Foundation is also tedious. They've done a really annoying thing twice now where an episode ends on something interesting and then the next episode completely ignores it. This entire season feels like it's stretched out bullshit.
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 14:32 |
That makes it sound like it’s a pretty accurate adaptation. But yeah I checked out after episode 3 because it’s just so clearly not my poo poo at all.
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Escobarbarian posted:The Invasion creator is the director of Dark Phoenix. That’s all you need to know. I have no problem with slow(er) shows. For instance, I absolutely like Better Call Saul and all the lingering shots it does. But there's a limit. Can't do an alien invasion and then tread water for several episodes.
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Mu Zeta posted:Foundation is also tedious. They've done a really annoying thing twice now where an episode ends on something interesting and then the next episode completely ignores it. This entire season feels like it's stretched out bullshit. I absolutely hate it
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Combat Pretzel posted:I don't get this reference. It’s just a really really terrible movie
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Mu Zeta posted:Foundation is also tedious. They've done a really annoying thing twice now where an episode ends on something interesting and then the next episode completely ignores it. This entire season feels like it's stretched out bullshit.
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Mulva posted:It's just an interesting snap shot of things, that someone that spent a decade and a half solid using all sorts of prop guns in all sorts of situations on an almost daily basis still considers their training level practically nil. He's either humble or they really don't give people any prep work. I saw a Twitter thread from Claudia Black talking about her experience with firearms on set and she stated "whenever I have weapons training and they ask if I’ve had experience with firearms, after 30 years I still say, 'Yes, but assume I know nothing and teach me everything.'", which is kind of how I'm reading Ackles' comment there. A good thread: https://twitter.com/TheClaudiaBlack/status/1452219851645272080?s=20
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Sirotan posted:I saw a Twitter thread from Claudia Black talking about her experience with firearms on set and she stated "whenever I have weapons training and they ask if I’ve had experience with firearms, after 30 years I still say, 'Yes, but assume I know nothing and teach me everything.'", which is kind of how I'm reading Ackles' comment there. God I love her, glad to see she's getting more work. (She had an amazing cameo in The Nevers earlier this year, which made me hope she was having a late career resurgence, and maybe she is.)
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Mu Zeta posted:Foundation is also tedious. They've done a really annoying thing twice now where an episode ends on something interesting and then the next episode completely ignores it. This entire season feels like it's stretched out bullshit. Yeah it kinda sucks so far. All the ingredients are amazing but the recipe isn't. Budget, cast, production quality, design choices, etc. are all top notch. Story pacing is abysmal. They talk about having "a plan if the show goes for ten seasons" but it sure doesn't feel like they have a plan for the show going 1-2 seasons because they're taking their sweetass time.
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Metropolis posted:Yeah it kinda sucks so far. All the ingredients are amazing but the recipe isn't. Budget, cast, production quality, design choices, etc. are all top notch. Story pacing is abysmal. They talk about having "a plan if the show goes for ten seasons" but it sure doesn't feel like they have a plan for the show going 1-2 seasons because they're taking their sweetass time. this strat has surely never failed before lol
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Sirotan posted:I saw a Twitter thread from Claudia Black talking about her experience with firearms on set and she stated "whenever I have weapons training and they ask if I’ve had experience with firearms, after 30 years I still say, 'Yes, but assume I know nothing and teach me everything.'", which is kind of how I'm reading Ackles' comment there. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1452219851645272080.html For those that don't like reading on twitter
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Combat Pretzel posted:I have no problem with slow(er) shows. For instance, I absolutely like Better Call Saul and all the lingering shots it does. But there's a limit. Can't do an alien invasion and then tread water for several episodes. edit: this is the problem with a lot of the Big Apocalyptic Event shows. Y the Last Man, Foundation, and probably a dozen others. Slamhound fucked around with this message at 00:42 on Oct 25, 2021 |
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Mu Zeta posted:Foundation is also tedious. They've done a really annoying thing twice now where an episode ends on something interesting and then the next episode completely ignores it. This entire season feels like it's stretched out bullshit. I want to like it so much, but it is so frustrating to watch. Whenever I start an episode, it starts with one of the two female main characters saying "when I was a child, things were happening" and I have to check to make sure I'm watching the latest episode because the first few lines always feel like I've already seen it. Then they end each episode with some new plot point that isn't explored until who knows when.
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The weirdest part of Foundation is that the first two episodes spend a lot of time with Gaal making you think she would be the main character but then she gets siloed off into her own subplot and barely appears after.
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That was definitely my biggest issue. Having Gael as a major POV character to hold onto would fix a lot of my problems with the show.
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Finally getting around to Squid Game. Kinda annoyed it just switches to guessing game glass sheets bullshit instead of what the previous games were like.
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The stuff with the clone emperors in Foundation is legitimately good, but everything to do with the eponymous Foundation is garbage. They should have just made a galactic empire show instead.
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I'm almost beginning to think that Apple may be adept at producing technically impressive products that are ultimately boring and often frustrating to experience.
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I will say that Dune is the most impressive use of seat transducers that I've experienced. When The Voice is used, it shakes you to your core.
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bull3964 posted:I'm almost beginning to think that Apple may be adept at producing technically impressive products that are ultimately boring and often frustrating to experience. Nah, they've got plenty of good shows. Servant, Mythic Quest, The Morning Show, For All Mankind, Little Voice, Little America, Lisey's Story, Dickinson, blah blah blah. They might or might not be to your taste, but the scripts have a technical skill to them. I've not seen Invasion, but Foundation mostly suffers from having some loving terrible voice over. That, and goons never like sci-fi stories focused on young people.
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You forgot Ted Lasso, show of the year until Succession gets further into this season
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It was a joke about the company as a whole.
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Escobarbarian posted:You forgot Ted Lasso, show of the year until Succession gets further into this season I didn't want to get into the weeds on whether the second season was any good, it's an exhausting loving conversation. Linehan's made some very small waves in the small, weird corner of the Doctor Who universe that I care too much about, which goes to show his general effect these days (it's nothing). Good. Open Source Idiom fucked around with this message at 14:30 on Oct 25, 2021 |
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Open Source Idiom posted:I didn't want to get into the weeds on whether the second season was any good, it's an exhausting loving conversation. Oh, it’s very easy to ignore the buffoons who don’t like it and move on imo
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What episode was that? I don't remember anything like that.
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cant cook creole bream posted:What episode was that? I don't remember anything like that. I recently rewatched the whole series and yeah, some episodes just do not hold up at all. They're more in seasons 3 & 4, though (and the return finale episode was dire upon rewatch, just a long screed on cancel culture and an odd attack on little people and the homeless). A lot of the bad stuff boils down to Ricky Gervais-style "why can't I be offensive?????" humor. Some plots make Roy a bit too rude/mean and seem out of place. Also, there's an episode where you're supposed to laugh at Roy because he got lightly sexually assaulted during a massage and it's "funny" because he's a guy. Also, you really spot how about 1/2 of the show rips plots from Seinfeld practically word for word. Somehow, Seinfeld handled a lot of the same topics with more grace. Thankfully, I think my perfect boy Moss survives untainted throughout the whole show. JazzFlight fucked around with this message at 14:49 on Oct 25, 2021 |
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https://twitter.com/CultureCrave/status/1452694278325485572 Haha the ultimate instinct Shaggy fan art Everyone's just throwing open their IP toy boxes and smashing owned characters together.
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Wow they are really going to finally answer who would win in a battle, the part god wizard Gandalf, who apparently can resurrect himself or Shaggy.
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JazzFlight posted:Really? It's part of one of the most famous episodes of the whole show where the other plot is Moss & Roy tricking Jen that a small box held the entire Internet. S3e4, "The Speech." IT Crowd aged poorly, but that was the most infamous episode because it led to the creator, a very famous Irish writer, basically getting de-platformed, losing his family, and going so hard on bigotry and trans-hate that when newspapers referred to him as "British" no Irish person wanted to correct them.
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Speaking of Mythic Quest it’s weird as hell watching Sunny for the first time AFTER watching MQ. Spent half an episode trying to figure out who the young priest who quits to marry Dee is, and almost fell over laughing when I realized. He and Rob McElhenney look like babies
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zoux posted:https://twitter.com/CultureCrave/status/1452694278325485572 Just put Shaggy in Injustice 3.
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The IT Crowd is a show I loved back in 2009, but I probably haven't watched it since the fourth season came out and I feel like if I went back and rewatched it now, it would just tarnish my memories. Not to mention, I feel like most of the best people in it went on to do better things anyway. Katherine Parkinson is the only one I can't remember seeing in anything since, outside an episode of Sherlock.
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Chairman Capone posted:The IT Crowd is a show I loved back in 2009, but I probably haven't watched it since the fourth season came out and I feel like if I went back and rewatched it now, it would just tarnish my memories. Not to mention, I feel like most of the best people in it went on to do better things anyway. Katherine Parkinson is the only one I can't remember seeing in anything since, outside an episode of Sherlock. She was in that British pirate radio movie, the Boat that Rocked or whatever the American title is(oh man, 2009, how time flies). I think most of IT Crowd holds up, except for that one episode with the trans woman. Graham Lineham is an insane person, but I still love Father Ted, Black Books, IT Crowd. I think its one of those situations where you have to separate the art from the artist.
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Chairman Capone posted:The IT Crowd is a show I loved back in 2009, but I probably haven't watched it since the fourth season came out and I feel like if I went back and rewatched it now, it would just tarnish my memories. Not to mention, I feel like most of the best people in it went on to do better things anyway. Katherine Parkinson is the only one I can't remember seeing in anything since, outside an episode of Sherlock. quote:April: I used to be a man, Douglas. I used to be a man. I wish there was an easier way of saying that, but believe me, there's not. I really don't know how the writer made such an empathetic character in April, showed how Douglas really did love her, and then played the whole thing as a gross joke. It even fit Douglas to have a more fluid sexuality anyway based on earlier episodes. Like how he loved how free Roy was when wearing lipstick and then wore it himself at a concert later. I just don't get it. JazzFlight fucked around with this message at 20:48 on Oct 25, 2021 |
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JazzFlight posted:The worst part of the trans episode specifically is that Matt Berry's character immediately says "I don't care" when the trans character mentions her past on the date and it could have been a positive message. At first, I was like, "wow, pretty progressive for this show, well done!" Of course, it had problems like the trans character being all ashamed of it and apologizing for "deceiving" Douglas along with outdated terminology, but it was still pretty raw and heartfelt (if taken at face value). Like, this was the exchange: I just checked because I couldn't remember how it went and Douglas punching her sounded really in character for the show, but it wasn't as bad as that. The fight started because she decked him across the face, then they get into a Three stooges level of scenery destroying fight in the middle of a bunch of dudes doing lab research so it can lead into the Internet being destroyed during Jen's meeting. Right before though the bit is she's telling him she is a woman, he's clearly struggling with the break-up, and while she says "there is a woman in front of you" one of the male lab techs walks between them. What was a lol timing gag is a lot more insidious after the fact. It also ends with Douglas miserable and alone crying because he misses her, so it seems like there was some awareness of the joke in the writers room, then Linehan got stuck in with the TERFs and made "trans woman are a danger" his personality and suddenly that story seems really bad in context. pentyne fucked around with this message at 22:16 on Oct 25, 2021 |
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Everything you guys are describing as potentially good is kind of bad tbh. The sequence where Matt Berry is chill and accepting of his girlfriend is gross, because it expects you to be shocked at how casually he accepts her.That's fundamentally hosed.Sekhmnet posted:I think most of IT Crowd holds up, except for that one episode with the trans woman. There are two episodes with Renholm's wife, and there are heaps of other episodes that are uncomfortable. E.g. the episode where Roy is mistaken for, and then abducted by, a group of disabled gay men during a performance of Gay! A Gay Musical. Open Source Idiom fucked around with this message at 23:52 on Oct 25, 2021 |
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Open Source Idiom posted:Everything you guys are describing as potentially good is kind of bad tbh. The sequence where Matt Berry is chill and accepting of his girlfriend is gross, because it expects you to be shocked at how casually he accepts her.That's fundamentally hosed. The uncomfortable part of the work outing one is all the theater staff being over the top protective of Roy. Also the guy who invited them all being portrayed as a closet case, I guess. You're right about the wife episodes though, whenever I re-watch those are insta-skips. I'll never not laugh at the delivery of this line from IT Crowd though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfq3B9JvIcQ
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Nice! ![]() https://variety.com/2021/streaming/global/the-last-kingdom-film-netflix-alexander-dreymon-uhtred-1235096693/amp/
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# ? Feb 19, 2025 14:32 |
Nice to see Netflix give the show so much love
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