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Jan 2, 2008
why is great British bake off just now airing the third episode in Australia when it’s finished. stupid as hell


Gaius Marius
Oct 9, 2012

Travel time, the episodes are shipped by boat

Jan 2, 2008
finally the supply chain issues affect me personally

Mar 13, 2001

Matt Zerella posted:

It's a very very slow burn but it's not as bad as Foundation.

I also don't think it's a good binge show so take breaks.

I wouldn't say I'm binge-ing it, I'm watching about an episode every 1.5 days. If I take more of a break than that then I'm just dropping the show because it's SOOOO BORING

Jun 3, 2003

I just got to the moment in the penultimate episode of the newsroom where Charlie has, I am assuming, a heart attack set to some awful wailing song and then they reveal that will was talking to ghost dad in his jail cell all episode and my head involuntarily tilted backwards while I laughed out loud.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Qmass posted:

I just got to the moment in the penultimate episode of the newsroom where Charlie has, I am assuming, a heart attack set to some awful wailing song and then they reveal that will was talking to ghost dad in his jail cell all episode and my head involuntarily tilted backwards while I laughed out loud.

I don't understand why this is a plot point that Aaron Sorkin loves so much.

Jul 18, 2004
Can't post for 10 years!
Melman v2

Open Source Idiom posted:

I don't understand why this is a plot point that Aaron Sorkin loves so much.

Toxic Fart Syndrome
Jul 2, 2006

*hits A-THREAD-5*

Only 3.6 Roentgoons per hour ... not great, not terrible.

...the meter only goes to 3.6...

Pork Pro

May that’s why no one remembers.

Sep 9, 2001


JazzFlight posted:

Question, since I'm interested in watching it:
Would it appeal to people who have never seen the original series and have no connection to any of these characters or is it more of a "you get a lot more out of it by having seen all of the original show."

I never watched the cartoon as a kid, for instance.

I didn't either. The new one is fine but I'm sure you get more out of it if you're running on pure nostalgia.

Jun 20, 2003

The Good Wife isn't normally my type of thing but I subbed to P+ to watch Lower Decks and gave it a shot and I'm hooked

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

It's The Wire but about rich white people. It's real good (wife).

Nov 10, 2002

Muay Buok
I'm getting started with Animal Kingdom. I like it but I do not like Pope.

Nov 16, 2021

HBO Max just dropped a batch of new Gossip Girl reboot episodes so I'm watching those tonight. Pretty much the greatest in ridiculous teen soap poo poo since, well, the original one.

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

hawkeye is very bad

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Amazon really hosed up by not releasing the 4th episode along with the first 3. It’s better than any of the first 3.

Sex Lives of College Girls continues to be a delight.

e: I was referring to Wheel of Time obv

Josh Lyman fucked around with this message at 16:57 on Nov 26, 2021

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

Josh Lyman posted:

Amazon really hosed up by not releasing the 4th episode along with the first 3. It’s better than any of the first 3.

Sex Lives of College Girls continues to be a delight.

no show has been made worse by releasing more episodes at once

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Categorically false

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I find the aes sedai and their bodyguards much more interesting in the 4th episode. Before now they just felt like something from Xena.

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

Arist posted:

Categorically false

no cuz even if it's a bad show you can just get the whole thing over with asap

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

Chucky continues to rule.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Hawkperson posted:

The Good Wife isn't normally my type of thing but I subbed to P+ to watch Lower Decks and gave it a shot and I'm hooked

I waxed and waned on The Good Wife -- there was apparently A LOT of behind the scenes drama starting around Season 4, which means that cast members and plots randomly get dropped or end up going into weird dead ends -- two of the regulars end up being unable to have scenes together because of some of this, resulting in some very weird green screen when one has to be written off.

The Good Fight, on the other hand, is one of my favourite shows. It starts out in Good Wife territory, but then, seemingly by design, marks the slow but steady descent of its cast into Alice In Wonderland territory. If the final season doesn't end with Diane becoming a Mad Max style road warrior, I'll be severely confused and disappointed.

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Chucky continues to rule.

Hells yeah. Hopefully USA renews it, it's doing good numbers for them.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

I like weekly drops for it's easier for discussion threads. I see why people prefer it all to drop at once though.

Aces High
Mar 26, 2010

Nah! A little chocolate will do

What exactly is Sex Lives of College Girls? Could someone give me a primer? I'm curious but also not sure if it's a threshold I want to cross

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius

Aces High posted:

What exactly is Sex Lives of College Girls? Could someone give me a primer? I'm curious but also not sure if it's a threshold I want to cross

I'm also interested to see if it's worth watching. Every single "trailer" I've seen is a 5 second video that consists of 2 seconds of a woman doing something and then 3 seconds of "ON HBO MAX"

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Aces High posted:

What exactly is Sex Lives of College Girls? Could someone give me a primer? I'm curious but also not sure if it's a threshold I want to cross
It's about the (mis)adventures of 4 college freshmen roommates. It's a Mindy Kaling show, so it has her sensibility and edge.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
It’s not as good as Never Have I Ever yet but it’s a very solid and fun college sex comedy thing

Big Bad Voodoo Lou
Jan 1, 2006
We just watched the five episodes over the last two nights. My wife loves it, because she went to kind of an elite liberal arts college and never felt like she fit in there... and now she's a professor there. So she really relates to the setting. I don't find it terribly funny (never was a big Mindy Kaling fan), but I haven't tapped out yet. It feels like an NBC sitcom, except with cursing, nudity, sex, and general raunchiness.

Big Bad Voodoo Lou fucked around with this message at 19:56 on Nov 26, 2021

Mar 31, 2007

Cats are terrifying, everyone knows that! 'Cause they're witches! And they've got knives in their feet!

I finally got around to starting Only Murders in the Building last night and I love it, especially Selena Gomez. Just a really great mix of mystery and comedy.

I also started watching Psych and am enjoying it but holy poo poo I hate the theme song so much.

Sep 24, 2016
Consistently Tedious!

HOLY gently caress posted:

I also started watching Psych and am enjoying it but holy poo poo I hate the theme song so much.

This slander is only acceptable because you know I know you're not telling the truth

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Now I'm genuinely curious how the OP will feel about all the remixes.

Mar 29, 2010

It's going to take another season or so at this level, but if Wheel of Time keeps this up I could see the fandom/popularity quickly getting to the point where people say (this is a better show than GOT). And from a story/acting perspective they sure as poo poo would be right.

We're halfway through the first season, episode 4 is better than the rest and they're all solid, and we haven't even gotten to a ton of the very juicy stuff coming soon.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo
Episode 4 isn't going to help the pacing complaints since the title could have been stdh.txt

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Yeah man it's tough to info dump such a heavy series with so few episodes. I mentioned before but my partner has never read the books while I have, but she loves how fast everything is moving.

Apr 28, 2006


May 31, 2005

Old Town Road to EGOT

The first episode of season 2 of How To With John Wilson is out and it's just a joy. I'm so glad that show is back.

Nov 18, 2000



A Warner Bros. spokesperson has confirmed that the broadcast cable version of Birds of Prey was "mistakenly added to the service," and that "the unedited original version will be available on HBO Max instead."

poo poo happens sometimes.

a new study bible!
Feb 1, 2009

A Philadelphia Legend
Fly Eagles Fly

Rageaholic posted:

The first episode of season 2 of How To With John Wilson is out and it's just a joy. I'm so glad that show is back.

Wonderful show

Feb 16, 2011

Open Source Idiom posted:

That's an essential part of the show, unfortunately, until it isn't, and they replace it with something even loving weirder and more slippery.

Well, you weren't loving kidding: I just got to the episode where the actual devil is being a therapist to Leland and I guess all ambiguity is officially out of the question

Apr 28, 2006

bull3964 posted:

poo poo happens sometimes.

Ah, thank god. See I read that Peter Jackson had to fight D+ to include the Beatles cussing on that new doc he did, and the streaming services self-censoring to be more family friendly (which is essentially what basic cable does now) would loving ruin TV again. Stellan Skarsgard also said some poo poo like that is already going on in an interview the other day.


Apr 5, 2007
lol some guy in the comments is immediately like "this guy is arguing for capitalism, against corporatism." Impressive.

Anyway what will it take to start breaking these companies up or start nationalizing them? Anything? Can't we do a quick revolution because surely everyone wants better movies and shows again.

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