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Aug 13, 2003


GreenNight posted:

The new series will follow perfect strangers, Dejay (Thede) and Poppy (Hughes) who unexpectedly discover they are half-sisters when they both inherit a one-bedroom apartment above a trap yoga studio in Brooklyn.


May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius

GreenNight posted:

I feel like I've seen that plot a dozen times.

it was also a real life thing that happened.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Most awful things are.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Robin Thede is great so I’ll give that a shot

Mar 27, 2010
It was also an X-Files episode where Darin Morgan played the inseminating creep and had a tail.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.

No it's this.

Finally Sesame Street's Mr. Noodle gets the dramatic role he deserves.

oh jay
Oct 15, 2012

It seems to me that the only reason Almost Family was greenlit, is that a producer thought the naming scheme for the episodes was cute:

"Related AF"
"Notorious AF"
"Fake AF"
"Risky AF"
"Kosher AF"
"Thankful AF"
"Fertile AF"
"Rehabilitated AF"
"Courageous AF"
"Generational AF"
"Permanent AF"
"Expectant AF"

Young people still say "AF", right?

Jul 3, 2004

I'm rewatching Enlightened and I still love it. its so good and earnest and true

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

GreenNight posted:

Jesus gently caress.

The full article says the characters are complete opposites in the show. That sounds more like an Odd Couple reboot than Perfect Strangers. When I think of Perfect Strangers I think more of a culture clash between two people rather than them being complete opposites. I'm not really against it, but I think it needs that culture clash element in order to really be a reboot of Perfect Strangers.

Oct 10, 2012

Slamhound posted:

It was also an X-Files episode where Darin Morgan played the inseminating creep and had a tail.

Weirdly, wasn’t there a second episode that had the same plot? The one that was black and white, maybe? Or did I dream that?

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

newts posted:

Weirdly, wasn’t there a second episode that had the same plot? The one that was black and white, maybe? Or did I dream that?

The one with the tails was Small Potatoes while the black and white one (which yes had a similar plot) was The Post Modern Prometheus.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

muscles like this! posted:

The one with the tails was Small Potatoes while the black and white one (which yes had a similar plot) was The Post Modern Prometheus.

Wasn't the twist there that the Frankenstein character was making animal hybrids which is why all the townsfolk looked and acted like animal stereotypes?

Also that the monster was obsessed with Cher.

Oct 10, 2012
The dad was drugging the women so his mutant son could get laid, right? Ugh. It’s coming back to me now.

Feb 5, 2006

Pickle: Inspected.

Hughmoris posted:

Is FX's Legion worth getting back in to? I watched Season 1 and enjoyed it but I think I recall that the quality jumped all over the place in later episodes.
I know there were a lot of responses and differing opinions already given but, as one of the people who wrote too many words about the show in its thread as it aired, I would be remiss if I didn't throw you my two cents.

Don't care about the plot. Don't care about the characters. If you can do that, watch it and you'll love it.

It's an extremely entertaining experience. Season 2 tries to get wacky while holding onto a thread the whole way through but doesn't manage to find its footing along the way. Season 3 just plain goes wacky and refuses to care about footing at all. Do not care about the plot; there are multiple threads that just fray away into nothing or are resolved in uninspired, unfulfilling, frustrating, convoluted, and astonishingly stupid ways. Do not care about the characters: they'll perform stupid actions, say stupid words, and fail to understand what logic, empathy, loyalty, mental illness, and intelligence are. While it aired, there were some audience theories that were outright desperate to pull the narrative in different directions which, at the end of the day, were never proven or disproven by the completion of the series. Don't bother theorizing as you watch, you're probably wrong and it likely won't get answered.

And sadly, there's nothing that tops Season 1's Bolero scene:
Which I still consider one of the best scenes in television history.

Otherwise it is an audio-visual feast. Most of the best bits already got posted here as YouTube clips so, uh, hope you didn't watch those. Noah Hawley makes it obvious that he'd rather be directing music videos than TV shows. Plenty of the set pieces are gorgeously inspired in their creation. There's a stand-alone episode that could make you cry. All the acting is exactly as good as it needs to be, which is why the actions being acted out could make you yell at your screen; you believe they exist enough that it pisses you off when they do dumb poo poo. The cinematography is appropriately odd, the musical choices are on point, and, mild non-plot spoiler, Jon Hamm does some narration that is supremely excellent. Let us know what you think as you watch it! I'd lurk this thread more just for that.

DaveKap fucked around with this message at 04:22 on Jun 15, 2021

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed

SimonChris posted:

Also, making a Legion show where Legion does not have multiple personalities is a pretty odd choice. There is some hinting in that direction towards the end of the show, but it never has space to go anywhere.

He does in fact have several personalities on the show, it becomes a lot more apparent after the first season. You especially see it at the end of season two where the other personalities are talking to him.

Alan Smithee
Jan 3, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...
So uh batman dont eat pussy

it's canon

Feb 5, 2006

Pickle: Inspected.

Alan Smithee posted:

So uh batman dont eat pussy

it's canon

Norwegian Rudo
May 8, 2013

GreenNight posted:

I feel like I've seen that plot a dozen times.

In Bakersfield PD back in the 90's Giancarlo Esposito was a D.C cop who, when he and his wife discover their fertility doctor fathered their son (and many others), moves to Bakersfield as it's basically as far away as they can get.

Alan Smithee
Jan 3, 2005

A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms.

Enthusiasms, enthusiasms...
drat Giancarlo was in that? I never watched it but I thought about it the other week

Dec 22, 2009

"Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?"
I was watching The Usual Suspects last week for the first time in ages, and it occurred to me that Giancarlo Esposito was the detective who interviewed the Turkish burn victim in the hospital. Holy hell, he was so young.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
And of course it would be unacceptable to not bring up Buggin’ Out:

Jan 2, 2008
I’m loving Raised By Wolves but lol at the rapist going super saiyan after getting Android blood in his head. incredible costume design on that guy though

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.

Gonz posted:

Holy hell, he was so young.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

DaveKap posted:

Thoughts on Legion...

Let us know what you think as you watch it! I'd lurk this thread more just for that.

Thanks for the write-up. It's been years since I've seen the first season so I'll probably start there if I decide to dive back in to it, and I'll post my thoughts here if I do.

Apr 5, 2007

Alan Smithee posted:

So uh batman dont eat pussy

it's canon

However, Batman of Zur-En-Arrh, Batmite, and Bizarro Batman are all big muff divers

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
Good lord is Housebroken dire. I can usually sit through an episode of something to see if I like it, but I nope'd out part way through two weeks in a row. I guess that's why it's being burned off at 9:00 on Mondays despite not being particularly offensive.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Yeah I usually give shows 3 episodes but I dropped Housebroken last week. Just didn’t find it enjoyable at all

Feb 5, 2006

Pickle: Inspected.

MechaSeinfeld posted:

I’m loving Raised By Wolves but lol at the rapist going super saiyan after getting Android blood in his head. incredible costume design on that guy though
Oh my GOD I had the same exact problem and when I began questioning it I was like "...but wait... why do I accept everything else going on?!" and just shrugged it off. That show is wild as gently caress and I can't wait for more.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

No one does prequels like Gaston. Disney Plus Beauty and the Beast series with Luke Evans and Josh Gad reprising their roles from live action remake.

Also funny with people talking about Netflix pushing Manifest on them as it was just canceled.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

muscles like this! posted:

No one does prequels like Gaston. Disney Plus Beauty and the Beast series with Luke Evans and Josh Gad reprising their roles from live action remake.

Also funny with people talking about Netflix pushing Manifest on them as it was just canceled.

I remember recently how someone was mocking that idea. Will Gaston's mother really be crushed by a giant bookshelf?

May 24, 2012
Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

I don't even like it that much but I feel gaslit as gently caress that the show with the best production values this side of Game Of Thrones, Toby Stephens giving probably the most intensely compelling portrayal of an irredeemable bastard in TV history, an incredible CARRIAGE chase long-take, shots of people clinging to masts being DUNKED INTO THE SEA in a storm and PULLED BACK OUT in one shot, and probably the boldest portrayal of a historical gay relationship I've seen - is treated like it never existed? Like I've only met one human who has actually watched it.

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
I binged through it last year and I loved it. Had never heard of it before, and until now, had never seen anyone else talk about it.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

cant cook creole bream posted:

I remember recently how someone was mocking that idea. Will Gaston's mother really be crushed by a giant bookshelf?

Seeing that is the movie people I don't know how far back it can go as a prequel.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

I don't even like it that much

That’s probably why

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

I don't even like it that much but I feel gaslit as gently caress that the show with the best production values this side of Game Of Thrones, Toby Stephens giving probably the most intensely compelling portrayal of an irredeemable bastard in TV history, an incredible CARRIAGE chase long-take, shots of people clinging to masts being DUNKED INTO THE SEA in a storm and PULLED BACK OUT in one shot, and probably the boldest portrayal of a historical gay relationship I've seen - is treated like it never existed? Like I've only met one human who has actually watched it.

It's great. One of my favorite shows of the last decade or so. And yeah it's a very good looking show. Hell I bought the whole series twice, once on bluray as it released and then again iTunes when I moved to mainly a digital collection.

Inspector 34
Mar 9, 2009


Has any Starz original series ever really gotten widespread recognition though? I loved Black Sails but the only people I know who've watched it are the people I told about it. Same with Spartacus.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

oh jay posted:

It seems to me that the only reason Almost Family was greenlit, is that a producer thought the naming scheme for the episodes was cute:

"Related AF"
"Notorious AF"
"Fake AF"
"Risky AF"
"Kosher AF"
"Thankful AF"
"Fertile AF"
"Rehabilitated AF"
"Courageous AF"
"Generational AF"
"Permanent AF"
"Expectant AF"

Young people still say "AF", right?

Fall 2019 was loving dire for new network comedies. There was that, Carol’s Second Act, and Bob Hearts Abishola all starting like two or three weeks apart.

Sep 11, 2001

Fun Shoe

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

I don't even like it that much but I feel gaslit as gently caress that the show with the best production values this side of Game Of Thrones, Toby Stephens giving probably the most intensely compelling portrayal of an irredeemable bastard in TV history, an incredible CARRIAGE chase long-take, shots of people clinging to masts being DUNKED INTO THE SEA in a storm and PULLED BACK OUT in one shot, and probably the boldest portrayal of a historical gay relationship I've seen - is treated like it never existed? Like I've only met one human who has actually watched it.
Insanely good production values and some outstanding performances throughout but it still felt... lacking something to make it among the all time greats. Can't even say why. The Vikings actor that played Ned Lowe was so quietly menacing I want to see him pop up more often and Toby's tragic love story was some powerful stuff. Titus Pullo as Blackbeard was such a great get and yet.... it felt like it fizzled. Imperfect but a show well worth watching.

Hughmoris posted:

Is FX's Legion worth getting back in to? I watched Season 1 and enjoyed it but I think I recall that the quality jumped all over the place in later episodes.

I know from a bit ago but I loved Legion. One of my favourite series but it has flaws that I am fairly sure are 100% Noah Hawley. It can be a bit pretentious, up its own rear end and also tends to wander off like it got a bit too high and had the munchies. All that said: if you enjoyed season 1 you should like season 2 and 3. Season 2 had a couple of character arcs that went to an uncomfortable place ( it makes it hard to keep rooting for the main characters) BUT season 3 had a really good ending to the entire show. Not for everyone but definitely worth a watch.

So goons strike again. A pal of mine and I watched Ted Lasso. I have never seen an American show so uplifting and happy. I really feel like it was shot and run secretly by fellow Canadians pretending to be from Michigan or something. Really, really excellent recommendation and I will be getting apple tv for season 2. Seriously love this show. TVIV has yet to fail me.

Any of you guys watched the cartoon Final Space? I started it off as a larf and have become addicted to the show. No idea why but I love it.

Sep 11, 2001

muscles like this! posted:

No one does prequels like Gaston. Disney Plus Beauty and the Beast series with Luke Evans and Josh Gad reprising their roles from live action remake.

Also funny with people talking about Netflix pushing Manifest on them as it was just canceled.


“For anyone who’s ever wondered how a brute like Gaston and a goof like LeFou could have ever become friends and partners, or how a mystical enchantress came to cast that fateful spell on the prince-turned-beast, this series will finally provide those answers…and provoke a whole new set of questions,” said Gary Marsh, president and chief creative officer of Disney Branded Television.

I can't say that I have ever wondered about Gaston and LeFou. Also iirc the enchantress cursed him because he was a full on aristocratic dick to her. Or rejected her advances. I can't remember. lol Disney.

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

I don't even like it that much but I feel gaslit as gently caress that the show with the best production values this side of Game Of Thrones, Toby Stephens giving probably the most intensely compelling portrayal of an irredeemable bastard in TV history, an incredible CARRIAGE chase long-take, shots of people clinging to masts being DUNKED INTO THE SEA in a storm and PULLED BACK OUT in one shot, and probably the boldest portrayal of a historical gay relationship I've seen - is treated like it never existed? Like I've only met one human who has actually watched it.

Season 1 bored me so I didn't go back.

CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK fucked around with this message at 22:18 on Jun 15, 2021


May 19, 2016

Wikipedia posted:

An enchantress disguised as a beggar woman offers a rose to a cruel and selfish prince in exchange for shelter from a storm. When he refuses, she reveals her identity and, for the prince's arrogance, she transforms him into a horrendous beast and his servants into household objects.

It was dumb for her to punish his servants for trying to make a living

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