There's a significant overlap between the combination of long-term multi-generational educational withdrawal, exposure to leaded gasoline, and Trumpism. I fully expect in a decade or so there'll be dissertations written studying these people and what caused them to be the way they are/were.
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 05:07 |
Vance’s whole thing was trying to build empathy for the rural, white poor but now he is part of a campaign that cynically and mercilessly exploits those same people
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Leave posted:Seems to me uneducated white people hosed up a lot, why not call em on it? ![]()
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Kazinsal posted:There's a significant overlap between the combination of long-term multi-generational educational withdrawal, exposure to leaded gasoline, and Trumpism. I fully expect in a decade or so there'll be dissertations written studying these people and what caused them to be the way they are/were. Yup! Don't forget the media bubbles that happen to Old People who sit in front of a TV screen 12 hours a day. It's not that grampa's a fascist rear end in a top hat, it's that grampa doesn't have the media savvy to know he's rooting for the fascist assholes because they keep saying they're on his side like Bryant gumble and Paul Harvey used to be. People under 50 that show up to trump rallies? Yeah probably assholes of one flavor or another.
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facialimpediment posted:Donnie couldn't even use Arlington as a prop correctly. "Oh that guy was just having a mental health episode, we did nothing wrong" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz5ODQCueP8
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Lol so apparently "National Collectors Mint Inc." ran a thing where they supposedly took actual uncirculated $2 bills and then printed Trump's mugshot over them and sold them for $40 a piece. Pretty sure that breaks several Federal laws and will get the Treasury department on your rear end. I'm sure the FinCEN guys ears perked up when that ad rolled across TV.
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This is just straight grift all the way down and it would be loving hilarious if it was for anything but president.
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goatsestretchgoals posted:This is just straight grift all the way down and it would be loving hilarious if it was for anything but president. think of it as a useful learning experience in understanding what many people of the world have to deal with regarding their governments!
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In the event you want a simple, to the point recap of polling, errors, and you want to avoid the technical terminology poo poo, Pew just released a good article. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/08/28/key-things-to-know-about-us-election-polling-in-2024/
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And speaking of, Fox News (a legit good pollster) put out a batch of swing state numbers that are hilarious in the downballot: https://x.com/Taniel/status/1828918482790166582?t=r0HohpfR0tgHa4e9l2i2cA&s=19 Walz is also +5-12 in favorability over the couchfucker and Kamala is +5-8 in favorability over Donnie. These are real "oh gently caress no these Republican downballot candidates really suck" numbers. The presidentials are all ties, but holy lol those are some bad, bad downballot numbers.
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If firm red states get flipped I’m going to become even more insufferable about people complaining that their vote doesn’t matter because they already know the outcome
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The fact that NC is even in play is real bad for the GOP lol
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People aren’t going to split the ticket that much. Harris will drag the Senate candidates down, and they will drag her up, and the numbers will meet somewhere in the middle. It’s not going to be like one in ten people who look at that ballot and fill in the bubble for Gallego/Rosen/Stein and just can’t bring themselves to fill in the bubble for Harris. She’s not that offensive.
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Yeah no real analyst thinks that those split ticket numbers are going to be that big. But it's a good example of when polls can actually tell you something - in a 50/50 presidential sample, the gov/senate candidates are clearing 50 and up double-digits. The numbers will shift, but those downballot candidates, endorsed by trump, are poll-confirmed godawful. meanwhile, point and laugh at the backfired ratfuck: https://x.com/mattsmith_news/status/1828937544920379507
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orange juche posted:The fact that NC is even in play is real bad for the GOP lol Yeah nice to the signs going that way. Post debate Biden was getting complaints from usually safe spots like NM Senate seat how he was such a drag it had shifted to only slight Dem advantage, but with him gone it’s far more secure.
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shoutouts to the guy i saw carrying a bunch of RFK signs at the berkeley BART last friday
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facialimpediment posted:meanwhile, point and laugh at the backfired ratfuck: https://x.com/mattsmith_news/status/1828937544920379507 citing state law
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goatsestretchgoals posted:citing state law ![]() ![]()
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speaking of
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goatsestretchgoals posted:speaking of There's been coverage everywhere, but it might run out of legs shortly. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/28/us/politics/trump-arlington-cemetery.html Officials are now in the "well, what do we do?" phase as the cemetery worker that filed the report won't press charges, as she's afraid of chuds. Not sure how quickly that report can be FOIAed. Donnie likely won't put out the video (if he has it) and put out his gross campaign ad yesterday.
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It would be a shame if someone made up details about the brawl and goaded DJT into releasing the tape.
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My perfect cemetery confrontation
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There's also the reality that nothing would happen to Donnie and friends if the cemetery workers pursued it, and they'll likely have their lives hosed up in retaliation for trying, so why bother? Standing up like that in a rigged system doesn't get a cheerful ending with the villain getting their comeuppance after learning a moral lesson. You just get loving wrecked trying to pay lawyer fees, possibly killed by some wandering CHUD, and the people that did it spend some miniscule percentage of their wealth they'll never even notice to purchase the outcome they want.
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Platystemon posted:It would be a shame if someone made up details about the brawl and goaded DJT into releasing the tape. “Yo Donnie, I heard the soldier guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Loser Whose Name Everyone Forgot totally kicked your rear end and got it on video.”
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Day Three:NYT/AP/etc posted:The U.S. Army has published a statement criticizing the Trump campaign for insults and attacks made against an official at Arlington National Cemetery after an altercation during Trump’s visit to the cemetery on Monday. Weak statement, better than nothing, institutions still are doing favors for Donnie, etc Edit: statement's finally out https://x.com/halbritz/status/1829169701878169639?t=KofDYs-iJRQP2iLfGjn2Hw&s=19 facialimpediment fucked around with this message at 15:33 on Aug 29, 2024 |
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facialimpediment posted:Day Three: Yeah feels low key like the Army is calling this out.
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As I understand it, Trump himself broke no laws here. Arlington allowing them to bring a photographer in isn't lawful and they tried. Trump, as a private citizen, can use photos and video from Arlington all he likes. It's just an rear end in a top hat move. I get why the Arlington official wants to keep a low profile, too. Chuds would probably torch their house or something.
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McNally posted:As I understand it, Trump himself broke no laws here. Arlington allowing them to bring a photographer in isn't lawful and they tried. Trump, as a private citizen, can use photos and video from Arlington all he likes. It's just an rear end in a top hat move. WaPo disagrees - but naturally the law broken has no penalties attached to it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/08/28/trump-arlington-national-cemetery-law-explained/ quote:The apparently applicable law here is 32 CFR § 553.32. That law says the executive director of the Army National Military Cemeteries shall “ensure the sanctity of public and private memorial and ceremonial events.” So it's over and above a private citizen rear end in a top hat move because it was during a campaign, even if he's not in government right now. And Arlington appears to have full reign over restricting allowed photographers to execute the law. Totally can't blame the worker for declining the charges or the army wanting it to just go away. But classic Donnie poo poo - another thing that only he can do as a Special Boy.
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And now back to comedy - compare and contrast! https://x.com/MorePerfectUS/status/1828821232315428889?t=ljs13jwlfJxEKUMJi5rsFw&s=19 https://x.com/therecount/status/1829194191093551412?t=_7o5LXYfyK16EH9DGPzvHA&s=19
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Vortex Street fucked around with this message at 06:28 on Nov 6, 2024 |
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facialimpediment posted:WaPo disagrees - but naturally the law broken has no penalties attached to it: The Penalty for breaking the law is Arlington telling you to leave and a uniformed civilian law enforcement officer arresting you for trespassing when you refuse. It shouldn't need to be more than that.
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A.o.D. posted:The Penalty for breaking the law is Arlington telling you to leave and a uniformed civilian law enforcement officer arresting you for trespassing when you refuse. It shouldn't need to be more than that. Added bonus: apparently Donnie tried to make it a "memorial event", making it permissible. Then he wouldn't tell anyone about the "memorial event" so he could then attack Kamala for not attending it. Also apparently the Speaker of the House intervened when cemetery officials got the heebie jeebies. Too bad they didn't eject the staffer like that immediately.
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A sane campaign (other than not holding a photo op at Arlington) would have just apologized & if asked admitted fault & it would have been out of the news cycle in a day or two. Fortunately they are choosing to double down & escalate pointlessly, cmon trump start a feud with the Army.
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Meanwhile: https://x.com/Acyn/status/1829195530855166182
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So the person working at the cemetary is, I assume, some sort of federal employee? If she was assaulted on the job, is the employer (or union) not going to provide lawyers for her?
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I have been told repeatedly that it is not actually up to the victim to “press charges” and that their permission is not necessary to seek justice for a crime
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Hyrax Attack! posted:A sane campaign (other than not holding a photo op at Arlington) would have just apologized & if asked admitted fault & it would have been out of the news cycle in a day or two. Fortunately they are choosing to double down & escalate pointlessly, cmon trump start a feud with the Army. The governor of Utah was also there in the thumbs-up picture, immediately apologized, and that was the last time he was involved in the story. Donnie also tried to argue that he had permission from the family (yes), but he forgot that there are other soldiers in the cemetery. A nearby headstone belonged to a soldier that killed himself and his family is very, very pissed off about his tombstone also being in the picture. Turned a one-day gross political hit into a three-day mini-scandal on all newspapers, with potential for more. CBJSprague24 posted:Meanwhile: He's hilariously bad at this.
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Tiny Timbs posted:I have been told repeatedly that it is not actually up to the victim to “press charges” and that their permission is not necessary to seek justice for a crime That is correct, prosecutors have the discretion to take into account a victim's wishes but are not required to do so.
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joat mon posted:That is correct, prosecutors have the discretion to take into account a victim's wishes but are not required to do so. ...of course it may be hard to prosecute without the victim's testimony, and for relatively minor crimes following victim's wishes is likely appropriate.
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# ? Feb 17, 2025 05:07 |
Tiny Timbs posted:I have been told repeatedly that it is not actually up to the victim to “press charges” and that their permission is not necessary to seek justice for a crime Technically its not, but most prosecutors will throw their hands up and say there is nothing to be done if its a politically sensitive situation. Maybe they'll convene a grand jury if there is consistent pressure, bungle that process, and then say they simply don't have the evidence necessary.
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