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Jun 2, 2005

Payndz posted:

Hardly surprising when the team boss is a literal binman.

he's not a binman he's a bin auto


Apr 29, 2003

What did you do that for?

Custard Undies posted:

Crofty: Massa/nassa? gently caress it, im going to call one fred.


How I loathe Crofty.

Jun 19, 2011

The first few turns are quite good but the rest of it is shit.

Astoundingly Ugly Baby posted:

How about like...

Whichever team scores the most WCC points has their car’s safety equipment removed? Since they’re (Mercedes) always so far out ahead of the other teams on race day, there’s a very low risk of crashing outside of driver error. So let’s let Hamilton and Bottas race without seatbelts for a season. If they sweep 2021? Let’s remove the Halo; and so forth.

The teams that are dogshit garbage (Ferrari) get extra safety equipment to weigh them down so that there’s less of a risk for Merc.

+10kg of success ballast is added to the winning car.

The twist is the ballast must be added to the top of a 15ft pole that must be pointed straight up in the air.

a pipe smoking dog
Jan 25, 2010

"haha, dogs can't smoke!"
Lance Stroll: "I didn't poo poo myself, this is victory ballast."

Jun 2, 2005
verstappen insisting the 150kg sack of nazi memorabilia is ballast and ballast alone and not his collection

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


a pipe smoking dog posted:

Lance Stroll: "I didn't poo poo myself, this is victory ballast."

That would slightly lower the centre of gravity wouldn't it? An interesting new tactic.

Jun 2, 2005

lewis becoming mercedes team principal in a shared role with toto

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
One year only? Well, that gives him a better-than-evens chance of winning an 8th championship, becoming the undisputed greatest F1 driver of all time, then getting to retire on a high (just before new regs come in and throw everything into chaos for a couple of years) and devote himself to his music career like DJ Squire.

Jun 2, 2005

Payndz posted:

One year only? Well, that gives him a better-than-evens chance of winning an 8th championship, becoming the undisputed greatest F1 driver of all time, then getting to retire on a high (just before new regs come in and throw everything into chaos for a couple of years) and devote himself to his music career like DJ Squire.

lol they were saying he wanted a 4 year contract so he either folded or they're punting

Oct 21, 2008


Payndz posted:

One year only? Well, that gives him a better-than-evens chance of winning an 8th championship, becoming the undisputed greatest F1 driver of all time, then getting to retire on a high (just before new regs come in and throw everything into chaos for a couple of years) and devote himself to his music career like DJ Squire.

its just squire!!!!

e: get in there lewis

Mar 27, 2007

by Hand Knit

FAUXTON posted:

lewis becoming mercedes team principal in a shared role with toto

that was seriously pretentious

net work error
Feb 26, 2011

I'm just glad he's back :lewis:

Dirk Pitt
Sep 14, 2007

haha yes, this feels good

Toilet Rascal
1 year is better than nothing

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Get in there Lewis!

Jun 2, 2005

Myrddin_Emrys posted:

that was seriously pretentious

pretentious poo poo in f1 well i certainly have loving never

May 12, 2009


Thanks Ants posted:

Get in there Lewis!

Jul 1, 2010

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019

they should have signed russell already

May 11, 2007

Can't wait for another round of Lewis hasn't signed yet hysteria at the end of the season

Azza Bamboo
Apr 7, 2018

"Bono my Tyres"

"Toto my contract"

Mar 27, 2007

by Hand Knit

FAUXTON posted:

pretentious poo poo in f1 well i certainly have loving never

Never change SA

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Fumble posted:

Mission Winnow comes to mind.
Having been away from F1 for a few years, I didn't know what Mission Winnow was and why it was plastered all over the Ferraris, so just looked it up. posted:

Mission Winnow has a simple goal: drive change by constantly searching for better ways of doing things.
Fair enough, but isn't that what people and companies generally do anyway if they want to make money? posted:

Mission Winnow is an unconventional communications platform to share our journey and create a stage for constructive dialogue.
That... tells me nothing. Unconventional communications indeed. posted:

Mission Winnow is a PMI-driven initiative inspired by the drive and dedication of our partners. The initiative draws parallels between our partners' focus on constant improvement in performance and reliability, and PMI's journey to transform our business through science and technology to achieve a better future.
Oh, I see, it's a load of corporate-buzzword bullshit. But wait, what's PMI?

Google posted:

Philip Morris International Inc. is a Swiss-American multinational cigarette and tobacco manufacturing company, with products sold in over 180 countries. The most recognized and best selling product of the company is Marlboro.
Ahhhhh, suddenly it all becomes clear. It's cancer-stick advertising without actually advertising cancer sticks! :rolleyes: Should have stuck with the airbox barcodes.

Rectal Placenta
Feb 25, 2011
Hmmm... seems like you're not aligning your paradigm to leverage emerging meta-services

Jan 19, 2014

I’m not really going to fault cigarette companies for doing poo poo like this because the regulators were stupid enough to say “you can’t advertise cigarettes” instead of “cigarette companies can’t advertise”

Sep 1, 2011

the corona quid posted:

I’m not really going to fault cigarette companies for doing poo poo like this because the regulators were stupid enough to say “you can’t advertise cigarettes” instead of “cigarette companies can’t advertise”

I'm ignorant about how advertising generally works, and even more so about its purpose here. If it's not obvious that it's Marlboro that's being advertised and you have to dig to find out about it then it's not that effective, right? How do you benefit by getting your name out in such an indirect way?

Jan 19, 2014

UnfurledSails posted:

How do you benefit by getting your name out in such an indirect way?

By getting your name out there in an indirect way

Mar 29, 2012

thread: *discusses Marlboro for yet another page after PM is raised*
also thread: "but how will anyone know it's advertising!"

Apr 29, 2003

What did you do that for?

William Storey is such a classic F1 grifter. He obviously doesn't have the money, but the mere impression of money gets him into the club. Remember the Arrows Nigerian Prince, Qadbak, the Lotus 'coming soon' money? It's all the same bullshit.

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester
Oct 3, 2000
I think historians will be fascinated in centuries to come -- if history continues -- by the depths of psychological corruption to which the wealth and power of modern western society have sunk, as evidenced by the Mission Winnow marketing scheme where a fictitious shell company of a poison company can advertise itself by not advertising itself in order to profit from human illness and death. That said, tobacco sponsors are still the best sponsors #forzamarlboro

Sep 1, 2011

Khablam posted:

thread: *discusses Marlboro for yet another page after PM is raised*
also thread: "but how will anyone know it's advertising!"

I mean if they are specifically aiming for people that would look for and find the connection, sure, but I don't think it's as effective as having your iconic logo and actual brand name plastered all over for everyone to see. I don't think their goal is to capture the goon demographic

Feb 20, 2013


Payndz posted:

I just did a Google search for "where to buy rich energy". The results were Amazon (via a third-party seller), Rich Energy themselves, and, er, eBay. (For some absolutely ludicrous prices. Ł2599.98 for 24 cans, anyone?)

At those prices how could they not make money?

Jun 28, 2007
The Mission Winnow logo is pretty clearly intended to vaguely evoke the Marlboro chevron, it's not really that subtle. They don't need to be much more direct than that given the strong association Ferrari already has with Marlboro. All they're really trying to do is keep their brand in the public consciousness.

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC

Sulman posted:

William Storey is such a classic F1 grifter. He obviously doesn't have the money, but the mere impression of money gets him into the club. Remember the Arrows Nigerian Prince, Qadbak, the Lotus 'coming soon' money? It's all the same bullshit.

In my head I have a vision of Frank at his desk, William Storey sat opposite after pitching the Rich Energy deal. Frank is sweating profusely as he nervously glances between the framed photograph of Margaret Thatcher on his desk and the ZZ Top tribute act promising him untold riches.

Pablo Bluth
Sep 7, 2007

I've made a huge mistake.

Dirk Pitt posted:

1 year is better than nothing
He's going to go to Williams and leave them back to glory. One more year at Merc while Williams get their poo poo in order for the new rules in '22.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

Payndz posted:

Having been away from F1 for a few years, I didn't know what Mission Winnow was and why it was plastered all over the Ferraris, so just looked it up.

Fair enough, but isn't that what people and companies generally do anyway if they want to make money?

That... tells me nothing. Unconventional communications indeed.

Oh, I see, it's a load of corporate-buzzword bullshit. But wait, what's PMI?

Ahhhhh, suddenly it all becomes clear. It's cancer-stick advertising without actually advertising cancer sticks! :rolleyes: Should have stuck with the airbox barcodes.

cigarettes own

Mar 16, 2016


I was, in a way, the one who had to leave.

Skarsnik posted:

its just squire!!!!

Shouldn't it be knight or lord now?

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer
epic goon with a childs cartoon avatar: WAAAAAA DA CIGAWETTES ARE BAD

Azza Bamboo
Apr 7, 2018

Smoking cessation is important but the John Player Special Lotus looked great.

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC

track day bro! posted:

epic goon with a childs cartoon avatar: WAAAAAA DA CIGAWETTES ARE BAD

The greatest trick Tony Montana ever pulled was convincing the thread that he didn't exist.


Jan 19, 2014

I haven’t smoked in 5 years or thought about smoking in 5 years, I loving hate the thought of smoking now and let me tell you:

Cigarette liveries own.

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