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Brute Squad
Dec 20, 2006

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human race

bulletsponge13 posted:

I'm going to regret asking, but does SA have a sane/grounded in reality QAnon thread? I really want to know what the gently caress is happening with the election tomorrow.

dnd's got a qanon thread. it's not a genericpol thread, so it's more likely to be stable and grounded. for staring into the abyss that's qanon i mean.

cspam has an "internet culture warriors" thread and an "alt-right" thread that cover it tangentially that are pretty good. I follow those threads.

Brute Squad fucked around with this message at 07:55 on Nov 3, 2020


my kinda ape
Sep 15, 2008

Everything's gonna be A-OK

ded posted:


sane qanon? are you out of your loving mind?

Maybe he wants to know what the Q people are up to, what kind of terrorist attacks they're planning, etc

Dec 13, 2011

ded posted:


sane qanon? are you out of your loving mind?

I'm assuming he meant "sane thread about qanon chuds" not "thread about sane qanon chuds"


Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

orange juche posted:

What do you think C-SPAM is gonna say if Biden wins?

OK for real can yall not do this? It's really loving weird.

e: like there's gonna be a ton of poo poo to get mad about in the coming days, save it for something that matters and not "i hope my posting enemies get triggered"

Fister Roboto fucked around with this message at 09:18 on Nov 3, 2020

Apr 28, 2010

Kazinsal posted:

I'm assuming he meant "sane thread about qanon chuds" not "thread about sane qanon chuds"



I want to see what craziness is happening in their lunacy.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
And scene.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
i hope he got paid a good amount for that

May 29, 2007
I like cookies.
I'm going to vote today. I like showing up to the actual voting location in my registered precinct because it's a small baptist church and most of my precinct is inhabited by old white conservatives. The look of distaste when a millennial walks in is fantastic schadenfreude.

Feb 13, 2012


Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

What are y'all using as an "all-in-one" result aggregator, if there's something like that at all?
I went through the GiP Election GDT again and most folks (including myself) kept posting that graphic with the three dials (popular vote, electoral count, probability to win) from NYT I think, but surely, when we have massively-interactive map-data-apps and overviews for Corona, there's something like that for the 2020 election results as well?

I'm currently clicking my way through 538 looking for something like that.

I guess this overview from CNN has most of the relevant information

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!
Vault time and I don't know for how long, but good luck and I sincerely hope that Biden wins and there's minimal deaths. The anxiety today is pretty overwhelming.

Feb 13, 2012

If you’re voting today and it’s on your ballot, set aside some time to check out the candidates for your school board.

In a pandemic, their actions can have life or death consequences.

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Oh god the Russians and their scum allies are now tweeting what they alleged are nude photos of Hunter Biden. I didn’t need to see shopped dick this early in the morning.

It’s in the replies in this tweet...though why anyone would want to look beyond reporting is well beyond me.

Goddamn I want the Russian’s to pay for what they’ve done. I want them to remember why they fear the night.

Marshal Prolapse fucked around with this message at 14:23 on Nov 3, 2020

Mar 2, 2020

Is this stupid poo poo over with yet

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

NC polls opened at 6:30, so it’s just begun.

Oct 28, 2008

Good luck to everyone today- hope everything stays peaceful wherever you are and that today is the first step toward climbing out of the national nightmare we’ve been enduring. Remember to take breaks from doomscrolling and check in on your friends and family.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

On March the 328th, it will finally be over

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Mar 2, 2020

I wonder if the streak will end:

A Bad Poster
Sep 25, 2006
Seriously, shut the fuck up.

It will never end.

Also, if you're trying to bring down the Bidens by leaking Hunter's nudes, showing that he's packing a monster energy can down there isn't exactly the way to do that.

Hot Karl Marx
Mar 16, 2009

Politburo regulations about social distancing require to downgrade your Karlmarxing to cold, and sorry about the dnc primaries, please enjoy!

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

Duzzy Funlop posted:

What are y'all using as an "all-in-one" result aggregator, if there's something like that at all?
I went through the GiP Election GDT again and most folks (including myself) kept posting that graphic with the three dials (popular vote, electoral count, probability to win) from NYT I think, but surely, when we have massively-interactive map-data-apps and overviews for Corona, there's something like that for the 2020 election results as well?

I'm currently clicking my way through 538 looking for something like that.

I guess this overview from CNN has most of the relevant information

I'm probably just going to roll with CNN but, if a trump loss looks imminent, I'm switching over to Fox News for the schadenfreude.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
227 people through in three hours - ZERO problems. Like not even a fuckin partisan poll inspector.

Quite a few people turning in absentee ballots because they "don't trust them".

Oct 24, 2010

2nd Best Gimmick.

Jan 20, 2016


Oct 24, 2010

Not a gimmick.

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u
Heard there was the chud brodozer pride blockade in Boca yesterday. Apparently was all over in a few minutes when they approached a main intersection, got surrounded by cops and told to gently caress off and that was it.

Mar 2, 2020

Can you just tell us who is going to win and spare us the ceremony?

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

Defenestrategy posted:

2nd Best Gimmick.

Is EBB actually Producer Chris? Only time will tell

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Had a woman come in, late-middle aged, that did a slight goof on her pre-registration form (filled out the wrong side). Caught it, then she started crying behind her mask because her ex-husband told her that because of the divorce, she wouldn't be allowed to vote. Got her calmed quick when we checked her ID, she was in the system, guided her through the form, and issued her the ballot.

She was quite adamant that she ONLY wanted to vote for president. I don't think she was a Trump voter.

And the ex-husband is a fucker. She's going to stick in my head for a while.

Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

facialimpediment posted:

Had a woman come in, late-middle aged, that did a slight goof on her pre-registration form (filled out the wrong side). Caught it, then she started crying behind her mask because her ex-husband told her that because of the divorce, she wouldn't be allowed to vote. Got her calmed quick when we checked her ID, she was in the system, guided her through the form, and issued her the ballot.

She was quite adamant that she ONLY wanted to vote for president. I don't think she was a Trump voter.

And the ex-husband is a fucker. She's going to stick in my head for a while.

Reddit is full of stories of parents and spouses stealing ballots. It’s nuts.

Feb 4, 2003

Kids, it's not cool to have Shane MacGowan teeth

stackofflapjacks posted:

Anyone care to napkin math that amount of chuds? Seems like not that many for a rally. But for how many people actually go buy the flags for Trump, that's a ton of idiots that go buy a 30$ flag. It's really just a club for these old people

If it's really 96 miles long, it's a lot of cars no matter how you slice it. Closely spaced like in the picture (25 ft per car) it's 20,275 cars. At a more realistic 40-50 ft per, it's 12,672-10,138. My guess is that it's maybe 1/2 that and they're not actually driving end-to-end the whole way, but that's still like 5000 people they got to show up in their dumbass stunt. If they're telling the truth about the length, which is also questionable.

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

EBB posted:

It's that time brother, OHHHHH YEAHHHHHH

Hulkamania has been running MILD so the MACHO MAN HIMSELF is BACK to shitpost until this match is decided OHHHH YEAH

Only the CREAM of the CROP will be able to keep posting to the end and my question to you is





Fallom posted:

Reddit is full of stories of parents and spouses stealing ballots. It’s nuts.

A lot of these Right Wing evangelical fucks are telling each other to basically force their spouses to vote Trump. Its loving sick.

Sep 23, 2007
Trip report from rural PA- surprisingly no Trump supporters or campaigners. There were actually two democrat pollwatchers at the doors.

Got inside and found out that because I registered for vote by mail for the primary, they automatically sent me one for the general even though I didn't request it. Had to go home and dig to the bottom of my shred pile to find it, got back and had to cast a provisional ballot anyway. So much for voting on election day!

Sep 2, 2011

asymptotically approaching one

Oi, you've got one job today, make sure no nutters can gently caress with those dumbass electronic voting systems that have their databases exposed to the internet. One job!

Marshal Prolapse
Jun 23, 2012

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

facialimpediment posted:

Had a woman come in, late-middle aged, that did a slight goof on her pre-registration form (filled out the wrong side). Caught it, then she started crying behind her mask because her ex-husband told her that because of the divorce, she wouldn't be allowed to vote. Got her calmed quick when we checked her ID, she was in the system, guided her through the form, and issued her the ballot.

She was quite adamant that she ONLY wanted to vote for president. I don't think she was a Trump voter.

And the ex-husband is a fucker. She's going to stick in my head for a while.

Can you report him to the AG’s office for voter intimidation? I know he probably wouldn’t get charged, but him getting interviewed would probably loosen his bowels just a little bit, and it would be a good start.

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.
"I love you, Dad."

"I'm sorry, son. Affection is a sign that you're WEAK...and I have no place for weakness."

Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

We just got told our client is reducing the call-offs for next year from 6 (people) to 2.5 in our team due to :airquote: Corona cut-backs :airquote:. Won't affect our jobs or pay, just how many of us will be working in our previous positions. Also won't affect my position if I choose to continue in my current position, it would just be more than double the work and I'll have to keep throwing my hands up throughout 2021 and go "welp, that's our capacity limit, so sorry :shobon:".

What pisses me off massively is that the order for 2021 should have been signed at the end of April, which would have meant that the client would have had a contractual cap on signed-order call-off reduction of 15%, or 5 instead of 6 people, but they kicked that can down the road long enough to see how much they'd have to cut in other areas, so now they're not limited by the hard-cap and are going "man, we sure are sorry about these corona cutbacks".

Also, it means someone else on this team isn't getting the boot for good after coasting like you wouldn't believe for the entire year, but will be rotated into another project, and that almost pisses me off more, because I've apparently become more of a poo poo person throughout this year while dealing with them.

gently caress.

This day is off to a good loving start. I'd say it can only get better, but...welp

Opening a beer.


Duzzy Funlop
Jan 13, 2010

Hi there, would you like to try some spicy products?

In more thread-relevant posting: when do the results start "trickling in" roughly?

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