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Jan 30, 2006

Steven doesn't want me watching him sleep anymore.

LifeLynx posted:

In that episode with the car they laid out a bunch of reasons she couldn't (Kevin stole all her money and makes her feel trapped. I'm not close to any emotional abuse situations but I imagine it's really, really difficult to just say "I'll divorce him and everything will work out" when you've been walked all over for ten years.) but didn't explore that further because of all the focus on the murder plot.

There's also a huge institutional power angle going on. When Allison or Kevin talks about how everything always just magically works out for him and everyone loves him and forgives him for anything wrong he does, that's partly a joke, but it's also partly not. poo poo really does play that way for white straight able bodied cismen, at least compared to anything else. You can sort of get away with anything.

But, he only gets to HAVE that power BECAUSE people give it to him. And that seems to be the character arc Allison is moving down. She married this Kevin guy and thought he was going to save her, but didn't realize she was sorta making a faustian deal and positioning her own identity as someone who needs to be saved. That's why she can't just run off with Sam, she'd still be buying into the same patriarchal narrative that a woman has no power on her own and needs a man to save her.

That's why she needs to ally herself with Patty. It's a queer liberation story. Even if she doesn't literally hook up with Patty, it's still the same idea, that people that have been disenfranchised can reject the power structure and take hold of their own power, and join together and rise up. It's why Patty was so pissed that Allison was pretending that she didn't know what was going on.


Apr 5, 2007

Chef Boyardeez Nuts posted:

The problem with KC*H, is that Allison is always going to be the villain because she has to keep ignoring the easily accessible offramp of getting a divorce. Divorce laws were liberalized in the 1970s to a "no fault" system. You don't need a reason to get divorced and even if you have a bad one like "I want to get divorced so I can gently caress prostitutes" in 90% of cases the judge will just shrug and divide your poo poo 50/50.

I don't see her as the villain, I'm rooting for her to kill kevin. Same way I root for John Wick when he wants to shoot people for killing his dog. He could just get therapy and deal with the loss and grief from wife, but what he did was probably more cathartic for him and the audience.

Chef Boyardeez Nuts
Sep 9, 2011

The more you kick against the pricks, the more you suffer.
I feel like at some point we're going to get an episode that is Kevin's dad's life in and out of multicamera and it's going to be some grim poo poo.

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

I'm not caught up but I absolutely don't see Allison as the villain. I'm not necessarily rooting for her to kill Kevin but I've bought into her fear that she can't just leave him. Whether she's physically afraid of him or just emotionally and psychologically beaten down. I think the show handled that well when she told Patty her plans and Patty basically said "yeah, I get it."

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Watched the first episode of Ultra City Smiths and that show is loving weird.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

muscles like this! posted:

Watched the first episode of Ultra City Smiths and that show is loving weird.

Yeah. It rules


muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005
Trailer for Epix's "Chapelwaite" which is an adaptation of Stephen King's short story Jerusalem's Lot. Not to be confused with 'Salem's Lot, Jerusalem's Lot was basically King doing Lovecraft with an aristocrat main character moving into an old ancestral home near the abandoned hamlet of Jerusalem's Lot. The show looks like it is greatly expanding on the plot, which makes sense as the original short story only had two characters.

Edward Mass
Sep 14, 2011

𝅘𝅥𝅮 I wanna go home with the armadillo
Good country music from Amarillo and Abilene
Friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever seen
I can't find a good article to link to anywhere, but apparently Comcast is angry at the Walt Disney Company for not expanding Hulu internationally, thereby reducing the price to acquire Comcast's stake in 2024.

Jun 20, 2003

Dude all y'all talking about Superman and Lois in here got me to watch it and like. What the gently caress this show is good

Feb 2, 2004

I get this funky high on the yellow sun.

Did the teenage angst in the plot of Superman and Lois get better/more bearable as the show went on? I know it’s CW and also the conflict between brothers is a central theme of the show, but it was just enough to turn me off for the moment and prioritize other TV and I’m not in the mood to go back and deal with those parts just to get to the great Clark and Lois parts.

Dec 25, 2004
I have only watched one clip of that show, where Hoechlin wears the Fleischer suit and lifts the car from Action Comics #1. It was loving great. I know anything else I watch will not be that good, and I'll also be pissed off about how lame the regular suit is in comparison.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

Cael posted:

Did the teenage angst in the plot of Superman and Lois get better/more bearable as the show went on? I know it’s CW and also the conflict between brothers is a central theme of the show,

It's really not. I mean they're brothers, they get pissy at each other over poo poo, but by and large they work together more than they squabble.

Sep 11, 2001

Cael posted:

Did the teenage angst in the plot of Superman and Lois get better/more bearable as the show went on? I know it’s CW and also the conflict between brothers is a central theme of the show, but it was just enough to turn me off for the moment and prioritize other TV and I’m not in the mood to go back and deal with those parts just to get to the great Clark and Lois parts.

Whatever problems they have are talked out and resolved. It's actually really refreshing, especially from the CW.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

And drama isn't due to keeping secrets which pisses me off to no end on shows.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Cael posted:

Did the teenage angst in the plot of Superman and Lois get better/more bearable as the show went on? I know it’s CW and also the conflict between brothers is a central theme of the show, but it was just enough to turn me off for the moment and prioritize other TV and I’m not in the mood to go back and deal with those parts just to get to the great Clark and Lois parts.

Once the actual plot starts taking off they back burner a lot of the teenage stuff. Like after a certain point both Jonathan and Jordan just kind of unceremoniously quit football.

Even if someone isn't actually interested in watching the show I would recommend everyone at least watching the first half of episode 11 "A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events." It is just a straightforward telling of how Clark becomes Superman and how he and Lois meet and fall in love.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Nah, I’m not gonna do that

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Shrug, it's a good show by CW standards but it's still not a show for everyone.

nate fisher
Mar 3, 2004

We've Got To Go Back

muscles like this! posted:
Trailer for Epix's "Chapelwaite" which is an adaptation of Stephen King's short story Jerusalem's Lot. Not to be confused with 'Salem's Lot, Jerusalem's Lot was basically King doing Lovecraft with an aristocrat main character moving into an old ancestral home near the abandoned hamlet of Jerusalem's Lot. The show looks like it is greatly expanding on the plot, which makes sense as the original short story only had two characters.

Interesting that Jerusalem's Lot is a prequel to Salem's Lot (King's short story One For the Road is sort of a sequel to that) but it has no vampires in the story (as you point it is straight up Lovecraft) , but in the trailer you see what looks like to be an vampire. The last season of Castle Rock they also did a version of a prequel to Salem's Lot (in the middle of a story about Annie Wilkes of all things), but it so far removed from the source material that I hate to even call it that.

Nov 12, 2003

We're spread, we're spread, we're spreading our.... wings! :v:

Popelmon posted:

I really liked the third episode of The White Lotus. People are finally starting to really lose their poo poo and that score is just :chefskiss:

Took me and the wife two sittings to get through the first episode, and I'm glad we gave it a 2nd chance. It has gotten better and better each week.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
I just learned that Paddy Considine is part of the cast of House of the Dragon, the GoT prequel and now I have to watch it.

drat it.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

Rhyno posted:

I just learned that Paddy Considine is part of the cast of House of the Dragon, the GoT prequel and now I have to watch it.

drat it.

At the very least, the cast for House of the Dragon is pretty good overall so far.

Dec 25, 2004
I'm just bummed that the trailer for the second season of The Witcher makes it look like it's leaning hard into the epic fantasy thing. The one thing differentiating it from the upcoming pack was that the first season was largely episodic in that fun 90s serialized TV way. I'll probably give all of them a shot because I'm a sucker for sword and sorcery, but one of these days I'll get the fun, low-stakes episodic fantasy adventure series I want... right?

May 17, 1993
I like prestige TV a lot, but I love episodic TV, monster of the week style poo poo, and I wish there were more people really reveling in it. Robert and Michelle King come to mind, but give me a new Psych, a new House, a new Buffy.. something's gotta fill the void with Supernatural ending right?

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Wellington Paranormal?

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Wellington Paranormal is really good, yeah. There's not that much of it, though.

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius

Aardvark! posted:

I like prestige TV a lot, but I love episodic TV, monster of the week style poo poo, and I wish there were more people really reveling in it. Robert and Michelle King come to mind, but give me a new Psych, a new House, a new Buffy.. something's gotta fill the void with Supernatural ending right?

Have you watched Nancy Drew?

Dec 25, 2004
Wait did that turn out good? I heard folks being pretty down on the first season.

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
It's not the best thing ever, but I've been enjoying it.

Dec 25, 2004
:lol: okay I just looked up the episode descriptions for the new season out of curiosity, and:


Bess conducts research suggesting that it may be possible to undo the Agleaca's curse by returning Lucy's bones to the sea. Nancy and Carson track down AJ Crane, a reclusive author of horror novels who happens to be the only survivor of the 1975 incident. Crane refuses to help, so Nancy steals a talisman hanging outside his house and has Hannah Gruen of the Historical Society identify it as a powerful charm that attracts malevolent spirits. Crane is arrested when he breaks into Nancy's house to retrieve it. Despite previously opposing Bess's idea of returning the bones, Nancy changes her mind, but the Agleaca rejects the bones. Crane escapes custody and tries to burn Gruen alive, revealing that the deal he made was to save her life in 1975. Nancy talks him down and Crane, resigned to his fate, leaves to die in a tragic accident. The Crew ransack his house for tools to fight the Agleaca. Nick and George sleep together for the first time. Nancy, Carson, and Ryan secretly bury Lucy's bones in the woods.

That nonsense sounds way up my alley.

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
Yeah, while actual Nancy Drew always seemed like "young girl solves mysteries that aren't actually all that mysterious", the show jumps all the way into supernatural stuff and it goes off the rails at times. If you want zany ghosts and spirits and monsters, Nancy Drew has em.

Dec 25, 2004
Okay I'm in.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Evil is pretty episode of the week with some serialization.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Yep, and it's one of the "Robert and Michelle King" joints.

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

GreenNight posted:

Wellington Paranormal?

That show is good, but it's possibly the most New Zealand thing ever made. I have to watch it with subtitles to understand a single thing being said.

The Good Fight is also mostly procedural and is excellent.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Eh, I watch everything with subtitles so that wasn't a big deal. But yes, if subs didn't work I couldn't watch it.

May 17, 1993

Mu Zeta posted:

Yep, and it's one of the "Robert and Michelle King" joints.

yeah sorry I should have just listed their shows (The Good Wife, The Good Fight, Evil), all of which I have enjoyed, particularly Evil. BrainDead was fun too but I can't recall if that was episodic or not.

Jan 30, 2006

Steven doesn't want me watching him sleep anymore.

Aardvark! posted:

yeah sorry I should have just listed their shows (The Good Wife, The Good Fight, Evil), all of which I have enjoyed, particularly Evil. BrainDead was fun too but I can't recall if that was episodic or not.

BrainDead deserved to get more of a chance, didn't they only get one season? Just a fun weird ridiculous invasion of the body snatchers riff. Plus it had a fantastic theme song!

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
BrainDead was so much fun

Nov 3, 2009

They've already talked about the structure of Witcher season 2 and it's still largely episodic. They're adapting several of the short stories from the first book that they didn't get to already.


Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Is Westworld still going? I remember the first part of season 1 being engaging, then I fell out of it. I heard season 2 crawled a bit too far up its own butt, and I never really heard anything about season 3.

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