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Jun 4, 2004
I think that MBAs are useful, in case you are looking for an answer to the question of "Is lightpole a total fucking idiot".

Grip it and rip it posted:

Yeah that's definitely the kind of position where you want to start forming a potential backup plan immediately.

Project 2025 plans to use loyalty to Trump as the qualifier for being a federal employee if he is elected. You either kneel, kiss the ring, and ascribe to MAGA ideals or youre out.


Jul 6, 2009

Fun Shoe

lightpole posted:

Project 2025 plans to use loyalty to Trump as the qualifier for being a federal employee if he is elected. You either kneel, kiss the ring, and ascribe to MAGA ideals or youre out.

Yeah, I’m waiting for this one next year. I’ll be out and part of the lawsuit over it. In a 6-3 decision I’ll stay fired

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009



Democracy is boned.

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!

How is this different from latter years Regan?

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u
Wasn't trump known for not getting out of bed until around noon?

Or at least the residence or something.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

From nytimes:


After Gov. Josh Green of Hawaii, a physician, asked Mr. Biden questions about the status of his health, Mr. Biden replied that his health was fine. “It’s just my brain,” he added, according to three people familiar with what took place — a remark that some in the room took as a joke, including Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York, according to a person close to her. But at least one governor did not, and was puzzled by it.

Really not ideal when two candidates have said there is nothing wrong with their behavior that can’t be attributed to brain problems.

Oct 27, 2010

Bread Liar
has trump said anything like that? since i'm assuming we're counting biden and the worm(s) in rfk's head

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

not caring here posted:

Wasn't trump known for not getting out of bed until around noon?

Or at least the residence or something.

"Executive Time" was when he'd shitpost or listen to the voices in his head TV until they replaced the schedule with "he will take many meetings and make many calls".

Zamujasa posted:

has trump said anything like that? since i'm assuming we're counting biden and the worm(s) in rfk's head

nah donnie does nothing but ramble how he has the best brain/words/etc. I'm on a news/social media break (because everything), but I think it was WaPo that made it clear he was joking and knocking on wood/the table.

Feb 13, 2012


Only Snowden could make this statement with the punchline of RFK Jr. instead of Kamala Harris.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Zamujasa posted:

has trump said anything like that? since i'm assuming we're counting biden and the worm(s) in rfk's head

Floating the concept of injecting light as a COVID cure isn't enough?

Oct 27, 2010

Bread Liar
we all know he's an insane idiot racist, the question is specifically if he's said anything about the health of donnie goodbrains. biden joked about it and rfk has the worms

Aug 3, 2007

Hyrax Attack! posted:

From nytimes:

Really not ideal when two candidates have said there is nothing wrong with their behavior that can’t be attributed to brain problems.

I'd be more worried about whichever governor it is that can't detect a joke that obvious.

Feb 13, 2012

The president should have read the room.

Jun 7, 2012

http 418

Platystemon posted:

The president should have read the room.

He can't, he has brain problems.

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u

facialimpediment posted:

"Executive Time" was when he'd shitpost or listen to the voices in his head TV until they replaced the schedule with "he will take many meetings and make many calls".

Holy poo poo that phrase just hit me like a 'Nam flashback.

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Some good news in Wisconsin

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

That's good, anything to make it easier for people to vote. Didn't know how lucky I was to be in WA where you get a mail in ballot with plenty of time to do research, and if you really want extra security drop boxes are everywhere.

I was confused about why other states hadn't adopted that system or why anyone would need to stand in line for hours (on a dang non-holiday weekday) before realizing it's intentional to suppress returns. Family friends teach at University of Ohio so are stuck in lines for hours each time with no other options.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

RFC2324 posted:

He can't, he has brain problems.

The real trouble is that we get a lot of days like today (which I've had limited exposure to) - a firey campaign speech and a below replacement-level interview. Where he's back to non-senile Grandpa Joe, but Grandpa Joe is below replacement-level at answering questions to move any kind of needle. Then also sabotages his own campaign's talking points by when you really think about the answers, when he minimizes the election's consequences.

He's basically doing the dance when a sports coach is a dead man walking and about to get fired, but refuses to acknowledge (but maybe sees) the oncoming train.

The trouble here is that the coach is also the owner.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

It's Joever

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Holy cow that’s dire. I know time comes for us all but dang even with the best makeup money can buy he looks 91.

Oct 27, 2010

Bread Liar
that was painful to watch.

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!
i will take a corpse over trump

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Excellent Head of Government and one of, if not the best presidents of most of our lifetimes. Might even be right about the polling being bullshit.

But no longer a functional Head of State after the debate made all the bullshit videos correct.

Would still vote for him, but the k-hive is buzzing in my head as a better option!

Dec 13, 2011

I am once again asking the DNC to invest heavily in maintenance doses of yayo for Joe.

Oct 28, 2008

This loving sucks so much lol

Jan 22, 2010

someone give joe a participation trophy and tell him he won, he just has to sign this piece of paper (which resigns the presidency and quits the race)

Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020
If he's going to be replaced they need to announce it yesterday, regardless of who they are going to fill his seat. This whole thing is a loving disaster.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Grip it and rip it posted:

If he's going to be replaced they need to announce it yesterday, regardless of who they are going to fill his seat. This whole thing is a loving disaster.

For what it's worth, "Both of these options suck" elections tend to be decided in the last few weeks anyways. Also helps that the collective American attention span is about a few days and their decisions on both were hardened pre-debate.

So the party needs to sort the poo poo out before or during the convention, August 19-22. The DNC "virtual convention" is bullshit and not needed since Ohio changed their law. Chuds saying "we'll sue if you change at the convention" are just bleating.

Feb 13, 2012



BIDEN: I convinced myself of two things. I’m the most qualified person to beat him, and I know how to get things done.
STEPHANOPOULOS: If you can be convinced that you cannot defeat Donald Trump, will you stand down?

BIDEN: (LAUGH) It depends on — on if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that, I might do that.

His Holiness, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Servant of the servants of God, has the opportunity to be the greatest pontiff in at least three centuries.

Cugel the Clever
Apr 5, 2009

Pine Cone Jones posted:

i will take a corpse over trump
I'm on board. My concern, though, is that more than enough of the voting public fundamentally does not and will not share that position. And, if we're willing to accept a corpse over Donald Trump, why not accept Harris or another candidate if they look more up to the task?

There's a handful of pundits I follow on Bluesky who are so weirdly pro-Biden it ends up hurting the argument for him. There are a lot of decent, if debatable arguments in favor of staying the course. "Concerns about Biden's performance in the debate are nothing but mass hysteria," though? That's just outright gaslighting and devastating to credibility.

The chuds and the NYT absolutely are cynically fueling the fire and that's abhorrent. But we can't just pretend that voters won't be put off by Biden's manifest shortcomings (polls do show a dip in Biden's already poor numbers), nor just whine that they should be voting against authoritarianism anyway. They should! But the argument needs to be that American democracy faces this unprecedented threat and our candidate, whoever that is, is eager and ready to go to bat for America.

Jul 8, 2006

What does the president do exactly that requires snap decision making? Contrary to TV dramas, almost everything coming from the White House is a strategic policy change or an escalation on something that can’t be figured out at lower level leadership in an executive agency. If Biden goes to sleep at 8 and makes a decision with his team the next day, nothing is going to change. And Trump making an invariably terrible decision in the moment because he was awake tweeting when someone asked him isn’t somehow better.

Apr 28, 2010

No one had a problem when Nancy was running the country and blowing the SecDef while Ronnie poo poo himself in the tub and laughed at the bubbles

Jun 7, 2012

http 418

bulletsponge13 posted:

No one had a problem when Nancy was running the country and blowing the SecDef while Ronnie poo poo himself in the tub and laughed at the bubbles

Cugel the Clever
Apr 5, 2009
Even given that a president technically needn't be mentally agile or even all there to get by fine in office, what matters for November is what voters think or can be persuaded of. Are too many going to stay home, naively or selfishly uninspired by the need to defeat authoritarianism alone?

I don't even solidly come down on the replacement side. It's just direly important not to contribute to a willfully overoptimistic echo chamber that refuses to entertain electoral realities, lest we blunder into another stupid "it's her turn!" loss when the stakes are even higher. None of us are going to be deciding things, but y'all are probably going to be engaging one way or another with undecided dumb-dumbs who need to be persuaded to the ballot box.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
Yeah the constant complaints from winnable normies are "they're both so old", "I don't want a rerun", and "is this really the best the country can do?"

So it's good that at a minimum, Harris is doing a ton of events. She's been great on abortion and probably isn't as bad as she was in the 2020 primaries anymore.

Apr 28, 2010

I am so glad I didn't watch this video on Ambien.

Jun 7, 2012

http 418

bulletsponge13 posted:

I am so glad I didn't watch this video on Ambien.

The 80s were a wild time to be a child

Jul 10, 2001

I had always assumed that this and the cave episode of Punky Brewster were just childhood fever dreams.

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!

facialimpediment posted:

Yeah the constant complaints from winnable normies are "they're both so old", "I don't want a rerun", and "is this really the best the country can do?"

So it's good that at a minimum, Harris is doing a ton of events. She's been great on abortion and probably isn't as bad as she was in the 2020 primaries anymore.

I would like to hope that Harris could be viable on her own, especially if she was coached by the younger folks to dunk on trump at all times.


Jul 8, 2006

Pine Cone Jones posted:

I would like to hope that Harris could be viable on her own, especially if she was coached by the younger folks to dunk on trump at all times.

I'm not sure how someone comes back with younger folks after enthusiastically enforcing drug crimes this century. Harris is a dead end, there are politicians who haven't put thousands of people in prison over pot.

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