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Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

i heard that shows whack


Inspector 34
Mar 9, 2009


You heard wrong. Lucifer is cool and good.

nate fisher
Mar 3, 2004

We've Got To Go Back
It is cool, but I don’t know if I would call it good. The writing is just awful with its case of the week, while the performances and campiness is worth coming back for. I would call it a decent guilty pleasure.

Inspector 34
Mar 9, 2009


Yeah that's fair.

Dec 27, 2005

I think he can hear you, Ray.
Started watching 30 ROCK again (though I don't think I ever actually finished it the first time). I'm pretty sure there was a period of time where people tried claiming it was in fact problematic and not funny but that can't be true because it's very funny.

Nov 7, 2012

DrVenkman posted:

Started watching 30 ROCK again (though I don't think I ever actually finished it the first time). I'm pretty sure there was a period of time where people tried claiming it was in fact problematic and not funny but that can't be true because it's very funny.

The problematic stuff was kind of figured out by season 2, and whatever Tina Fey is like in real life the show goes out of it's way to poo poo all over Liz Lemon's brand of toxic feminism whenever it comes up.

Dec 27, 2005

I think he can hear you, Ray.

pentyne posted:

The problematic stuff was kind of figured out by season 2, and whatever Tina Fey is like in real life the show goes out of it's way to poo poo all over Liz Lemon's brand of toxic feminism whenever it comes up.

I always found the dialogue around Liz and Fey to be a bit weird. Like, even in season 1 there's plenty of moments where Liz is in the wrong. I think what trips people up is that all the characters are still somewhat likeable despite that.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010
30 rock has like one kind of eh season (5 I think?) but yeah, easily one of the funniest shows ever made and it definitely dunks on Liz a lot.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

X-O posted:

Am I missing something? I don’t see anything too weird about this? I mean it’s about a Czech team but it happened in Japan so a Japanese song seems like a perfectly fine choice to me?

It's a song from an anime opening and also the part it plays over is edited like said anime opening.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Ugly In The Morning posted:

30 rock has like one kind of eh season (5 I think?) but yeah, easily one of the funniest shows ever made and it definitely dunks on Liz a lot.

6 is the one I remember as being less good (the first one with Kirsten Schaal) but it still has some classic episodes

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Escobarbarian posted:

6 is the one I remember as being less good (the first one with Kirsten Schaal) but it still has some classic episodes

Oh, yep, you’re right. I remembered it as being the second to last season and thought there were only 6 seasons for some reason. I guess that means it’s time to watch it again.

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

muscles like this! posted:

It's a song from an anime opening and also the part it plays over is edited like said anime opening.

I guess that's a weird choice if you think it's a reference that's meant to be noticed. But I'm going to assume it's going to be lost on the vast majority of the audience for a an Olympic team documentary. If you don't know what it is then it doesn't sound that out of place. I guess you might wonder why they didn't pick a Czech song for it.

Apr 4, 2011

X-O posted:

I guess that's a weird choice if you think it's a reference that's meant to be noticed.

If you look at the director's twitter that absolutely is what it is supposed to be.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

For the TLOU series they cast Marlene with her actress from the game so we're one step closer to the dream of W. Earl Brown reprising his role as Bill.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
drat that would be awesome

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

Arist posted:

For the TLOU series they cast Marlene with her actress from the game so we're one step closer to the dream of W. Earl Brown reprising his role as Bill.

Oh please yes

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer
I'm pairing the new season of Mr Inbetween with a rewatch of Barry for a mate that is yet to see it. I rewatched the first two episodes before going to his house to make sure he'd like it and ended up binging the first 8 episodes. gently caress this show is good. Is it returning soon?

Edit: Did the thread title change because of my comment? I'm honoured.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Barry season 3 began filming earlier in the year, so hopefully it starts airing sometime in 2021. They’ve already written all of season 4 too, which is great.

Sep 25, 2007

me @ ur posting
Fallen Rib

Looten Plunder posted:

I'm pairing the new season of Mr Inbetween with a rewatch of Barry for a mate that is yet to see it. I rewatched the first two episodes before going to his house to make sure he'd like it and ended up binging the first 8 episodes. gently caress this show is good. Is it returning soon?

Edit: Did the thread title change because of my comment? I'm honoured.

mr inbetween is back yes, first two eps of the final season just aired, one episode a week for the remaining 7 episodes, the thread is here: is just the season 2 thread with a titlechange and updated OP. it wasn't very active anyway.)

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Given that Looten mentioned “the new season” of Mr. Inbetween, I think they’re aware.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

Escobarbarian posted:

Mythic Quest has been so good recently. This week’s is funny as poo poo oh my god

Yeah, one of the funniest episodes they've done. Really tight writing and great acting combined.

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Escobarbarian posted:

Mythic Quest has been so good recently. This week’s is funny as poo poo oh my god

Chairman Capone posted:

Yeah, one of the funniest episodes they've done. Really tight writing and great acting combined.

I agree. They really got their dysfunctional work-crew-balance down and made a great bottle episode. I love how the HR lady is secretly loving all of this drama.
But the last two scenes were absolutely brutal. Poppy and Ian are really good at hurting each other.

Jul 7, 2005

CBS made the right choice

Apr 5, 2007
That's a bummer, I'd have watched the michael ian black late show. late show jobs seem like such a hosed job to go for

Apr 28, 2006

Mu Zeta posted:

Started watching the HBO Perry Mason and I'm completely surprised at how lavish and good it looks. Nobody does this time period like HBO. Perry Mason, Boardwalk Empire, and Carnivale are some of the best looking shows ever. There's even a quick WW1 flashback that could be out of any prestige WW1 movie.

Yeah it is perfect LA noir. Fantastic performances up and down the line, but Shea Whigham exhibits heretofore unseen levels of aw-shucks, slouching character acting. You'll be left wanting a spinoff of Shea Whigham walking around pre-war LA and looking askance at things.

Jul 25, 2007

Khanstant posted:

That's a bummer, I'd have watched the michael ian black late show. late show jobs seem like such a hosed job to go for

Its such a weird complaint. The guy who was better one to one got the job where he interviews ppl one to one.

Considering how terrible Black has been on social media thank god for that

Apr 5, 2007
Sounds like he got pushed into an interview intentionally with the expectation it wasn't anything like that. I also don't think Craig Ferguson is a good interviewer (and does anybody give a poo poo about the interviews? either the guest has a good latetime anecdote ready to fire off or they dont, the host is only a factor with terrible guests, in which case, idk just dont have them) or late night host anyway so any alternative would be better in a hypothetical.

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Khanstant posted:

I also don't think Craig Ferguson is a good interviewer ... or late night host anyway

What fresh hell is this.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Craig is the best late night host ever.

Jun 2, 2009

Did you not pour me out like milk, and curdle me like cheese?
Craig Ferguson not being a good interviewer is certainly a take since there are fan compilations made of his recurring guest interviews throughout the years.

I don't think fans of any other late night host have bothered to go through that effort.

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Rhyno posted:

Craig is the best late night host ever.

Seriously. He took a little while to find his footing, but once Worldwide Pants gave him the green light to just get loving weird with it, the show became really good. With the addition of Geoff Peterson, it became great. When they forked out the money to have Josh Robert Thompson live in the studio to voice Geoff (instead of them using a soundboard), and the show became an hourlong Ferguson's Fun House, it became something truly special.

Craig's Late Late Show is the only late-night talk show with episodes I've never deleted from my DVR.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Never found him all that funny, more exhausting like Robin Williams standup. I do like that Ferguson helped create the Doc Martin show.

Jun 10, 2006


CPFortest posted:

Craig Ferguson not being a good interviewer is certainly a take since there are fan compilations made of his recurring guest interviews throughout the years.

One of them is 8 hours long, and one day I will make my way through it.

Dec 25, 2004
Ferguson is the only late night host since Carson to do interviews I wanted to sit through. Outside of his interviews I felt his bits were a bit tired and their pace was too relaxed, but the fact that the interviews weren't 100% canned made them bearable and often quite good.

Sep 9, 2001


blunt posted:

CBS made the right choice

I mean, I'm sure it does hurt to hear that you were a frontrunner until one dude pushed for someone else, but yeah they absolutely made the right choice. And it isn't like he got Leno'ed, he just didn't do well at one aspect of job interviews and lost out to a much more talented and funny person.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Mu Zeta posted:

Never found him all that funny, more exhausting like Robin Williams standup. I do like that Ferguson helped create the Doc Martin show.

Not finding Williams standup funny is a completely alien concept to me, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed at anything as hard as I have at his Live on Broadway set.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
My grandmother had a huge crush on Ferguson and every day she’d tell me her favorite bits from last night’s show. She was a Carson fan before that and adored them both.

I’ve always been a Conan man. I never liked Letterman at all and I was completely ambivalent about Leno until he and NBC hosed Conan.

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Not finding Williams standup funny is a completely alien concept to me, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed at anything as hard as I have at his Live on Broadway set.


Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I couldn’t even make it two minutes into that lmao

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