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Nov 18, 2000


Open Source Idiom posted:

Claudia Black was exceptional in the finale. I hope her career really benefits from this, she's a fantastic actress.

I mean, she already starred in one of the greatest scifi series of all time, where else is there to go?


Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

bull3964 posted:

I mean, she already starred in one of the greatest scifi series of all time, where else is there to go?

The MCU. Browder did it.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

bull3964 posted:

I mean, she already starred in one of the greatest scifi series of all time, where else is there to go?


Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

bull3964 posted:

I mean, she already starred in one of the greatest scifi series of all time, where else is there to go?

Finally, the Riddick series getting the due it deserves!

Sep 9, 2001


bull3964 posted:

I mean, she already starred in one of the greatest scifi series of all time, where else is there to go?

I can't tell which scifi thing I absolutely loving love that you're throwing shade at here but she's probably the weakest link in all of them so I'm still mad! That being said, she's fine.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

IRQ posted:

I can't tell which scifi thing I absolutely loving love that you're throwing shade at here but she's probably the weakest link in all of them so I'm still mad! That being said, she's fine.

Claudia Black is not the weakest link in Farscape, AKA unironically one of the best sci-fi shows of all time.

That Jool. :colbert:

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

Open Source Idiom posted:

Claudia Black is not the weakest link in Farscape, AKA unironically one of the best sci-fi shows of all time.

That Jool. :colbert:

How DARE you

Nov 18, 2000


Open Source Idiom posted:

Claudia Black is not the weakest link in Farscape, AKA unironically one of the best sci-fi shows of all time.

Thank you for getting it.

Mar 15, 2010

SHINee's back

Rhyno posted:

How DARE you

How could you possibly say Jool wasn't the weakest part of Farscape?

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
The Nevers midseason finale was good and interesting but man it took a while to get that way. The first 25 minutes were an interesting departure but boring as hell to actually watch imo, Claudia Black aside. Then when they brought it back to the main era it got way better.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

whowhatwhere posted:

How could you possibly say Jool wasn't the weakest part of Farscape?

Because Noranti exists.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Rhyno posted:

Because Noranti exists.

Noranti is cool and good and my hero and my best friend. Live laugh love.

Dec 27, 2005

I think he can hear you, Ray.
Batman not killing isn't a 'moral code' as such, it's retaining his last grasp of sanity.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Great article on the excellent Danny Pudi storyline in this week’s Mythic Quest:

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

DrVenkman posted:

Batman not killing isn't a 'moral code' as such, it's retaining his last grasp of sanity.

Yeah, the second one of the thousands of minions dies, Batman considers it a lost cause and goes on a rampant killing spree.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

DrVenkman posted:

Batman not killing isn't a 'moral code' as such, it's retaining his last grasp of sanity.

I suspect that's true of some comics, but indoubt that's always the take. I doubt there is a definitive take on the character anymore.

Jul 25, 2007

LionArcher posted:

It has Pike in it and a ton of young very good actors who at least one or two are going to blow up from it and a huge budget (but not so insanely big as LOTR) and out of the three fantasy shows it has the best world building and arguably the best "chosen one" story ever written, and the weakness of the books (over detailed scenes, books 7-10 needing an editor the stupid braid/skirt/smoothing/crap everyone always brings up) will not be filmed. Now the Lord of the rings show has some great writers working on it, but WOT has a far more interesting story to tell than LORD OF THE RINGS the prequel. And the online fantasy fans are freaking pumped.

It also has at least half a dozen battle/scenes that could make Avengers Endgame seem quaint if filmed properly. (And if they get to them).

LoTR has good writers? Last I read they were still trying to figure out a story.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Who do you think is working out the story?

nate fisher
Mar 3, 2004

We've Got To Go Back
drat I finished For All Mankind season 2, so I was able to research Michael Dorman's (Patriot actor) weight gain without being spoiled. drat he gained 40+ pounds for this season, and (minor spoiler) then in the middle of the season he had to lose all the extra weight within 6 weeks . His work this season was amazing and he deserves some Emmy consideration which I am sure will not happen sadly. Overall a great show. My complaint was a little bit of family drama at the end that I found unnecessary (especially since they did a great job of handling this type of drama earlier in the season), but still it is my favorite thing I've watched in 2021. The writing is pretty solid overall, and the acting is great. I hope they are able to do the 6 season arc that Ronald Moore has in mind that leads to a Star Trek like society that will travel to the stars. Part of me still wishes that around the end of the series someone starts to make large advances in AI and robotics...but he has already said not in the same universe.

nate fisher fucked around with this message at 15:47 on May 21, 2021

Dec 5, 2010

Blue Jackoffs are Rags west
Made it to the end of S3 in my Office binge watch and I take back the nice things I said about Kelly. She's loving irritating.

Other than that, this show still has enough charm to keep going with in spite of its very notable flaws (lookin' at you here, Michael, Dwight, and Andy).

FlamingLiberal posted:

They’re finally going to finish Metalocalypse which I didn’t see coming

I can't wait to see how ATHF deals with the fact that they were uncancelled, if only for one movie, after "we were almost cancelled" was a running gag during the series. I seem to remember the writers wanted to keep doing it but Mike Lazzo ruined it.

RC and Moon Pie posted:

As someone raised in the rural south, Squidbillies borders on documentary. The last season was uneven, but gently caress Unknown Hinson for likely killing the show.

Late to [as] chat, but it came around during middle/high school for me. SGC2C was the gateway, followed by Brak. Many of the shows I liked I either discovered by accident (my brother talked me into watching ATHF, Squidbillies was on at 4am when I was getting ready to go on vacation and I found myself watching after thinking it would be background noise, can't remember how I found Frisky Dingo), as an adult (Rick and Morty, Loiter Squad, Black Jesus), or much later (Sealab, Harvey Birdman, 12 oz. Mouse all came along when I'd run the [as] streams on my second monitor at work). I liked Metalocalypse for the stupid antics of the band, but often skipped the Tribunal briefings on what Dethklok was up to this week. Rick and Morty has gotten to where it's so far up its own rear end that I barely watch.

Not to condone what he said but, if the whole world wasn't on fire at the time Unknown ran his mouth, Dave Willis and company probably could've gotten by with telling him to shut the hell up and writing him out of a few episodes rather than, as you said, likely ending their own series.

El Jeffe
Dec 24, 2009

nate fisher posted:

drat I finished For All Mankind season 2, so I was able to research Michael Dorman's (Patriot actor) weight gain without being spoiled. drat he gained 40+ pounds for this season, and (minor spoiler) then in the middle of the season he had to lose all the extra weight within 6 weeks . His work this season was amazing and he deserves some Emmy consideration which I am sure will not happen sadly. Overall a great show. My complaint was a little bit of family drama at the end that I found unnecessary (especially since they did a great job of handling this type of drama earlier in the season), but still it is my favorite thing I've watched in 2021. The writing is pretty solid overall, and the acting is great. I hope they are able to do the 6 season arc that Ronald Moore has in mind that leads to a Star Trek like society that will travel to the stars. Part of me still wishes that around the end of the series someone starts to make large advances in AI and robotics...but he has already said not in the same universe.

My roommate and I just finished this yesterday. I like this show, but goddamn there is some stupid, ridiculous poo poo in it. Sally Ride (actual astronaut, first female American in space) getting into a literal Mexican standoff with her own commander, while in orbit of the moon, was just too much for me. Her arc went from "Oh they put Sally Ride in this, neat! :) " to "They're having Sally loving Ride do WHAT :psyboom: "

That said, I can't wait for crazy poo poo happening on Mars next season.

Gene Hackman Fan
Dec 27, 2002

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
yeah yeah good job [as] when are y'all doing more off the air?

Gene Hackman Fan fucked around with this message at 20:12 on May 21, 2021

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
I'm sure the ATHF movie will be about Shake falling for a BitCoin scam initiated by the mooninites

Sorting Algorithms
Feb 7, 2021

Simone Magus posted:

I'm sure the ATHF movie will be about Shake falling for a BitCoin scam initiated by the mooninites

Yeah because if there's one thing ATHF was known for it was its love of referencing and skewering current events.

oh jay
Oct 15, 2012

Taskmaster wrapped up on Thursday. I'm going to miss those nincompoops.

And they've announced the next set of victims, including some heavy hitters that even I, a schlub from the US, recognize and am excited for.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
*bursts in breathless* we talkin Victoria Coren?????

oh jay
Oct 15, 2012

The algorithm thinks I'm madly in love with Victoria in all my suggestions. I'm merely deeply infatuated.

It has caught on to the fact that me and Alan Davis are broken up though.

Jul 25, 2007

Escobarbarian posted:

Who do you think is working out the story?

Just writers. The other poster said they were good, quelle surprise.

You know you can be very ornery sometimes.

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

Escobarbarian posted:

*bursts in breathless* we talkin Victoria Coren?????

She's awesome isn't she? She's married to some loser though right?

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Shageletic posted:

Just writers. The other poster said they were good, quelle surprise.

You know you can be very ornery sometimes.

lmao what? Are you joking? You literally expressed surprise that the show had writers because “I thought they were still working out the story”. All I did was respond to the actual words that you wrote in your post. I’m sorry you’re having a bad day or whatever is going on here.

Jul 25, 2007

Escobarbarian posted:

lmao what? Are you joking? You literally expressed surprise that the show had writers because “I thought they were still working out the story”. All I did was respond to the actual words that you wrote in your post. I’m sorry you’re having a bad day or whatever is going on here.

I was surprised they had good writers. GOOD writers

Shageletic posted:

LoTR has good writers? Last I read they were still trying to figure out a story.

Like I know that TV shows are written by writers dude and misconstruing that is bizaare

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Ok, so why is it surprising that a show that’s only working out the story would have good writers? So good writers not work out stories? Do they just come in for the scripts?

It was a weird post and I made a lil joke, what exactly made you think it was worth calling me out here? Your reaction makes no sense, so I have to assume there’s something else going on in your life that you’re taking out on me.

Jul 25, 2007

Lol there are bad writers man. Again I was surprised by them attracting good talent.

Thats the point of the post. Take it as you will.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I feel like that should have been your original reply instead of choosing to be weirdly offended for literally no reason whatsoever

Anyway two eps down on MODOK and it’s ok. I didn’t know they were still letting Jeph Loeb exec produce Marvel shows. They should think twice about that one!

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

In case anyone was wondering, New Death in the new Adventure Time special was voiced by very funny comedy person Chris Fleming.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Finished the second episode of MODOK just now and I thought it was a lot funnier than the first. I'll probably finish the season.

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
invincible S1 was alright. the janky animation didn't bother me that much, they put the money where it counts. that said I'm really not a fan of some of the gratuitous gore. it's not so much an issue with the television series as it is with the source comic. I'm not familiar with it, but... ew. there's a certain line when it comes to depiction of visceral and psychic violence in pop media that separates the realistic from the absurd, and some of the violence crossed that line and took me out of it completely. there has to be a happy middle ground between this and bloodless pg-13 nonsense

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
also the voice cast was loving stacked which owned like hell. Bezos might have not paid the animators a nickel but he certainly assembled the justice league of voice talent

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines
Was that actually Matthew Rhys in the pilot of Girls5Eva


Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Argue posted:

Was that actually Matthew Rhys in the pilot of Girls5Eva

I didn't notice him, and IMDB doesn't say anything (other than the fact that he's in a Gremlins TV series coming up)

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