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Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013
It does sadden me that EVERY loving TRAILER for Chucky is one of those 90's/00's era trailers where it completely spoils the entire story.

However, if some dumb spoilery trailers are the price we have to pay for Nick Antosca and Don Mancini teaming up, then I'm psyched.


Dec 27, 2005

I think he can hear you, Ray.
I saw the first teaser trailer but I've held off on anything else. Knowing the people involved is enough to get me in. What a long strange trip Chucky has had.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
ten year old tom owns

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Yeah, Chucky already has me so I just haven't watched trailers. All I need to know is the start date.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Apple cancelled the Joseph Gordon Levitt show Mr. Corman. I think it's the first show Apple has kiboshed.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Mu Zeta posted:

Apple cancelled the Joseph Gordon Levitt show Mr. Corman. I think it's the first show Apple has kiboshed.

Second or third I think. There was definitely Little Voice before this.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Yeah it’s the second. And I really enjoyed both shows they’ve cancelled!!!!!

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Escobarbarian posted:

Yeah it’s the second. And I really enjoyed both shows they’ve cancelled!!!!!

I'm sorry to hear of your tragic love for Amazing Stories.

Jul 25, 2007

Escobarbarian posted:

I really liked Many Saints, so I gotta recommend that. Just stay up all night watching Seinfeld afterwards

Watched some of this last night plan on watching the rest today.

If you're interested in Sopranos without the dark humor this might be up your alley. Glad they're at least showcasing more black folks in motherfucking Newark, but the riot stuff is still def told from a scared white angle.

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
Evil is so great at setting up a creepy atmosphere, I just wish that it didn’t always end up with the supernatural event being swamp gas or a leaky pipe.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Oasx posted:

Evil is so great at setting up a creepy atmosphere, I just wish that it didn’t always end up with the supernatural event being swamp gas or a leaky pipe.

Where you up to?

Because between demon goat curry and the sleep demon attack this week we've very much crossed over the line.

Sheryl's plot might not be magic, but it's certainly happening. I kind of love that she has this whole plot arc unfolding whenever she's not on-screen, so whenever we check in with her it's become progressively more bonkers. She'll be a great villain.

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed

Open Source Idiom posted:

Where you up to?

Because between demon goat curry and the sleep demon attack this week we've very much crossed over the line.

I watched the latest episode, and you have a good point. The demon goat thing is definitely the most supernatural thing on the show, but because everything else has been debunked I guess I have never been completely sure whether the demon was "real". The sleep demon also seems to have more going for it than just being a nightmare.

Edward Mass
Sep 14, 2011

𝅘𝅥𝅮 I wanna go home with the armadillo
Good country music from Amarillo and Abilene
Friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever seen
That had to have been the most nihilistic Simpsons episode ever.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Three episodes into Foundation and it just feels so cold and sterile. A bunch of characters even do the stilted dialogue common to cheap 90s scifi. The show looks super expensive even more than Star Trek Discovery. But I"m about to quit another Jared Harris show. He did another show called The Beast Must Die this year and it stunk.

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

Mu Zeta posted:

Three episodes into Foundation and it just feels so cold and sterile. A bunch of characters even do the stilted dialogue common to cheap 90s scifi. The show looks super expensive even more than Star Trek Discovery. But I"m about to quit another Jared Harris show. He did another show called The Beast Must Die this year and it stunk.

Yeah it kinda sucks

Apr 29, 2006


Mu Zeta posted:

Three episodes into Foundation and it just feels so cold and sterile. A bunch of characters even do the stilted dialogue common to cheap 90s scifi. The show looks super expensive even more than Star Trek Discovery. But I"m about to quit another Jared Harris show. He did another show called The Beast Must Die this year and it stunk.
Huh, I’ve had the exact opposite reaction. I think it’s some of the most stunning sci-fi I’ve seen in a long time.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

JazzFlight posted:

Huh, I’ve had the exact opposite reaction. I think it’s some of the most stunning sci-fi I’ve seen in a long time.

I haven't watched it yet but most of my irl friends who arent scifi nerds love it. My Trek loving mom is way into it as well.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

The scifi ideas and visual are all cool but I feel the characters are all just blah. I've seen 3 hours now and can't remember the name of the main character or what her deal is except she likes math a lot.

Jul 25, 2007

I mean that's Asimov's as hell?

Jun 20, 2003

Shageletic posted:

I mean that's Asimov's as hell?

for real. I watched like 20 minutes of the first ep and got bored but now I'm wondering if I reread the books if I'll like them or also find them painfully dull now

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
Foundation has the same problem for me that Evil does. Every time something really interesting happens, the episode just ends. It doesn't really feel like a cliffhanger like other shows do. It's just a thing happens, the credits roll and I think "wait, what? That's it?" It's like the end of that venture bros season where they didn't realize that doing a special ate two of their episodes so they just ran out of time and the season ends.

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

Cojawfee posted:

Foundation has the same problem for me that Evil does. Every time something really interesting happens, the episode just ends. It doesn't really feel like a cliffhanger like other shows do. It's just a thing happens, the credits roll and I think "wait, what? That's it?" It's like the end of that venture bros season where they didn't realize that doing a special ate two of their episodes so they just ran out of time and the season ends.

This is exactly how I feel about the newest season of Titans as well. I think this is partly why I loved The Kingdom so much, literally every episode ended in a satisfying way.

Google Butt fucked around with this message at 04:38 on Oct 4, 2021

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Foundation is so loving dry and that’ll appeal to a certain set of sci-fi fan but I’m definitely struggling with it. I did like the stuff with Empire in the third episode, but then the Terminus stuff was sooooo dull.

In other news….

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

I started Squid Games earlier this week and finally finished tonight. It's wild to me that a Korean show is so popular in the US. I'd give it a solid B, likely worth 9 hours of your time.

Gaius Marius
Oct 9, 2012

Why is it called squid game. Keep in mind I'm never going to watch it, my buddy vouched for it which means it's absolute trash.

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Gaius Marius posted:

Why is it called squid game. Keep in mind I'm never going to watch it, my buddy vouched for it which means it's absolute trash.
There's apparently a children's game in Korea called Squid Game.

Gaius Marius
Oct 9, 2012

That's dissapointingly straightforward

Jul 25, 2007

Gaius Marius posted:

Why is it called squid game. Keep in mind I'm never going to watch it, my buddy vouched for it which means it's absolute trash.

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

Gaius Marius posted:

That's dissapointingly straightforward

its fine, it's the title

Feb 7, 2006

One Road. Two Friends. One Ass.
Squid Game is fun but the rich assholes really should have given The Genius a shot.

Feb 5, 2006

Pickle: Inspected.

Escobarbarian posted:

Foundation is so loving dry and that’ll appeal to a certain set of sci-fi fan but I’m definitely struggling with it. I did like the stuff with Empire in the third episode, but then the Terminus stuff was sooooo dull.

In other news….

100% agreed about Foundation. Everything that isn't Terminus? Fantastic! Everything that is Terminus? Yawn! Hopefully we get the lady shoving her face into the Vault next episode but uhh... the absence of Jared Harris this third episode is felt deeply.

As for Sepinwall's new take on Succession, that's a massive win for me. One of my very good friends who shares many TV tastes with me unfortunately cannot bring himself to enjoy Succession for essentially the same reasons Sepinwall couldn't. Not only that, but he is a die hard Sepinwall enthusiast, watching anything that Alan watches. I'm excited to see if this changes his mind.

DaveKap fucked around with this message at 09:40 on Oct 4, 2021

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

DaveKap posted:

Hopefully we get the lady shoving her face into the Vault next episode but uhh... the absence of Jared Harris is felt deeply.

Some of us haven't read the books.

Feb 5, 2006

Pickle: Inspected.

Open Source Idiom posted:

Some of us haven't read the books.
Neither have I. They show this in the final scene of the first episode. I'll spoiler it anyway.
Also I was exaggerating what is shown in the scene for comedic effect.

DaveKap fucked around with this message at 09:43 on Oct 4, 2021

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Possibly they were referring to the mention of Jared Harris not being around?

I hope your friend does start watching Succession also

Dec 25, 2004
Foundation is great. But I love dry boring beautiful poo poo so ymmv.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

I thought the first two episodes of Foundation were good but wasn't super into the third episode. Not sure of the decision to just kind of skip the fallout of the end of episode 2.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Open Source Idiom posted:

Some of us haven't read the books.

None of that occurs in the books anyway. Including the events that would have lead to the fallout that they didn't show.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

Watched the first three episodes of the American Crime Story: Impeachment. Strong case for Linda Tripp as TV villain of the year. Also, Cobie Smulders completely disappears into her Ann Coulter portrayal. Clive Owen as Clinton... not so much. I'm not as familiar with Paula Jones but I think Annaleigh Ashford is doing a great job in the role, too.

Sep 21, 2021

by sebmojo
Did Netflix ever release that furry dating show? That looked like Grade-A garbage TV.


Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
It’s funny how the ACS Impeachment discussion went from “lol look at all those prosthetics Sarah Paulson is wearing” to “holy poo poo Sarah Paulson is so loving good” super quickly

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