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el oso
Feb 18, 2005

phew, for a minute there i lost myself


oh jay
Oct 15, 2012

It took me way too many reads to not parse that as Jason Schwartzman being God.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
That’s some great casting, wow.

The Underground Railroad is up on prime now. Ten episodes of Barry Motherfuckin Jenkins adapting Colson Motherfuckin Whitehead. Also there’s a thread:

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

I thought he was married to some hot persian woman and now this. I'm not sure how much luckier one dude can get

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Will their baby be 90% hair or what?

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
He better be doing the Thor 4 soundtrack now.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
Andrew WK is certainly living his best life, bless him

Dec 27, 2005

I think he can hear you, Ray.

Simone Magus posted:

I checked out after season 2 and can only imagine that by now Elizabeth Moss is walking around with a machine gun and spouting action one liners as she mows down entire rooms of men

Am I wrong?

It's kind of wild that that, of all books, has been turned into 'girlboss fights the system'.

Jul 25, 2007

Simone Magus posted:

Andrew WK is certainly living his best life, bless him

Which Andrew WK tho?

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS


Apr 28, 2006

Hey man these celeb things never work out, keep your chin up

Sep 11, 2001

Dec 25, 2004
If they're not going to give us Crank 3D, I'll take that, yeah.

Mar 27, 2010
The latest episode of Clarice directly addressed the transphobic elements of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. I was not expecting that.

Jun 10, 2006


I dunno who does casting for Mom, but I’m always impressed by the names they manage to get on that show. I’m not sure how many shows outside of law and order guest spots have had more recognizable people in. Most recent ‘wait, is that?’ is Melanie Lynskey, with Bob Odenkirk being a real surprise from a few weeks ago.

Feb 2, 2004

I get this funky high on the yellow sun.

Haha speaking of “names” I am rewatching the Nanny on HBO Max (watched portions as a kid with my mom) and I swear, every other guest star gets this massive audience pop and I just got “goddamn it” and head to IMBD because I never know them. I don’t know if it’s because of my age or my lack of theatre knowledge or both.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer


I dunno who does casting for Mom, but I’m always impressed by the names they manage to get on that show. I’m not sure how many shows outside of law and order guest spots have had more recognizable people in. Most recent ‘wait, is that?’ is Melanie Lynskey, with Bob Odenkirk being a real surprise from a few weeks ago.

Lynskey was a main character on a previous Chuck Lorre sitcom, so it makes sense. Odenkirk is a surprise, though.

May 17, 1993
Love Death Robots season 2 is out apparently. Think I might watch through tonight.

Anybody watch any yet?

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Only the first episode so far. It was ok, but the character design was so gross and creepy in a really funny way and it ruled

Gene Hackman Fan
Dec 27, 2002

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

so it's a remake of D.O.A. but without the film noir?

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

The action in Gangs of London is very good especially in the episode that aired this week (ep6.) Although one thing that kind of took me out of the episode was it looked like one of the attackers was wearing a Mass Effect hoodie. It probably wasn't actually but it had a similar color scheme.

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed

Aardvark! posted:

Love Death Robots season 2 is out apparently. Think I might watch through tonight.

Anybody watch any yet?

It's pretty short, but that also means that the overall quality is higher, I liked it.

RC and Moon Pie
May 5, 2011

Cael posted:

Haha speaking of “names” I am rewatching the Nanny on HBO Max (watched portions as a kid with my mom) and I swear, every other guest star gets this massive audience pop and I just got “goddamn it” and head to IMBD because I never know them. I don’t know if it’s because of my age or my lack of theatre knowledge or both.

A little of both. It was definitely geared towards an older generation. Coolio pops up in a late season episode. That was probably as close to contemporary as it got.

The Nanny never was never deeper than background noise, but it absolutely falls off a cliff a few seasons in.

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

There was a Russian version of The Nanny that just remade the American eps, and it was so popular over there, that once the ran out of scripts to remake, they brought in the American writers to write new scripts.

Also, the IMDB page ( has almost a thousand photos from the series.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
Man I loving hate how these first two new Love Death + Robots shorts look, and for completely different reasons.

The first is just grotesque, like an entire episode made of Spumco close-up interpretations of the old guy from Up. The second looks like it’s trying to do a Genndy Tartakovsky thing from the wide angles but all the close-ups are so hosed up and distorted that they look like someone used the wrong aspect ratio.

Jun 10, 2006


B Positive ended for the season yesterday with Middleditch being put under for his kidney transplant and if they have the guts to kill him off between seasons and change the show so it’s about Gina and Eli’s relationship, I will high five everyone responsible. I can’t even imagine his character testing well with audiences who don’t care about the actors bullshit.

Dec 25, 2004

Big Mean Jerk posted:

Man I loving hate how these first two new Love Death + Robots shorts look, and for completely different reasons.

The first is just grotesque, like an entire episode made of Spumco close-up interpretations of the old guy from Up. The second looks like it’s trying to do a Genndy Tartakovsky thing from the wide angles but all the close-ups are so hosed up and distorted that they look like someone used the wrong aspect ratio.

I really like the look of the third one. It felt a little "video game cut scene" at first but it grew on me. I skipped to it to get some cyberpunk vibes, and it's not subtle or original, but it's solid.

e: Oh snap, 4 has great animation.

feedmyleg fucked around with this message at 03:53 on May 15, 2021

May 17, 1993
is the episode order not randomized this time?

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Aardvark! posted:

is the episode order not randomized this time?

I know a lot of people said it was last time, but I've never seen any visual evidence of it. I honestly just assumed people were bad at communicating.

Apr 24, 2010
Grimey Drawer

Open Source Idiom posted:

I know a lot of people said it was last time, but I've never seen any visual evidence of it. I honestly just assumed people were bad at communicating.,_Death_%26_Robots

First season was definitely randomized.

Second season doesn't appear to be, at least for me.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

xerxus posted:,_Death_%26_Robots

First season was definitely randomized.

Second season doesn't appear to be, at least for me.

Huh, respect then.

Nov 18, 2000


The credits of "All Through the House" are longer than the actual story.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Slamhound posted:

The latest episode of Clarice directly addressed the transphobic elements of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. I was not expecting that.

Clarice is moving to the Paramount streaming service instead of CBS. That's probably not a good sign right?

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

xerxus posted:,_Death_%26_Robots

First season was definitely randomized.

Second season doesn't appear to be, at least for me.

That's wild

Apr 24, 2008

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.
Grimey Drawer

xerxus posted:,_Death_%26_Robots

First season was definitely randomized.

Second season doesn't appear to be, at least for me.

It's not entirely randomized, but you got assigned one of four different viewing orders.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I do wonder how they did it because I don’t know anyone who didn’t have the same order (with Sonnie’s Edge as the first episode, then Three Robots - The Witness - Suits, etc)

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
Three Robots was definitely the first for me. I specifically remember watching Zima Blue last and thinking "wow I guess they really did save the best one for last"

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
ugh Zima Blue is SO good

Apr 24, 2008

The Baron's daughter is missing, and you are the man to find her. No problem. With your inexhaustible arsenal of hard-boiled similes, there is nothing you can't handle.
Grimey Drawer

Escobarbarian posted:

I do wonder how they did it because I don’t know anyone who didn’t have the same order (with Sonnie’s Edge as the first episode, then Three Robots - The Witness - Suits, etc)

I got Sonnie's Edge too, but I just checked right now and my order has changed to the one with Three Robots first. That's using the same Netflix account. Now I wonder how often they shuffle it.

I have to say, I really don't like the argument that the order shouldn't matter because it's an anthology. An anthology is still an artistic work, and the order in which you watch the episodes is an important part of the experience. I mean, would you argue that the order of songs on a music album doesn't matter? Context is important!


Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Netflix is being a bit technical here, no? They absolutely have data on what they suspect our gender/ethnicity/sexuality is, and they're probably right. They just don't have the info directly.

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