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Nov 3, 2009

That can't be right, did the reviewers get all episodes? The trailers show several instances of them adapting the short stories, and I have no idea how they would weave them into the main narrative. Guess we'll find out soon.


muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Looks like reviewers got 6 episodes.

Apr 1, 2008

You're entering a realm which is unusual. Maybe it's magic, or contains some kind of monster... The second one. Prepare to enter The Scary Door.
Nap Ghost

They're broadcasting EvE online? :v:

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

Matt Zerella posted:

Anyone who finds any kind of empathy for anyone in Succession is telling on themselves.

Meanwhile people hoot and holler about how cool Axe is.

Who the heck is axe

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Main guy from Billions

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Sam Axe from Burn Notice is the only good Axe.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

Out of every New York show that's ever existed, last night's How To with John Wilson episode on parking was 100% the thing that most reflected my experiences of living in NYC.

Mar 27, 2010

feedmyleg posted:

All I want is a decent episodic fantasy show. A modern Hercules and Xena with orcs and taverns and dragons and a sidequest-of-the-week.

That was The Outpost.

Jun 10, 2006


Escobarbarian posted:

Saturday Morning All Star Hits is as weird and wild as I was hoping. I kinda wish it had new cartoons instead of repeating the same characters (the dinosaur one is probably the weakest thing) but I get that that’s, like, a lot more work.

Binged and loved it, I felt the same way you did about the lack of variety but after about 3 episodes it starts making more sense and by the time we get to episode 7 the payoff is so worth it. I’ve only seen two reviews online for it and I’m curious if they watched the whole season, I thought it started strong and just got better and better as it went along.

Massive loving kudos to putting in so much effort to nailing the style completely with a ton of detail, rather than just sticking some vhs trash lines on the picture and calling it a day. No surprise given it’s Kyle, but the love is so evident there.

TV Zombie
Sep 6, 2011

Burying all the trauma from past nights
Burying my anger in the past

Trying to binge Halt and Catch Fire and I thought i liked some of the main protagonists but man, at the beginning of season 2, all of them have displayed character flaws that make them unlikeable...which I guess also makes them human. I wonder if it's too much or too naive to expect some redemption for some of the people at the end of the series.

Feb 13, 2012
I want more Saturday Morning All Star Hits. It's zuzzy zuz.

Google Butt
Oct 4, 2005

Xenology is an unnatural mixture of science fiction and formal logic. At its core is a flawed assumption...

that an alien race would be psychologically human.

i can't figure out what to watch so now I'm watching videos of people cooking in udon noodle restaurants with no speaking

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I've watched kimchi tutorials. I'm tempted but I don't want to stink up the home.

Feb 7, 2006

One Road. Two Friends. One Ass.

TV Zombie posted:

Trying to binge Halt and Catch Fire and I thought i liked some of the main protagonists but man, at the beginning of season 2, all of them have displayed character flaws that make them unlikeable...which I guess also makes them human. I wonder if it's too much or too naive to expect some redemption for some of the people at the end of the series.

The character arcs for the main cast is a huge part of the appeal of the show so if you're interested in them it's a good watch.

Jul 1, 2021

by Fluffdaddy

TV Zombie posted:

Trying to binge Halt and Catch Fire and I thought i liked some of the main protagonists but man, at the beginning of season 2, all of them have displayed character flaws that make them unlikeable...which I guess also makes them human. I wonder if it's too much or too naive to expect some redemption for some of the people at the end of the series.

It's not.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Gaunab posted:

I want more Saturday Morning All Star Hits. It's zuzzy zuz.

I watched the first episode and it was definitely weird.

Blue Labrador
Feb 17, 2011

Does the actual "TV Show" part of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend get better beyond the first two episodes? I legitimately think all the songs are hilarious masterpieces, but after dudding out trying to show it off to two friends, I'm trying to figure out the best way to pimp the show out to other people. Should I just have a Wikipedia article describing the character arcs while playing the music, or does the show get better at framing the songs at some point?

Jul 25, 2007

The plot is kinda dumb throughout? It's a kinda awful protagonist trying to will a relationship into being, and while there are funny beats and great side characters, that's what the show hangs on and ultimately collapses under. But I didn't see much after the premiere of the 2nd season.

The songs are still good tho.

Blue Labrador
Feb 17, 2011

Shageletic posted:

The plot is kinda dumb throughout? It's a kinda awful protagonist trying to will a relationship into being, and while there are funny beats and great side characters, that's what the show hangs on and ultimately collapses under. But I didn't see much after the premiere of the 2nd season.

The songs are still good tho.

Oh yeah, it's definitely not a plot show, and the protagonist being an undiagnosed wreck, and how that interacts with and feeds into common, sexist rom-com tropes is one of the primary points of the piece, but this is solid input that I'm looking for. I'm an ex-theatre kid, and while I legitimately believe the songs convey some of the best character work on television, I don't know how to sell that concept.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
It does eventually become a really good show about mental health yeah

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Yeah, things get past the initial "crazy ex girlfriend" premise and to her and everyone else's mental health. Its a weird mix of zany and very dark and poignant. I'm rewatching it now but I've never finished because S3 got too heavy for me at the time.

Vitruvian Manic
Dec 4, 2021

by Fluffdaddy
It is a comedy with songs. The plot does eventually go some dark places and you get invested along the way but music>comedy>>plot.

Jul 25, 2007

Blue Labrador posted:

Oh yeah, it's definitely not a plot show, and the protagonist being an undiagnosed wreck, and how that interacts with and feeds into common, sexist rom-com tropes is one of the primary points of the piece, but this is solid input that I'm looking for. I'm an ex-theatre kid, and while I legitimately believe the songs convey some of the best character work on television, I don't know how to sell that concept.

I'd say just share the youtube links of the songs. They're plenty.

Anyway watched the first episode of The Great, and I am loving IN.

Jun 20, 2003

I wholeheartedly love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend but I'm still mad that the explicit version of "Buttload of Cats" is "Fuckton of Cats." Why is it not fuckload

Apr 5, 2007
Why wasn't it Buttton?

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Finished Midnight Mass and I really enjoyed it. Although it was kind of goofy how nobody ever explicitly uses the word vampire.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I love when a horror thing uses a super common horror trope and acts like it’s never existed in their universe before

Apr 5, 2007
I reckon if I and the world just missed out on vampires, we'd call them "mosquito bats." or "leech bats," or possibly "tick bats?" Likewise probably be the same animals as the go-to when encountering vampires.

How vampirey are the vampires in midnight mass anyway? I think if I didn't know about vampires, I would never assume a lot of their big deals. "Undeath" as a concept wouldn't cross my mind, even if there were zombies as a reference. Vampires do too much talkin, and thinkin, and eatin, and fuckin, and sleeping for them to be considered anything other than alive with a really problematic diet. Wouldn't assume they'd burn or die in the sun, couldn't cross running water, had to count compulsively, garlic and gross avoidance, permission to enter. I would guess they are about as weak to being stabbed in the heart by wood as anyone, but probably would never think to do that to anyone specifically.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Khanstant posted:

How vampirey are the vampires in midnight mass anyway? I think if I didn't know about vampires, I would never assume a lot of their big deals. "Undeath" as a concept wouldn't cross my mind, even if there were zombies as a reference. Vampires do too much talkin, and thinkin, and eatin, and fuckin, and sleeping for them to be considered anything other than alive with a really problematic diet. Wouldn't assume they'd burn or die in the sun, couldn't cross running water, had to count compulsively, garlic and gross avoidance, permission to enter. I would guess they are about as weak to being stabbed in the heart by wood as anyone, but probably would never think to do that to anyone specifically.

They're very vampirey, though like you suggest no one makes the completely unintuitive leap to stabbing them with trees.

Oct 22, 2003

Escobarbarian posted:

I love when a horror thing uses a super common horror trope and acts like it’s never existed in their universe before

Just once I want a timeloop movie or episode to have the exposition chat just be "You know, it's like Groundhog Day".

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

Escobarbarian posted:

I love when a horror thing uses a super common horror trope and acts like it’s never existed in their universe before

Isn't this how most properties do it? The refreshing take is when they acknowledge the trope. Like, rather than "woah, I don't understand what just happened" we should get "holy poo poo, I think we've got a Paranormal Activity situation here"

Junkenstein posted:

Just once I want a timeloop movie or episode to have the exposition chat just be "You know, it's like Groundhog Day".

Yeah, or this.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013
I think Esco is using the fine art of sarcasm.

Comrade Fakename
Feb 13, 2012

I’m finding it increasingly weird that all zombie fiction (that I’ve seen, anyway) takes place in worlds where zombie fiction doesn’t exist. Just once I want someone to say “wait, zombies are real?!” and not have to make up a new word for zombies.

Dec 25, 2004
CXG is really really good but it became too much of a bummer eventually and I had to stop.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Junkenstein posted:

Just once I want a timeloop movie or episode to have the exposition chat just be "You know, it's like Groundhog Day".

They did that on a timeloop episode of Legends of Tomorrow. Zari is the only character who realizes it is a loop so Nate tells her that next time it resets just tell him "Groundhog Day" and he'll be up to speed.

Khanstant posted:

I reckon if I and the world just missed out on vampires, we'd call them "mosquito bats." or "leech bats," or possibly "tick bats?" Likewise probably be the same animals as the go-to when encountering vampires.

How vampirey are the vampires in midnight mass anyway? I think if I didn't know about vampires, I would never assume a lot of their big deals. "Undeath" as a concept wouldn't cross my mind, even if there were zombies as a reference. Vampires do too much talkin, and thinkin, and eatin, and fuckin, and sleeping for them to be considered anything other than alive with a really problematic diet. Wouldn't assume they'd burn or die in the sun, couldn't cross running water, had to count compulsively, garlic and gross avoidance, permission to enter. I would guess they are about as weak to being stabbed in the heart by wood as anyone, but probably would never think to do that to anyone specifically.

Well in Midnight Mass to actually become a vampire you have to die first so once it starts ramping up people are well aware that there's something monster-y going on. Although most of the actual vampire stuff happens over the course of one night so people don't have a ton of time to try out different things to find their weaknesses.

CV 64 Fan
Oct 13, 2012

It's pretty dope.
I've been wondering if they don't exist, in fiction, in the world of Midnight Mass. Like zombie media where nobody has heard of one before and they need to figure out the whole "shoot their head" thing.

Jul 15, 2011

Formerly known as
Hair Elf
It stands to reason that whatever monsters exist in the real world have never occurred in any fictional media ever

Brock Samson
May 13, 2003

I let you know me, see me. I gave you a rare gift, but you didn't want it.

I'm not stepping foot in the Succession thread but holy poo poo what a season.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Incredible season. Finale was a great episode but only a pretty good season finale, I thought. And it didn’t live up to the last few episodes but they were a hot streak we haven’t seen since Leftovers days so


Gaius Marius
Oct 9, 2012

Did someone finally succeed?

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