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Jun 10, 2006


Rhyno posted:

There's a loving Punky Brewster revival coming to Peacock.

Better revisit the Just Say No episode with Punky finally not being a square and getting hosed up in the treehouse.


Dec 22, 2009

"Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?"
Resident Alien has been really good thus far. Surprisingly good.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer
Just saw an ad on a Youtube pre-roll for the Paramount streaming service with everyone climbing the mountain. That was pretty funny.

Mar 14, 2012

I May Destroy You was probably the best show I watched last year. The diversity in mood and tone from moment to moment really captured—unlike pretty much every TV show ever—how people actually interact and how life goes. It was the second episode where it goes within seconds from rape, to constipation, to "That's how Elvis Presley died..." that just perfectly gets how people don't actually understand everything that's going on with someone, and also how friends talk to each other. And from that small beginning the show just goes absolutely everywhere with how people act and deal with each other, while still being true to the main "through-line" of what's happening.

Mar 27, 2010

Mr. Nemo posted:

So the stand is pretty underwhelming right?

I guess it's hard to fully adapt the book, but I don't feel attached to the characters at all. Everything happens too quickly.

It's been over a decade since i read the book though.
It’s really loving boring.

Halfway through I went back and watched the ‘94 miniseries and it’s leagues better. The characters are much sharper, the overall pacing is better. The current version has more time and more money but does a lot less with it.

I mean, it’s still schlocky, movie-of-the-week fare, but that’s pretty much all of Stephen King.

Gonz posted:

Resident Alien has been really good thus far. Surprisingly good.
I’m really enjoying it. The conflict between the kid and the alien, especially in the exam room, has been great.

”I think there’s a mosquito in here.”

Apr 28, 2006

RIP King

"Plummer said of the filming, "Give me Rome any day. I'll do porno in Rome, as long as I can get to Rome. Getting to Rome was the greatest thing that happened in that for me. I think it was only about three days in Rome on that one. It was all shot at once". Discussing his role as the Emperor, he said, "How can you play the Emperor of The Universe? What a wonderful part to play. It puts God in a very dicey moment, doesn't it? He's very insecure, God, when the Emperor’s around."

Apr 28, 2006

What the gently caress

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Indoor Muppet and Outdoor Muppet would be a good pair of usernames.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit

Talking to Turkish people also led me to learn that Turkish Sesame Street has a cat Muppet named Eddie.

Apr 28, 2006

Does Burt know about Big Bird

Fuckin eight foot ratite strutting around my street, I'd be an inside muppet too

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
German Big Bird is actually a bear named Samson

Sep 30, 2002

Anime Deviant


Better revisit the Just Say No episode with Punky finally not being a square and getting hosed up in the treehouse.
Cherie and Punky have A Very Special Moment recalling Punky's rehabilitation after her Over The Shoulder Boulder Holder snapped and threw her back out

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
International Sesame Street muppets is a hell of a rabbit hole to fall down, it's really breaking my brain over here.

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

I didn't realize this wasn't common knowledge. On the other hand at the synagogue in Sunday School as a kid we'd watch tapes of Shalom Sesame with Kiki the Echidna. If you're strictly local culture in childhood media consumption (as a lot of folks tend to be unless there's a reason to get multicultural exposure) I can see that happening. Just never thought about it until now.

oh jay
Oct 15, 2012

I took foreign language classes as a kid, but unfortunately my motherland didn't make the cut.

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

They're Big Bird's cousins

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
At least Big Bird realizes that last bird is a loving horror show.

May 19, 2016

laughed out loud at the last one

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010
There’s absolutely some trapped child souls in the balloons in that last photo.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Must-see for the lazy

Feb 8, 2012

You couldn't grok my race car, but you dug the roadside blur.
Rewatching Breaking Bad.

I still don't know why Walt and Jesse insisted on messing with Fring at all. Just make the nice chicken man the meth you promised him and train your replacements, then most likely you can go your separate ways as long as you promise not make a single gram of that poo poo again or talk.

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

Mu Zeta posted:

Must-see for the lazy

I love how all of them look, pretty much, like Big Bird, except different colors.

And then there's that nightmare. That's the evil Big Bird who tries to kill Snuffleupagus for his fur.

Davros1 fucked around with this message at 23:07 on Feb 5, 2021

Apr 28, 2006

Garibaldo can smell your sins crianças

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

skooma512 posted:

Rewatching Breaking Bad.

I still don't know why Walt and Jesse insisted on messing with Fring at all. Just make the nice chicken man the meth you promised him and train your replacements, then most likely you can go your separate ways as long as you promise not make a single gram of that poo poo again or talk.

If there is one thing kingpins are known for, it letting people who know of their criminal empire go completely free and expect them not to blab, especially if they get arrested.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

skooma512 posted:

Rewatching Breaking Bad.

I still don't know why Walt and Jesse insisted on messing with Fring at all. Just make the nice chicken man the meth you promised him and train your replacements, then most likely you can go your separate ways as long as you promise not make a single gram of that poo poo again or talk.

Walt’s a prideful idiot

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
It’s kinda the whole point of the show

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

skooma512 posted:

Rewatching Breaking Bad.

I still don't know why Walt and Jesse insisted on messing with Fring at all. Just make the nice chicken man the meth you promised him and train your replacements, then most likely you can go your separate ways as long as you promise not make a single gram of that poo poo again or talk.

Why didn't Walt just take the money his old friends offered for treatment in season 1?

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
Sesame Street has a lot more in common with Twin Peaks than most people think

Sep 26, 2009

Mu Zeta posted:

Must-see for the lazy

We all float down here Elmo

oh jay
Oct 15, 2012

skooma512 posted:

Rewatching Breaking Bad.

I still don't know why Walt and Jesse insisted on messing with Fring at all. Just make the nice chicken man the meth you promised him and train your replacements, then most likely you can go your separate ways as long as you promise not make a single gram of that poo poo again or talk.

This was kind of the one time it wasn't Walt's pride that did them in. It was the thing with Combo and Andrea's kid brother. After the writers wrote that in and Jesse's believable reaction to it, there was no decision Walt could have made that would have kept the relationship going.

Nov 18, 2000


Oddly enough, it seems Syfy put the third episode of "Resident Alien" on demand up early. It's really hitting its groove. The interplay between Alan Tudyk and the kid is really good.

bull3964 fucked around with this message at 14:57 on Feb 6, 2021

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

bull3964 posted:

Oddly enough, it seems Syfy put the third episode of "Resident Alien" on demand up early. It's take hitting its groove. The interplay between Alan Tudyk and the kid is really good.

"No one knows where great ideas come from, but you always remember where you were when they came. And in this case, my great idea came the moment I entered the exam room and realised I was going to cut the foreskin off this baby's dick and hand it to the sheriff."

Mar 27, 2010

Open Source Idiom posted:

"No one knows where great ideas come from, but you always remember where you were when they came. And in this case, my great idea came the moment I entered the exam room and realised I was going to cut the foreskin off this baby's dick and hand it to the sheriff."

Alan Tudyk as an alien calling a 9-year-old boy poo poo-for-brains is all you really need from a scifi comedy.

Nov 18, 2000


So many good interior monologue quotes.

"This one's like a pet rabbit you yell at so much its hair starts to fall out"

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I guess I shouldn't be surprised Big Bird has a Twitter. Twitter is for bird-brains, indeed!

Apr 28, 2006

Hi kids, this is the Zodiac speaking.

Fickle Isthmus
Aug 2, 2003

I've not turned up yet 'ave I?

Bruceski posted:

I didn't realize this wasn't common knowledge. On the other hand at the synagogue in Sunday School as a kid we'd watch tapes of Shalom Sesame with Kiki the Echidna.

We had a VHS of a some recorded episodes of Shalom Sesame I watched the crap out of. I don't know how to spell it but I think of 'daisak dag! Look for the big daled!' All the time, which was a bit about how their Oscar the grouch liked fish cereal.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
To paraphrase Calvin, "Memes weird culture."

Jul 19, 2007

You've got to admit, you are kind of implausible

The Klowner posted:

I guess I shouldn't be surprised Big Bird has a Twitter. Twitter is for bird-brains, indeed!


Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
Maybe Twitter wasn't a total mistake

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