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May 7, 2006

Computers probably did not create the growth of conglomerates and multinational corporations, but they certainly have abetted it. They make fine tools for the centralization of power, if that's what those who buy them want to do with them.
I was white hot on Carnivale in the years after it was cancelled, but rewatching it and reading what the creator's plans were for the rest of the series I'm not sure if it was going in a great direction anyway. The mystery of Carnivale was tremendous, but the explanations behind that mystery aren't actually that interesting to me. Twin Peaks season 3 explored similar thematic territory without actually tipping its hand too much.


Jun 20, 2003

Timby posted:

The short version is that he was a drunk, he was sexually harassing female writers and he refused to listen to anything NBC executives sent about the scripts (and allegedly went on drunken rants at them on multiple occasions). And noted rear end in a top hat himself Chevy Chase got to the point that he refused to work with Harmon anymore. So NBC fired him.

Yeah this, and he was turning in scripts late, and iirc he might have said "It's me or Chevy?" but I might be confusing that with when he said "It's me or Sarah Silverman" when he was writing for the loving Sarah Silverman show lmao

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Sony fired him, not NBC. It wasn't an NBC production.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.

Hawkperson posted:

but I might be confusing that with when he said "It's me or Sarah Silverman" when he was writing for the loving Sarah Silverman show lmao

holy poo poo the loving ego l m a o

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Arist posted:

Sony fired him, not NBC. It wasn't an NBC production.

NBC fronted the money, though, for distribution.

Jul 18, 2004
Can't post for 10 years!
Melman v2
Let us all remember the good times and the best thing Community ever produced

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.

Sarah Silverman posted:

“I felt like I was walking on eggshells every time I walked into the office. He said stuff that made me feel bad inside, so I was just like, ‘Honestly, it’s him or me,’ because I don’t want to feel this way.”

Apr 5, 2007

cant cook creole bream posted:

I really hope that Kevin Can gently caress Himself goes on for another season. It's such a good concept and the main cast is quite good.

I said at first that I'd hate this show if the season didn't end with Kevin dead, but now I'm glad he isn't for there to be a second season. The finale really won me over even after I was let-down over his non-death reveal, but it's a great conclusion to the rube goldberg disaster set off so early in the show and built over time. That last scene where she walks in the kitchen and it had sitcom lighting, such a great "oh poo poo" moment without revealing anyone yet. Then the bottle crack into that song and the dark lighting together, perfect. i also wonder if there's something more to doofus and kevin's relationship.

I want to say there are enough shows now where many problems are self-created when one of the characters starts dating a cop. Never date a cop if youre in TV.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.
I audibly gasped when Neil got knocked into single-camera.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Zaphod42 posted:

Somehow I totally missed until now that they're doing more Dexter?

Why are they doing more Dexter??

New trailer came out today to catch you up

Jun 10, 2006


Never Have I Ever S2 is really riding a fine line of how much of Devi’s poo poo I’ll take before I completely turn on her.

Jun 20, 2003

That's less fun than Harmon saying it but it makes way more sense

Nov 10, 2002

Muay Buok
LeVar Burton starts his Jeopardy! stint as guest host this week!

Mar 27, 2010
Two episodes in and Surreal Estate isn't bad. I almost ignored it entirely because I thought it was one of these pseudo-reality TV show about haunted houses, but turns out it's an X-Files type show.

It also took me until the second episode to recognize the lead is Doc Holiday without the beard. Dude gets a decent amount of work.

cant cook creole bream
Aug 15, 2011
I think Fahrenheit is better for weather

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

I audibly gasped when Neil got knocked into single-camera.

Keep in mind, Pattys clobbered her own brother! That's some loyalty to Allison there.
This is also, the first time Neil showed up in single-camera. There's room for some interesting reactions here. Maybe Patty will blackmail him, which makes him shift over more often. Also, he might act slightly different, when the stage light is off.

cant cook creole bream fucked around with this message at 06:20 on Jul 26, 2021

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
I still don’t understand why Allison doesn’t just divorce Kevin.

Oct 31, 2010

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

Masters of the Universe is great I always wanted to see my favorite childhood toys process grief.

I didn't really like it. I don't think I ever saw a full episode of the original show (90s baby), so dislike not for incel reasons. The animation was nice but it was really short overall (5 episodes wtf) and it weirdly felt low stakes - especially after what happened in the last two episodes. All the different characters were cool, but obviously those are designs from back in the day. Reading up on what the original series was like wrt to the moral at the end of each episode, I guess it is a step up in terms of episodic plotting and general maturity.

I'll watch a second season but only 5 episodes really annoyed me - best be more next time.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013
I'm calling it now: they've made the joke too many times in the first season for someone not to eventually die from a stroke. Or a "stroke".

Oasx posted:

I still don’t understand why Allison doesn’t just divorce Kevin.

I think that's a question you're meant to be thinking about, given the way they played Sam's separation from his wife in the finale. But going from the first episode, you get the sense that whatever fantasy she has about running away to rustic, I dunno, Middle America (LOL) is slowly being usurped by a revenge fantasy where she just kills the poo poo out of her husband.

She just wants to kill Kevin. And given that he seems to have actual magic powers -- as a part of the show's magical realist thing -- maybe that's okay.

cant cook creole bream posted:

Keep in mind, Pattys clobbered her own brother! That's some loyalty to Allison there.
This is also, the first time Neil showed up in single-camera. There's room for some interesting reactions here. Maybe Patty will blackmail him, which makes him shift over more often. Also, he might act slightly different, when the stage light is off.

He was already pretty bad with the lights on. I think it was pretty clear where that scene was going, from the blocking and the staging, and it was not pretty.

Neil's got a massive obsession with Kevin, to the point where I'd say he's straight up in love with the dude. I don't think he's controllable.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I liked the Kevin finale, ending was great, but I just wasn’t that big on the season as a whole. The glacial pacing really hurt it imo and I don’t really care about a large amount of the characters. Even Patty I struggle to care about, which sucks. It’s far from a bad show, it just fell real short of my expectations. I’ll definitely watch a second season if it happens, though.

Nov 3, 2009

Wafflecop posted:

I didn't really like it. I don't think I ever saw a full episode of the original show (90s baby), so dislike not for incel reasons. The animation was nice but it was really short overall (5 episodes wtf) and it weirdly felt low stakes - especially after what happened in the last two episodes. All the different characters were cool, but obviously those are designs from back in the day. Reading up on what the original series was like wrt to the moral at the end of each episode, I guess it is a step up in terms of episodic plotting and general maturity.

I'll watch a second season but only 5 episodes really annoyed me - best be more next time.

The first season is 10 episodes, Netflix is not releasing the whole thing at once for some reason

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Netflix splitting their seasons in half is really goddamned annoying

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Kevin Smith posted yesterday that they had just finished the final audio edit on the second half.

Jan 29, 2009

isaboo posted:

Just getting started with Dave

good stuff


:lol: I'm loving this.

same. i can't believe this is the first time i've heard of this show

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible


A Day of the Dead TV series

Davros1 fucked around with this message at 12:18 on Jul 26, 2021

Sep 29, 2005

I represent the Philippines
Oh wow, Evil was good this week and their reactions to having to investigate whether or not a white cop who shot a black man was possessed by a demon was :discourse: but what I'm really excited for is for them to come back from break because it's going to be their take on Hush (the Buffy episode I mean).

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Chucky as a premise could barely sustain one movie, even though it got like 10. I don't see how a TV series is at all viable. One on regular cable at that.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
You can do pretty much anything on basic cable now.

Sep 9, 2001


He's not wrong about a My Buddy doll possessed by a serial killer being a real thin premise though.

Did that franchise ever go to space? I know they gave him a bride.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Child's Play isn't the best franchise by any means but the last two films before the reboot were pretty great. I have faith in Don.

Apr 5, 2007
Chucky isn't just a serial killer possessing a doll, you philistines just don't get the nuance of his character and the depths they explore, the historical trauma channeled through the little buddy doll, viscerally critiquing both consumer culture and the hegemony of toymakers and advertisers shaping generations through advertising to children and endless consumption of worthless toys and media and IP. Personally, I don't get any of that either, seemed like stupid movies every time I watched one.

Dec 25, 2004
The Chucky movies are dope and people who don't like them are dopes.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

feedmyleg posted:

The Chucky movies are dope and people who don't like them are dopes.

The one with the puppet kid is pretty poo poo.

Sep 9, 2001


Fine, I'll watch it if he fights a Teddy Ruxbin and a Furby.

Feb 27, 2001

Dang so this is like looking over his shoulder in real-time
Grimey Drawer

Escobarbarian posted:

I liked the Kevin finale, ending was great, but I just wasn’t that big on the season as a whole. The glacial pacing really hurt it imo and I don’t really care about a large amount of the characters. Even Patty I struggle to care about, which sucks. It’s far from a bad show, it just fell real short of my expectations. I’ll definitely watch a second season if it happens, though.

That's my judgment on it also. Great concept, pacing hurt it big time. There was a fantastic scene when her and Patty were in the car and they got pulled over. She revealed some truly psycho life-destroying stuff he's done to make sure she can't live without him. But after that the show pivoted to her treatment of Patty, and also the hitman plot which was just bad. That druggie hitman guy didn't fit the vibe of either half of the show. I wanted more hints of what Kevin was doing off-camera.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.
The problem with KC*H, is that Allison is always going to be the villain because she has to keep ignoring the easily accessible offramp of getting a divorce. Divorce laws were liberalized in the 1970s to a "no fault" system. You don't need a reason to get divorced and even if you have a bad one like "I want to get divorced so I can gently caress prostitutes" in 90% of cases the judge will just shrug and divide your poo poo 50/50.

Feb 27, 2001

Dang so this is like looking over his shoulder in real-time
Grimey Drawer

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

The problem with KC*H, is that Allison is always going to be the villain because she has to keep ignoring the easily accessible offramp of getting a divorce. Divorce laws were liberalized in the 1970s to a "no fault" system. You don't need a reason to get divorced and even if you have a bad one like "I want to get divorced so I can gently caress prostitutes" in 90% of cases the judge will just shrug and divide your poo poo 50/50.

In that episode with the car they laid out a bunch of reasons she couldn't (Kevin stole all her money and makes her feel trapped. I'm not close to any emotional abuse situations but I imagine it's really, really difficult to just say "I'll divorce him and everything will work out" when you've been walked all over for ten years.) but didn't explore that further because of all the focus on the murder plot.

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

I did like detective Pikachu

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler
I want to know how true that whole "Nintendo was totally developing a Zelda series with Netflix but someone leaked it so they pulled the plug" rumor is because it always sounded real bullshit to me.

Jan 24, 2010

so spin
I really liked the third episode of The White Lotus. People are finally starting to really lose their poo poo and that score is just :chefskiss:


Jun 20, 2003

I'm only in if Ryan Reynolds is coming back.

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