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Apr 5, 2007
Nicole Ritchie was surprising, I don't think I've seen her in anything that wasn't related to that hotel lady. She had great comedic timing. I said it wasn't landing for me but I'm still watching it so I guess I don't hate it.


Jun 20, 2003

Raspberry Bang posted:

If they somehow make it to the last book I hope that one chapter, you know the one, is a five hour long episode.

I hope they have an entire season of Perrin traveling 8 miles in the loving snow because that's what that book felt like

edit: Not the last book, I never read that one because I was so mad at "Perrin [previously one of my favorite characters] wears out his welcome big time"

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius

Khanstant posted:

Netflix pushed "Great News" to me today, just hit play. First thought was they were trying offbrand 30 Rock, then Tina actually showed up.

Realizing they started me on Season 2, presumably because Tina is introduced. Going back to the pilot different tone and they correctly assumed I probably wouldn't have kept watching. Liz Lemon with CEO energy is pretty cool, but the rest of this show isn't really landing for me. Overbearing mom interning at kid's job just ain't my bag. My mom's cool, I don't get it.

Netflix does dumb poo poo where it starts playing the latest episode even if you haven't seen any of the other seasons.

Aug 30, 2003

I killed hundreds of thousands of people and all I got was this lousy president

Hawkperson posted:

I hope they have an entire season of Perrin traveling 8 miles in the loving snow because that's what that book felt like

edit: Not the last book, I never read that one because I was so mad at "Perrin [previously one of my favorite characters] wears out his welcome big time"

They plan on doing 4 episodes per book so the pace no matter what is going to be much much better.

Apr 23, 2012

psst you wanna do a communism? Oh wow hopefully Orlando Jones is still Anansi after he got supremely hosed over in American Gods

Feb 16, 2011

The United States posted:

I like how Gangs of London keeps escalating to the point of utter ridiculousness

Yeah, apparently pakistani special troops can attack a florist shop in in the middle of London and no one even notices.
Also, they're danish mercenaries, not dutch.

May 17, 1993
so glad i'm past s1/early s2 of Supernatural. this show is so much damned fun when it actually wants to be

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Azhais posted:

The plus is for all the extra opinion pieces

All Chris Cillizza, all the time.

Jul 25, 2007

Ccs posted:

I'm curious about Wheel of Time. I never read the books and am not about to, despite being a big fantasy fan. I can't do the whole "farmboy who might be the chosen one" thing. But I can sit through a couple hours of tv to see if they've made something of the story. If it seems interesting maybe I'll keep watching.

The books were at their best when it showed what happens to a farmboy AFTER he becomes the chosen one, namely paranoid, cruel and increasingly bonkers. Hope they do a good job on that front

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Is he gonna have 3 wives in this one?

Oct 22, 2003

Is it really only four episodes per book?

Although I guess one episode per book is more than enough as they go on.

Sep 9, 2001


Junkenstein posted:

Is it really only four episodes per book?

Although I guess one episode per book is more than enough as they go on.

If it's 4 on average they can easily give the early and later books more episodes by knocking out books like 8-11 in an episode each. Hell book 10, I think that's the one, it's only one scene worth of anything.

Apr 5, 2007
My new top-cringe moment for Michael Scott is episode 2 of Morning Show when he recited a variant of "First they came for the socialists..." but about sex pests.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I really hope Miracle Workers has that same title sequence every episode for the rest of the season it was fuckin awesome

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

The first episode had this back drop that I swear cost $40. It was like a stage production.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Haha I definitely noticed stuff like that in this week’s episode too. Seems like it’s going for a deliberate throwback feel, and the title sequence I mentioned makes that pretty overt

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Oh I didn’t even wonder if it was intentional. I was like holy poo poo TBS is broke as gently caress.

Jul 18, 2004
Can't post for 10 years!
Melman v2

Alhazred posted:

Yeah, apparently pakistani special troops can attack a florist shop in in the middle of London and no one even notices.
Also, they're danish mercenaries, not dutch.
Even sillier then

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin
EW is reporting that Frank Fritz has decided not to return for any future episodes of American Pickers, saying that Mike Wolfe's ego is out of control.

Jul 25, 2007

Doing a Community rewatch after tracking down dungeon and dragons ep on Prime and many compilations on Youtube, and I have to say, in the 2nd season the show's already losing a bit of steam with how much work they have to do to justify Pierce being a castmember, or in of these character's lives. He's horrible, with little to no redeeming factors. He doesn't even apologize for any of the poo poo he does, and I found myself finally losing patience when he literally tricks Jeff into thinking his long lost Dad is coming back to meet him, and then Jeff forgives him for it or something? There's no apology or anything, Jeff is just nice to him again.

It's loving weird! I don't know if its reflecting the creators beliefs regarding noxious toxic abusers and the need to put up with them, but it dates the show even harder than its many gay jokes and even blackface. Okay, maybe not the blackface.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.

Timby posted:

EW is reporting that Frank Fritz has decided not to return for any future episodes of American Pickers, saying that Mike Wolfe's ego is out of control.

I didn’t even know that show was still running, but that makes sense. Mike always seemed like a bit of a dick.

I know they’re kinda trash tv and easy targets for criticism, but I still enjoy American Pickers and Pawn Stars. Yes, they’re staged and fake as hell, but I genuinely like the little historical oddities that show up on the shows. That’s extremely my jam, even if the fat fucks hosting the show are total frauds being fed lines from cue cards. They’re probably the closest things History has to actual history anymore.

I also liked American Restoration just because the restoration processes themselves were legitimately interesting, but I’m pretty sure that one has been toast for a while now.

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Big Mean Jerk posted:

I didn’t even know that show was still running, but that makes sense. Mike always seemed like a bit of a dick.

I know they’re kinda trash tv and easy targets for criticism, but I still enjoy American Pickers and Pawn Stars. Yes, they’re staged and fake as hell, but I genuinely like the little historical oddities that show up on the shows. That’s extremely my jam, even if the fat fucks hosting the show are total frauds being fed lines from cue cards. They’re probably the closest things History has to actual history anymore.

I also liked American Restoration just because the restoration processes themselves were legitimately interesting, but I’m pretty sure that one has been toast for a while now.

I know Mike--I was actually a producer and camera operator on the original "pilot" episode that was used to pitch the show to History--but he's definitely changed a lot over the past decade-plus. He's always been a goober with a completely over-the-top love of old junk, and I thought becoming a father would chill him out, but it's done the exact opposite. It's kind of a shame, really.

And American Restoration has been dead for like four or five years, yeah. Its viewership was never that great and they got some bad press after it was revealed that some of the "restorations" were actual item swaps.

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
Was that the one where someone would find some old Coke machine in a barn and bring it in to be restored?

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Cojawfee posted:

Was that the one where someone would find some old Coke machine in a barn and bring it in to be restored?

Yep, and it was a Coke machine that actually revealed that the show was staged (they replaced an old and rusted-out Coke machine with a model that was about ten years newer and passed it off as a restoration).

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Is Pawn Stars still on? poo poo I figured they’d have all died by now.

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
I think at least half of them have died.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Elizabeth Tulloch is killing it on Superman & Lois.

May 17, 1993
i was always partial to Storage Wars even though it was mostly fantasy

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

GreenNight posted:

Is Pawn Stars still on? poo poo I figured they’d have all died by now.

They haven't aired new episodes in like two years, but it's still History's most-viewed show.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

They probably make all their money off their bullshit "Pawn Stars" items they sell in Vegas that they don't need the show.

Jun 17, 2003

Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.

muscles like this! posted:

Elizabeth Tulloch is killing it on Superman & Lois.

She really is. That rant this week to Clark about having to stay mad was awesome.

Apr 5, 2007

Shageletic posted:

Doing a Community rewatch after tracking down dungeon and dragons ep on Prime and many compilations on Youtube, and I have to say, in the 2nd season the show's already losing a bit of steam with how much work they have to do to justify Pierce being a castmember, or in of these character's lives. He's horrible, with little to no redeeming factors. He doesn't even apologize for any of the poo poo he does, and I found myself finally losing patience when he literally tricks Jeff into thinking his long lost Dad is coming back to meet him, and then Jeff forgives him for it or something? There's no apology or anything, Jeff is just nice to him again.

It's loving weird! I don't know if its reflecting the creators beliefs regarding noxious toxic abusers and the need to put up with them, but it dates the show even harder than its many gay jokes and even blackface. Okay, maybe not the blackface.

Pierce absolutely drags early and sticks around way, way too long. He left no void when he was gone and the people they tried filling with what they assumed would be void worked well in their own right. It's a really hard show to recommend these days, like, "hey watch this really funny show just try to ignore a really obnoxious and central character they insist on basing plots around, he's exactly the kind of lovely boomerfuck everyone on Earth was sick of decades ago and everyone's spent the last 10 years trying really hard to get the gently caress out of everyone's media and lives." If Pierce had to be in the show at all, he should've been a background character. Starburns or Leonard would've been better at the table.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

ShakeZula posted:

She really is. That rant this week to Clark about having to stay mad was awesome.

Also the episode where she learned Irons' backstory with her breaking down when she learned that the daughter she miscarried lived in the other universe.

Toxic Fart Syndrome
Jul 2, 2006

*hits A-THREAD-5*

Only 3.6 Roentgoons per hour ... not great, not terrible.

...the meter only goes to 3.6...

Pork Pro

Big Mean Jerk posted:

I didn’t even know that show was still running, but that makes sense. Mike always seemed like a bit of a dick.

I know they’re kinda trash tv and easy targets for criticism, but I still enjoy American Pickers and Pawn Stars. Yes, they’re staged and fake as hell, but I genuinely like the little historical oddities that show up on the shows. That’s extremely my jam, even if the fat fucks hosting the show are total frauds being fed lines from cue cards. They’re probably the closest things History has to actual history anymore.

I also liked American Restoration just because the restoration processes themselves were legitimately interesting, but I’m pretty sure that one has been toast for a while now.

I'm sorry, and stop reading if you don't want me to ruin your enjoyment of those shows, but I've always found them to be disgusting and exploitative versions of Antiques Roadshow, which is a national treasure and actually does the history without conning people out of treasures.

Antiques Roadshow: this painting your grandma gave you is actually a rare original by this famous artist and will go at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars!!!

American Pickers: they don't know that this painting is actually a rare original by this famous artist and will go at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars!!!

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
The Pickers guys came through this area some years ago and all the anecdotes paint them entire production in a bad light.

Also Tulloch very quickly jumped to the top of the "best Lois" pyramid.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer
Speaking of Community, I know Harmon get's a lot criticism on this forum, but I just listened to his episode of the Good One podcast and it was really interesting. His self awareness of his previously lovely behaviour was quite eye-opening and him breaking down his creative process was interesting as hell.

Apr 5, 2007

Toxic Fart Syndrome posted:

Antiques Roadshow: this painting your grandma gave you is actually a rare original by this famous artist and will go at auction for hundreds of thousands of dollars!!!

Oct 16, 2008


Onion TV sure burned bright and then entirely disappeared.

What happened to put an end to it?

Dec 22, 2009

"Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?"


Jan 2, 2008
Catching up on season 2 of Dave has been good. lollin at Rae Sremmurd and big ‘oh yea, him’ seeing Desiigner. Also can’t believe I would enjoy the performance of Taco from OF the most

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