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Feb 20, 2013


Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester posted:

Yeah you just flop over in the opposite direction behind the driver.

Mad respect for you doing that.

I don't think I could trust anyone enough to have them drive a bike while I hang off the side like that. A two seater car, okay, but a bike?


Oct 8, 2005

beauty by stroll

track day bro! posted:

Fernando is in bed yelling at the doctors and nurses that he's in a 'GP2 HOSPITAL'

I hope he doesn't come out of this with a GP2 jawline :ohdear:

Jun 21, 2008

虹はどこで終わるのですか? あなたの魂の中で、または地平線で?

your friend wicka posted:

Wow very rude things being said about our CIO itt

Don't worry about it wicka, and focus on hitting your posting KPIs or I'm moving everyone's payroll to dogecoin

Jun 21, 2008

虹はどこで終わるのですか? あなたの魂の中で、または地平線で?
Wait, is CIO Chief Investment Officer or Chief Information Officer? This is important for The Joke

Jun 28, 2007

poty posted:

Wait, is CIO Chief Investment Officer or Chief Information Officer? This is important for The Joke


Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


They didn't even pick the bin liners off it

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

Literally Lewis Hamilton posted:

I love riding my bicycles all the time

Same, I own 3. Maybe I need another...

Jun 2, 2005

any bigger of an rear end in a top hat and they'd be getting poached by RBR

hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

Zedd posted:

Same, I own 3. Maybe I need another...

You do

I have 8 right now!!

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


I got my zoom invite for the McLaren launch next week :)

Just a matter of me getting up early enough to watch it.

Tsaedje posted:

I'm hearing a few teams are officially going to be running a B version of last year's car, that's got to be the first time since the mid 2000s hasn't it?

Ferrari were already running the B version of their car last year. In this instance the B stands for Bin

Jun 2, 2005
bin car

bin automobile

bin auto


Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

Literally Lewis Hamilton posted:

You do

I have 8 right now!!

4 bikes does allow me enough wheels to make an F1 team worth of wheels.

Apr 29, 2003

What did you do that for?

Did anyone confirm are Lewis's whereabouts during the incident in Switzerland?

Jun 2, 2005

Sulman posted:

Did anyone confirm are Lewis's whereabouts during the incident in Switzerland?

I'm getting preliminary reports that lewis is "in there"

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

FAUXTON posted:

I'm getting preliminary reports that lewis is "in there"

But enough about your mother.

Jun 2, 2005

Zedd posted:

But enough about your mother.

I'd better tell her to monetize it while the money's there then

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

FAUXTON posted:

I'd better tell her to monetize it while the money's there then

I mean you should empathize with her, Lewis always finishes fist.

Jun 21, 2008

虹はどこで終わるのですか? あなたの魂の中で、または地平線で?

poty posted:

Wait, is CIO Chief Investment Officer or Chief Information Officer? This is important for The Joke

Don’t sign your posts

net work error
Feb 26, 2011

Sulman posted:

Did anyone confirm are Lewis's whereabouts during the incident in Switzerland?

a pipe smoking dog
Jan 25, 2010

"haha, dogs can't smoke!"
I'm trying to work out F1 TV because I don't want to pay a sky sports subscription just for F1.

Does it have a TV app? Because it kind of looks like if I get it I can only watch it on my computer or a tablet.

Take the plunge! Okay!
Feb 24, 2007

F1 TV sucks. I stream a tab from Chrome to my TV with Chromecast, it seems to be the only way.

Apr 1, 2005

Zedd posted:

I mean you should empathize with her, Lewis always finishes fist.

sounds more like kink-shaming or assault

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


a pipe smoking dog posted:

I'm trying to work out F1 TV because I don't want to pay a sky sports subscription just for F1.

Does it have a TV app? Because it kind of looks like if I get it I can only watch it on my computer or a tablet.

Last season I used a NowTV month pass when there were three races bunched up together, and :files: for the other races. In each case your stream is behind the people watching on a satellite or cable feed. I think NowTV sold an F1 pass at the start of the year but they wanted £200 for it.

Apr 3, 2011

New DLC for Aoe2 is out: Dynasties of India

a pipe smoking dog posted:

I'm trying to work out F1 TV because I don't want to pay a sky sports subscription just for F1.

Does it have a TV app? Because it kind of looks like if I get it I can only watch it on my computer or a tablet.
There's an android app if you've got one of those android TVs or whatever the latest google branding is. F1TV still has issues, especially at the start of the season.

Apr 1, 2003

Take the plunge! Okay! posted:

F1 TV sucks. I stream a tab from Chrome to my TV with Chromecast, it seems to be the only way.

This is what I have to do as well.

Anime Store Adventure
May 6, 2009

There’s also a roku app that sucks as well.

I was happy to have F1TV for my first year so I could hit a bunch of old races but it really does suck. Worst of all: you can’t rewind or jump ahead during a live race until it’s completely over. If I woke up 30 minutes too late and wanted to see lap one, tough poo poo.

Not a helpful suggestion outside of the US, but I switched to YouTube TV and use its DVR feature to grab the races from ESPN2’s broadcast. If I woke up late I could start the race from the beginning, then skip boring laps after the start until I caught up to live, or jump back time for my own instant replay feature.

Jul 13, 2007

It’s actually extremely funny that f1 tv does not work on tvs if u ask me

Crunchy Black
Oct 24, 2017

by Athanatos

Anime Store Adventure posted:

Not a helpful suggestion outside of the US, but I switched to YouTube TV and use its DVR feature to grab the races from ESPN2’s broadcast. If I woke up late I could start the race from the beginning, then skip boring laps after the start until I caught up to live, or jump back time for my own instant replay feature.

I've found Hulu works better for this by using their "subscribe to a sport or team" feature. Sometimes YoutubeTV has waited to grab the later rebroadcast that has commercials. :chloe:

a pipe smoking dog
Jan 25, 2010

"haha, dogs can't smoke!"
It's just mad that to watch F1 legally I have to also pay for all the football and also golf and darts for some reason, and even the other way of paying to watch F1 is technically illegal and doesn't really work.

Guess I'll just steal it and consult with my priest about whether I'm going to go to hell so I can watch Lewis get in there.

Anime Store Adventure
May 6, 2009

Crunchy Black posted:

I've found Hulu works better for this by using their "subscribe to a sport or team" feature. Sometimes YoutubeTV has waited to grab the later rebroadcast that has commercials. :chloe:

Really? I’m not sure exactly what exactly I have set to record but it’s always grabbed the initial broadcast. It also grabs practices and anything else that says “formula 1” so it must be a similar kind of thing. Dunno for sure. I used YouTube tv for about half of this season and never had ads mid race.

Sometimes you do have to be careful because YouTube will record everything and you have to make sure you choose the correct version. I run into this with shows that I recorded but also have on demand, where the on demand version has unskippable ads.

Apr 29, 2003

What did you do that for?

F1TV has a number of issues, but one thing I think it's great for is all the support events. I didn't get into F2 or F3 much before I had it but I follow them much more closely now.

waffle enthusiast
Nov 16, 2007

a pipe smoking dog posted:

It's just mad that to watch F1 legally I have to also pay for all the football and also golf and darts for some reason, and even the other way of paying to watch F1 is technically illegal and doesn't really work.

Guess I'll just steal it and consult with my priest about whether I'm going to go to hell so I can watch Lewis get in there.

“Siri, how do fixed costs work?”

Jun 21, 2008

虹はどこで終わるのですか? あなたの魂の中で、または地平線で?
So half the team accent colours are blue now

You can see the colours for all the teams and some pro photoshops at

May 11, 2007

Glad to see someone agrees the Petronas colour is closer to blue than green

Also half the teams are mostly white already, not a massive change

Sep 1, 2011

It's turquoise :colbert:

Oct 24, 2010

What I'm getting at is...
Do you feel the same way?
can't they add a ribbon with a second color or something of that sort? as an infrequent watcher, i already sometimes had similar issues last season.

Mar 16, 2016


I was, in a way, the one who had to leave.

Why isn't williams a white bar anymore?

Jun 2, 2005

ilmucche posted:

Why isn't williams a white bar anymore?

they're doritos cool ranch now

May 11, 2007


UnfurledSails posted:

It's turquoise :colbert:



May 11, 2007


Rinkles posted:

can't they add a ribbon with a second color or something of that sort? as an infrequent watcher, i already sometimes had similar issues last season.

They do often throw up a little icon of the team, helps accessibility for colourblind people as well. Although that's not much help for Red Bull/Alpha Tauri

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