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Jan 2, 2008

DaveKap posted:

Oh my GOD I had the same exact problem and when I began questioning it I was like "...but wait... why do I accept everything else going on?!" and just shrugged it off. That show is wild as gently caress and I can't wait for more.

oh yeah totally not the craziest thing that show does but it was just so startling that during this insane arc of the show he suddenly gets powered up like a power rangers enemy. may as well shot sparks out when his decapitates robot head that keeps him alive gets thrown off a cliff


Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.

DogsInSpace! posted:

I know from a bit ago but I loved Legion. One of my favourite series but it has flaws that I am fairly sure are 100% Noah Hawley. It can be a bit pretentious, up its own rear end and also tends to wander off like it got a bit too high and had the munchies. All that said: if you enjoyed season 1 you should like season 2 and 3. Season 2 had a couple of character arcs that went to an uncomfortable place ( it makes it hard to keep rooting for the main characters) BUT season 3 had a really good ending to the entire show. Not for everyone but definitely worth a watch.

Farouk is the protagonist. Change my mind.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

I don't even like it that much but I feel gaslit as gently caress that the show with the best production values this side of Game Of Thrones, Toby Stephens giving probably the most intensely compelling portrayal of an irredeemable bastard in TV history, an incredible CARRIAGE chase long-take, shots of people clinging to masts being DUNKED INTO THE SEA in a storm and PULLED BACK OUT in one shot, and probably the boldest portrayal of a historical gay relationship I've seen - is treated like it never existed? Like I've only met one human who has actually watched it.

I feel like it was talked about here fairly often when it aired, but I don't think I've seen it get mentioned since it ended.

Nov 26, 2017

DogsInSpace! posted:

I know from a bit ago but I loved Legion. One of my favourite series but it has flaws that I am fairly sure are 100% Noah Hawley. It can be a bit pretentious, up its own rear end and also tends to wander off like it got a bit too high and had the munchies. All that said: if you enjoyed season 1 you should like season 2 and 3. Season 2 had a couple of character arcs that went to an uncomfortable place ( it makes it hard to keep rooting for the main characters) BUT season 3 had a really good ending to the entire show. Not for everyone but definitely worth a watch.

Hawley's done enough good that idk, willing to attribute the successes to him too. It's a weird as hell show, but shoots for the moon, and even though it has a bunch of misses, you can't help but admire the rockets that land. Cause gently caress, when they hit, they hit the spot. It feels like this generations The Prisoner in a lot of ways - brilliant design, characters, kind of crash lands.

I've come to really admire shows that manage to not fall apart – your Deadwood's, Breaking Bad, Avatar, etc. Not worth not holding every show to that standard, and plenty to love of the Legions out there.

That said, still funny how Game of Thrones faceplanted so hard that it retroactively made it hard to even revisit the good ol' days.

CatstropheWaitress fucked around with this message at 01:19 on Jun 16, 2021

Sep 9, 2001


The World Inferno posted:

That said, still funny how Game of Thrones faceplanted so hard that it retroactively made it hard to even revisit the good ol' days.


Feb 5, 2006

Pickle: Inspected.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

Farouk is the protagonist. Change my mind.
Protagonists don't enslave, rape, and murder innocent people. The only real protagonist on that show was literally no one.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

The World Inferno posted:

That said, still funny how Game of Thrones faceplanted so hard that it retroactively made it hard to even revisit the good ol' days.

I have never seen a show go from omnipresent to memory holed so hard or so fast, it was nearly impressive.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

And because of that I have absolutely zero interest in any new GoT series.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

If Benioff and Weiss have nothing to do with it I'll give the first season a shot.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?
It was pretty popular when it was on, but since finishing, there are a bunch of other shows to talk about!

One of those shows that got continually better. I'm not sure if it would have made a difference with it's popularity (as Inspector 34 said, it's Starz after all) but Season 1 being set so much on the island, with very little swashbuckling probably hurt the show a bit


Season 1 bored me so I didn't go back.
Well, at least one person might have stuck around!

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
Black Sails definitely had some really impressive effects. It was a nice mix of cool effects, violence, and nudity.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.
Rewatching Letterkenny and oh man hicks and Indians v. Nazis is the greatest poo poo ever.

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

It had some fun characters, but ultimately it was a pirate show that didn’t have the budget to do much pirating. Maybe it changed in later seasons, but I just remember the show being mostly about pirate politics and British politics.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

DaveKap posted:

Protagonists don't enslave, rape, and murder innocent people. The only real protagonist on that show was literally no one.

Surely moral action defines a hero more than a protagonist?

Not that I have a horse in this race -- I find the whole "the real protagonist is X" discourse to be often be very reaching. Definitionally, the protagonist is the leading character, and the lead in Legion is David. QED.

Jun 17, 2003

Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.

Open Source Idiom posted:

Surely moral action defines a hero more than a protagonist?

Not that I have a horse in this race -- I find the whole "the real protagonist is X" discourse to be often be very reaching. Definitionally, the protagonist is the leading character, and the lead in Legion is David. QED.

Yeah people can have their debates about who is or is not the "hero" of Legion, but David is pretty clearly the protagonist. He's our POV character, the journey being charted is predominantly his, and his backstory is the one being explored in the greatest depth. You could maybe make an argument for Syd as the "true protagonist," but Farouk (amazing as he is) makes very little sense in that role.

Toxic Fart Syndrome
Jul 2, 2006

*hits A-THREAD-5*

Only 3.6 Roentgoons per hour ... not great, not terrible.

...the meter only goes to 3.6...

Pork Pro

VagueRant posted:

Why does no one talk about Black Sails?

I don't even like it that much but I feel gaslit as gently caress that the show with the best production values this side of Game Of Thrones, Toby Stephens giving probably the most intensely compelling portrayal of an irredeemable bastard in TV history, an incredible CARRIAGE chase long-take, shots of people clinging to masts being DUNKED INTO THE SEA in a storm and PULLED BACK OUT in one shot, and probably the boldest portrayal of a historical gay relationship I've seen - is treated like it never existed? Like I've only met one human who has actually watched it.

It was a great show! My wife and I caught it just as the final season was ending, and have already rewatched it twice! Great characters, a fun story with just enough history to make it feel smart, and Bear McCreary elevates every show he is involved with: the score is amazing!

Black Sails and The Tudors are two of my favorite (completed) period shows! Campy enough to be fun and enjoyable, but accurate enough to steal history's actual drama. Very excited for the next season of The Last Kingdom, which also hits this stride, for me!

Cojawfee posted:

Black Sails definitely had some really impressive effects. It was a nice mix of cool effects, violence, and nudity.

Ironically, after GoT, even the gratuitous nudity in Black Sails seems tasteful and reserved. Like, "ah yes, there is a single exposed breast in this artistic!" :monocle:

Ugly In The Morning posted:

I have never seen a show go from omnipresent to memory holed so hard or so fast, it was nearly impressive.

The only thing D&D have really done since then is a cameo in Westworld. They so badly wanted to end GoT and move on to the projects they actually wanted to do that they blew up their careers and all of those other projects.

Sep 11, 2001

Fun Shoe

The World Inferno posted:

Hawley's done enough good that idk, willing to attribute the successes to him too. It's a weird as hell show, but shoots for the moon, and even though it has a bunch of misses, you can't help but admire the rockets that land. Cause gently caress, when they hit, they hit the spot. It feels like this generations The Prisoner in a lot of ways - brilliant design, characters, kind of crash lands.

I've come to really admire shows that manage to not fall apart – your Deadwood's, Breaking Bad, Avatar, etc. Not worth not holding every show to that standard, and plenty to love of the Legions out there.

That said, still funny how Game of Thrones faceplanted so hard that it retroactively made it hard to even revisit the good ol' days.

I like Hawley too and will forever give him a shot for Legion and Fargo seasons 1-3 as I hold those as some of my favourite of all times shows. Season 4 of Fargo should have been as good but it whiffed and somehow left me more disappointed than usual with a bad show.

Agreed on the GoT. I don’t know ANYONE who talks about it favourably or reminiscences about watching it. Most of the comments ive heard about GoT in general are the comments on here. Even Dexter has more anticipation about rewatches and sequels, even if it is 90% traincrash hopefuls and Chicky Hines memes. Absolute pinnacle of being memory holed.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

muscles like this! posted:

Seeing that is the movie people I don't know how far back it can go as a prequel.

There can always be one flashback scene of tiny Gaston with some child actor, as he vows to never be that weak again.

cant cook creole bream fucked around with this message at 06:15 on Jun 16, 2021

Zero One
Dec 30, 2004



I can't say that I have ever wondered about Gaston and LeFou. Also iirc the enchantress cursed him because he was a full on aristocratic dick to her. Or rejected her advances. I can't remember. lol Disney.

In the cartoon the Beast had to find love before he turned 18. It has also been years since the curse happened.

This means the enchantress cursed a tween (and his servants) for not letting a stranger in his house.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Zero One posted:

This means the enchantress cursed a tween (and his servants) for not letting a stranger in his house.

Prithee pardon, but mayhaps this historical period had different attitudes regarding the divine rights to hospitality?

Jul 25, 2007

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

Farouk is the protagonist. Change my mind.

Still feel super bad about the sister. Never really any sort of closure for that

Sep 9, 2001


Zero One posted:

In the cartoon the Beast had to find love before he turned 18. It has also been years since the curse happened.

This means the enchantress cursed a tween (and his servants) for not letting a stranger in his house.

An actual underage boy trapped in an old demon's body? The reverse anime.

Apr 28, 2006

Enchantresses are cancelled

Jul 25, 2007

Arent witches and curses just barely veiled metaphors for the uncaring travails of life like how Greeks did with the Gods

Apr 28, 2006

We have science and poo poo now so we know the reasons that things happen but imagine living in the olden days and having no idea wtf lightning was or why it happened or why it accompanied thunder or any of that stuff. It certainly seems supernatural. It's a shame there are almost no written records among pre-contact North American indigenous persons, I'd like to know what some of the high plains tribes thought when they saw an F5 tornado or something.

Jan 28, 2003


Toxic Fart Syndrome posted:

The only thing D&D have really done since then is a cameo in Westworld. They so badly wanted to end GoT and move on to the projects they actually wanted to do that they blew up their careers and all of those other projects.

There a specific term for this? A lot of successful people tend to think since they're really good at X, they will be good at Y and move on and generally fail hard. Some realize they were only ever supposed to do X for their entire lives and return, and the rest just get angry/confused/lost and continue to fail. See: Musicians, Game Devs, Traditional Artists, Politicians.

Dec 25, 2004

zoux posted:

It's a shame there are almost no written records among pre-contact North American indigenous persons, I'd like to know what some of the high plains tribes thought when they saw an F5 tornado or something.

Saw an AskHistorians post on this a while back. It's not pre-contact, but it's as close as you're going to get.

e: If I were to guess beyond that, though, I'd think that many peoples would assume extreme weather was just another natural phenomenon, not something more or less supernatural than a storm or a sunny day. I'd imagine religious significance would be equally applied to everything, not just the bad.

feedmyleg fucked around with this message at 14:40 on Jun 16, 2021

Apr 28, 2006

feedmyleg posted:

Saw an AskHistorians post on this a while back. It's not pre-contact, but it's as close as you're going to get.

This is cool

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Philthy posted:

There a specific term for this? A lot of successful people tend to think since they're really good at X, they will be good at Y and move on and generally fail hard. Some realize they were only ever supposed to do X for their entire lives and return, and the rest just get angry/confused/lost and continue to fail. See: Musicians, Game Devs, Traditional Artists, Politicians.


Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

muscles like this! posted:

No one does prequels like Gaston. Disney Plus Beauty and the Beast series with Luke Evans and Josh Gad reprising their roles from live action remake.

Also funny with people talking about Netflix pushing Manifest on them as it was just canceled.

while waiting on an oil change I was watching the TV in the lounge and there was a news ticker at the bottom

every 3 or 4 minutes it went through the same headlines. one of them was just this, with no extra information:



Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

muscles like this! posted:

No one does prequels like Gaston. Disney Plus Beauty and the Beast series with Luke Evans and Josh Gad reprising their roles from live action remake.

Also funny with people talking about Netflix pushing Manifest on them as it was just canceled.

I wonder if this is some kind of test balloon to see the metrics for Netflix to pick it up as their own series.

Apr 28, 2006

Simone Magus posted:

while waiting on an oil change I was watching the TV in the lounge and there was a news ticker at the bottom

every 3 or 4 minutes it went through the same headlines. one of them was just this, with no extra information:



That drama was Manifest.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

zoux posted:

That drama was Manifest.

oh i know, i'm just saying, whoever wrote that ticker was having a laugh

NBC cancels all their poo poo after the inexplicable third season (didn't Revolution make it to S3?)

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
Oh lol, I just started watching that on netflix because it showed it to me. Does season 2 have any kind of closure? Or is it some big thing happening that will never be resolved and will piss me off since it is canceled?

Jul 25, 2007

Trying to watch Enlightened and my god is the HBO Max app the buggiest streaming platform I've ever used. It's getting to the point that it's actually making me disinterested in watching more eps

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Cojawfee posted:

Oh lol, I just started watching that on netflix because it showed it to me. Does season 2 have any kind of closure? Or is it some big thing happening that will never be resolved and will piss me off since it is canceled?

Season 3 reportedly ends on a big cliffhanger.

Toxic Fart Syndrome
Jul 2, 2006

*hits A-THREAD-5*

Only 3.6 Roentgoons per hour ... not great, not terrible.

...the meter only goes to 3.6...

Pork Pro

Shageletic posted:

Trying to watch Enlightened and my god is the HBO Max app the buggiest streaming platform I've ever used. It's getting to the point that it's actually making me disinterested in watching more eps

I keep seeing people say this, but I have only ever used it through the website, so I have never had an issue...

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Everyone should watch Enlightened. Mike White actually has a new HBO show coming in less than a month, which I’m very excited for. It’s called The White Lotus, is about a tropical resort, and has Connie Britton!

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.

Shageletic posted:

Still feel super bad about the sister. Never really any sort of closure for that

Can't argue with that. Still, speaking only for show Farouk, he's less a super villain than a a dude constantly hosed with for existing outside Eurocentric mutant society. Dude was living pretty low-key for a villain/god-king/immortal parasite in the forties and showed no appetite for conquest outside his little slice of Morocco. But that didn't stop white savior mutants like Xavier rolling up to fight him. He only jumped to David because he was murdered and even then he wasn't locking him away and living the high life. His methods weren't ideal but we have no idea how much, if any of David's mental illness is an organic side effect of his powers.

We're told that the the reason Farouk hasn't taken over David entirely is that he was too weak, and coincidentally only powered up enough to do so when the plot kicked in, but that's not really supported by the later reveal that Farouk could have gone back to his body whenever.

One could argue that he was being noble by tying himself to the live nuke mutant that could end existence while David was young and lacked the maturity to control his powers. He certainly didn't exercise his full ability to control David until Summerland showed up to poke the nuke.

Also, while Farouk does poo poo as a means to an end, David does several things that are way loving crueler than simple murder. Mind-wiping Syd and Clake's husband for example.

Anyway, just a small fries and a drink please. I'll pull forward.


Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

Can't argue with that. Still, speaking only for show Farouk, he's less a super villain than a a dude constantly hosed with for existing outside Eurocentric mutant society. Dude was living pretty low-key for a villain/god-king/immortal parasite in the forties and showed no appetite for conquest outside his little slice of Morocco. But that didn't stop white savior mutants like Xavier rolling up to fight him. He only jumped to David because he was murdered and even then he wasn't locking him away and living the high life. His methods weren't ideal but we have no idea how much, if any of David's mental illness is an organic side effect of his powers.

I always thought this argument was meant to be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, the colonialism is undeniable, but Farouk was a supervillainous rapist murderer. One with a self justifying narrative about honour and dignity and sovereignty and blah blah blah, but lol at him making the claim for fairness and justice.

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