Acer Pilot posted:is salary reduction legal in Canada? sounds like our company wants to reduce everyone’s pay during the pandemic instead of doing layoffs. Unilaterally without your written consent? Almost certainly not.
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# ? Feb 10, 2025 09:31 |
Endless Mike posted:my parents would buy a couple giant garbage cans at the start of hurricane season and fill those up with water when a hurricane was coming to use as non-drinking water, then just use them as garbage cans for the following year. never had to get in them, thankfully, but it wasn't the worst idea. hey this is a really good idea
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qirex posted:I think we're going to find out that the most dangerous thing is actually institutional malfeasance
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CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:knowing exactly what you're doing takes just one trip to the range. Just knowing how to shoot gun and know not to point it at people is one small part of using a gun. I do enjoy how much all these prepper types seem to know very little about guns and gun safety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHOog45llUU I wonder how many preppers have gun cleaning kits in their 'bug out bags'/compounds? Erryone seems to think that a metal rod that is meant to contain an explosion never needs proper maintenance ESPECIALLY if you are going to be using consistently in real scenarios. Also ![]() Also extra ![]() 1. Have the self-control to not gorge on their resources. 2. Have nearly enough resources. 3. Going to live off the land with zero agricultural experience/more than basic garden work with pesticides or live long enough for animal populations to come back in any meaningful way to facilitate active hunting. 4. Actually physically capable of any of this in the first place. Man, gun companies, army surplus stores, and hiking shops are going to make a killing after this.
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Current WFH status; getting paid 6 figgies to watch a web developer google "html hello world" on a screenshare.
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Jeesis posted:Just knowing how to shoot gun and know not to point it at people is one small part of using a gun. I do enjoy how much all these prepper types seem to know very little about guns and gun safety. their plan is: 0: murder people for their supplies and take their daughters as wives that's it. that's all they really want. 99% of pre-covid preppers are the absolute dregs of society and their one hail mary for having sex again is having 95% of humanity wiped out so they're the least ugly person in the compound. this is why they fixate on things like nuclear war
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the root problem with prepping or just hermit life in general is it's a ton of work to just live and the whole reason we have community living situations like towns is to help alleviate that by dividing labor add in the hordes of nonwhite OPFOR most of these dudes fantasize about and yeah you're going to die by making a dumb mistake after a week of sleep deprivation
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Jonny 290 posted:their plan is: rotor posted:if something truly ugly happens, zombie apocalypse prepper assholes are gonna be most peoples #1 problem.
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i went to a range once and shot pistols with a coworker who was into that. he had a few different ones including like a .40 caliber. i had never even held a gun before so i expected to be terrible at shooting, probably mess up my forearm from the recoil, etc. but instead the main thing i remember is how loving EASY it was. like i'm sure competitive target shooting is difficult, but just pulling the trigger and hitting the paper target was so easy a caveman could do it. i couldn't get the thought out of my head, "wow if i had one of these and i needed to kill someone, it would be absolutely no problem at all" e: irl when nervous i'm sure you miss all the time and paper targets don't shoot back etc.
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yeah you may learn to shoot a gun at the range, but to be able to treat, clean and handle guns safely it's going to take loads and loads of practice and even real life army dudes regularly gently caress up and hurt themselves or people around them and this goes x10 for being able to do all the above in a hosed up mental state, be it panic or sleep deprivation or hunger or hypothermia. the whole reason you do the drills over and over again is to build the muscle memory that you can somewhat rely on edit: basically if anyone walks up to me and says "yeah guns are easy, you just need to bla bla bla" i will take it as the surest sign possible that they are going to be overconfident, negligent and put people around them into danger 4lokos basilisk fucked around with this message at 19:34 on Mar 27, 2020 |
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DELETE CASCADE posted:i couldn't get the thought out of my head, "wow if i had one of these and i needed to kill someone, it would be absolutely no problem at all" it's literally what they were made for
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DELETE CASCADE posted:i went to a range once and shot pistols with a coworker who was into that. he had a few different ones including like a .40 caliber. i had never even held a gun before so i expected to be terrible at shooting, probably mess up my forearm from the recoil, etc. but instead the main thing i remember is how loving EASY it was. like i'm sure competitive target shooting is difficult, but just pulling the trigger and hitting the paper target was so easy a caveman could do it. i couldn't get the thought out of my head, "wow if i had one of these and i needed to kill someone, it would be absolutely no problem at all" i think people get a skewed view of firearms from "modern" shooters like battlefield where the guns are all nerfed and given random stat differences to provide gameplay variety like recoil and bullet drop.
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not to mention rate of fire and "damage" and "hit boxes" and its all a simulation on a screen that never gets tired and has a predetermined inaccuracy/"shake" on its aim
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rotor posted:hey this is a really good idea yeah, it doesn't work as well for earthquake prone places where, obviously, you have no warning, but with hurricanes you're pretty aware it's coming in your general direction at least a week before it hits, so you get time to prepare
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Endless Mike posted:yeah, it doesn't work as well for earthquake prone places where, obviously, you have no warning, but with hurricanes you're pretty aware it's coming in your general direction at least a week before it hits, so you get time to prepare i'm thinkin like line it with a trash bag, add a lil bleach to keep the algae dead and replace it every 6 mos or so.
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Shaggar posted:i think people get a skewed view of firearms from "modern" shooters like battlefield where the guns are all nerfed and given random stat differences to provide gameplay variety like recoil and bullet drop. The first time I shot a shotgun, as a teenager hanging out with my grandpa, I assumed it would scatter like a video game shotgun It did not and it put a four inch hole into the sheet of chipboard right where I was aiming. very surprising
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yeah video game shotguns have like bizzaro-chokeless patterns
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video game shotguns are intended to be short-range weapons which is not at all realistic blame bungie for setting up the halo games like that
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I'm pretty sure I'm developing some repetitive strain on my right index finger My way of typing on my macbook keyboard is stupid and basically involves it soloing the keys on n m j k l i o p and all of the trackpad work. Methanar fucked around with this message at 21:40 on Mar 27, 2020 |
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haveblue posted:video game shotguns are intended to be short-range weapons which is not at all realistic that's more like a legacy of doom, still, shotgun was wide spread and as hitscan works in those games, you'd hit more of something if you were closer to it due to them absorbing the spread maybe quake instead? they have similar properties its me the video game appraiser that'd die in any sort of natural disaster
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My parachute firefighter/emt buddy in Tennessee just got called up by FEMA to head up to NYC to lead a 25 ambulance team they are cobbling together. He gets a rental car and is driving up there today. Also a 29 year old friend of a friend in NYC just died yesterday from the rona ![]() And I'm just sitting here catching butterflies so I can sell them to pay off my house instead of working
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Endless Mike posted:yeah, it doesn't work as well for earthquake prone places where, obviously, you have no warning, but with hurricanes you're pretty aware it's coming in your general direction at least a week before it hits, so you get time to prepare
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Methanar posted:I'm pretty sure I'm developing some repetitive strain on my right index finger plug in a real keyboard and mouse if you’re touching a MacBook you’re using it wrong
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protip: to improve the spray of your irl shotgun blasts spin in a circle as you pull the trigger
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ShadowHawk posted:Yes, if only we had a
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Jonny 290 posted:their plan is: tbh, if you’re not armed and you’re prepping for the end of the world, all you’re doing is gathering supplies for someone else.
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haveblue posted:video game shotguns are intended to be short-range weapons which is not at all realistic yeah my hunting shotgun shoots sabot slugs accurately up to 100 yds. i get mad at video game shotguns
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any game that launches with even slightly realistic shotguns with proper chokes and such gets a patch within six weeks that nerfs them into oblivion, unless it's some kind of simulator like Arma and engagements are genuinely at 100m+ distances except you have one guy bring a shotgun for breaching
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because i am not a gun nut, arma was my first introduction to how real combat rifles work and it was kind of eye-opening they're a lot more like a laser gun than you think. point and click
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yeah arma's super obsessive about accurate modeling of that poo poo which is why when i want that experience i just go to the range lol
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my favorite thing about arma (NOT!) back in the day playing with the goons was this stupid "extra realism" mod called ACE that added stuff like having to do a medicine minigame with epinephrine and morphine instead of just pressing heal, having to manually janitor the brightness of your night vision goggles, etc. it was stupid as poo poo and made the game less fun but all the worst spergs loved it and insisted on using it for every mission. anyway one of things it did was made the carrying and stamina "more realistic." what this meant was that if you put more than 50 pounds of stuff into your bag and attempted to run, your guy would collapse and pass out after like 100 yards i like to think that the developers based it on themselves
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god that and the ACE add-on for realistic radio comms. imagine having to have a radio guy with each group and know every other group's frequencies and poo poo so you can relay orders between them, and you have to punch this into a realistic military radio interface. big enough games needed dudes with literal radio backpacks and poo poo and through all of this you're doing a canned mission you've done dozens of times before plinking at loving AI
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lol at getting fired from your doomsday partnership. i wonder what the families think, but I guess they just look at it like a wacky camping trip
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my lease is up at the end of may and I don't think they'll accept month to month, so I have like 4 weeks left to give notice of moving out. hoping that the lockdown will be sufficiently lifted by the end of april that i'll be able to look for a new place.
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had a second stove top pot of coffee to get through the afternoon, then basically went insane for about 3 hours during which time our division head called me up and I high speed rambled about gently caress knows what, and now hours later I can't sleep so full wfh week one ended on a high I guess
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DuckConference posted:my lease is up at the end of may and I don't think they'll accept month to month, so I have like 4 weeks left to give notice of moving out. hoping that the lockdown will be sufficiently lifted by the end of april that i'll be able to look for a new place. i would not at all count on this
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do any of these hyper-realistic wargames ever actually account for the fact that loose soil and rubble are treacherous as poo poo and if you slip at all and twist your ankle you're basically hosed for getting anywhere
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in minecraft sand and gravel can fall on you
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Sagebrush posted:because i am not a gun nut, arma was my first introduction to how real combat rifles work and it was kind of eye-opening yeah when i put together my ar-15 and threw a decent optic on it, i rarely take it to the range anymore because it's so brain dead simple. put the red dot on the spot, pull the trigger and you hit it. gets old after awhile, no challenge. i have much more fun trying to improve my skill with my sig p226 over the rifle any day
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# ? Feb 10, 2025 09:31 |
Kazinsal posted:god that and the ACE add-on for realistic radio comms. imagine having to have a radio guy with each group and know every other group's frequencies and poo poo so you can relay orders between them, and you have to punch this into a realistic military radio interface. big enough games needed dudes with literal radio backpacks and poo poo for some reason the developers of realism mods never quite figure out that in the real world, the radioman can turn dials/press buttons on a keypad to input those values, instead of using a mouse to click a picture of them on a computer screen.
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