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May 26, 2004

Dear diary, today I
became a captain.
So which one of you started the parc it in my fermé-podcast?


Apr 29, 2003

What did you do that for?

track day bro! posted:

Fernando is in bed yelling at the doctors and nurses that he's in a 'GP2 HOSPITAL'

"GP2 Legs!" as my friend quipped.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


There should be enough resolution on the HD and 4K feeds to include the team logos in the graphics, the SD feed could run with colours-only.

Mar 29, 2012

Petronas is actually green

Residency Evil
Jul 28, 2003

4/5 godo... Schumi

Slotducks posted:

Imagine biking gross.

Rowing now that's the real sport.

Rowing is the One True Sport, but biking is a close second.

Take the plunge! Okay!
Feb 24, 2007

This thread inspired me to take my bike for a spin today. It’s still cold, but sunny and dry, so it was pretty good. I used to row when I was younger and I agree, rowing is the best sport.
I played water polo too, but find it boring to watch today. It’s fun if you enjoy tucking your junk into super tight rubber speedos, I guess.

Oct 24, 2010

What I'm getting at is...
Do you feel the same way?
What does an oil company like Petronas get out of sponsoring an F1 team? What do they need the marketing for?

Jan 10, 2006

Rowing is the dumbest loving sport, just absolute garbage. People who row are almost as bad as horse people

Oct 16, 2008

Nobody puts Phil in a corner.

Khablam posted:

Petronas is actually green

That's loving hilarious as they're terrible for the planet.

Crunchy Black
Oct 24, 2017

by Athanatos

Rinkles posted:

What does an oil company like Petronas get out of sponsoring an F1 team? What do they need the marketing for?

Shell livery would like a word with you out back

a pipe smoking dog
Jan 25, 2010

"haha, dogs can't smoke!"

Rinkles posted:

What does an oil company like Petronas get out of sponsoring an F1 team? What do they need the marketing for?

If they need to bribe a government official they can pay for them to have a holiday going to an F1 race and hanging out in the paddock and write it off a business expense.

Jun 2, 2005

Rinkles posted:

What does an oil company like Petronas get out of sponsoring an F1 team? What do they need the marketing for?

F1's better than most of the other things they're known for

Take the plunge! Okay!
Feb 24, 2007

Companies of that size budget billions for marketing out of habit and then need to spend them. Also, Petronas has retail outlets and competes with others in the market for consumer attention. The executives probably also treat themselves to “important business trips” to Monaco or wherever when F1 is in town.

Apr 29, 2003

What did you do that for?

Take the plunge! Okay! posted:

This thread inspired me to take my bike for a spin today. It’s still cold, but sunny and dry, so it was pretty good. I used to row when I was younger and I agree, rowing is the best sport.
I played water polo too, but find it boring to watch today. It’s fun if you enjoy tucking your junk into super tight rubber speedos, I guess.

Get a smart trainer and get yourself on Zwift. It's a loving hoot. Really good for those weather-limited days.

Nick Soapdish
Apr 27, 2008

The only time Haas will win or podium

Residency Evil
Jul 28, 2003

4/5 godo... Schumi

CancerCakes posted:

Rowing is the dumbest loving sport, just absolute garbage. People who row are almost as bad as horse people

What a terrible take.

Oct 8, 2005

beauty by stroll

FAUXTON posted:

they're doritos cool ranch now

Woah, what the gently caress do you have against cool ranch??

Feb 20, 2013


ilmucche posted:

Why isn't williams a white bar anymore?

We prefer the term "flag of surrender."

Jun 2, 2005

GramCracker posted:

Woah, what the gently caress do you have against cool ranch??

they're lame chips for bad people

it's even worse if you call them crisps

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


Redbull running Honda engines until 2025.

Jun 2, 2005
Max made this video

Jul 1, 2010

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

FAUXTON posted:

they're lame chips for bad people

it's even worse if you call them crisps

Nobody calls them crisps OP, crisps are made from potato. Doritos are tortilla chips, hth.

Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019

Rbr should have gently caress off from the sport
Engine freezing is the dumbest loving thing

Pablo Bluth
Sep 7, 2007

I've made a huge mistake.
If it's anything like the last engine freeze, they're be allowed reliability improvements until mysteriously all the engines have fairly equal performance...

Apr 29, 2003

What did you do that for?

Pablo Bluth posted:

If it's anything like the last engine freeze, they're be allowed reliability improvements until mysteriously all the engines have fairly equal performance...

I don't remember who said it, but that was famously true of the Renault V8 RBR were using. The engine from the end of the freeze had little commonality with the one at the beginning. A lot changed at the top end.

May 11, 2007

McLaren launching in 2 hours on the official F1 channel, which has to be a new thing. I wonder if more of them will be centralised. I vaguely remember talk of a launch event for all 10 cars, but I guess they may be saving that for 2022 with all new designs and hopefully no covid.

Half the teams seem to go with a rendered livery launch and then just show up at testing with the new car which is very dull compared to the launches of yesteryear.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Thanks for the reminder, OP! I need to light some candles and get the lube in.

the paradigm shift
Jan 18, 2006

I haven't been able to watch anything on the official f1 youtube in a couple of months. it's just saying video unavailable with no more info so google is useless. eventually I'll get fed up enough to contact support since it's the only channel doing it to me.

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester
Oct 3, 2000
That's fascinating and I wonder what it looks like inside RBR. They're going to start making their own engines now, in the UK? That's a huge extra investment. Are they just manufacturing to Honda blueprints? Are Honda loaning any people to consult on it? Does RBR have the people and resources to continue development at the level Honda was doing?

Jan 19, 2014

Why did Yamaha decide to do their 2021 launch inside a PS2 game?

Jan 19, 2014

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


This is super exciting.

Jun 28, 2007

Custard Undies posted:

This is super exciting.

Please share every possible detail

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


Basic driver interviews. Although its like the camera man was being directed by someone from the Bourne series of movies with a heap of unnecessary shakey cam.

They are now talking to one of the Mercedes engine guys about how hard it is to switch to a new engine.

Merc engines have about 700 employees that run 24/7. Can produce an engine part every 7 minutes.

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


They are showing off their timing stands that they will be shipping around the world now.

They look pretty great. They have finally introduced air conditioning units into them.

They are also actively avoiding showing any of the new car, while they show off all the going on's in the pits at Silverstone in preparation for their shakedown/filming day tomorrow.

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


Not that different to last years car.

Jun 28, 2007

Custard Undies posted:

Not that different to last years car.

Wow that's incredibly disappointing. Also the Cisco Webex branding is hilarious since you're on Zoom.

hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

No way

net work error
Feb 26, 2011

That kinda rules honestly. PS2 era graphics are coming back!


Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019



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