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Sep 11, 2001

muscles like this! posted:
Amazon's more book accurate Jack Reacher series. Alan Ritchson is big but it kind of feels like they're goosing his height a little in some of these shots.

Not book accurate enough!


Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Sounds exactly like Tom Cruise to me.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo
There's only one person that can play Jack Reacher

Apr 5, 2007

Escobarbarian posted:

My friend on Facebook literally shared a “therapist reacts to Jinx video” like dude her emotions are far from complex. it is an extremely obvious arc. I don’t need a therapist to explain that to me

lmao i looked this up out of curiosity and I busted out laughing when seeing the therapist. Yeah, can't judge a professional by their cover but she is dressed like a goth techno DJ while explaining to people that this character is sad because of the way their life is sad and they got neglected or whatever. Wow! Brilliant insight, I'm sure anyone anywhere ever needed to look this up lol

Apr 5, 2007

TV Zombie posted:

Man, Fffuuuck I know what you did last summer The ending reveal and how the killer got away with it in the end credits soured me. Such awful people on the show.

Haven't watched the show, barely remember the original movie. I did watch this final episode and ugh, just ugh. Is this a satisfying ending in any way if you watched the rest, is it thematically how it's supposed to go? Also was the blonde girl a twin or multiple personalities, what was up w her mom and yeah the killer explaining how they did it in the end is really... idk what to call it.

TV Zombie
Sep 6, 2011

Burying all the trauma from past nights
Burying my anger in the past

Khanstant posted:

Haven't watched the show, barely remember the original movie. I did watch this final episode and ugh, just ugh. Is this a satisfying ending in any way if you watched the rest, is it thematically how it's supposed to go? Also was the blonde girl a twin or multiple personalities, what was up w her mom and yeah the killer explaining how they did it in the end is really... idk what to call it.

The girl is a twin. The mom was part of a red herring plot that isn’t fully fleshed out in my opinion and she appeared I think halfway through the season. All of the characters are unlikeable except for maybe the first two deaths. I know that real life is messy but the decision at the end made me mad. There may have been a reason given in the final narration but I was too mad to think straight.

So no, I don’t think the ending was satisfying in any way.

Pope Corky the IX
Dec 18, 2006

What are you looking at?
I didn't see a thread for the Conners but I've given up. We didn't watch the first season when it was the revived Roseanne, but curiosity got the best of us after she was fired. It was enjoyable for a couple seasons, but at this point it's just non-stop misery and Darlene is the worst person in the world and nothing good ever happens and even the kids are hosed. Not to mention all the stunt casting like Matthew Broderick and Jason Alexander and Patton Oswalt and on and on. At least the original Roseanne had some standalone episodes that were fun and funny. They don't even do proper Halloween and Thanksgiving episodes anymore, and those were consistently some of the best.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Darlene is so terrible but because Sara Gilbert is a big producer she’ll be the de facto hero of the show forever

Pope Corky the IX
Dec 18, 2006

What are you looking at?
I mean, I always appreciated Roseanne and then the Conners being more realistic about what a family in that situation would have to endure. But at this point, what are we supposed to be laughing at? Haha, the pandemic is still ongoing. Haha, Darlene is a worse mother than Roseanne and treats everyone like poo poo. Haha, Becky is an alcoholic failure. Haha, trans people have it rough. Haha, Jackie is an eternal victim but also wacky. Haha, John Goodman isn't even trying anymore. Etc, etc.

Raspberry Bang
Feb 14, 2007

Regarding the this Chucky show y’all keep talking about. I’ve seen the first three movies. Do I need to watch the rest of them to really appreciate the new show?

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Raspberry Bang posted:

Regarding the this Chucky show y’all keep talking about. I’ve seen the first three movies. Do I need to watch the rest of them to really appreciate the new show?

The series is clearly designed to be accessible to people not familiar, but a LOT of poo poo that happens in the subsequent sequels comes up in the series. Its a direct continuation and the Chucky series has a ton of stuff from those movies. So you could definitely enjoy the series without watching the movies but you definitely need the movies to fully appreciate the series.

Also odds are if you like the series you'd like at least some of those movies. Its a bit like skipping a season of a show.

My personal opinion of the Chucky series is that the 3rd film is the low point and its where a lot of people drop off. That's when the original premise gets redundant and dull. But what makes the franchise work is from that point on its constantly trying to change up what it is and keep things fresh. Bride of Chucky, Seed of Chucky, Curse of Chucky, Cult of Chucky, and the Chucky series are simultaneously all unique from each other but also clear continuations of each other. So even if you don't like a movie the next one could work for you and all of it actually matters and doesn't feel like your typical waste of time horror sequel.

Nov 18, 2000


Raspberry Bang posted:

Regarding the this Chucky show y’all keep talking about. I’ve seen the first three movies. Do I need to watch the rest of them to really appreciate the new show?

I honestly didn't have much familiarity with the movies (at least not in a long long time) and I really loved the show. I'm sure you'll get more out of knowing all the craziness, but it stands on its own.

I'll probably go back and watch all the movies and then rewatch season 1 before season 2 comes out.

Jul 3, 2004

The Great season 2 is very good. well nothings really happened except a whole lot of pussy eating and sex and violence but thats what makes it good (and historically accurate)

Jun 17, 2003

Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.

mistermojo posted:

The Great season 2 is very good. well nothings really happened except a whole lot of pussy eating and sex and violence but thats what makes it good (and historically accurate)

I just finished the season myself, and while it was very good I don't love that aside from the baby being born the story is basically right back where it was at the end of the premiere, with very little progression on any level.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Yeah, it feels like keeping Hoult around has just kinda kept the show in limbo. It was still v funny and entertaining, though.

Nov 18, 2005


coronatae posted:

If this show ever gets its own thread I'm setting up a Hall of Shame post to showcase the dumbest theories I've seen.

So, literally the entire Yellowjackets subreddit?

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Goddamn that Chucky Finale was great

I'm kind of surprised I liked Chucky as much as I did; though some of the flashbacks/let's catch you up an info dump of all the Child's Play films were kinda eh.

Jun 3, 2004

It helps that the guy who created it is still involved.

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

Hawkeye continues to be fun light fare, Wheel of Time continues to be decent fantasy, and Sex Lives of College Girls continues to be a delight.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I've seen the name "Rand al thor" all over the internet over the years so I know he must be an important character but man in the show he's an absolute bland nothing. Male version of the girl from Twilight.

May 17, 1993
Amazon Prime's new "feature" where every video starts with the option to turn subtitles off by hitting ok/play is a hell of a thing. Love that I keep accidentally switching them off as someone with severe hearing loss :thumbsup:

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Mu Zeta posted:

I've seen the name "Rand al thor" all over the internet over the years so I know he must be an important character but man in the show he's an absolute bland nothing. Male version of the girl from Twilight.

It's because so far they've removed everything related to his story from the show.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Rand is an unbelievably boring character so far. I mean, most of them are tbh, except for the evil white cloak dude, but him especially

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013
Watching PEN15.

Did David Lynch direct these glowstick holocaust flashbacks?

Good show, but also wtffff

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I don’t want PEN15 to be over tho :(

Jun 20, 2003

I couldn’t take PEN15, it’s too accurate and I died of cringing

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius

Hawkperson posted:

I couldn’t take PEN15, it’s too accurate and I died of cringing

Same. I already lived as a cringy loser in 2000. I don't need to see it again.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

The latest How To with John Wilson has an amazing inadvertent crossover with the subjects of another recent HBO documentary series.

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

Cojawfee posted:

Same. I already lived as a cringy loser in 2000. I don't need to see it again.

Don't look in the mirror much huh??

Feb 17, 2010
Oh hey, new season of Alex Rider.

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius


Don't look in the mirror much huh??

I currently live in the year 2021.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Chairman Capone posted:

The latest How To with John Wilson has an amazing inadvertent crossover with the subjects of another recent HBO documentary series.

This was nuts

Jun 20, 2003

Cojawfee posted:

Same. I already lived as a cringy loser in 2000. I don't need to see it again.

Lmfao same. I literally play French horn so like. Too close. I don’t actually want to remember middle school, tyvm.

Jun 10, 2006


Saw an ad for a new show starting Tuesday on ABC called Abbott Elementary. Not much regular rear end TV shows have caught my interest in the last year or two, but this looks like it might be quite fun.

Aug 7, 2006
If Friends were rebooted for the modern times, I assume Chandler would work for Google, Rachel would be a Starbucks barista, Joey would be a wannabe Youtuber/Twitch streamer, Phoebe would be into QANON, Monica would have a taco truck and Ross would probably still be a paleontologist right?

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

They would all have a lot more tattoos. I think Phoebe would be more of a health/wellness guru. Something like Goop but less of a scam.

Iron Crowned
May 6, 2003

by Hand Knit
Well, now I'm really hoping that Netflix greenlight part three of Masters of the Universe: Revelations

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Mu Zeta posted:

They would all have a lot more tattoos. I think Phoebe would be more of a health/wellness guru. Something like Goop but less of a scam.

Yeah, Phoebe strikes me more as the Youtuber and Joey would still just be a struggling actor because they still exist in exactly the same way. He'd just also have Instagram.

Apr 28, 2006

Ross would be canceled

May 31, 2006
I think the US is dumb for not using Celsius
Rachel would get fired for making tiktoks in the cafe.


Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

zoux posted:

Ross would be canceled


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