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Serjeant Buzfuz
Dec 4, 2009

I mean, if sugar drink companies can advertise freely I don't really see why cigarettes shouldn't be able to. I'd wager sugar has killed a lot more people than cigs, but I'm bad at gambling so who knows.


Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019

im going to smoke marlboro reds

Oct 8, 2005

beauty by stroll

Zeta Acosta posted:

im going to smoke marlboro reds

just go full tilt and remove the filters while you're at it

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC
lmao if you don't smoke like the cool kids. enjoy your swirlies, nerds.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

Lou Takki posted:

I mean, if sugar drink companies can advertise freely I don't really see why cigarettes shouldn't be able to. I'd wager sugar has killed a lot more people than cigs, but I'm bad at gambling so who knows.

might as well ban non alcoholic beer ads too, it might cause someone to drink an actual beer!

Feb 20, 2013


Azza Bamboo posted:

Smoking cessation is important but the John Player Special Lotus looked great.

gently caress. Yes.

Serjeant Buzfuz
Dec 4, 2009

track day bro! posted:

might as well ban non alcoholic beer ads too, it might cause someone to drink an actual beer!

Also we should ban advertising car companies since people die in car wrecks daily.

GramCracker posted:

just go full tilt and remove the filters while you're at it

Hand roll your own or you're not a real man!

Feels Villeneuve
Oct 7, 2007

^^^ me, pro gaming

track day bro! posted:

cigarettes own

They are scientifically proven to stop covid but the mainstream media suppresses this, despite the efforts of Scuderia Ferrari

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

Feels Villeneuve posted:

They are scientifically proven to stop covid but the mainstream media suppresses this, despite the efforts of Scuderia Ferrari

Wow, sounds like these Scuderia Ferrari lads are the heros we need in these hard times™️

Mar 16, 2016


I was, in a way, the one who had to leave.

Silk cut purples are light as gently caress. All the lung damage and none of the tobacco.

Sweet purple liveries as well

Mar 6, 2013

The only hope for this sport at this point is weed advertising.

Jun 2, 2005

Azza Bamboo posted:

Smoking cessation is important but the John Player Special Lotus looked great.

Kinda reminded me of a picture of Abraham Lincoln's coffin

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

marshalljim posted:

The only hope for this sport at this point is weed advertising.

no sport sponsors can only promote healthy things *goes to commercial break of 9001 different gambling adverts*

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

the corona quid posted:

I haven’t smoked in 5 years or thought about smoking in 5 years, I loving hate the thought of smoking now and let me tell you:

Cigarette liveries own.
Oh, gently caress yes. I haven't smoked for over two decades, but still think the McLaren Marlboro Senna-era livery is the definitive F1 paint job.

Also lotta tough goons ITT salty about having their smokes mildly mocked, lol.

Small Strange Bird fucked around with this message at 18:12 on Feb 8, 2021

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester
Oct 3, 2000

FAUXTON posted:

Kinda reminded me of a picture of Abraham Lincoln's coffin
Meaning JPS are the cigarettes of freedom and unity?

Payndz posted:

Oh, gently caress yes. I haven't smoked for over two decades, but still think the McLaren Marlboro Senna-era livery is the definitive F1 paint job.
It is disturbing to the sound and rational mind to acknowledge that some might not confirm this obvious fact. I suspect those wayward wretches may soon post in that vein. What hath God wrought?

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester fucked around with this message at 18:16 on Feb 8, 2021

Jun 2, 2005

track day bro! posted:

no sport sponsors can only promote healthy things *goes to commercial break of 9001 different gambling adverts*

lol petronas straight up deleted the population of an entire region in sudan so they could drill for oil there.

black lives matter *offer not valid for citizens of Sudan

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

Payndz posted:

Also lotta tough goons ITT salty about having their smokes mildly mocked, lol.

i like how you felt so confident about this that you had to edit it into your post afterwards

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester posted:

Meaning JPS are the cigarettes of freedom and unity?

It is disturbing to the sound and rational mind to acknowledge that some might not confirm this obvious fact. I suspect those wayward wretches may soon post in that vein. What hath God wrought?
There's probably some defender of the BAR Two-Face livery out there cracking his knuckles as he prepares to type an essay.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

i can't wait to see slur poois shamilton definitely speak out about this haha

Jun 2, 2005

track day bro! posted:

i can't wait to see slur poois shamilton definitely speak out about this haha

"look, they aren't alive anymore so I think it's moot now *sprays more champagne*"

Jan 12, 2008
lets get some wweed liveries i n this bitch

net work error
Feb 26, 2011

OhsH posted:

lets get some wweed liveries i n this bitch

It's not traditional racing but I think there's a car sponsored by a weed company in US Formula Drift.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester posted:

I think historians will be fascinated in centuries to come -- if history continues -- by the depths of psychological corruption to which the wealth and power of modern western society have sunk, as evidenced by the Mission Winnow marketing scheme where a fictitious shell company of a poison company can advertise itself by not advertising itself in order to profit from human illness and death. That said, tobacco sponsors are still the best sponsors #forzamarlboro


Jun 19, 2011

The first few turns are quite good but the rest of it is shit.
weed liveries own

Jan 19, 2014

Dude weed lmfao

Mar 17, 2006

Fun Shoe
Still mad about Kelly dating Max

Feb 20, 2013


OhsH posted:

lets get some wweed liveries i n this bitch

"Veedverks" almost sponsored a car in NASCAR but was banned immediately:

Banning it is the height of hypocrisy considering NASCAR's roots are firmly planted in running illegal mind-altering substances (moonshine).

I'm from Colorado, make every car hemp powered.

Jun 2, 2005

Cessna posted:

"Veedverks" almost sponsored a car in NASCAR but was banned immediately:

Banning it is the height of hypocrisy considering NASCAR's roots are firmly planted in running illegal mind-altering substances (moonshine).

I'm from Colorado, make every car hemp powered.

I've driven on 76, y'all can't even get weed powered roads right

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester
Oct 3, 2000


Still mad about Kelly dating Max
Unironically agreed

Also mad that her dad supports Jair

Brazilians are evil?

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC

ilmucche posted:

Silk cut purples are light as gently caress. All the lung damage and none of the tobacco.

Sweet purple liveries as well

Silky Ps are my daily driver. Granny fags as they call them.

My aunt smoked them through the hole in her throat til the day she died. :kiss:

Mar 16, 2016


I was, in a way, the one who had to leave.

Cessna posted:

I'm from Colorado, make every car hemp powered.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

Cessna posted:

"Veedverks" almost sponsored a car in NASCAR but was banned immediately:

Banning it is the height of hypocrisy considering NASCAR's roots are firmly planted in running illegal mind-altering substances (moonshine).

I'm from Colorado, make every car hemp powered.

is it just me or does that front wheel have some wicked postive camber

Jan 12, 2008
its on a wheelie stand

Oct 8, 2005

beauty by stroll


Still mad about Kelly dating Max

Same, brother. Same.

Jun 21, 2008

虹はどこで終わるのですか? あなたの魂の中で、または地平線で?
Seeing some people on twitter, probably funded by Nico Rosberg, saying that Tom Brady is the sports GOAT of all time. I will not stand for it.

poty fucked around with this message at 22:06 on Feb 8, 2021

the paradigm shift
Jan 18, 2006

poty posted:

Seeing some people on twitter, probably funded by Nico Rosberg, saying that Tom Brady is the sports goat of all time. I will not stand for it.

yeah it's obviously marc marquez

Jun 21, 2008

虹はどこで終わるのですか? あなたの魂の中で、または地平線で?

the paradigm shift posted:

yeah it's obviously marc marquez

Next time you make up a name try making the last name and the first name different so it will harder to detect

Jan 19, 2014

the paradigm shift posted:

yeah it's obviously marc marquez

Jul 1, 2009

Cf also: war crimes trials are in progress although only against Lundin Petroleum so far, Petronas will be in their sights too.

Now that Hammo has re-signed for a year I guess Bottas can breathe easy.


Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019

cool video of checo´s first day at rbr, happy for the dude he drove his balls out last year

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