Kazinsal posted:god that and the ACE add-on for realistic radio comms. imagine having to have a radio guy with each group and know every other group's frequencies and poo poo so you can relay orders between them, and you have to punch this into a realistic military radio interface. big enough games needed dudes with literal radio backpacks and poo poo there's squad, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5Foyre18VQ which only the squad leaders have radio comms with other leaders, so its like 5 squads of 8 players vs another 5 squads. All coordination has to be done via the leaders, otherwise all voice chat is local (within hearing range) or just to your squad leader. there's also a commander mode where one player has a tactical map over it all.
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 15:16 |
idk i feel like if i wanted a hyper-realistic battlefield experience I'd have joined the fuckin marines and gotten paid for it
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rotor posted:idk i feel like if i wanted a hyper-realistic battlefield experience I'd have joined the fuckin marines and gotten paid for it with esports you can get the best of both worlds
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you make more money pretending to work from home and playing video games than some dumb boot doing his 4 years
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real talk though: after all this corona bullshit is over, if you're young enough and have a father or mother who hunts and would show you, do it. if you're not, or your parents didn't hunt, and you know someone who will show you and take you out, do it. there's nothing quite like the way your heart pumps as the sun rises, even though you've been in the woods since the time you're usually following asleep. all your senses are going crazy, everything you hear sounds like the animal you're looking for. every little chipmunk chasing each other sounds like it could be footsteps. the wind blowing sounds like it could be footsteps. you're fingers are cold, you're gripping your weapon tight, and you can smell everything around you. when it's dead quiet, things get even more intense. there's nothing quite like it, and you may help a local farmer while possibly preventing an animal from starving to death. you will also pick up some additional skills and come to a better understanding of where some foods come from. the best part: during a good year you'll have a freezer full of meat. at worst you'll have some of the best night of sleep in your life in some boring motel in the middle of nowhere, while conking out hard at 7pm.
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Broken Machine posted:which is other people. also malfeasance is a weird word, because no one ever says feasance anymore, and malfeasance mostly just shows up in contexts like that. it's like a vestigial word no YOU’RE a vestigial word.
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Methanar posted:Unilaterally without your written consent? Almost certainly not. there is already a company in Austin tryung to dock trumpbucks from employee paychecks but I don’t think the poor employees have been brave enough to name and shame yet https://www.kxan.com/news/austin-company-looking-to-dock-paychecks-for-those-receiving-stimulus-checks/ quote:“The form says they are preemptively deducting funds from our paychecks. That number is based on what they’re anticipating the government relief fund to be,” a worker for the company told KXAN. The worker asked not to be identified in this investigation so as not to impact his company’s ability to continue doing business.
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CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:real talk though: after all this corona bullshit is over, if you're young enough and have a father or mother who hunts and would show you, do it. if you're not, or your parents didn't hunt, and you know someone who will show you and take you out, do it. Lots of hunting regularly going on near our place. They show up In their lovely 4wd and sit at the edge of the forest while people yell at boars in the woods. At the end of the day they'll unload everything they've brought and leave empty shells scattered everywhere. I'm curious about having someone show me how it's done but very afraid of shooting another human. Don't mind a nice boar (?) steak though
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CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:there's squad, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5Foyre18VQ which only the squad leaders have radio comms with other leaders, so its like 5 squads of 8 players vs another 5 squads. All coordination has to be done via the leaders, otherwise all voice chat is local (within hearing range) or just to your squad leader. I've played that one and it's kinda fun in that it scratches the uber tactical realism itch while not being so over-complicated that it makes me want to go enlist so I can punch frequencies into a broken-rear end piece of poo poo radio in real life because at least that has tactile feedback. doesn't really have the lasting appeal or playerbase to sustain it other than the same 200 people who play it six hours a day every day though. tbh I'm waiting for valorant. counter-strike was my jam through the 2000s and I'm looking forward to a take on that style of gameplay by a developer who actually gives a poo poo about things like producing balance patches regularly
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whatever happened to words with friends zynga I suppose
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hwo the gently caress reconfigures their radios during a deployment, that poo poo is done ahead of time when packing and prepping
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Penisface posted:hwo the gently caress reconfigures their radios during a deployment, that poo poo is done ahead of time when packing and prepping milspergs are really stupid about "simulating" their particular thing in the way that they think is "realistic," usually going with the most facile understanding of the situation, even when actual experts tell them otherwise. example: in flight sim games you can superimpose a little colored dot or circle over the enemy planes to make them easier to spot at a distance. all the REALISM servers have these labels turned off, because obviously you don't have labels in real life, and have to spot the plane with your naked eye! but turns out your eye has a shitload more resolution than 1920x1080, so it's like ten times easier to notice another aircraft in real life than in the simulation -- think about the last time you were flying on an airliner and noticed another one out the window. so having a little dot label on the bad guy is truer to the human experience and allows you to spot planes at a range comparable to real life. but the spergs won't have any of it because the surface interpretation is just NO LABEL IN REAL LIFE. another example: a number of ww2 fighters had a gravity-fed carburetor. this meant that if you pulled a negative-G maneuver (like nosing forwards into a steep dive) the engine would be starved of fuel and would chug after a second or two. the spitfire was especially famous for this behavior so it's been modeled in every game with a spitfire in it. well, when the new il-2 came out, the spergs hit the roof! the spitfire's negative-g behavior is totally wrong, it comes in way too early and too violently, i can barely fly any more and i've got more hours in spitfires than any ww2 pilot, EVERYONE knows about this phenomenon so how could they get it so wrong!!!??!? qq then it turned out that the developers had actually hired a real spitfire and pilot and had measured the exact behavior and modeled it more accurately than any other simulation ever. Sagebrush fucked around with this message at 15:54 on Mar 28, 2020 |
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uh, i mean, how bout that coronavirus
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imo this is much more interesting than more coronavirus news
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having said that, i'm now gonna post this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Rb7_Jqk1w
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Fatal Error posted:imo this is much more interesting than more coronavirus news https://twitter.com/jonny290/status/1243929294516019200
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DuckConference posted:my lease is up at the end of may and I don't think they'll accept month to month, so I have like 4 weeks left to give notice of moving out. hoping that the lockdown will be sufficiently lifted by the end of april that i'll be able to look for a new place.
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ShadowHawk posted:The rental and real estate market is taking an absolute dive right now they may be thrilled to have you month to month yeah. every professional airbnb'er is hosed and scrambling right now
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good. hope they scramble out into traffic
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cant loving wait until landlords have to present me with handwritten letters detailing their plight and begging me to choose them as my new residence. gently caress you, assholes. you made us grovel for shacks. it's your turn now
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Stereotype posted:Also a 29 year old friend of a friend in NYC just died yesterday from the rona gently caress man ![]() I was just thinking about this. this is the closest person that has died to me, a friend of a friend. I'm getting more and more terrified about going into work. It was a revelation, and fuckin stupid that it was, that I have to act as if everyone has the rona. this utterly changes how I do everything. I've got a couple hundred flu vaccines to give, bit hard to practise social distancing when you gotta touch people. apparently theres a way it can be done without touching the person, as in, just jab it in them and walk away, but I need to use a process that involves palpating some parts of their arm so I can be confident in where I give it. well I don't have work today. it's my eldest's 11th birthday today. I got him some meccano that is robotic. I hope it helps with his fine motor skills. after having breakfast for him at his mothers I have to go into work to clear out a backlog of stuff. thankfully not facing any patients. I'll crank up something heavy from the 90s. hopefully finish fast enough that I can get home and have time to drop a few tabs and play on my synthesiser all afternoon until I have to go to bed to get up for work and exposure to the virus tomorrow. last weekend we have like 20 ppl and there was no community transmission. now we have probably 500. ![]() ![]()
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SO DEMANDING posted:but i really want to get some cleaning/sanitizing supplies and everything everywhere online is sold the gently caress out and/or companies' inventory systems are shot to hell, so i'm probably gonna end up going to tons of stores this weekend to find stuff in stock. very frustrating. greatly increased my chance of exposure and went to 7 stores today nothing. cool. shouldn't have gone in the afternoon probably, maybe i'll get my rear end up early tomorrow and try again if i'm not too hungover echinopsis posted:I'm getting more and more terrified about going into work. It was a revelation, and fuckin stupid that it was, that I have to act as if everyone has the rona. this utterly changes how I do everything. I've got a couple hundred flu vaccines to give, bit hard to practise social distancing when you gotta touch people. apparently theres a way it can be done without touching the person, as in, just jab it in them and walk away, but I need to use a process that involves palpating some parts of their arm so I can be confident in where I give it. christ. how are you for ppe?
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ShadowHawk posted:The rental and real estate market is taking an absolute dive right now they may be thrilled to have you month to month true, but I think my ex might just keep living with me until I move out, so I don't really want to extend it. had a brief look on craigslist, and saw at least one place that was doing apartment showings via facetime.
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echinopsis posted:
if its one of those one use things where its the needle and dose in a single disposable package, just toss it to them and tell them how to stick themselves. or maybe get one of those grabby hand sticks and use that to thwack it into their arm. SO DEMANDING posted:greatly increased my chance of exposure and went to 7 stores today I did a whole foods delivery last night and it worked out well. I was ordering produce and some salmon tho, not critical items like TP.
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CRIP EATIN BREAD posted:something about hunting and farming make sure you are cool with a lot of walking, fluctuating temperatures and at the very least can hit a barn door with a shotgun. I’m so-so on the wonders of hunting. if I wanted to shoot a gun and run around outside I’d join the marines and at least get paid for it.
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Displeased Moo Cow posted:make sure you are cool with a lot of walking, fluctuating temperatures and at the very least can hit a barn door with a shotgun. considering that FDA inspections and food safety rules are being suspended en masse, and weighing Smithfield farm pork over a deer i catch in a valley and old yeller 'em, yeah, I'm getting my deer tag for this fall. Even conservatively you're looking at 40-50 lbs of wonderful meat especially since all the eastern Colorado ones just eat out of farmers' corn fields and their chops are sweet and delish
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I'm being very chill with the money this year though, so instead of having a proper bolt deer gun, i'm gonna use my AR15 lol. i kind of feel bad about that but also kinda don't
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if ur taking it for meat who cares how you kill it.
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Shaggar posted:if ur taking it for meat who cares how you kill it. the main thing is that if you show up for a deer hunt with an AR you look like a loving idiot. but idc really lmao
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got bored last night![]()
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SO DEMANDING posted:christ. how are you for ppe? probably sufficient for my needs but it’s also a whole new set of habits which is taking a little bit of time like I have these perspex face masks that spray painters use, they’re great but also intimidating, and that’s the weird bridge to cross ya know, we’re still a business that needs people to want to visit Shaggar posted:if ur taking it for meat who cares how you kill it. well using a .22 might kill it eventually but generally those of us with empathy would rather minimise suffering if at all possible
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is an ar15 overkill? i’ve never seen one irl
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don't deer all have some sort of horrible prion disease nowechinopsis posted:is an ar15 overkill? i’ve never seen one irl it's an M-16 with the automatic fire modes removed. it's a battle rifle that fires 5.56mm NATO ammo like every other battle rifle Sagebrush fucked around with this message at 21:51 on Mar 28, 2020 |
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Jonny 290 posted:the main thing is that if you show up for a deer hunt with an AR you look like a loving idiot. but idc really lmao if 5.56 is bad at killing deer then sure ok, but otherwise the kind of people getting mad about not using a big enough caliber are the kind of people you probably want to avoid
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Most people would consider it underkill because its made for killing people and deer are quite a bit larger. You really don't want to injure a deer and have it get away.
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sounds like the solution is an AR10
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Salt Fish posted:Most people would consider it underkill because its made for killing people and deer are quite a bit larger. You really don't want to injure a deer and have it get away. a lot of people dont realize that the hosed up metric for "compliant war rifle" changed from "blow huge loving holes in a person and make them die" to "make them sustain a pinhole wound that penetrates organs and requires them to leave the battlefield alongside 1.7 medics to treat them" so now instead of having a .50 cal rifle that will run daylight through an enemy, the standard is this thing that zips tiny bullets at 3,000 feet per second through an enemy soldier to disable them. I am not claiming that one approach or another is superior. just stating how it is
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LMFAOOO![]() lmfao you mean i get to watch Teebee in his living room because of a virus i absolutely love this
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i’d never heard this song before but the riffs are sick and obv the topic fits https://youtu.be/cjBeDJxBBQs
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 15:16 |
Jonny 290 posted:a lot of people dont realize that the hosed up metric for "compliant war rifle" changed from "blow huge loving holes in a person and make them die" to "make them sustain a pinhole wound that penetrates organs and requires them to leave the battlefield alongside 1.7 medics to treat them" make the minie ball great again
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