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Sep 9, 2001


Going to have to cancel using the word cancel to refer to canceling a tv show, clearly. Suggestions?

E: content cessation? It also incorporates the further gross commoditization of art by calling it content.

IRQ fucked around with this message at 18:52 on May 11, 2021


Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
Petition to replace “that show’s been cancelled” with “that show’s been Fox’d”

Gene Hackman Fan
Dec 27, 2002

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
"uncontrolled ending"

Nov 18, 2000


Haven't they already done that?

"Limited series"

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

IRQ posted:

Going to have to cancel using the word cancel to refer to canceling a tv show, clearly. Suggestions?

E: content cessation? It also incorporates the further gross commoditization of art by calling it content.

Conscious uncoupling

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

DrVenkman posted:

I think Glover tweeted somewhat hazily and it didn't all come together but the central idea is there. Anyone taking what he says in totality as it still being about 'cancel culture' is just being obtuse.

Lol it took me a full minute before I noticed who the report was from

fookin' NME!!!!!

Apr 28, 2006

Vulture article about how Snyder replaced Chris D'Elia with Tig Notaro for his new zombie movie. Now I'm going to be watching like a hawk to see if I can tell.

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...


Latest 90s/early 2000s there was a tv show that I have vague fever dreamish memories of

It was live action and basically a spy vs spy plot? There were two guys and they were enemies and they would fight each other and I think one of them died each episode? I'm fairly certain I remember a laser getting reflected off a spoon causing someone to die

Anyone know what this is?

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

Len posted:

Anyone know what this is?

The War Next Door

Jan 21, 2008

Pouches, bandages, shoulderpad, cyber-eye...



The War Next Door

Thank God it wasnt some weird fever dream

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Seth Rogen

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

Mu Zeta posted:

Seth Rogen

Haha drat

Dec 5, 2010

Blue Jackoffs are Rags west
More ongoing first Office watch thoughts:
-The branch closing/merger feels like a lazy way to shoehorn in new characters.
-Andy is this show's Cousin Oliver; the character nobody asked for, nobody wanted, and who this goon will be giving the Michael/Dwight "fast forward through any extended scenes" treatment.

DrVenkman posted:

I think Glover tweeted somewhat hazily and it didn't all come together but the central idea is there. Anyone taking what he says in totality as it still being about 'cancel culture' is just being obtuse.

I don't care what happens as long as we get more Atlanta.

Feb 17, 2011

Jupiter's Legacy goes nowhere. Ends on possibly one the lamest cliffhangers in years. Don't watch.

Edward Mass
Sep 14, 2011

𝅘𝅥𝅮 I wanna go home with the armadillo
Good country music from Amarillo and Abilene
Friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever seen
Upfront season starts Monday.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

CBJSprague24 posted:

-The branch closing/merger feels like a lazy way to shoehorn in new characters.

In some fairness, this is one of the big storylines from the original UK Office so it was clear they were going to adapt this for the US Office... but you're also not wrong.

For a while I used to work in Stamford, near where the Dunder Mifflin building was supposed to be. The Dunder Mifflin Stamford area is all super-swanky condos now.

CBJSprague24 posted:

-Andy is this show's Cousin Oliver; the character nobody asked for, nobody wanted, and who this goon will be giving the Michael/Dwight "fast forward through any extended scenes" treatment.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

a neat cape
Feb 22, 2007

Aw hunny, these came out GREAT!
I just got to the end of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica


Jul 18, 2004
Can't post for 10 years!
Melman v2

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Man, Schitt's Creek is such a feelgood show that I was just in a terrible mood and cursing to myself and I watched one of my favorite happy scenes from it and immediately felt better.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Mu Zeta posted:

Seth Rogen

Are we talking about the same person here?

Jan 10, 2003

Jeezus gently caress, girls5eva is extremely funny.

a neat cape posted:

I just got to the end of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica


I don't wanna be a downer, but I don't think any show could go higher from that point, and it's only a nosedive from there. Still worth it, but it's kind of a mess in the end. If you know ahead of time, it helps make the sting hurt a little less.

Easily still one of the most enjoyable things I've ever watched. BG is loving amazing even when it's a mess.

SamBishop fucked around with this message at 08:18 on May 12, 2021

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

a neat cape posted:

I just got to the end of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica


Do yourself a favor and stop watching at the halfway point of the series finale. I had loved S4 up to that point and it was doing a lot of cool stuff but it farted itself to death right at the finish line.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
My hot take is that the only bad parts of BSG’s final season are the garbage scow sidequest that only serves to set up Gaeta’s mutiny and the incredibly weak finale coda with the lazy robot montage.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

For me I was annoyed by how the Starbuck stuff turns out. It felt really under done.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010
The last hour or so of the finale felt like they had a bunch of stuff to wrap up and nowhere near enough time to do it, so they just pulled out a checklist and knocked things off borderline spitefully. It reminded me of the patton oswalt bit about the magician who took the stage after being stiffed five bucks.

Starbuck vanishes without a trace. TA-Da! Hera is Mitochondrial Eve. TA-DA!”

Jan 10, 2003

Literally all criticism about how Battlestar Galactica turned out is valid. That's how bad they hosed up. And yet - yet! - I never hesitate to recommend it because the vice grip that show can have on you when it's at its best is peerless television.

That Portlandia episode was correct if the show had been three seasons.

Jul 18, 2004
Can't post for 10 years!
Melman v2

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Do yourself a favor and stop watching at the halfway point of the series finale. I had loved S4 up to that point and it was doing a lot of cool stuff but it farted itself to death right at the finish line.

Ugly In The Morning posted:

The last hour or so of the finale felt like they had a bunch of stuff to wrap up and nowhere near enough time to do it, so they just pulled out a checklist and knocked things off borderline spitefully. It reminded me of the patton oswalt bit about the magician who took the stage after being stiffed five bucks.

Starbuck vanishes without a trace. TA-Da! Hera is Mitochondrial Eve. TA-DA!”
They had an end already decided on and wrote whatever contrivance they needed to arrive at it.

Assepoester fucked around with this message at 10:52 on May 12, 2021

Dec 27, 2005

I think he can hear you, Ray.
I'd honestly have another BSG swinging for ideas even if it can't always connect, than like 95% of streaming shows.

Same thing with LOST. I still have my issues with it (I wouldn't even mind the end had it just been a little better done), particularly that last season. One of the things that struck me though was that shows just don't look that good anymore. The craft feels like it's gone.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

DrVenkman posted:

One of the things that struck me though was that shows just don't look that good anymore. The craft feels like it's gone.

Which probably circles back around to donald glover's comments

Jul 18, 2004
Can't post for 10 years!
Melman v2
To be fair, LOST filming in Hawaii is 90% of the reason why it looked so good. If someone finds a reason to set a show on a tropical island that isn't just cops/PIs maybe they can recapture some of that magic.

taco show
Oct 6, 2011


I still love LOST (even the last season- the season with the temple is my least favorite) and I still get emotional listening to this

I think the binge watching and streaming services have drastically changed the pacing of shows and even within episodes. There’s usually no longer an exceptional single episode- like The Constant. Also my favorite original series I’ve watched on any streaming service in the last few years were all airing on TV with week to week breaks.

May 24, 2003

...perfect spiral, scientists are still figuring it out...

The United States posted:

To be fair, LOST filming in Hawaii is 90% of the reason why it looked so good. If someone finds a reason to set a show on a tropical island that isn't just cops/PIs maybe they can recapture some of that magic.

Oh, like The Inhumans!

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013
Holy poo poo Chad this week is so well observed.

Dec 31, 2011

SamBishop posted:

Jeezus gently caress, girls5eva is extremely funny.

I just finished it and I’m so glad I watched it. I was worried at the start that the show was going to be real mean and constantly making fun of the characters, but it wasn’t that at all.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

This might be good.


AMC has greenlit Moonhaven, “a new series from Peter Ocko focusing on “a utopian colony on the Moon that may hold the keys to preserving life on Earth—which has become increasingly perilous. The suspense thriller focuses on Bella Sway, a lunar cargo pilot and smuggler 100 years in the future who finds herself accused of a crime and marooned on Moonhaven, a utopian community set on a 500 square mile Garden of Eden built on the Moon to find solutions to the problems that will soon end civilization on Mother Earth. A skeptic in Paradise, Bella is sucked into a conspiracy to gain control of the artificial intelligence responsible for Moonhaven’s miracles and teams with a local detective to stop the forces that want to destroy Earth’s last hope before they are destroyed themselves.

Apr 28, 2006

I think that's his actual beard. Though I imagine a certain segment of the Supernatural fanbase would disagree.

zoux fucked around with this message at 14:50 on May 12, 2021

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Ellen ran out of staffers to abuse.

May 17, 1993

SamBishop posted:

Literally all criticism about how Battlestar Galactica turned out is valid. That's how bad they hosed up. And yet - yet! - I never hesitate to recommend it because the vice grip that show can have on you when it's at its best is peerless television.

That Portlandia episode was correct if the show had been three seasons.

i watched it when i was recovering from surgery in the summer before college, probably my first real binge watch. definitely a highlight of television viewing, to me

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Open Source Idiom posted:

Holy poo poo Chad this week is so well observed.

Dropped it after episode 3. Worth catching up?


Mar 30, 2011

Overly Confident North Wilmington Nobody
(From the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Yellows)
Will there be a wrap up movie for Ellen's talk show, like what ATHF, Metalocalypse, and the Venture Brothers are getting???

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