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Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

mlmp08 posted:

If someone really wanted to jump on his statements about military service, this line makes more sense.

And it appears to be true on a technicality. He did deploy to Europe as part of OEF, which was considered a wartime deployment (again, on a technicality).

The best article I've read so far is here:

Basically, NYT et al that chomped on the swiftboat poo poo assigned stories to normie reporters instead of vets who would know that retirement paperwork gets dropped months before the actual retirement happens!


Jul 11, 2004

Nap Ghost

facialimpediment posted:

And it appears to be true on a technicality. He did deploy to Europe as part of OEF, which was considered a wartime deployment (again, on a technicality).

It is a deployment in support of OEF, but it was not a deployment to a combat zone.

I don't get into dick-waving about going to Iraq proper vs something like Air Crew or loggies/comms/security/etc who "only" went to Kuwait or Qatar or Jordan or the like where they were told they might take ballistic missile fire during OIF/OEF, but deploying to a base in Italy isn't "carrying a weapon in war."

His exaggeration and misleading comment there is far from unique, though. We've seen politicians deploy that line when they literally never left the states or their only overseas mission was like... training with a friendly nation during peace-time ops.

Hell, I knew a dude who was a Top Tier dipshit who got mocked until he quit ROTC. He tried for years to become kind of an intellectual dark-web style rightwing blogger and campaign worker, who described himself as a "veteran of the Iraq War" because his ROTC training was geared toward "alla y'all are going to Iraq" before he quit. He wasn't even a contract cadet, which means he was just a student who signed up for the MS100/200-series uni class electives...

Still, this whole line of attack coming from a Combat Camera Marine is pretty rich. JD Vance is just a huckster.

Aug 11, 2018

Pixels of Light.

bird food bathtub posted:

So apparently Walz is the most radical liberal to ever liberal a liberal, a case of stolen valor, an antifa operative looking to burn down Minnesota for reasons, a child groomer in the school system, and a Chinese Communist Party deep cover spy-op that only right wing media was able to uncover in two days.

They got nothing and they're still deeply loving weird.

See, a tankie of my acquaintance is already getting blog articles about how Walz isn't as liberal as he seems and vetoed worker protection bills.

Make up y'all's minds!

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Tankies and chuds are part of the same contradictory spin cycle of X/Stormfront propaganda so that checks out

Jun 21, 2012

Yeah, yeah...
Mr Vance, did you see combat?
Well, I saw a little, on TV.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

mlmp08 posted:

Still, this whole line of attack coming from a Combat Camera Marine is pretty rich. JD Vance is just a huckster.

It would've been funnier if JD made sergeant so "Sergeant Scribbles" might stick. "Combat camera marine" is pretty good! One of the things I respected Max of Terminal Lance the most for - he deployed once as an MRAP gunner, *then* deployed again as a photographer/artist.

And on why Kamala isn't doing pressers and you're not hearing much about it: she's chatting off-record on her plane.

Nov 25, 2004

I'm an insufferable shitposter who does not deserve to root for such a good team. Also, this is what Matt Harvey thinks of me and my garbage posting.
JD 'Rafter Man' Vance

Apr 3, 2009

facialimpediment posted:

It would've been funnier if JD made sergeant so "Sergeant Scribbles" might stick. "Combat camera marine" is pretty good! One of the things I respected Max of Terminal Lance the most for - he deployed once as an MRAP gunner, *then* deployed again as a photographer/artist.

And on why Kamala isn't doing pressers and you're not hearing much about it: she's chatting off-record on her plane.

As much as I despite those elements of media culture, Biden not massaging their egos was a major proboem for him in practice.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

OddObserver posted:

As much as I despite those elements of media culture, Biden not massaging their egos was a major proboem for him in practice.

Didn’t he have a bad relationship with house democrats? I think i saw something about how he rarely visited them or spoke directly with their leadership, so when withdrawal calls came in they were stronger from the house than the senate.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Kaiser Schnitzel
Mar 28, 2006

Schnitzel mit uns

Soylent Pudding posted:

Bon Iver playing Battle Cry of Freedom at the Wisconsin rally:

I hope they keep using the song the rest of the campaign.
'Marching Song of the 1st Arkansas' is even better

CW: some archaic c.1863 language

Nov 8, 2009

I love the potoo,
and the potoo loves you.
...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.

Feb 23, 2007
Those dastardly scandinavian germans, famously anarchists all so hard it's genetic and permeates time and space.

How am I supposed to laugh at an insane yet ringing endorsement?

Dec 5, 2010

Blue Jackoffs are Rags west

Cythereal posted:

...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.

These people are not fully American sure sounds like some we need one Volk poo poo.

Oct 26, 2003
My leg hurts....
Anyone who doesn't agree with me isn't a real American leads to some pretty goddamned dark places...

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
I'm not sure if I'm being fair when I call him a cheddarbrain. It's just soup up there.

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Cythereal posted:

...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.

Digging deep to pull up these old timey racisms

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

Cythereal posted:

...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.

*Franz Sigel* - Vat, these arschlocher again?

Jan 15, 2006

Utterly Dethpicable

Cythereal posted:

...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.

It's known that the Republicans hate minorities, and 1/3rd of all Americans is technically a minority.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

Apr 14, 2011

poo poo, have we merged back into the Good Timeline?

Aug 3, 2007

Cythereal posted:

...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.
Eh, i mean its amusing but does Some Twitter Rando really count as "the right wing apparatus?"

Mar 28, 2010
Play "No, I'm a Combat Correspondent" with JDs Dec

Born to Couch.

Feb 13, 2012


A.o.D. posted:

It's known that the Republicans hate minorities, and 1/3rd of all Americans is technically a minority.

They hate women, a sociological minority.

So mark it two-thirds.

Feb 23, 2007

Jesus, one more week and normal people will know what corncobbing means

Nov 28, 2007

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


ThisIsJohnWayne posted:

Jesus, one more week and normal people will know what corncobbing means

Remember when Hilldawg proxies Neera Tanden and Al Giordano very, very emphatically did not know what corncobbing meant?

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

Hello, Poison Control? I think I've OD'd on Minnesota.

Kaiser Schnitzel
Mar 28, 2006

Schnitzel mit uns

Cythereal posted:

...I did not have 'Republicans get racist against German-Americans because of the Democratic VP' on my bingo card.

Genius idea to pick a fight with the single largest ethnic group in the US. 'German' is the most commonly claimed national ancestry in the US, with 17% of Americans claiming some German ancestry in 2012.

Mar 28, 2010
That's some 1917 poo poo. Bet he eats liberty cabbage

Oct 12, 2012

'smeper fi

Kaiser Schnitzel posted:

Genius idea to pick a fight with the single largest ethnic group in the US. 'German' is the most commonly claimed national ancestry in the US, with 17% of Americans claiming some German ancestry in 2012.

While German is probably the biggest ancestry of most white Minnesotans, it isn’t the one everyone loves to claim. That’s Finland and Sweden. This state loves to pretend they are the most polite and well mannered descendants of literal vikings that have ever existed.

Mar 31, 2008

Hekk posted:

While German is probably the biggest ancestry of most white Minnesotans, it isn’t the one everyone loves to claim. That’s Finland and Sweden. This state loves to pretend they are the most polite and well mannered descendants of literal vikings that have ever existed.

I once listened as an old Norwegian ship captain in Tromsø lamented that all of his relatives had moved to Minnesota over the years. Based solely on that one interaction, I firmly believe that Minnesota's lutefisk-loving reputation is well deserved.

Terrifying Effigies
Oct 22, 2008

Problems look mighty small from 150 miles up.

According to Wikipedia he's also Swedish, Luxembourgish, and Irish descent. So pretty much the whitest guy you know.

Oct 27, 2008

Edit: goddamnit

Oct 27, 2008

Arrath posted:

poo poo, have we merged back into the Good Timeline?

And then Dril drils in the drilingest way

Jan 1, 2008

Well don't you know I'm caught in a trap?

psydude posted:

I once listened as an old Norwegian ship captain in Tromsø lamented that all of his relatives had moved to Minnesota over the years. Based solely on that one interaction, I firmly believe that Minnesota's lutefisk-loving reputation is well deserved.

Did he run shipping charters, and charters for the U.S. Navy in the slow season?

Dec 5, 2010

Blue Jackoffs are Rags west

Arrath posted:

poo poo, have we merged back into the Good Timeline?

In the last 3 weeks, we've gone from essentially a Doomsday scenario of Trump beating Biden and establishing his very own Third Reich to a multiracial woman who can seemingly chirp with the best of them and will mop the floors with Donnie in the debates and her dad vibes VP pick who is all but certain to pants JD every chance he gets who would seemingly have the inside track all of a sudden to win.

I don't know about the rest of you, but this is the best I've felt about things since Election Day 2020.

CBJSprague24 fucked around with this message at 23:14 on Aug 8, 2024

Vortex Street
Oct 23, 2010

I walked right out of the machinery

Vortex Street fucked around with this message at 06:26 on Nov 6, 2024

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

CBJSprague24 posted:

I don't know about the rest of you, but this is the best I've felt about things since Election Day 2020.

What's amping me up is that she's still getting better at the campaigning thing. Here's one from the UAW hall today (possibly because NC/GA got washed out):

And shocking development: she blew up JD's dumbshit talking point and had a good line about Donnie's thinking:


Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

facialimpediment posted:

What's amping me up is that she's still getting better at the campaigning thing. Here's one from the UAW hall today (possibly because NC/GA got washed out):

This is extremely presidential and I dare anyone to find a Trump speech with any of the dignity and verve of it.

I’ll wait.

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