everyone will be eligible for
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:43 |
Sagebrush posted:you only get $1200 if you make less than $75,000 as a single person so most of yospos is excluded. Well I don't qualify but my roomate and my fiance both do. Good thing we aren't married yet I guess lol
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:48 |
As far as I can tell it is basically the dumbest most convoluted thing that will help basically no one and make everything much worse for everyone, except if you are obscenely rich and own some giant bankrupt megacorp, which is exactly what I expected from the democrats.
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:49 |
Stereotype posted:Well I don't qualify but my roomate and my fiance both do. if you were married it goes up to like $150k. so let's see, we've got massive corporate bailouts going to the very rich, a bit of free money for the "middle class" making up to a deece six point five figgies, and a loan for the extremely poor people who can't use a tax credit sounds like to me
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:52 |
if gavin newsom says "meet this moment" one more time
# ? Mar 25, 2020 19:53 |
Sagebrush posted:you only get $1200 if you make less than $75,000 as a single person so most of yospos is excluded. this sucks
# ? Mar 25, 2020 20:03 |
Sagebrush posted:if you were married it goes up to like $150k. no adjustment for cost of living either, suck it liberals
# ? Mar 25, 2020 20:41 |
DELETE CASCADE posted:if gavin newsom says "meet this moment" one more time so help me god
# ? Mar 25, 2020 20:58 |
bernie just teleported behind the bill
# ? Mar 25, 2020 21:02 |
Sagebrush posted:if you were married it goes up to like $150k. It hurts so bad to see the US government going with the most gutless and craven option every time. I don't know how to recalibrate my expectations without checking out and not paying attention, which is basically only possible because I have computer toucher levels of privilege
# ? Mar 25, 2020 21:05 |
it's gonna be the biggest corporate giveaway of all time and will radically benefit financiers to the detriment of everyone else, with a $1200 sop for punters to look the other way.
# ? Mar 25, 2020 21:32 |
nothing to see here, just another example of D and R Fing us in the A lol @ anybody who expected this to be anything other than a corporate bailout
# ? Mar 25, 2020 21:38 |
my recruiter got laid off along with 3 others from staffing so as a consultant i get a new recruiter. kinda freaky
# ? Mar 25, 2020 21:38 |
Fuzzy Mammal posted:it's gonna be the biggest corporate giveaway of all time and will radically benefit financiers to the detriment of everyone else, with a $1200 sop for punters to look the other way. they will turn out in droves to vote for trump in november, if that election isn't suspended indefinitely
# ? Mar 25, 2020 21:38 |
went out for a walk today around my neighborhood earlier than i usually do (i usually creep through the night). everyone seems so happy right now. its a nice day out, around high 50s and low 60s. tons of people are out on their porches, smiling and waving at people as they pass. families were out on their lawns, some people just reading books. if it weren’t for all the sickness and disaster you hear about on the news, this would be a postcard somewhere. getting similar vibes to the way people were during the big east coast blackout we had around 20 years ago
# ? Mar 25, 2020 22:22 |
# ? Mar 25, 2020 22:22 |
oh and the strong smell of bbq everywhere i walk
# ? Mar 25, 2020 22:23 |
working from home owns but the kids’ daycare shut down yesterday so my wife and i take turns taking care of them during the day (lol at getting anything done while taking care of a seven month old other than taking care of a seven month old) wife is only partially wfh and she works at a hospital so I’m looking forward to getting down with the sickness soon.
# ? Mar 25, 2020 22:32 |
finally getting the shelter in place order in colorado
# ? Mar 25, 2020 22:40 |
My 1:1 today was mostly my manager emphasizing over and over that it’s okay to not be terribly productive right now.
# ? Mar 25, 2020 22:42 |
tk posted:My 1:1 today was mostly my manager emphasizing over and over that it’s okay to not be terribly productive right now. Same but yesterday and the complete opposite
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:00 |
Methanar posted:Same but yesterday and the complete opposite my boomer boss loves that he can now “work” 12-14 hours every day micromanaging his peons
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:12 |
getting lots of emails from wine shops and restaurants telling me about their home delivery options now, as a relatively securely employed person I want to help them all but I know some of them just won't make it
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:18 |
they just need to know how to game the system bro. don’t let big gov ruin small business!!! https://twitter.com/Mkrafcik/status/1242922395729637379?s=20
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:21 |
President Beep posted:they just need to know how to game the system bro. don’t let big gov ruin small business!!! this is why our governor included 'enforcement actions begin in 48 hours' at the end of our shelter in place order
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:43 |
President Beep posted:they just need to know how to game the system bro. don’t let big gov ruin small business!!! some governors are not loving around, the gov of PA yanked GameStop’s business license when they tried to claim to be essential
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:52 |
CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:went out for a walk today around my neighborhood earlier than i usually do (i usually creep through the night). almost as if the american way of life is deeply, fundamentally unhealthy. imagine what the world would be like if - people only worked 20 hours a week - the majority of people could work from home - car traffic was cut down to like a tenth of normal - people filled their lives with family and exercise instead of mindless consumption and then imagine everyone also had free universal healthcare so that massive worry was just gone. it's a goddamned utopia
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:55 |
Sagebrush posted:almost as if the american way of life is deeply, fundamentally unhealthy. hey sagebrush you really need to lay off the psychedelics, your hallucinations are becoming disturbingly vivid.
# ? Mar 25, 2020 23:57 |
I've been complaining for like a decade that there are millions and millions of people doing stupid bullshit work that literally only makes other people's lives worse and harder for absolutely no gain at all. They are doing these jobs because for some stupid bullshit reason we've decided that everyone needs to have a job that works them to death. Health insurance companies are a great example: completely useless things that solve a "free rider" problem that straight up does not exist. I hope this puts a stop to that, but that's why these checks are so awful and lovely, a lot of people want that dumb poo poo to continue.
# ? Mar 26, 2020 00:01 |
People like to joke about panic buying tp but the only coping mechanism Americans have ever been taught is consumption
# ? Mar 26, 2020 00:07 |
c quarantine s: gas prices have tanked to the lowest I've seen this century. also all the cop shops in town are closed so it's an excellent time to be gay and do crimes local skate park is lazily wrapped up in caution tape, which has stopped exactly zero teenagers from potentially spreading the rona of course
# ? Mar 26, 2020 00:09 |
lancemantis posted:People like to joke about panic buying tp but the only coping mechanism Americans have ever been taught is consumption It would be nice if everyone spent this time working on themselves and developing hobbies and coping skills and learning to use resources efficiently but lol that is never going to happen.
# ? Mar 26, 2020 00:20 |
I have been trying to get my fiance and my roomate to use rags instead of paper towels for years and now that we are out they are forced to and they both agree that it is way easier and better so yay i guess
# ? Mar 26, 2020 00:23 |
# ? Mar 26, 2020 00:28 |
# ? Jan 14, 2025 09:15 |
# ? Mar 26, 2020 00:39 |