- Adbot
Feb 13, 2025 06:34
- Bicyclops
- Aug 27, 2004

I may as well try to reassemble a dandelion.
A goth girl I liked in high school tried to do that "borrow one of the earbuds from my mp3 player and lean in" thing and I was listening to an orchestral cover of the SMRPG forest theme
one English class I got worried that I was hearing Final Fantasy music in my brain for about 10 minutes before I realized that it was actually playing very quietly from my headphones that I'd stuffed in my backpack under my desk. I had to pretend to look for a pen and fish around with my hand stuffed in the zipper, so I wouldn't open it more and make it louder.
Jul 31, 2020 07:00
- Jeffrey of YOSPOS
- Dec 22, 2005

guy using the matrix plugs to learn how to speedrun mario:
pre:Visit the Toad's House using the pipe before coming here. Go right by
a Firesnake and you'll reach a red Koopa Troopa. Stomp it and then
lift its shell. Stand on the ? Block above (the left one) and release
it. Take the power-up from the right block and then hit the other ?
Block for a coin.
Go right to similarly stacked blocks (in a pyramid shape, of course).
Hit the right ? Block for a Starman! As Mario would say, yahoo! Run
right, plowing through those enemies to reach a third pyramid. Jump to
the top, bust through the blocks, and hit the ? Blocks for a power-up
leaning on the Super Leaf side of the tree.
If you are Raccoon Mario, get onto the base of this pyramid and take
off running into flight. Fly up to some blocks with a P Switch on them.
Hit the switch and drop down into a whole mess of coins! Collect all
that you can (one coin that seems solid contains a 1UP Mushroom when
hit from below) before going right past a series of jumping blocks.
Hit the Koopa Troopas' shells into the blocks. They will collect for
you many coins, as well as carve a path to a pipe. Take it down to the
black border. Run right to take a card.
Jul 31, 2020 07:34
- Bicyclops
- Aug 27, 2004

I may as well try to reassemble a dandelion.
RIP to our beloved Jelly Soup, who, in shuffling off this mortal coil, has become Ghost Jam
Jul 31, 2020 09:16
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010

If she was a true goth girl that should have just made her more into you.
Jul 31, 2020 13:06
- elf help book
- Aug 5, 2004

Though the battle might be endless, I will never give up
A goth girl I liked in high school tried to do that "borrow one of the earbuds from my mp3 player and lean in" thing and I was listening to an orchestral cover of the SMRPG forest theme
Jul 31, 2020 13:13
- EmmyOk
- Aug 11, 2013

If she was a true goth girl that should have just made her more into you.
Listening to one winged angel on repeat begging for this scenario and he just... does nothing
Jul 31, 2020 13:19
- Punished Chuck
- Dec 27, 2010

A goth girl I liked in high school tried to do that "borrow one of the earbuds from my mp3 player and lean in" thing and I was listening to an orchestral cover of the SMRPG forest theme
Jul 31, 2020 13:34
- Pushy Cat
- Jun 24, 2016

A goth girl I liked in high school tried to do that "borrow one of the earbuds from my mp3 player and lean in" thing and I was listening to an orchestral cover of the SMRPG forest theme
Jul 31, 2020 14:46
- big deal
- Sep 10, 2017

pre:Mario Series Ending FAQ
GameFAQs: jelly soup
GameSpot: Jelly_Soup
G4tv Forum: JellySoup
MarioWiki: Ghost Jam
NeoSeeker: Jelly Soup
Fungi Forums: Jelly Soup
Jul 31, 2020 21:57
- symbolic
- Nov 2, 2014

code:I was one of the people who didn't think it was a great game.
I saw it at a local electronics store, and thought it was
stupid. I watched as the nervous looking store clerk exclaimed
how the game was doing so well in the USA. I watched as a
balding old man, probably in his mid-to-late forties control
Chris across the 2nd floor of the dining room, yelling that he
had no idea what to do while saying it was one of the best
games he had seen.
Aug 1, 2020 03:27
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010

Getting weirdly depressed reading the 90s GameFAQs Japanese kid refer to the 44-year-old as an old man.
Aug 1, 2020 04:03
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010

Author : John A Warren - Derby, England
E-mail Address : CIS:100270,1053
or in the UK, leave a message on:
GREY CASTLE BBS 0332-756414
PLEASE send me your comments, even if it's just
to tell me I'm a Dumbo. (Well it is my first attempt!)
All E-Mail will be answered.
Additional Credits : Rosie (my wife), for looking after me Hand, Foot
& Finger, whilst I spend so much time at the keys
: Mick & Jodie (my kids) for coping so well since
being orphaned, (did you really have to keep
bringing your friends in and pointing at me?)
: Mathew Walker (Savannah, Georgia)
Chief Play Tester (US)
for also putting up with my crass E-Mail on a
daily basis, (even answering it)
: Paul Rowan (Nottingham, England)
Chief Play Tester (UK)
for also demonstrating his capacity at coping with
Steep Learning Curves
Description : You're `Acorn Hardas' and you're NO Green Marine.
Problem is, the action ain't been too hot of late
and you're not one for looking at yourself in a
Hall Of Mirrors ;-) You've been in nothing but
trouble with a capital `S' mainly for being Late
On Parade, but what do they expect when there's
nothing to do but get `spaced out'?
Bringing up the rear guard on yet another routine
mission, you keep comming across the toasted remains
of your buddy's. Looks like this is the Big One,
or is it a scene from that old Twentieth Century,
2D Movie you recall, "Planet of the Apes".
It's time to prove that you ARE a waster, just like
your Captain said, but not quite as he meant...
The file is IMPZONE.WAD and is level E1M1, i.e.
episode 1 mission 1. It supports all levels of
violence. Should prove eminently suited to
deathmatch play due to `circuits'.
(Unable to test, please let me know).
Instructions : Do you really need any?
Disclaimer : GET LOST!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Keys readily available in this mode)
Difficulty Settings : All
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Don't Ask!
Editors used : DEU 5.2 by Rapha?l Quinet & Brendon J. Wyber
DoomEd 2.60 B4 (The Real Thing) by Geoff Allan
(for steps & deleting sectors)
Known Bugs : ARE YOU KIDDING.. I've given up a significant
chunk of my life straightening up Textures and
checking for the dreaded HOM
Unknown Bugs : How the Hell do I know!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
CompuServe, Gamers+ Forum, Library 8 (Action Game Aids).
Any BBS you care to download it too.
Here's to all the kisses I've snatched and....
Aug 25, 2020 23:43
- mysterious loyall X
- Jul 8, 2003
Getting weirdly depressed reading the 90s GameFAQs Japanese kid refer to the 44-year-old as an old man.
the kid is right
Aug 26, 2020 00:58
- absolutely anything
- Dec 28, 2006

~As for dreams, she has enough and more to spare~
Author : John A Warren - Derby, England
E-mail Address : CIS:100270,1053
or in the UK, leave a message on:
GREY CASTLE BBS 0332-756414
PLEASE send me your comments, even if it's just
to tell me I'm a Dumbo. (Well it is my first attempt!)
All E-Mail will be answered.
Additional Credits : Rosie (my wife), for looking after me Hand, Foot
& Finger, whilst I spend so much time at the keys
: Mick & Jodie (my kids) for coping so well since
being orphaned, (did you really have to keep
bringing your friends in and pointing at me?)
: Mathew Walker (Savannah, Georgia)
Chief Play Tester (US)
for also putting up with my crass E-Mail on a
daily basis, (even answering it)
: Paul Rowan (Nottingham, England)
Chief Play Tester (UK)
for also demonstrating his capacity at coping with
Steep Learning Curves
Description : You're `Acorn Hardas' and you're NO Green Marine.
Problem is, the action ain't been too hot of late
and you're not one for looking at yourself in a
Hall Of Mirrors ;-) You've been in nothing but
trouble with a capital `S' mainly for being Late
On Parade, but what do they expect when there's
nothing to do but get `spaced out'?
Bringing up the rear guard on yet another routine
mission, you keep comming across the toasted remains
of your buddy's. Looks like this is the Big One,
or is it a scene from that old Twentieth Century,
2D Movie you recall, "Planet of the Apes".
It's time to prove that you ARE a waster, just like
your Captain said, but not quite as he meant...
The file is IMPZONE.WAD and is level E1M1, i.e.
episode 1 mission 1. It supports all levels of
violence. Should prove eminently suited to
deathmatch play due to `circuits'.
(Unable to test, please let me know).
Instructions : Do you really need any?
Disclaimer : GET LOST!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Keys readily available in this mode)
Difficulty Settings : All
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : Don't Ask!
Editors used : DEU 5.2 by Rapha?l Quinet & Brendon J. Wyber
DoomEd 2.60 B4 (The Real Thing) by Geoff Allan
(for steps & deleting sectors)
Known Bugs : ARE YOU KIDDING.. I've given up a significant
chunk of my life straightening up Textures and
checking for the dreaded HOM
Unknown Bugs : How the Hell do I know!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
CompuServe, Gamers+ Forum, Library 8 (Action Game Aids).
Any BBS you care to download it too.
Here's to all the kisses I've snatched and....
they called it a wad.... we called it Home
Aug 26, 2020 02:10
- Evil Eagle
- Nov 5, 2009

Dudes 3
Sep 2, 2020 19:37
- nut
- Jul 30, 2019

code:This FAQ, and all 30 other of my FAQ/Walkthroughs, are now dedicated to the
over 3,000 innocent people killed in the World Trade Center and Pentagon
terrorist attacks in New York City, New York, and Washington, D.C., on
September 11, 2001. To all of the innocent working people, and FDNY Firemen, as
well as other emergency workers, you will always be remembered. We won't stop
until we bring these criminals to justice, your deaths were NOT IN VAIN! God
Bless America, death to all terrorists of all races everywhere.
This thread is v good but this is v v good
Sep 2, 2020 22:00
- trying to jack off
- Dec 31, 2007

epic steve
Sep 2, 2020 22:35
- Arrhythmia
- Jul 22, 2011
Fail rear end bitch rear end Jacco.
Sep 2, 2020 23:01
- EmmyOk
- Aug 11, 2013

I like the detail of the player characters and enemies having different stick figures
Sep 2, 2020 23:02
- The Klowner
- Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
This thread is v good but this is v v good
Sep 3, 2020 05:11
- tawal
- Feb 7, 2012

He's got one of the funny numbers
Sep 3, 2020 13:19
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010

2.4 Characters
There are six different characters in this game. Their abilities differ from
vehicle to vehicle so check the respective part for each vehicle. What's common
for all of the vehicles is that the characters are divided into three classes.
In the light class we can find Lark and Kiwi; in the middle class, Goose and
Ibis and in the heavy class, Hawk and Robin. I'm not completely sure about
this, though. As you probably know, all of the characters have bird names. You
can read a few lines about every bird, below. For those of you who hate
fillers: get over it, the descriptions can't be longer than one kilo byte in
Lark - Aladidae
A family consisting of 85 species in the order of passerines. They are 13-27
cm long and often striped in the colours of brown and grey. They live all
around the world.
Kiwi - Apterygidae
Only three species in this family. It's the only family in the order of Kiwi
birds. All of them live on New Zealand and none can fly. They look like small
brown balls with long and narrow beaks.
Goose - Anser
15 species in this family. They are large birds 53-101 cm long, living on the
north part of Earth.
Ibis - Threskioni
A family of 30 species. The often white and brown birds can be 48-110 cm. They
have really long beaks and can be found everywhere there's a warm climate.
Hawk - Accipitrinae
A family of 50 species, all around the world. They are often brown and 30-70
cm long. Very fast birds of prey.
Robin - Erithacus rubercula
A 14 cm big thrush bird, living in Europe and North Africa. It's grey-brown on
the top; white and orange below. It belongs in the order of passerines.
Oct 26, 2020 05:40
- Bicyclops
- Aug 27, 2004

I may as well try to reassemble a dandelion.
I love it when people type like they're the Ted Woolsey translation of Final Fantasy VI
Oct 26, 2020 14:23
- Tato
- Jun 19, 2001

DIRECTIVE 236: Promote pro-social values
quote: - If the answer is in the walkthrough you will most likely not get
a response from me, maybe a smart rear end comment depending on the mood
I'm in at the time. I have better things to do than to answer
questions that have clearly been answered. Go back to the third grade
and take up some Reading Comprehension classes, I think it's time to
renew your subscription to Highlights magazine. Hooked on Phonics
worked for me, maybe it'll work for you too.
- And as long as were talking about e-mail I'll most likely ignore,
please write ledgible e-mail's without all these modern day acronyms
all you tennie boppers IM and text eachother with, I'm kind of old
school and aren't hip to all their meanings.
- And one more thing: I KNOW THERE ARE TYPOS in this guide. I typed
it in word pad and if you knew anything at all, then you should know
word pad doesn't have spell check, plus I'm only human and thus not
perfect. When you type in a million plus characters you're bound to
make a mistake. It's amazing all these anal retentive rear end in a top hat yuppies
out there who e-mail me and make a big deal because I didn't use
proper grammer or spelled a word wrong, whick 98% of the time is due
to a typo and not my ability to spell. Get a life you pathetic morons!
Maybe someday I'll notice the typos and fix them, then again maybe I
won't just to piss you off!
Nov 10, 2020 16:25
- American McGay
- Feb 28, 2010

Lmao what the hell was going on in that dude's inbox.
Nov 10, 2020 16:35
- Adbot
Feb 13, 2025 06:34
- Tato
- Jun 19, 2001

DIRECTIVE 236: Promote pro-social values
On the one hand, he seems riled up. On the other I couldn't beat Turok 2 without his help
Nov 10, 2020 17:18