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Oct 16, 2008

Nobody puts Phil in a corner.

Yeah I just watched a video on pike's peak and they made it sound like you can turn up in anything gently caress it do that


May 2, 2009

rip miso beno
Hillclimb and time attack are the last great free for all Motorsports. No limit on displacement, materials, widgets per inch, anything like that

Just drive up the fuckin' mountain as fast as you can.

hraringly bloingler
Feb 22, 2005

a pipe smoking dog posted:

This is a better look than the braids.


Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester
Oct 3, 2000

Khablam posted:

Pirelli should be sent to the Hague.
As with most defendants in the Hague, pirelli can plausibly say that they were only following orders

Mar 2, 2020

Khablam posted:

Pirelli should be sent to the Hague.

Their tires won’t last long enough to get there

Dirk Pitt
Sep 14, 2007

haha yes, this feels good

Toilet Rascal

Oct 8, 2005

beauty by stroll

Zak Brown “bawn-gernoh”

a pipe smoking dog
Jan 25, 2010

"haha, dogs can't smoke!"

The braids highlight your ever increasing bald spot.

Jan 13, 2019

I seriously thought it was a bit, idk how they managed to find a man so kiwi in spirit who is american

Jan 13, 2019

Zip! posted:

Really when you think about it, there should be no regulations at all. Let teams turn up with jet engines.

Make this poo poo in wacky races imo.

Was a thing for a bit. Shame Indy banned it in 1970.

a steam turbine

now mind you, these weren't actually jet propulsion, just a turbin powering the driveshaft, silly to ban them though, they were unreliable af and never won anything despite being fast as hell.

Dec 12, 2004

Woofer posted:

Probably not with a helmet on though

Please don't remind me of Simoncelli like this.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


GramCracker posted:

Zak Brown “bawn-gernoh”

a pipe smoking dog
Jan 25, 2010

"haha, dogs can't smoke!"
I kind of feel that in terms of engines they should say run any engine you want but it can only produce X amount of carbon emissions over the season and then just see what crazy poo poo people come up with until they find the optimal engine type/solve climate change.

Jan 19, 2014

a pipe smoking dog posted:

I kind of feel that in terms of engines they should say run any engine you want but it can only produce X amount of carbon emissions over the season and then just see what crazy poo poo people come up with until they find the optimal engine type/solve climate change.

I’ve often thought this was the best solution but our “green” engines right now don’t even have a catalytic converter on them so lmao at this ever going through.

Emissions based regs also would’ve cut out the whole oil burning loophole that the fuel flow based ones opened up.

Apr 1, 2003

awww this is sweet and cute :3:

Jun 5, 2004

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

No regulations on the cars, or pits, you don't even have to follow the official tracklines; the drivers do coke before the race.

The Big Jesus
Oct 29, 2007


Zedd posted:

No regulations on the cars, or pits, you don't even have to follow the official tracklines; the drivers do coke before the race.

I make a big thing that sits at the start line and oscillates back and forth 60-whatever times

Jan 19, 2014

I’ve ordered another hard drive and the ram expansion thing for my NAS. This baby is gonna be loving flying now.

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

The Big Jesus posted:

I make a big thing that sits at the start line and oscillates back and forth 60-whatever times

Lewis will still get in there ofc.

Jan 6, 2006

Stroll together, win together
the tyres aren't pirelli's fault, they literally just did what the FIA and FOM told them. canada 2010 happened and because everyone was caught off guard it produced good racing and everyone jumped to conclusions and went "i know, we need to have pencil eraser tires" and pirelli were obliged to comply

the problem is what produced good racing at canada 2010 was that the variables were unpredictable and you can't manufacture that. no one knew what the tires were going to do on the day so it all came down to experience and guesswork. as soon as you say to the teams "here are the tires, here's what their compounds do" they're all going to figure out the optimal strategy instantly and it'll cancel itself out

you can't manufacture unpredictability without making it a monkey cheese clowncar series

Jan 19, 2014

Holy loving piss, why are time machine back ups so loving huge. I’ve had this thing for a week and I’ve got 100GBs in backup data already

Jun 28, 2007

the corona quid posted:

Holy loving piss, why are time machine back ups so loving huge. I’ve had this thing for a week and I’ve got 100GBs in backup data already


track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

Rhopunzel posted:

you can't manufacture unpredictability without making it a monkey cheese clowncar series

uhhh this is the f1 thread

Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019

so the rumour is that rbr is going to announce perez tomorrow

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer
lol @ tghe red bull driver program, not that Pérez doesn't deserve it tho

May 11, 2007


track day bro! posted:

lol @ tghe red bull driver program, not that Pérez doesn't deserve it tho

Well they've got Tsunoda in the b-team and Vips will probably do well out of a full F2 season

Mar 29, 2012

The red bull driver program has produced 4 WDCs and 5 different race winners in F1 alone.
It looks rear end right now because 2 different drivers failed when promoted to the top level, leaving quite the gap. You can't just magic into existence more drivers-in-waiting, and it would be a much worse program if they instead had 'spare' of such that they held under contract and let go due to surplus.

It's a better system than waiting for a billionaire to have a failson who played F1 2016 and thought it looked like a fun hobby.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer
the austrianthai fizzy drinks defender has logged on

Jan 19, 2014

Red Bull is in the same situation Aprilia is in MotoGP. They existed purely as a cheap easy route into the top line sport but now everybody has wised up and realized your career is almost certainly hosed long term if you go with them.

track day bro!
Feb 17, 2005

Grimey Drawer

the corona quid posted:

Red Bull is in the same situation Aprilia is in MotoGP. They existed purely as a cheap easy route into the top line sport but now everybody has wised up and realized your career is almost certainly hosed long term if you go with them.

unless yer dads a massive dutch oval office who likes to throw his weight around

Feb 21, 2013

track day bro! posted:

unless yer dads a massive dutch oval office who likes to throw his weight around

Even if your dad is a massive Dutch oval office, and his son is similar, that career is still hosed. I don't think anyone would want to touch said son after a good steep in the toxic taurine stew

Apr 19, 2018


Was Max even part of the Red Bull junior program before he got to F1?

Jan 19, 2014

spaceblancmange posted:

Was Max even part of the Red Bull junior program before he got to F1?

Initially no, he basically joined it because Red Bull were the only ones who would fast track him to F1 from F3

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


Remember that we ended up with Hartley for multiple seasons because they had no other good drivers in their program.

Jan 13, 2019
track limits should be walls again

the paradigm shift
Jan 18, 2006

Mar 12, 2018

Custard Undies posted:

Remember that we ended up with Hartley for multiple seasons because they had no other good drivers in their program.

It was funny for a brief moment when their only eligible F1 caliber driver was a 31 year old Super Formula champion.

Remember Pato O’Ward?

Dec 10, 2008


the corona quid posted:

Red Bull is in the same situation Aprilia is in MotoGP. They existed purely as a cheap easy route into the top line sport but now everybody has wised up and realized your career is almost certainly hosed long term if you go with them.

You get one year to prove yourself, and if you don't rise to the meet the challenge the you get discarded. Pierre is never getting another shot on the A team.


Dec 12, 2005

goggle-eyed freak


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