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Jul 30, 2005


Khablam posted:

Goons don't know what the scary big box in their kitchen does, so need ever more elaborate counter-top devices that do the same thing.
Top marks it if uses "AI fuzzy logic" to measure a binary state. The literal most stupid application of technology since juicero.

i was with you until you started talking poo poo about rice cookers

rice cookers are not a kitchen gadget


hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

Khablam stands against kitchen progress

Azza Bamboo
Apr 7, 2018

But they knelt and that ended racism forever, mission accomplished. Don't stop the kneeling, gotta hold on to that feeling.

Jan 19, 2014

I’m not a fan of an air fryer or anything but lmao if your central argument against it is the existence of a convection oven. My apartment doesn’t have one and even if I could bring one in I’m sure as gently caress not throwing out a perfectly functional oven just to get a slightly better one and gamble on it being an unreliable piece of poo poo. Get the air fryer and if you like it then make your next oven a convection one 🤷🏼‍♂️

Jan 19, 2014

Khablam posted:

Top marks it if uses "AI fuzzy logic" to measure a binary state.

I think you should probably read up on how fuzzy logic works because it’s literally the exact loving opposite of that lmao

Mar 29, 2012

Phone posted:

rice cookers are not a kitchen gadget
Rice cookers were a solved issue many decades ago. You can use a magnet with a curie point of just over 100c to detect whether the rice is done
They all do the same thing
Can I heat this over 100c?
- yes, rice done
- no, rice not done

There's your 'fuzzy logic AI' that costs an extra $200. You can do the same thing with a $1 magnet.

Quid is just trolling the thread when he claims to own one, anyway. He just googled "expensive rice cooker". The chance captain bin tyres spends more on a rice cooker than he absolutely needs to is effectively zero.

Mar 29, 2012

the corona quid posted:

I think you should probably read up on how fuzzy logic works because it’s literally the exact loving opposite of that lmao
Yes, their marketing is that stupid, you're right. They're advertising to idiots.

Jul 30, 2005


Khablam posted:

Rice cookers were a solved issue many decades ago. You can use a magnet with a curie point of just over 100c to detect whether the rice is done
They all do the same thing
Can I heat this over 100c?
- yes, rice done
- no, rice not done

There's your 'fuzzy logic AI' that costs an extra $200. You can do the same thing with a $1 magnet.

Quid is just trolling the thread when he claims to own one, anyway. He just googled "expensive rice cooker". The chance captain bin tyres spends more on a rice cooker than he absolutely needs to is effectively zero.

wow look at mr "i watch technology connections on youtube" over here

Mar 12, 2018

Azza Bamboo posted:

Finished watching the 83 Grand Prix championship. This season sees a huge change in the rules for aero combined with further development of the 1.5l turbo engines. The aero skirts were banned due to safety concerns, and the the turbos were well and truly racing in their own league, with the commentator often mentioning who is "leading the non-turbo race."

The unreliable swath of newly developed machines threw too many spanners in the works for my liking. It seemed to be a common theme that a wonderful performance or what could have been a thrilling battle got cut short by one of the drivers having to pull off to the side. This was perfectly demonstrated in the final race where Arnoux, Prost and Piquet were all in a position to win the championship, but retirements from Arnoux and Prost meant that Piquet was able to take this victory by cruising to the finish line with at least three points to add to his total.

Save for a few astounding performances from the likes of Keke Rosberg, John Watson and Niki Lauda, the newly developed cars took center stage, as did the wider adoption of the planned pitstops. At the start of the season Keke Rosberg singed his moustache on flames that flowed from his mechanics' hose, calling into question the effectiveness of this strategy. By the end, every single turbo on the grid was benefitting from Brabham and Williams' strategy.

Attempts to create a compelling narrative of rilvalries between drivers in this season fall flat. While the hatred between Arnoux and Prost existed, it never manifested on the track with any sort of interesting battle. Any such battle was fought slowly over the season with the points they steadily accrued, only for any chance of a real battle in the finale to be taken away by reliability issues. Also, any battles between the top three in the championship seemed to come down to a matter of whose machine was eating itself alive at the time.

While I make it sound dull or fraught with problems, the interesting part of this season is witnessing the development of the machines and the sport itself. There's new Alfa Romeo turbos, Renault Lotus turbos, Honda Williams Turbos, pit strategies, and a noted decline in horrible accidents over the previous two seasons. This entire season charts that transition and almost hypes up the next season as it promises the same fantastic drivers but in machines that represent a slightly better developed version of this year's concepts.

And of course every season has its running gag, which has to be the sight of Derek Watson leaving the race. Then, as though trying to improve his comedy act, there's one occasion where his fire extinguisher set off within his cockpit, causing a white cloud to rise from under his dashboard over his helmet.

Another fine example of Renault snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Cheever was also extremely underwhelming and I like the guy too. This was really his only shot in a top car and he looked decidedly mediocre most of the time.

I actually think it was pretty good season in terms of on track product. Lots of overtaking. The biggest Blueballs moment of the season is when De Cesaris had a likely victory taken from him at Spa.

This season was also evidence of Brabham essentially being a 1.5 car operation - the reliability of Patrese's car was atrocious (though he did make mistakes - the San Marino crash was pretty embarrassing). I think he probably quit after retiring in Italy.

Mar 12, 2018
An exciting epilogue to this story is Renault Factory Workers setting fire to Prost's Mercedes after publicly criticizing the car (which he was right to do - but don't gently caress with the French workers lmao.)

hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

Khablam posted:

Rice cookers were a solved issue many decades ago. You can use a magnet with a curie point of just over 100c to detect whether the rice is done
They all do the same thing
Can I heat this over 100c?
- yes, rice done
- no, rice not done

There's your 'fuzzy logic AI' that costs an extra $200. You can do the same thing with a $1 magnet.

Quid is just trolling the thread when he claims to own one, anyway. He just googled "expensive rice cooker". The chance captain bin tyres spends more on a rice cooker than he absolutely needs to is effectively zero.

I proudly own a Toshiba rice cooker with fuzzy logic.

Mar 29, 2012

Phone posted:

wow look at mr "i watch technology connections on youtube" over here
I've already previously linked the video to explain why anyone who thinks you need something more complex is an idiot.

Jan 19, 2014

Khablam posted:

Rice cookers were a solved issue many decades ago. You can use a magnet with a curie point of just over 100c to detect whether the rice is done
They all do the same thing
Can I heat this over 100c?
- yes, rice done
- no, rice not done

There's your 'fuzzy logic AI' that costs an extra $200. You can do the same thing with a $1 magnet.

Quid is just trolling the thread when he claims to own one, anyway. He just googled "expensive rice cooker". The chance captain bin tyres spends more on a rice cooker than he absolutely needs to is effectively zero.

The application of fuzzy logic is to keep the rice within a target temperature and can make small adjustments as it drifts further from the window keeping the temperature consistent throughout the process. An on off switch set up can’t do that as well, it has to fall outside a specified threshold, then start the heating element while the temperature continues to drop as it gets up to temperature. I don’t know where the gently caress you pull this poo poo out of besides possibly your rear end but it’s hilarious how much of a loving idiot you are

hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

Just look at the reviews of this thing. It’s incredible. Technological progress.

Toshiba TRCS01 Cooker 6 Cups Uncooked (3L) with Fuzzy Logic and One-Touch Cooking, Brown Rice, White Rice and Porridge

Jan 19, 2014

People who get all their knowledge from YouTube are loving idiots and should be banned from publicly speaking ever. Literally just last week I watched some “respected” tech YouTuber test a power supply on some old computer by shorting it out. It’s just a mass of loving idiots with zero education that happen to have an audience

Mar 12, 2018
I like my Zojirushi.

Mar 12, 2018

the corona quid posted:

People who get all their knowledge from YouTube are loving idiots and should be banned from publicly speaking ever. Literally just last week I watched some “respected” tech YouTuber test a power supply on some old computer by shorting it out. It’s just a mass of loving idiots with zero education that happen to have an audience

Youtube and Twitter have some well informed people, but the vast majority is inaccurate poo poo and/or opinion passed off as fact.

hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

Hmm seems like a simple on/off switch at 100c can’t do this?

Jan 19, 2014

Literally Lewis Hamilton posted:

Hmm seems like a simple on/off switch at 100c can’t do this?

Yes exactly. It can’t

Jul 30, 2005


the corona quid posted:

People who get all their knowledge from YouTube are loving idiots and should be banned from publicly speaking ever. Literally just last week I watched some “respected” tech YouTuber test a power supply on some old computer by shorting it out. It’s just a mass of loving idiots with zero education that happen to have an audience

hey don't talk poo poo about the 8bit guy, he might bring his ar15 into your living room as a joke


Phone fucked around with this message at 16:34 on Jan 6, 2021

Jan 19, 2014

Frond posted:

Youtube and Twitter have some well informed people, but the vast majority is inaccurate poo poo and/or opinion passed off as fact.

There’s been too many times where I’ve had people cite some poo poo they’ve read/seen on there as if it was complete fact that I’m just writing both those platforms off.

The worst offender by far is that ave idiot who thinks because he has some masters of engineering he’s now a super mechanic when the reality is him and every other engineer I know are the stupidest mechanics alive.

Jul 30, 2005


the corona quid posted:

There’s been too many times where I’ve had people cite some poo poo they’ve read/seen on there as if it was complete fact that I’m just writing both those platforms off.

The worst offender by far is that ave idiot who thinks because he has some masters of engineering he’s now a super mechanic when the reality is him and every other engineer I know are the stupidest mechanics alive.


Mar 29, 2012

Literally Lewis Hamilton posted:

Hmm seems like a simple on/off switch at 100c can’t do this?

The on/off switch units do steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and combine 5&6.
You simply stir the rice at the point it clicks back to warm from cook, and leave it 5-10mins depending on your taste.
When you hit the different options between hard/soft/etc on your AI enhanced ricebot 9000, it just picks a set point in that time window to claim it's done.

You can get the same results from a pan, $30 rice cooker or $300 rice cooker.

Now to be quite honest, the AI fuzzy logic magic will probably be more consistent if you're really stupid and can't measure your ratios properly.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

the corona quid posted:

People who get all their knowledge from YouTube are loving idiots and should be banned from publicly speaking ever. Literally just last week I watched some “respected” tech YouTuber test a power supply on some old computer by shorting it out. It’s just a mass of loving idiots with zero education that happen to have an audience

i get all my knowledge from the most troll free forums on the internet where if you say oval office americans will get buthurt and epic baww at you

Take the plunge! Okay!
Feb 24, 2007

You can also crash a $200 dollar beater into a wall, but Max does it with a 15 million F1 car

Serjeant Buzfuz
Dec 4, 2009

Frond posted:

I like my Zojirushi.

This is the truth here. $50 Zojirushi 6 cup rice cooker is all you need.

Someone gave me an instant pot for Christmas and it's still in the box.

Sep 1, 2011

I used to have a really nice rice cooker with a timer. It was great to set it up so that I would wake up to the smell of freshly cooked rice.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

"I've been a shithead all my life, why should I change now," Meatspin

Astoundingly Ugly Baby
Mar 22, 2006

"...crying bitch cave bitch boy."
- Anonymous Facebook user
I have a rice cooker that I bought for $50. I put the rice in it and then I put the water in it. And then it cooks the rice, and I eat it.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer
how much rice do you people eat

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC

track day bro! posted:

i get all my knowledge from the most troll free forums on the internet where if you say oval office americans will get buthurt and epic baww at you

I don't think we've laughed enough about the whole 'can't say oval office unless you're English or Bogan' rule because it is hilariously r slur

E: BRB, faxing Jeffrey my ID to prove I can say oval office without getting probated

Serjeant Buzfuz
Dec 4, 2009

track day bro! posted:

how much rice do you people eat

My family eats rice probably 10-15 meals a week. We go through a 40 lb bag every 4 months or so.

Jan 19, 2014

track day bro! posted:

how much rice do you people eat

A lot since I got a rice cooker

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC

the corona quid posted:

A lot since I got a rice cooker


Jan 19, 2014

Love the Americans bitching about the horrors of colonialism and a small group imposing their way of life on other subjugated populations of the world then having a tantrum because people who have said oval office for years continue to say oval office with no ill will and insisting they can’t do that because you aren’t able to in America lmao.

hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

the corona quid posted:

A lot since I got a rice cooker

Mar 18, 2012
What long should you put a marshmallow in an air fryer

Oct 21, 2008


Theophany posted:

I don't think we've laughed enough about the whole 'can't say oval office unless you're English or Bogan' rule because it is hilariously r slur

E: BRB, faxing Jeffrey my ID to prove I can say oval office without getting probated

got a sixer for calling Paul Golding of all people a racist oval office. I think it's the highlight of my posting career

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC

the corona quid posted:

Love the Americans bitching about the horrors of colonialism and a small group imposing their way of life on other subjugated populations of the world then having a tantrum because people who have said oval office for years continue to say oval office with no ill will and insisting they can’t do that because you aren’t able to in America lmao.

Do Canadians get grandfather rights on the word for being part of the Crown?


Jan 19, 2014

Theophany posted:

Do Canadians get grandfather rights on the word for being part of the Crown?

I’ve only heard one person get really weird about it here and he was obsessed with being American so I’m gonna go with a yeah.

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